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Prof. Alligator

Lil Swamp Booger Baby posted:

The House That Dripped Blood is primo extravagant over-the-top 70s horror.



Prof. Alligator

BoldFrankensteinMir posted:

During our last showing we discussed the sci fi and horror novels of Ira Levin, and when I looked into it lo and behold there is a free copy of The Boys from Brazil up on Youtube. Seems fitting, our first 2020 scary movie was about a plague, number two is about clones and nazis. Any objections?

this is a great film for anyone who wants to see Gregory peck get into a fistfight at a formal event.

Prof. Alligator

i really liked this movie. i think it's very good at just being a movie, by which i mean that the premise is kind of far out there but it never fully veers into scifi or horror terrority and instead plays out like a tuaght thriller.

Prof. Alligator

i think my big takeaway is that this is the only one of the dozen or so film adaptions of the story that nails (or even accepts) the key premise--that morgan is the monster. and i think that's a shame because without that twist it's kind of a one-dimensional story.

Prof. Alligator

i was trying to watch this over the phone, and i did, but i could not log in and join the chat.

i absolutely love the promethean unraveling at the end. the mad doctor destroyed by his own creation.

Prof. Alligator

psp worked fine. i think the problem is with me. i'm a subpar computer toucher.

Prof. Alligator

Khanstant posted:

are there any pro-zombie movies? My zombie apocalypse fantasy has always been to just join the zombies ASAP and we can work with them to build a better constitution and civilization with a much healthier environment since nobody needs all the disgusting living-human luxuries that taint the world.

Fido is kind of a pro-zombie movie?

Prof. Alligator

the nice thing about old horror movies is that they are often more palatable for a wide audience. movies like slither and from beyond are great, but the gore factor can be off putting for some users.

that having been said... is ‘the serpent and the rainbow’ on YouTube? zakes mokae’s mean smile is the best practical horror effect I have ever seen.

Prof. Alligator

BoldFrankensteinMir posted:

BYOB movie nights now have their own banner ad, woo!

Edit- and it really works too!!!

this is perfect!

Prof. Alligator

i will not be able to join the movie festivities, but please know that I have spoopy love for all you spoopy yobbers.

Prof. Alligator

maybe a ridiculously horrible 70s action film?

I know that covers a wide swath, but really anything with hideous clothes and bad fight choreography should be good for a movie night.

Prof. Alligator

I swear I posted a reply itt where I linked to four free YouTube movies that might work for us... Well it's been a long week... So here we go.

Prof. Alligator

SweetWillyRollbar posted:

The prequel is also referenced in the classic Wu-Tang Clan track Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing ta gently caress Wit

"The Flying Guillotine" is also the name of the RZA's kung-fu cinema drafthouse on Staten Island:

edit: I don't think it ever actually happened. Possibly another COVID fatality. I'm not going to Staten Island to find out.

Prof. Alligator

Bright Bart posted:

Is this happening?

Also, I just can't get this past Saturday's movie out of my head. Even for an 80s film it just doesn't make a lick of sense.

On that note it inspired me to leave home to become a wandering martial arts fighter.

Have you decided which animal to emblazon on your cloak?

Prof. Alligator

hoping jinh shows up so I can wish him a happy belated birthday, which I couldn’t do during the last movie because he wasn’t there and also his birthday wasn’t belated yet.

Prof. Alligator

To be fair, Maximum Overdrive is only the second-worst movie to feature the Green Goblin. And I think it's probably in Emilio Estevez' top 5.

Prof. Alligator

My top 5 Emiliovies (in no particular order): Men at Work, Repo Man, The Breakfast Club, Young Guns, Maximum Overdrive

Prof. Alligator

BoldFrankensteinMir posted:

Anybody still up for The Great Rupert tonight? I was a little late getting to the channel, hope I didn't miss anybody (it's empty presently).

I'll stick around for a few more minutes just in case.

Edit- Thanks everyone! That was a lovely evening, I love that movie more every time I see it. Happy holidays!

I really didn't know what to expect from this movie, but it was actually pretty great.

Sadly Rupert's real-life story did not have such a happy ending. He fell under the harsh spotlight of the McCarthy hearings and was blacklisted for his unabashed communist leanings. Deported, Rupert lived out the remainder of his life in Algiers where turned to drugs to cope with the loss of his craft and country. In his autumn years, Rupert converted to Islam and was able to come to terms with his tumultuous life. He died in 1963, surrounded by his 12 children, 102 grandchildren, and that droopy old guy who played the squeezebox.

Prof. Alligator

BoldFrankensteinMir posted:

Tonight, at midnight GMT, join us at for another Christmas classic: 1945's The Cheaters!

I've never heard of this one before but it's got a very interesting history: for any of you 'yobbers who were with me for the Summer of Serials, this is a Republic Pictures film! A Christmas screwball comedy feature from the people who made Black Whip, Spy Smasher and Captain Marvel. It's a really weird outlier, and from what I'm reading it was a staple of late-night local TV for decades, and has been released as Mr. M and the Pigeons, The Amazing Mr. M, The Magnificent Mr. M, The Magnificent Rogue, and The Castaway. Huh.

Plus cartoons and camaraderie! See you in five hours, friends!

From the poster I thought this was going to be a movie about old-timey swingers starring the Tom Baker Dr. Who. NGL I am a little disappointed that it's not.

Prof. Alligator

This movie was deeply triggering for me because I have a beard, dated a bookish girl in grade school, spent a brief period in a psych ward, and my job involves having old white guys coerce me into publicly saying things that aren't true.

It was still a good time, tho.

Prof. Alligator

big Rupert fan right here. wish he had more films in his repertoire, but like James dean his filmography is destined to have great quality with a tragically limited quantity.

Prof. Alligator

Very excited for this!

Prof. Alligator

very sad I missed this week, but always down to enjoy a bad movie, but selecting one will be tricky.

there are terribly bad bad movies like the room, and incredibly good bad movies like the original suspiria—and a whole spectrum in between.

much to think about.

Prof. Alligator

nut posted:

dunno who this poster is but this was posted earlier for a bad movie 2 watch i have faintly heard of it par chance

Would be down for this. Is it on Youtube I wonder?

Prof. Alligator

BYOB Movie Night vs. Mecha-BYOB Movie Night

Prof. Alligator

BFM you should check out TransTales Youtube channel. It is 100% African animation, and although most of them are shorts, Mark of the Uru is just over an hour long. It's not as slick as what Pixar was doing in 2011, but it has a cool cell-shaded style.

Prof. Alligator

I know nothing of this particular artist so I am excited for this.

Prof. Alligator

Hey BFM. I am down to buy a banner today. I assume it should link to this thread?

Prof. Alligator

BoldFrankensteinMir posted:

Yes please and thank you! It will be cheaper linking in-forums than off, so just direct any and all ads to page 1 of this thread.

Here they are again for convenience, whichever night you prefer to support is cool. Let's bring more friends to the 'yob!

Edit- and here's the store link!

Edit edit- and these are just my stabs at it, I'd love to see more banner ads by other yobbers, we have powerful gif magicks in this place. In-jokes from movies we've watched and hilarious screengrabs could entice people in even without any words.

I bought one of each--one for Saturday and one for Wednesday. They should go up at 12:01 AM Central on 1/18.

Prof. Alligator

is that the first of the bizarrely general info shorts?

like before this people just assumed that you knew as much as you needed to about springs or zinc or w/e?

Prof. Alligator

Bright Bart posted:

Can't really go wrong.

Either you go "woah that's good" or you go "lol that knife is smaller than my bread knife".

But I still call a film noir on my bday in Feb.

Bright Noir February has a nice ring to it.

Prof. Alligator

BoldFrankensteinMir posted:

Restrictions on 1980's cartoon cat movies, apparently.

Done to spite Catalan, no doubt. Hit 'em where it hurts. Right in the Fritz.

Prof. Alligator

unico :unsmith:

Prof. Alligator

A couple of notes from last night:
  • re Lord Kuruku: a pathologically lonely and bitter person using the power of hate to turn people into puppets and break up families is a very heavy methaphor that kind of eluded me while I was watching.
  • re Unico: he is a truly tragic hero, because even though he can overcome great evil and spread love and friendship, he can never enjoy the peace and harmony that he brings, instead being whisked away to yet another desolate lonely world in need of his help.
  • re me: I am a cat, and that's why I sing, sing a song, a song of meow meow meow.

Prof. Alligator

How Wonderful! posted:

You can rewrite the cat song to be about anything. Any animal you want. For example here is a good song to sing to my dog, King Francis, or for him to sing to himself:

It is my belief that this is what all animals are saying when they bark or meow or quack or whatever.

Prof. Alligator

Hmm. Maybe 2 nights, one for each hemisphere? Surely BFM has a European alt account to take up the mantle... PassiveDraculaDir maybe?

Prof. Alligator

These movies were very disorienting, like they were from some other world where there is no visual coherence, sentences don't work together, and worms have legs and eyebrows.

Prof. Alligator

Pigsfeet on Rye posted:

Relevant short: Avoiding the future Plague
rear end in a top hat George probably has something to do with it.

loving GEORGE

Prof. Alligator

I have just ordered a vintage Hedgehog in the Fog soviet stamp. It looks exactly as one would expect.


Prof. Alligator

Ah, the pre-war years. Women had pointy boobs and screamed constantly, and men were doughy and wore boxy suits. Truly it was a golden age.

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