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Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

Arrhythmia posted:

****************** LEVEL THIRTEEN: TINY-HUGE ISLAND *******************

Ack! There are a total of 186 coins in here, and some are as tiny mario,
others as huge mario, and others can be collected by both! Therefore, i
will not even attempt such a thing unless hundreds of people e-mail me
asking me to. In other's not going to happen!

******************* LEVEL FOURTEEN: TICK TOCK CLOCK *******************

Again, i'll add it if anyone WANTS it...

********************* LEVEL FIFTEEN: RAINBOW RIDE *********************

...not that you would, would you?



Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

Arrhythmia posted:

RPG really means "Retarded
Pretend Game."

Holy poo poo

Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

Fungah! posted:

checked an faq for ni no kuni to see wht the postgame looked like and lol:

Never played that game and might never will but I appreciate that enthusiasm a lot

Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

Tato posted:

thanks for the help


Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

nah posted:

I remember printing out a FF7 walkthrough from Gamefaqs in 7th grade. It wound up being 40 pages or so. I wanted it to be double-sided print but our printer couldn’t do that so i had to manually flip each piece of paper, printing one page at a time. I brought in the whole walkthrough and remember showing to one of the kids in my homeroom and he just said “you actually did that??? drat youre gay dude”


Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.
I had the Crusader: No Remorse strategy guide for some reason in 4th grade and took it to school all the time even though I didn't have the game and certainly wouldn't have been allowed to play it. No recollection of how I got it

Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.


Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.


Feb 8, 2004

It's 2006. I am taking 276 yeti furs from the goodies hoard.

Shibawanko posted:

I met my brother the other day
I gave him my right hand
And just as soon as ever my back was turned
He didn't capitalize my name


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