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Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

wait wait what am i saying

we need a bowl first

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Barking Gecko

Mahoro says, "Naughty things are bad."


Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

stop posting my selfies

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

im smokin a cig and it tastes so good

steak and potatoes mmmmm

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


i never drink because why would i when weed is a thing but tonight i decided i would and let me tell you, my performance in games is non-existent. time would be much better spent masturbating or watching a movie.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

dsipal posted:

i never drink because why would i when weed is a thing but tonight i decided i would and let me tell you, my performance in games is non-existent. time would be much better spent masturbating or watching a movie.

I prefer both because it makes me want less of each

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

prepuce repurposed posted:

I prefer both because it makes me want less of each


thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
also it sometimes makes u rlly funny right before u pass out. I haven't figured out how to ride that lightning yet

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


prepuce repurposed posted:



Finally! I don't have to drink in front of a mirror anymore!

Hi trashed crew, this is me:


blowin fat trees and watching Deon Cole :whatup:

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Goons Are Gifts

prepuce repurposed posted:

seems like nobody wants to face the fact that that's what BYOB stands for :colbert:

well idgaf

be your own beer actually
however it is pronounced BYOB and stands for BYOB

Goons Are Gifts

completely trashed btw and I haven't even started drinking anything, it's the magic of trashed crew

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

Goons Are Great posted:

completely trashed btw and I haven't even started drinking anything, it's the magic of trashed crew

another byob success story! i am trying to not rep trash crew but its friday and i am trashed, crew.

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


Pahilla the Hun posted:

another byob success story! i am trying to not rep trash crew but its friday and i am trashed, crew.

it's warm today so im hitting the Pimm's. shame you guys left the empire cos you could be enjoying a Pimm's rn.


Stooge posted:

it's warm today so im hitting the Pimm's. shame you guys left the empire cos you could be enjoying a Pimm's rn.

What, pray tell, is a Pimm's?

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Evil Bob

've lived a thousand times. I found out what it means to be GBS.
Gonna post on BYOB around 10PM 2nite


rear end-penny posted:

What, pray tell, is a Pimm's?

it’s what we in the commonwealth call a fast pass to a summer weekend


Evil Bob posted:

Gonna post on BYOB around 10PM 2nite

updating my notes that should be fine

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Evil Bob posted:

Gonna post on BYOB around 10PM 2nite

we'll meet u then bud. future cheers

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

Evil Bob posted:

Gonna post on BYOB around 10PM 2nite

i will look for your posts (i'll be the hyena) *click*

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Evil Bob

've lived a thousand times. I found out what it means to be GBS.
Evil Bob blinks, post coitus. Groggy from the rum consumed and the physical exertion of the past 42 seconds, he catches the time out of the corner of his eye. 9:59 PM.

The blood drains from his face.

"Honey, are you coming back to bed? What is it?" his wife asks from across the room.

"Trashed crew needs me." He responds.

Without putting on pants he dashes out of the bedroom, only stopping at the fridge before sitting down at his computer. It is BYOB, afterall.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Evil Bob posted:

Evil Bob blinks, post coitus. Groggy from the rum consumed and the physical exertion of the past 42 seconds, he catches the time out of the corner of his eye. 9:59 PM.

The blood drains from his face.

"Honey, are you coming back to bed? What is it?" his wife asks from across the room.

"Trashed crew needs me." He responds.

Without putting on pants he dashes out of the bedroom, only stopping at the fridge before sitting down at his computer. It is BYOB, afterall.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
TL;DR: u don't need pants to get drunk on the internet


Evil Bob posted:

Evil Bob blinks, post coitus. Groggy from the rum consumed and the physical exertion of the past 42 seconds, he catches the time out of the corner of his eye. 9:59 PM.

The blood drains from his face.

"Honey, are you coming back to bed? What is it?" his wife asks from across the room.

"Trashed crew needs me." He responds.

Without putting on pants he dashes out of the bedroom, only stopping at the fridge before sitting down at his computer. It is BYOB, afterall.


rear end-penny posted:

What, pray tell, is a Pimm's?

Glad you asked, rear end-penny!

Apparently you can get it in the US. It's good if you're chilling out in the garden/in the sun.

There was an American at uni who bought shots and turned up with a tray of straight Pimm's. Don't do that.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
i would like to drink a pimm's

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


under the sun on a picnic blanket with all of the trashed crew trying to bob for the chunks of fruit in my pimms

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

nut posted:

under the sun on a picnic blanket with all of the trashed crew trying to bob for the chunks of fruit in my pimms

*feeds u fruit chunks w/ a knowing smile* :frogbon:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


One day nearer spring

Evil Bob posted:

Evil Bob blinks, post coitus. Groggy from the rum consumed and the physical exertion of the past 42 seconds, he catches the time out of the corner of his eye. 9:59 PM.

The blood drains from his face.

"Honey, are you coming back to bed? What is it?" his wife asks from across the room.

"Trashed crew needs me." He responds.

Without putting on pants he dashes out of the bedroom, only stopping at the fridge before sitting down at his computer. It is BYOB, afterall.

you guys wear pants?

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

Evil Bob posted:

Evil Bob blinks, post coitus. Groggy from the rum consumed and the physical exertion of the past 42 seconds, he catches the time out of the corner of his eye. 9:59 PM.

The blood drains from his face.

"Honey, are you coming back to bed? What is it?" his wife asks from across the room.

"Trashed crew needs me." He responds.

Without putting on pants he dashes out of the bedroom, only stopping at the fridge before sitting down at his computer. It is BYOB, afterall.

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Barking Gecko

Mahoro says, "Naughty things are bad."
My trashed friends, I am pleased to announce that I have finished work for the week.
I believe it is time for a drink. :cheers:

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Barking Gecko posted:

My trashed friends, I am pleased to announce that I have finished work for the week.
I believe it is time for a drink. :cheers:

:yossame: :cheersbird: glug glug glug

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Goons Are Gifts

trashed crew


more falafel please

forums poster

got Slightly High which is my preferred amount high and now doing some drinks, whats up TC

thanks Saoshyant and nesamdoom for the sigs!

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
Hi all! **sits down at the bar and puts on seat belt**

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

i would like to welcome everyone to the first weekend of trashed crew—we made it!!

time to crack it open, crank it up, and chill

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
I just donated plasma in order to get trashed posthaste here in TC

donating always makes me all weak and lazy. It also makes a cold one hit like a cold three :froggonk:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Evil Bob

've lived a thousand times. I found out what it means to be GBS.
A cold three makes a lukewarm six look like a hot 9


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
I'll drink to that :cheerdoge:

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