- Adbot
Jan 16, 2025 18:05
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
****************** LEVEL THIRTEEN: TINY-HUGE ISLAND *******************
Ack! There are a total of 186 coins in here, and some are as tiny mario,
others as huge mario, and others can be collected by both! Therefore, i
will not even attempt such a thing unless hundreds of people e-mail me
asking me to. In other words...it's not going to happen!
******************* LEVEL FOURTEEN: TICK TOCK CLOCK *******************
Again, i'll add it if anyone WANTS it...
********************* LEVEL FIFTEEN: RAINBOW RIDE *********************
...not that you would, would you?
Huge "final project is due in 2 hours" vibe with this one.
Jun 16, 2020 03:36
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Quest 64 is the first "RPG" to come to the Nintendo 64, which is pretty
sad and pathetic when you think about it. Actually, I think the entire
"RPG" concept it stupid. Think about it..."Role Playing Game." That
means you are playing the role of a character, and are totally submersed
in their world, and can interact with it. Using that definition, Mario
64 is an RPG. So is GoldenEye 007. The only genre that isn't an RPG is
the puzzle genre...most of the time at least. RPG really means "Retarded
Pretend Game."
holy poo poo
Jun 16, 2020 03:36
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
I once permanently bricked a copy of Rogue Squadron on N64 by using GameShark codes, so that poster is right. Sometimes it's not worth the risks.
Jun 16, 2020 15:34
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Jun 17, 2020 22:25
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
El Mexicano Texicano
Jun 18, 2020 02:10
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
code:Pokemon Snap FAQ
Version 4.2 - 8/15/99
Email: [email]ANTDocEvil@aol.com[/email]
ICQ: 1976073
Website: [url]http://members.aol.com/antdocevil[/url]
Thanks to the "South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut" Soundtrack. Without
it, I would not be able to sit here long enough to type this thing up.
(Especially track 17! DVDA RULES!) :)
Jun 24, 2020 16:25
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Stop snitchin.
Jul 22, 2020 01:17
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Lawyer: *daniel craig in knives out voice* Now, Mistuh... *peers down glasses* Zophar. Does it or does it not clearly state in the uh, Final Fantasy walkthrough, under the "Legal poo poo" heading, that only the genuine gamefaqs dot com website is allowed to reprint my client, Mr. Absolute Steve's expert advice? and did you not, still, willingly, reprint the entire thing, word for word, includin' said legal disclaimer, on your so-called domain?
zophar: It was included with a Rom, i don't know who uploaded it.
laywer: well, now, are you trying to claim, sir, that you don't know what files are on your own website? the site is called zophar's domain! why, that's just ludicrious, sir. i uh, i have a clip i'd like to show. *cues up Tidus laughing*
Jul 22, 2020 14:33
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Logging into Zophar's Domain to download 2GB of OC Remixes ftw.
Jul 22, 2020 14:34
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
If she was a true goth girl that should have just made her more into you.
Jul 31, 2020 13:06
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Getting weirdly depressed reading the 90s GameFAQs Japanese kid refer to the 44-year-old as an old man.
Aug 1, 2020 04:03
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Author : John A Warren - Derby, England
E-mail Address : CIS:100270,1053
or in the UK, leave a message on:
GREY CASTLE BBS 0332-756414
PLEASE send me your comments, even if it's just
to tell me I'm a Dumbo. (Well it is my first attempt!)
All E-Mail will be answered.
Additional Credits : Rosie (my wife), for looking after me Hand, Foot
& Finger, whilst I spend so much time at the keys
: Mick & Jodie (my kids) for coping so well since
being orphaned, (did you really have to keep
bringing your friends in and pointing at me?)
: Mathew Walker (Savannah, Georgia)
Chief Play Tester (US)
for also putting up with my crass E-Mail on a
daily basis, (even answering it)
: Paul Rowan (Nottingham, England)
Chief Play Tester (UK)
for also demonstrating his capacity at coping with
Steep Learning Curves
Description : You're `Acorn Hardas' and you're NO Green Marine.
Problem is, the action ain't been too hot of late
and you're not one for looking at yourself in a
Hall Of Mirrors ;-) You've been in nothing but
trouble with a capital `S' mainly for being Late
On Parade, but what do they expect when there's
nothing to do but get `spaced out'?
Bringing up the rear guard on yet another routine
mission, you keep comming across the toasted remains
of your buddy's. Looks like this is the Big One,
or is it a scene from that old Twentieth Century,
2D Movie you recall, "Planet of the Apes".
It's time to prove that you ARE a waster, just like
your Captain said, but not quite as he meant...
The file is IMPZONE.WAD and is level E1M1, i.e.
episode 1 mission 1. It supports all levels of
violence. Should prove eminently suited to
deathmatch play due to `circuits'.
(Unable to test, please let me know).
Instructions : Do you really need any?
Disclaimer : GET LOST!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Keys readily available in this mode)
Difficulty Settings : All
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Don't Ask!
Editors used : DEU 5.2 by Rapha?l Quinet & Brendon J. Wyber
DoomEd 2.60 B4 (The Real Thing) by Geoff Allan
(for steps & deleting sectors)
Known Bugs : ARE YOU KIDDING.. I've given up a significant
chunk of my life straightening up Textures and
checking for the dreaded HOM
Unknown Bugs : How the Hell do I know!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
CompuServe, Gamers+ Forum, Library 8 (Action Game Aids).
Any BBS you care to download it too.
Here's to all the kisses I've snatched and....
Aug 25, 2020 23:43
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
2.4 Characters
There are six different characters in this game. Their abilities differ from
vehicle to vehicle so check the respective part for each vehicle. What's common
for all of the vehicles is that the characters are divided into three classes.
In the light class we can find Lark and Kiwi; in the middle class, Goose and
Ibis and in the heavy class, Hawk and Robin. I'm not completely sure about
this, though. As you probably know, all of the characters have bird names. You
can read a few lines about every bird, below. For those of you who hate
fillers: get over it, the descriptions can't be longer than one kilo byte in
Lark - Aladidae
A family consisting of 85 species in the order of passerines. They are 13-27
cm long and often striped in the colours of brown and grey. They live all
around the world.
Kiwi - Apterygidae
Only three species in this family. It's the only family in the order of Kiwi
birds. All of them live on New Zealand and none can fly. They look like small
brown balls with long and narrow beaks.
Goose - Anser
15 species in this family. They are large birds 53-101 cm long, living on the
north part of Earth.
Ibis - Threskioni
A family of 30 species. The often white and brown birds can be 48-110 cm. They
have really long beaks and can be found everywhere there's a warm climate.
Hawk - Accipitrinae
A family of 50 species, all around the world. They are often brown and 30-70
cm long. Very fast birds of prey.
Robin - Erithacus rubercula
A 14 cm big thrush bird, living in Europe and North Africa. It's grey-brown on
the top; white and orange below. It belongs in the order of passerines.
Oct 26, 2020 05:40
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Lmao what the hell was going on in that dude's inbox.
Nov 10, 2020 16:35
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Nov 15, 2020 17:42
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Nov 25, 2020 18:35
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
What You Should Do : Just throw a booger at him
Nov 30, 2020 21:14
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Dec 12, 2020 15:57
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Well I didn't really care about the email address but now you've got me curious...
Dec 14, 2020 15:28
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Jan 7, 2021 05:36
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
pre:1)What is Crusin USA?
Crusin' USA is a very popular Arcade and Nintendo 64 game (The
Arcade is MUCH better, at least I think so.). The original Arcade game
came out in 1994 and the N64 version came out in 1996.
2)Where can I play it?
You can play Crusin' USA at most arcades or just buy the N64 game.
3)What do I need to play it?
To play Crusin' USA in the arcade, you will need about 50 cents,
on a Deluxe 2 player machine, you may need 75 cents. If you want to buy
the N64 version it will cost about $70 (If you don't already have a N64
it will cost around $200.).
4)The Controls
When you walk up to your local Crusin' USA machine you will see
some really neat things to do on it.
Start Button-The Green Start Button Starts the game after you put in the
required money.
Radio Button-During the race you can change the music that you hear.
Everyone send your favorite Crusin' USA music to Crusin12@aol.com and if
I ever update the Driver's Guide I will post the results.
Gas Pedal-Simple, the accellerator.
Brake Pedal-The Brake.
Sterring Whell-It sterrs the car.
View 1 Lo Rider-Press this and the view will appear as if you are in the
car. This is the most realistic (and hardest) view.
View 2 Crusin'-This view appears as if you were in the car behind the
car that you control.
View 3 Ski Hi-My favorite view. Loks as if you were in a helicopter
above the car.
Gear Shifter-Changes the gears.
Apr 10, 2021 06:57
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
He didn't capitalize it when registering his account, so why should I have to capitalize it now?
Apr 10, 2021 17:52
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
press Shift+F to pay respects
Apr 11, 2021 01:17
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
pre:Now you have a descision to make. Will you save Gina from the Griffin or will
you go to the right. Since I never fought the Griffin I can’t give a strategy
of yet. Now go to the right and up the stairs.
Apr 21, 2021 00:40
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
90% of gamers go to the right and up the stairs. If you're part of the 10% who save Gina from the Griffin, copy and paste this in your sig.
Apr 21, 2021 01:58
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Lmfao Imp Zone is at insanely high quality levels lately wtf
Apr 21, 2021 01:58
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
Saving Gina can work really well against like, ApeRiders, FatDevils, or... other monster transformations being thrown at your party. But the staircase is what I gotta rely on... to GO to the right, GO up the stairs, avoid that big old Griffin -- those guys have been all over the map recently! ...I dunno. That's just my descision, chat. I like going to the right and up the stairs.
Apr 21, 2021 15:06
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010
"but the staircase is what I gotta rely on"
Apr 21, 2021 15:21
- Adbot
Jan 16, 2025 18:05