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Feb 26, 2012

Roosevelt posted:

no but it has peepers

i think you mean hoverfish :3:

Sagebrush fucked around with this message at 21:20 on May 24, 2020


Feb 26, 2012

don't play subnautica in vr. it's really cool in concept but the interface is 100% not set up for it and it's annoying and janky and also it makes you (or me, at least) sick very fast. the swooshy movement of your viewpoint while your inner ear is stationary = barf.

just put it on your tv and play it with headphones in the dark.

Feb 26, 2012

echinopsis posted:

ive yet to have my first play. why hunger and thirst off? should i play with or without

leave them on if you want the real experience. i would recommend you do.

off is okay if you just want to swim around and look at stuff.

Feb 26, 2012

god i hate those fuckers

don't get me wrong, i figured out how to kill them, but the game explicitly trains you to always either be bouncing around keeping your distance OR right up in the monster's face and then oh by the way here's a guy who is invulnerable and will instantly murder you unless you're between 10 and 10.5 meters away, also even then you can only hit him for 0.2 seconds every 5. bullshit

Feb 26, 2012

carry on then posted:

they go down pretty quick if you prioritize them when they show up and stagger with the super shotgun

i saw videos of people killing them with the super shotgun and i think that greatly increased my frustration bc i tried it that way but the range and reload time are garbage. the ballista works much better for me. if you time it right you can hit the guy twice before he's unfrozen and then it only takes 3-4 cycles.

alternately just spam grenades from the mini shotgun.

Feb 26, 2012

Achmed Jones posted:

in the first play through I was always trying to find stuff to make bleach to purify water and it was lame cause making progress was rough. I think they may have re-jiggered drop rates though cause on the second play through it'd probably be fine if I had hunger/thirst on tbh. but I'm more into exploration than survival. imo you should probably go with it turned on and see how it suits you since the devs' intended playstyle

the game's near-total lack of handholding is both one of its best features and its harshest. someone posted a while back about their friend who was stuck in the game and they were like "i'll help you out, where's your base?" and the guy was like "base?" and had somehow gotten all the way to the jellyshroom seabase just with oxygen tanks and pumps and dumping stuff on the sea bed near the lifepod. some of the mechanics are happenstance...i missed the vegetable grow box on my first playthrough and never realized i could have been cultivating all the important plants right near my base instead of swimming all over the map for them. poo poo happens.

but yeah i think thirst and hunger are critical to the experience. it just wouldn't be the same without those moments where you're desperately ripping into a raw eyeeye to keep from starving to death while something horrible and bioluminescent clicks at you in the darkness and your PDA bleeps OXYGEN

Feb 26, 2012

prey is real good and so are both dishonored games (same studio), especially the second one.

prey : system shock :: dishonored : thief

too bad deus ex couldn't pull off the same

Feb 26, 2012

Roosevelt posted:

feeling frisky. which is the best wolfenstein?

if you haven't played any of them just start with new order. there is actually a story to it and they're all good.

Feb 26, 2012


wolfenstein cheapens a real and horrifying history and you shouldnt play it

wolfenstein reinforces the idea that nazis deserve no more kindness or quarter than being violently exploded by laser cannons, at a time when that is desperately needed in our cultural fabric

Feb 26, 2012

let's ask Mel Brooks what he thinks

Feb 26, 2012


"what if nazis actually won and were like way stronger and cooler and had mechs and poo poo? fuckin sweet", said

I hadn't really considered this aspect of it and it has given me something to think about.

I still think we should ask mel brooks, though. out of the three of us, he's the only one who actually fought nazis face to face

Feb 26, 2012

that lady looks and talks like all the ladies in the cult and it's weirding me out

Feb 26, 2012

i got the halo master chef collection and man, original halo is not as good a game as i remembered. miles and miles of literally identical corridors and arenas, tons of one-hit kill bullshit, not enough ammo, really inaccurate weapons, and the checkpoint system is super dumb and only saves at some random point in the middle of nowhere instead of after a big battle so you have to keep playing the same fight over and over again.

i guess it was a huge deal in 2001 and it was the first real shooter on a console after goldeneye, but ugh

it is pretty cool how you can press tab in the middle of the game and it instantly switches between the original graphics and the remake ones, though

Sagebrush fucked around with this message at 20:04 on Jun 17, 2020

Feb 26, 2012

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

was the original c&c this annoyingly hard?

i don't have that remake but that's what i've heard about that game, yep

could also just be broken? i got C&C 3 a while back in a cheap sale and it was so loving hard and there was one level in particular i tried like 30 times before i gave up and went to look for cheats. then i learned that the latest patches, which the game had of course, had rebalanced the game for multiplayer but also completely broken the campaign because they didn't edit the levels to accommodate the new build costs/damage/etc, or even keep the old values for the campaign. gg

i beat halo 1 and i think the checkpoint system in that game is actually based on killing some specific enemy in each battle/killing every enemy in the area. so sometimes if there's a guy hiding in a corner and you just continue on to the rest of the level, it won't save your progress. brilliant

Sagebrush fucked around with this message at 16:28 on Jun 18, 2020

Feb 26, 2012

psiox posted:

lot of James going on here. please enjoy your james experience

straight to jail

Feb 26, 2012

yeah titanfall 2 was a real good game.

Feb 26, 2012

i'm mad that the new one isn't finished yet because i have it in my steam library but i can't play it until the plot is done :mad:

Feb 26, 2012

yep, it's all part of the experience. i also was really frustrated with the lack of map at first, but it makes the world feel way larger and spookier and i'm glad there isn't one. just always carry some beacons with you in case you find something cool

Feb 26, 2012

i did and it was fine. there's no real plot to speak of.

in the future people fight each other in huge robots that are also artificially intelligent. that's it

Feb 26, 2012

If you're gonna build a big base or do the endgame it really helps to have the prawn suit. And there is something super cool about when you jump into it inside the Cyclops and yank the handle and it drops you onto the seabed like a commando from a helicopter

Feb 26, 2012

Also I like that you can just grab fish with it and put them in your backpack :3:

Feb 26, 2012

jesus WEP posted:

wtf some purple loving ghost preying mantis thing just teleported me out of my seamoth and then tried to kill me


Feb 26, 2012

Cat Face Joe posted:

bought the old fps XIII on steam last night, no pad support, refunded

I remember that game only for its cel shading.

Feb 26, 2012

yeah a titan x is older but isn't gonna be killing you with its slowness at this point and the 3000 series, which will supposedly be the first cards built around raytracing (vs the 2000 series where it was kind of a bolt-on) and which will have similar performance to what's gonna be in the new consoles, should be out in the fall.

i would wait and get a 3080.

Feb 26, 2012

jesus WEP posted:

i went past the edge of the crater. it wasn't wise

did you know? the ghost leviathans are actually filter feeders that only consume plankton. when they attack you it's just because they are p i s s e d  o f f

Feb 26, 2012

jesus WEP posted:

holy poo poo this giant octopus can just disable my vehicle, which is scarier than the warper’s bullshit. oh wait, turns out there’s warpers here too with the octopus. gently caress this game. i love this game.

it's so goddamned good and i love the crabsquid. that echoing drrrrrrrrrr tik tik tik tik tik it makes is 2spoopy but i think it's really beautiful and i felt really bad when i accidentally killed one by ramming it with the submarine.

wait until you find a mesmer :allears:

Feb 26, 2012

red dead dedemption 2?

Feb 26, 2012

SmokaDustbowl posted:

kojima games always look really amazing so I want to play it for that

remember when every game cgharacter had mitten hands? it still blows me away video games have fingers now

i remember playing jedi knight 2 and having my mind totally blown that the characters' mouths moved when they spoke and their eyes could look around and blink instead of being painted on. that plus the moving colored lights from the lightsabers and the glowing marks they left on the walls? where can graphics even go from here???

Feb 26, 2012

computer toucher posted:

I just rewatched The Edge Of Tomorrow and still wondering why they never made that concept into a game.

games have had quicksaves forever dude

Feb 26, 2012

again, the point of that movie is that he resets to the same point every time he dies, and so does the rest of the world, but he has all the knowledge and skills that he gained from trying to get past that part so next time he can do better.

you don't need to look for examples of games with that mechanic because it is literally just "how a video game works: the movie."

Feb 26, 2012

Archduke Frantz Fanon posted:

the responses to this tweet


is this actually bad? i was told in first year of university, when i first learned the acronym, that that's what A stands for :confused:

Feb 26, 2012

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller

Feb 26, 2012

haveblue posted:

that's why you put 2 or 3 coffee machines right next to each other and be thankful the game doesn't have a heart explosion mechanic

it does have a "vomiting blood" mechanic though if you eat too many of the same kind of fish in a row.

or at least it did in the early access versions, they might have taken that out

Feb 26, 2012

computer toucher posted:

Metro: Exodus bringing that Truman Show vibe.

this picture makes me dizzy.

Feb 26, 2012

all games these days have poo poo default fields of view because they're designed to run in 720p on a 34" tv ten feet away. in some first person shooters it can be as low as 50 degrees. makes me sick real fast.

proper fov is 90 degrees on a 16:9 monitor and 115 degrees on a 21:9.

Feb 26, 2012

TOOT BOOT posted:

Whatever fov half life 2 launched with made me sick as gently caress, I'd play for an hour and then I'd have to lay down

yeah that game is like 60-70 degrees by default.

i don't understand how people play the games with that narrow of a fov but i assume they are much slower and shittier at it than i am.

these people:

Feb 26, 2012

vr is a big ol' mehburger. there are some briefly fun experiences but it gets boring quickly.

the new HP headset with the 8-megapixel display seems like it might be decent, though, so call me back when it doesn't need a supercomputer to hold 90fps.

Feb 26, 2012

christ it's hard to watch people play shooters with a gamepad.

Feb 26, 2012

Bored Online posted:

people confuse the pre rendered videos as in game graphics

remember in 2005 when sony actually tried to pass this off as PS3 in-game footage



Feb 26, 2012

yeah the little potentiometers in analog sticks wear out over time. they're mechanical parts with sliding contacts and it just happens. i think some of the super high end leet gamer ones use contactless magnetic sensors to avoid this issue.

depending on what controller you have, replacing the stick unit could be very simple. usually just open it up, detach a few cables, remove the old stick, and reverse the procedure with the new one. look on ebay for the replacement parts.

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