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Apr 30, 2011

elf help book posted:

last week i was looking for a scan of the ys 1&2 manual for turbografx and stumbled on this gamefaqs guide thats all written in the 3rd person i hate it and its great

Adol then went inside to find Goban Toba, the theives leader.
Adol was greeted by him and then had to choose to call him a dirty theif, or
ask him if he's seen the Silver Bell, Adol took diplomacy and asked nicely.
Goban Toba said that he had not seen it, and mentioned that he was a victim of
crime too in that all his silver wares were gone.  He then also before Adol
left told him he was welcome to return and he would fill him in on information
that Adol might need when he has a question.  (Editors Note: Once you have the
Mask of Eyes from the Shrine you can take it to Goban Toba and he'll let you
know its use which is to be able to see things monsters can and humans can't.)
Once inside, sees a magnificent hall laiden with pillars and six statues of
Goddesses.  But off to the east Adol notices something quite strange, the
third and last statue to the right of the entrance was not bluish gray like
the others, but is gold.



Apr 30, 2011

Apr 30, 2011

SECTION 3: How to perform multiple Super Jumps

How to do each Super Jump is rather simple. Of course you have to be in battle to do this.
Use Mario's "Super Jump" spell. As I explained earlier pressing the Y button just before
Mario stomps on an opponent will cause Mario to jump again and pressing the Y button EXACTLY
when he stomps on the enemy improves your chances. The tough part is doing it over and over...
and over again.

3.1 Shoot for 30 Super Jumps

If you were anything like me, you were wondering why you just can't seem to get past 18 Super
Jumps. There is simply no easy way to perform this repetative task. If you want to reach
+20 Super Jumps you have to press the Y button EXACTLY when Mario stomps on the enemy (as I
said too many times before) every time Mario jumps. The problem with this is that you have to
concentrate. There are factors that influences this concentration:

Apr 30, 2011

lol this dudes cool

Thank you for choosing a BTB FAQ. From the name of the section, "Stuff You
Definitely Should Know Before Playing", a few things should be apparent. Here,
I shall convey useful information about the game itself which is not readily
apparent to the player. This is information that would greatly behoove the
player to know and does not reveal anything, either story-wise or anything that
may give you an unfair advantage while playing (for those of you who hate that
sort of thing). In short, it is highly recommended that you look this section
over before you begin playing.

The walkthrough is the "meat" of the guide, containing in-depth strategies,
directions, and so on. The appendices, or in other words all the parts
of the walkthrough that are not the walkthrough, contain supplemental
information that may be often referenced in the walkthrough. However, take
note that during the walkthrough, I generally assume that my reader possesses
a basic knowledge of the information found within the appendices, so please
keep that in mind when using the walkthrough.

Lastly, I must stress that in addition to providing help and information with
the game itself in the walkthrough, I also keep a very good running tab on
whatever plot may exist, often adding insight and commentary. This is meant to
assist you, the reader's understanding of not only the technical aspects of the
game, but also the finer details (namely the plot). Many people often say that
my various commentary makes the game more enjoyable for them, which is indeed my
intent. If you do not wish to partake of my commentary, I most certainly
understand, and hope you at least find the answers to your question in the
various non-plot-related parts of my FAQ. If, however, your distaste for my
writing style leads you to bitch about my "filler-laden" FAQ, then my advice to
you is quite simply to go gently caress yourself and find something better to do with
your time.

Apr 30, 2011

little example of that ff7 dudes writing style

When you reach Aeris, Cloud has another one of his freak-outs. Who woulda
thunk it? You can walk around and everything, but talking accomplishes nothing,
and every time you attempt to make Cloud take some sort of action, he just ends
up doing something stupid. For instance, first he draws his sword, then he
stands behind Aeris, and then begins to draw his sword back. Mysteriously,
Aeris does not even flinch. Luckily for her, the rest of the team starts
yelling at the Goddamned psychopath to put his sword away.

And that's when it happens. Out of nowhere, Sephiroth drops from the sky
with his sword drawn, impaling Aeris as he lands. Her eyes thrust open as she
goes sickeningly limp on Sephiroth's sword, and the force of the blow jostles
her ribbon loose. Her cherished "useless" materia falls from her hair and
gently bounces over the ledge and into the pool below, sinking into eternal
nothingness. For Christs's sakes, this is a girl that could withstand a nuclear
blast in the midst of a heated battle, and Sephiroth here takes her out with one
sword thrust to the abdomen. Video game logic... Sephiroth seems just a little
too pleased with himself, as if he is awaiting for the judges to award him a
perfect "10" in the "spilling the blood of the innocent" category.

Cloud pretty much loses it at this point, rushing over to Aeris's body and
holding her, frantically crying out in anguish. It's actually a very startling
contrast to his usual indifferent attitude, and it just goes to show that when
you show no emotion of any sort at any time, it's all going to come out at some
time. Sephiroth spouts off some more garbage about becoming one with the
planet, but Cloud tells his rear end to shut up and starts yelling at him for killing
Aeris. As mad as Cloud is, he still for some reason does not see it fit to
attack Sephiorth in any way, instead allowing Sephiroth to calmly explain that
he is heading "north past the snowy fields" to become one with the planet.
Sephiroth then flies off as he always does, leaving you to do battle with Jenova

Apr 30, 2011

Arrhythmia posted:

Quest 64 is the first "RPG" to come to the Nintendo 64, which is pretty
sad and pathetic when you think about it. Actually, I think the entire
"RPG" concept it stupid. Think about it..."Role Playing Game." That
means you are playing the role of a character, and are totally submersed
in their world, and can interact with it. Using that definition, Mario
64 is an RPG. So is GoldenEye 007. The only genre that isn't an RPG is
the puzzle genre...most of the time at least. RPG really means "Retarded
Pretend Game."


Apr 30, 2011

Analysis: The nature of the end of our universe depends primarily on
the curvature of its space.

If the curvature of the universe is positive, the gravity of the bodies
in the universe will eventually cause them to pull everything back
together in a "Big Crunch" which would collapse the entirety of the
universe into a singularity (a black hole).

If the curvature of the universe is negative, bodies will keep
accelerating away from each other, and the ever-increasing force of
entropy will take over, resulting in a "heat-death" of the universe,
followed by a gradual cooling as it fades away, leaving only black
holes behind.

If the curvature of the universe is flat, the universe will approach an
equilibrium size as time approaches infinity. As this approaches, it is
most likely that all the mass in the universe will fall into the black
holes scattered throughout.

Einstein originally predicted that the universe was positively curved,
but recent measurements have shown that this is unlikely. One recent
measurement showed that the universe is extremely close to being flat,
within a small margin of error. Other recent observations have shown
distance stellar phenomena accelerating away from us, which is
consistent with negative curvature.

The one notable constant in all these endings is the presence of
singularities (black holes). In a singularity, all known physics breaks
down, as it is incapable of handling a 0-dimensional universe. If
Chrono Trigger's End of Time exists in a singularity, we may be lead to
believe that it is a place consisting of pure thought, being QC-like. This is supported by the observation that when Gaspar first arrives, it
is empty, but the party reaches an End of Time that apparently consists
of a few rooms with gothic-style architecture.

two dozen gamefaqs guys from 2004 trying to apply quantum theory and philosophy to explain chrono trigger and chrono cross

Apr 30, 2011

I. Time-Error

-Time-Error is essentially a secondary time axis, perpendicular to the
normal time axis.

-Only time portals and locations outside the axis of time (such as the
End of Time, the inside of the Black Omen, or the Darkness Beyond Time)
exhibit a flow of Time-Error.

-Time portals within the standard time axis flow through time and Time-
Error at equal rates.

Example: A time portal is created at time X and Time-Error 0. At time
X+T, the Time-Error of the Portal is T.

-The perception of time in locations outside the time axis is actually
a flow of Time-Error.

Example: A traveler enters the End of Time at Time-Error T. He spends a
length of time* U at the End of Time. He exits at Time-Error T+U.

-When a traveler enters a time portal, the Time-Error of the location
at which they exit is the same as the Time-Error at which they enter,
and the time at which they exit is determined by the Time-Error.

Example: Two time portals exist, one at time X at Time-Error 0, one at
time Y at Time-Error 0. A traveler enters the latter portal at time
Y+T. Since the Time-Error of this portal is T at time Y+T, the traveler
arrives at Time-Error T of the former portal. Since this Time-Error
corresponds to time X+T, the traveler arrives at time X+T.

Apr 30, 2011

Pablo Nergigante posted:



Apr 30, 2011

1-A: Introduction

Testing, testing, one, two, three... good, the microphone's working okay.
It's me, Soniclover. The guy who makes pointless topics on the SGSB when he's
bored. Thank you for your interest in my Luigi's Adventures FAQ.
I have documented all Luigi's stories about his adventures, word for word. I
have also documented all the Super Luigi books, which tell similar stories.
This FAQ wouldn't be a Luigi's Adventures FAQ without the Super Luigi books,
would it now?

1-B: Version history

Version 1.00 (Oct 21 2004)
...Erm, since this is the first FAQ version, I suppose there's no history of

Version 1.01 (Oct 23 2004)
Added "Hatesong Tower" to the list.

Version 1.02 (Nov 9 2004)
By request of "ihavespaceballs", added comments from Luigi's partners.

Version 1.03 (Nov 12 2004)
Added "Super Luigi Book" to the list. Planning to extend the FAQ to include
all five volumes of the Super Luigi series.

Version 1.04 (Dec 30 2004)
Happy new year! Added the Super Luigi books to the FAQ by popular demand.
Removed the quotation marks from the beginning and end of all the stories.

1-C: Technical junk

I did not get Luigi's permission to reproduce his stories in document form.
'Course, it's hard to get permission from a video game character. Well, you
get my point.

If you want to mention something to me, here's my e-mail address. Please, do
not abuse it.

Did I forget anything? I don't think I did.

Apr 30, 2011

shout outs to my boy "ihavespaceballs" keepin me on the straight and narrow

Apr 30, 2011


Apr 30, 2011

track 17:

Apr 30, 2011

Bicyclops posted:

Lawyer: *daniel craig in knives out voice* Now, Mistuh... *peers down glasses* Zophar. Does it or does it not clearly state in the uh, Final Fantasy walkthrough, under the "Legal poo poo" heading, that only the genuine gamefaqs dot com website is allowed to reprint my client, Mr. Absolute Steve's expert advice? and did you not, still, willingly, reprint the entire thing, word for word, includin' said legal disclaimer, on your so-called domain?

zophar: It was included with a Rom, i don't know who uploaded it.

laywer: well, now, are you trying to claim, sir, that you don't know what files are on your own website? the site is called zophar's domain! why, that's just ludicrious, sir. i uh, i have a clip i'd like to show. *cues up Tidus laughing*


Apr 30, 2011

Lobster Harmonica posted:

A goth girl I liked in high school tried to do that "borrow one of the earbuds from my mp3 player and lean in" thing and I was listening to an orchestral cover of the SMRPG forest theme


Apr 30, 2011

Bicyclops posted:

lol, i googled this and it looks like it's for this game:


Apr 30, 2011

checked an faq for ni no kuni to see wht the postgame looked like and lol:

                       A N O T H E R   L I F E W O R L D
Every once in a while you come across a story which, once you've plunged your
mind into it, doesn't let go of you. Soaked with meaning and hidden layers to
explore, it opens up an entire new world. Structured by the laws of our own
existential lives - yet different in all the details - it manages to captivate
and intrigue not only yourself, but generations to come.

The modern age has shaped a landscape in which spaces have been created that
allow people to tell narratives in different ways. Movies and TV-series are
but examples of the wide diversity of media that emerged in the 20th century.
The space in which video games shine has only opened up in recent decades and
by the looks of its main stream of output appears to be in its puberty.

It opens up fantastic possibilities to craft narratives in ways unseen before
and it's wonderful to witness every once in a while a game that makes full use
of the semantic potential that the videogame medium contains deep down; an
ability to shape a whole unique lifeworld in which one can dwell and live.

That is exactly what Ni no Kuni manages to do. Playing such a videogame means
nothing other than merging your regular 'lifeworld' with another lifeworld, in
this case a world fully created by human beings. This differs from reading a
book or watching a movie in an important sense, namely that the subject's free
will literally start playing a role; one gets the feeling of *exploring* a
lifeworld rather than being a spectator. Appropriate music has the power to
enhance the intensity of this feeling, and our fancy is pampered by dynamic
and imaginative environments and creatures.

The feeling of exploration is not an unimportant element of video games, and
especially if one already has the expectation to be drawn into another world,
it's a very disappointing experience to find a linear path drawn out for you;
in an almost unlawful fashion are you stripped from a portion of expected

Studio Ghibli has managed to create a beautiful lifeworld that will surely
enchant you. In the end, be it in the form of a tragic yet wonderful graphic
novel such as Jimmy Corrigan by C. Ware, or in the shape of a movie like Let The
Right One In, or in the fashion of Ni no Kuni, what really matters is a
lifeworld's ability to charm its visitors in a singular way and leave a lasting
impression to be shared with others. We can safely assure you that Ni no Kuni
lives up to its name: Another World.

While it's the duty of the creator(s) to craft the above potential, it's the
explorer's responsibility to truly do a lifeworld justice. Just like a tourist
ought to take his time exploring a new city in order to discover new things
worthy of attention, so too does a digital lifeworld require proper attention
and efforts. A travel guide for those prepared to undertake this not always
light hearted quest might thus be a welcome subsidiary.

As such, we do not share the opinion that guides take the fun out of games.
It's perfectly understandable should someone want to explore a world all by
themselves at first, but he who wishes to master the art of exploration better
stands on the shoulders of giants before him, to truly turn every turnable
stone. We hope this strategy guide aids you in doing fully justice to the
magnificent lifeworld of Ni no Kuni. It deserves it.

Apr 30, 2011

Tato posted:

thanks for the help


Apr 30, 2011

Apr 30, 2011

I.N.R.I posted:

he definitely got stuck

Pablo Nergigante posted:

FAU’s Metal Gear Solid boss FAQ


Apr 30, 2011

Apr 30, 2011


Apr 30, 2011


Apr 30, 2011

Sub-Actuality posted:

Do NOT write about things I hate!
Do NOT write asking which things I hate - I hate that!
Do NOT write asking why I hate the things I hate - gimme a break!
Do NOT write asking about my email address - it is a LONG story.

nothing wrong with me
Nothing wrong with me
Nothing Wrong With Me

Apr 30, 2011


Apr 30, 2011

American McGay posted:

1)What is Crusin USA?
	Crusin' USA is a very popular Arcade and Nintendo 64 game (The 
Arcade is MUCH better, at least I think so.). The original Arcade game 
came out in 1994 and the N64 version came out in 1996.

2)Where can I play it?
	You can play Crusin' USA at most arcades or just buy the N64 game.

3)What do I need to play it?
	To play Crusin' USA in the arcade, you will need about 50 cents, 
on a Deluxe 2 player machine, you may need 75 cents. If you want to buy 
the N64 version it will cost about $70 (If you don't already have a N64 
it will cost around $200.).

4)The Controls
	When you walk up to your local Crusin' USA machine you will see 
some really neat things to do on it.

Start Button-The Green Start Button Starts the game after you put in the 
required money.

Radio Button-During the race you can change the music that you hear. 
Everyone send your favorite Crusin' USA music to and if 
I ever update the Driver's Guide I will post the results.

Gas Pedal-Simple, the accellerator.

Brake Pedal-The Brake.

Sterring Whell-It sterrs the car.

View 1 Lo Rider-Press this and the view will appear as if you are in the 
car. This is the most realistic (and hardest) view.

View 2 Crusin'-This view appears as if you were in the car behind the 
car that you control.

View 3 Ski Hi-My favorite view. Loks as if you were in a helicopter 
above the car.

Gear Shifter-Changes the gears.


Apr 30, 2011

herculon posted:

Now you have a descision to make. Will you save Gina from the Griffin or will 
you go to the right. Since I never fought the Griffin I can’t give a strategy 
of yet. Now go to the right and up the stairs.

Apr 30, 2011

Apr 30, 2011


Apr 30, 2011

American McGay posted:

Lmfao Imp Zone is at insanely high quality levels lately wtf

its the best forum there is and thats a fact

Apr 30, 2011

Sub-Actuality posted:

Saving Gina can work really well against like, ApeRiders, FatDevils, or... other monster transformations being thrown at your party. But the staircase is what I gotta rely on... to GO to the right, GO up the stairs, avoid that big old Griffin -- those guys have been all over the map recently! ...I dunno. That's just my descision, chat. I like going to the right and up the stairs.



Apr 30, 2011


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