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jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

been playing a lot of subnautica this weekend

just got two levels of upgrade to my seamoth so now i can go below 200m down to 500m

idk how i feel about lack of map. at first it annoyed me, then i set some triangulation beacons and started writing interesting poo poo down in a notebook and that felt really cool, so overall i guess i like it


jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

yeah the more i think about it the more i really like no map

every single open world game with a map and a hud showing said map has the same problem, where you spend your traveling time staring at your hud instead of looking around. it’s bad in most games and it would be criminal in subnautica

story has slowed down a bit. i think the last progress thing was some... telepathy maybe? or maybe a 2 second fever dream from the infection. that was a while ago and i haven’t really seen much since. I’ve been putting off exploring the aurora but maybe I need to go do that

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

haven’t got the prawn suit yet but walking around on the seabed seems like it would be v slow and annoying. maybe it’s a lot better to use than it sounds. or maybe it’s useful in a few specific situations. i guess I’ll find out at some point

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

fart simpson posted:

actually in general ive never seen any other game anything like wurm online. that’s both good and bad

fart simpson posted:

never heard of it

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

wtf some purple loving ghost preying mantis thing just teleported me out of my seamoth and then tried to kill me

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

oh and apparently the stasis rifle doesn’t even work on them, gently caress

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

im playing it on ps4 and it has frozen on me once. bigger issues are gently caress first person stuff with a controller, and frame rate issues sometimes. it stutters pretty bad when i surface, or if I’m scanning a common resource so too many instances show up on my hud

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004


jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

i went past the edge of the crater. it wasn't wise

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

holy poo poo this giant octopus can just disable my vehicle, which is scarier than the warper’s bullshit. oh wait, turns out there’s warpers here too with the octopus. gently caress this game. i love this game.

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

i already met those little shits :mad:

i really want a crabsquid for my containment tank

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

rdr2 missions are so railroaded they might as well have replaced the gameplay entirely with cinematic s and quick time events

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

computer toucher posted:

yeah, I never felt like I’m in actual control of the character. even the shooting is super clunky. I really tried to love it but... meh.
it’s definitely the worst game ive paid full price for twice lol

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

ugh i managed to glitch into some alien room with a forcefield, which i can’t open from the inside. gently caress. guess the easiest thing is drown myself and build a new seamoth

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004


jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

labelled a beacon “scary hole” a few days ago and now fully appreciate how little that does to identify it

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

outer wilds is the only challenger to fo:nv as my favourite ever game. nv still wins on replayability but i don’t think ill ever enjoy a single playthrough of any game as much as i did with outer wilds

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

yeah that was really unfortunate, also me saying wilds is up there with new vegas as my favourite is extra confusing because obsidian

also outer wilds has no article :eng101:

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

life is strange gave me many feels

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Jenny Agutter posted:

every time you gently caress up a baby starts crying is an infuriatingly brilliant mechanic
didn't know this, i'm out

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Uptime Sinclair posted:

look it’s ok to not be great at games. no need to be so hard on urself

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

looking forward to some heated gay moments

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

probably don’t want to sacrifice the cool music

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Endless Mike posted:

yeah they're cool
is the combat pretty xcom/wasteland style?

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

“you’ve never seen tetris like this before” i say defending my thousand dollars thrown down the drain

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

netflix geralt is a lot better than bideo shame geralt

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

videos jame

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

subnautica is amazing but it’s riddled with technical issues

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

burning swine posted:

mega agreedo but it's definitely worth playing anyway

related: why is there a ghost leviathan endlessly hanging around right next to lifepod 5 in my game? That's right where I built my first and largest base and it's annoying. safe shallows my rear end lol



jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

fall guys looks like its gonna be the perfect party game if they add some content

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

subnautica has a whole lot of tricks that make the survival crafting loop feel more like a game and less like a grind.

imo the best thing they did in the whole game though was make combat not a thing at all. imagine how much lamer this game would have been if 2/3 of the upgrades were just “build bigger gun to kill bigger thing gatekeeping new area”. ugh.

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

i liked some bits of fo4. that little town covenant(?) was cool, boston was mostly pretty cool with how narrow and claustrophobic the streets felt a lot of the time. speech and dialog were complete trash though. also there were basically no friendly towns outside of the two in boston. kind of weird for a fallout game where like nobody is ever pleased to see you

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

SmokaDustbowl posted:

in skyrim you trap a dragon in a castle so you can ride it, and you don't get to ride it and there isn't even a cutscene. I'm still hosed off about that
the best part is the dragon is all "are you ready to see the world as only a dragon can? once you've flown over these skies you will envy us even more" and then it just fades to black and he's dropping you off at the destination lmao

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

3D Megadoodoo posted:

I wish you were in the game :(
rack em

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

yeah it’s really good fun

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Shinku ABOOKEN posted:

no joking these channels make a poo poo ton of money out of toddlers with ipads

feeling pretty attacked rn

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

had a weird bug in fall guys where my dude was stuck on grab mode, even after remapping both keyboard and controller buttons for it. haven’t tried playing again since quitting over it last time

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004



jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

SmokaDustbowl posted:

I mean do you want to be space bezos or space john macaffe?

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