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H.P. Hovercraft
Jan 12, 2004

one thing a computer can do that most humans can't is be sealed up in a cardboard box and sit in a warehouse
Slippery Tilde
all based on a d20 modern campaign


Oct 11, 2006

It'd be hard to get bored on this ship!

Beamed posted:

ghosts that only certain characters get to see is one i forgot about, but an asteroid breaks physics to move in one scene, and then electricity, momentum, etc. are shut down in the Magic Aether Zone when they first enter the Magic Stargate

i actually really like the expanse fwiw it's just super fantastical in terms of the science part

ghosts are easy to explain -- its the protomolocule interfacing with peoples brains , same as the zombie poo poo but different. Miller never actually saw Julie when he was dying, that was just protomocoule melting his brain. To a limited extent that's what was going on with Holden seeing miller -- except it was limited. But yeah, I'll give you the fact that the alien poo poo doesnt abide by known physics at all times pulls it out of hard sci-fi territory at times. As long as they keep it consistent that humanity doesn't start doing that poo poo I'll be happy with it as a storytelling device though.

Oct 11, 2006

It'd be hard to get bored on this ship!

H.P. Hovercraft posted:

all based on a d20 modern campaign

Truth. I've advised a few people getting started on it to view it through that lens and its helped a ton.

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

Beamed posted:

children of dune didnt quite do it for me. it's when the endless Duncan Idaho begins and why does anyone care about him

it felt weaker than dune and dune messiah. was that the one with the most monologues/internal monologues? i felt like once that started creeping in it felt like it dragged more

the old thread adage that 'its never too soon to stop reading the dune novels' is true. i suppose the first three make a decent story arc, but it gets too goofy when leto II does the worm

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
last time i re-read the dune books i actually found i liked god-emperor more than children of dune.

Sep 7, 2007

no worries friend
Fun Shoe

TOOT BOOT posted:

I doubt your average viewer understands the reference enough to care

sure. i just hate it when it’s obvious that absolutely nobody involved with the series gives the slightest poo poo about the material

like even put the comics aside, why have it be lucifer if you’re not even interested in playing off the mythos at all. it’s just name-dropping for shock value basically

(i know that some older sources unify the characters of lucifer and beelzebub)

May 10, 2004

You are about to embark on a great journey. Are you ready, my friend?

rjmccall posted:

sure. i just hate it when it’s obvious that absolutely nobody involved with the series gives the slightest poo poo about the material

like even put the comics aside, why have it be lucifer if you’re not even interested in playing off the mythos at all. it’s just name-dropping for shock value basically

(i know that some older sources unify the characters of lucifer and beelzebub)

i watched a couple episodes and it's a horny supernatural crime show with funny book elements.

the horny parts were often pretty gross when they were supposed to be funny.

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

last time i re-read the dune books i actually found i liked god-emperor more than children of dune.

maybe i should give it a go. the audiobooks are also decent and im at a dearth of science fiction in my audio list right now

i tried starting yiddish policemens union (had snagged it a year ago) but it seems either too hard boiled for me or, as discussed in the earlier thread, too much like the culture is not written from a place of authenticity. im not a noir reader normally and also am out of my element here. i would probably be better served going with some classics

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
last night i finally watched rise of skywalker. I liked it, they tied up loose ends, it wasnt actively bad like prequels

then i put attack of the clones on today to nostalgize, made it ten minutes and turned it off in favor of RLM's review of it. better in every way

Nov 3, 2006

the disney sequels seem way more cynical and designed around fanservice than the prequels, but the prequels are incompetently made. which of these bothers you more is a matter of taste

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

say what you will about the execution of the prequels dude at least its an ethos

Jun 26, 2019

by Pragmatica

PCjr sidecar posted:

say what you will about the execution of the prequels dude at least its an ethos

Aug 28, 2018

Jenny Agutter posted:

read a bunch of stanisław Lem this year and as a result I recommend reading stanisław Lem


the classic SF i've been reading is the Book of the New Sun which is great. it's a mindfuck, some really haunting lines in there.

Improbable Lobster
Jan 6, 2012

"From each according to his ability" said Ares. It sounded like a quotation.
the brave new world tv show sucks loving poo poo, surprising no one

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Improbable Lobster posted:

the brave new world tv show sucks loving poo poo, surprising no one

yah i mentioned that in the last thread. it’s bad

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone
im looking for something new to watch and my favorite fantasy thing ive seen lately is shrike screaming in the geralts's face

can anyone recommend another show with badass and pissed off women in it? or give me a spell to move to an alternate reality where shrike won and she's the witcher now

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

I watched fury road again last night and it was a very good decision. furiosa doesn't scream much but fury road is always worth watching

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
so holy poo poo i'm watching Atomic Blonde (2017) and its not scifi but is one hell of a cold war artistic color balance cold war nutshot asskicker movie and i literally never heard of it 4 hours ago

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Achmed Jones posted:

I watched fury road again last night and it was a very good decision. furiosa doesn't scream much but fury road is always worth watching

i jerked off a bit on the nzb site and got the super high res color and b&w versions and ngl the black+chrome edit is really, really, really good

infernal machines
Oct 11, 2012

we monitor many frequencies. we listen always. came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. it played us a mighty dub.

Jonny 290 posted:

so holy poo poo i'm watching Atomic Blonde (2017) and its not scifi but is one hell of a cold war artistic color balance cold war nutshot asskicker movie and i literally never heard of it 4 hours ago

charlize theron gets her rear end kicked, a lot

there are so, so, so, so many fights in that movie.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
this movie is 97% Severe Bangs and Makarovs and i love it

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

infernal machines posted:

there are so, so, so, so many fights in that movie.

im actually 39 minutes in to this film in real time and i feel like ive watched seven hours of straight up no holds barred rear end beating so far

infernal machines
Oct 11, 2012

we monitor many frequencies. we listen always. came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. it played us a mighty dub.
it doesn't slow down any, right up to the credits

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

Jonny 290 posted:

this movie is 97% Severe Bangs and Makarovs and i love it

try anna for more of the same. it was deece.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
ok its over and holy poo poo what a loving good god drat action spy movie. wowwww

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

try anna for more of the same. it was deece.

i will!

May 25, 2010

Jonny 290 posted:

ok its over and holy poo poo what a loving good god drat action spy movie. wowwww

i will!

settle down beavis

infernal machines
Oct 11, 2012

we monitor many frequencies. we listen always. came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. it played us a mighty dub.

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

try anna for more of the same. it was deece.

why did besson remake la femme nikita?

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
also watch the old guard on netflix

if charlize theron is the new liam neeson I’m ok with that

Victory Position
Mar 16, 2004

star bad

didn't want to see any more but I've seen enough clips of that garbage over the years to know the prequels

here's to another whatever years of piecing together how loving awful this is

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

Jonny 290 posted:

last night i finally watched rise of skywalker. I liked it, they tied up loose ends, it wasnt actively bad like prequels

i liked the bit where they went to the Planet of the McGuffins to get the McGuffin to open the secret McGuffin Room that would let them get the McGuffin that would lead them to the final McGuffin.

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
I liked how seemingly half the movie is spent retconning the last jedi and only then can the real plot begin

Improbable Lobster
Jan 6, 2012

"From each according to his ability" said Ares. It sounded like a quotation.

haveblue posted:

I liked how seemingly half the movie is spent retconning the last jedi and only then can the real plot begin

yeah i would have liked it a lot more if it had just been its own movie instead of letting reddit write it

Kenny Logins
Jan 11, 2011


H.P. Hovercraft posted:

all based on a d20 modern campaign
is this real because if so lol

infernal machines
Oct 11, 2012

we monitor many frequencies. we listen always. came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. it played us a mighty dub.

Uptime Sinclair posted:

is this real because if so lol

they were going to make an mmo, but it turns out that was a lot of work, so it became a tabletop rpg. later it became other things, including a tv show

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

H.P. Hovercraft posted:

all based on a d20 modern campaign

I strongly approve your use of the "Snipe pages with a depiction of horrible violence" meme from the Pictures thread.

Apr 26, 2006

Jonny 290 posted:

last night i finally watched rise of skywalker. I liked it, they tied up loose ends, it wasnt actively bad like prequels

then i put attack of the clones on today to nostalgize, made it ten minutes and turned it off in favor of RLM's review of it. better in every way

everything with palpy was so much fun, but its all a mess trying to wrap things up cause they didnt plan anything at all for the trilogy

Kenny Logins
Jan 11, 2011

lol. even funnier than when i found out elder scrolls is based on a homebrew d&d campaign

d20 modern is a gently caress

Crime on a Dime
Nov 28, 2006
youd better go and catch them, op

Feb 15, 2001

atomic blonde is one of my favorite recent action movies, it has that non-stop feeling like john wick but without all the gun porn and harry potter secret assassin world poo poo plus shitloads of yamaha DX7 on the soundtrack

Doom Mathematic posted:

I miss Iain M. Banks.

But I'm glad Amazon isn't adapting his work for the television anymore.
yeah it would have been bad. I guess I'd consider the culture "unfilmable" not because it's too large scale but it's too morally ambiguous plus like 10% of it is spaceships posting on fourth dimensional yospos and there's no way to make that entertaining

qirex fucked around with this message at 16:13 on Sep 14, 2020


Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

consider phlebas perhaps as an anthology adaptation would be the most viable for general appeal, but thats not really the culture material i want to see happen. pretty sure in a few years player of games could work as some sort of esports political intrigue show

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