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just bob
Sep 6, 2017

by Reene
So, I grew up in the Bay Area until 2003, I was born 1990, therefore I was about 3 years old when this happened. I have no idea how I ended up there, it was some sort of party(I have good parents and I'm not the only one who says so) and ended up taking a sip of fruit punch that was laced with something. I thought it was ever-clear, because my friend Evan in high school said its the strongest alcohol, and apparently I got drunk. There were people in white robes, I recall one of them had a tinfoil hat. The idea was that to get to heaven, one must go "up." Therefore, try to get to heaven right when the spaceship is by Haley's comet. I have no idea if anyone got to the landing zone. It was a lot of really old people. Like, 50s to 80s. There was James, Jonathan, Carl, David, I remember a woman's name but it went out of mind.

I actually read a thread in GBS about this once, where someone found the website for it. The people who survived(2 of them besides myself[I'm a technicality]) were there to give news of the now alien friend's of theirs to earthlings, hoping to rely on the "information superhighway" to be good enough to function with whatever technology the mothership had on board. The high priest took out a large slug(apparently it had "golopogean gigantism") hoping it would appeal to whatever race lived in space, and covertly hoped that the antenna would function as a "biological TV signal" to beam a broadcast down on earth.

Actually, all I ever see from the website is "they're waiting for you." I likely see the same rainbows and eye as everyone else on a literal level, but I get chills often and I think it's related.

Apparently people have been absolutely CONFOUNDED by this. I'm going to bring it up, and even curse; I have no loving idea what other "cults" are about, they make no sense.

This one at least makes sense, in that I understand it is stupid. Yes, the entire idea is to repent, die, and try to enter a spaceship on the way up to heaven.

just bob fucked around with this message at 11:48 on Jun 26, 2020


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