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All of the other forums have threads for pet pictures and I will not have it said that BYOB refused to look at adorable animals and coo over them.

1. Please be kind
2. Some people, myself, for example, have phobias around certain species. Be aware and be kind!
3. It's a cute pet pictures thread but if you need advice on the best cat bed in town or what type of treats are best for small rodents, that's fine! Ask away; SA is a place of expertise.
4. Post!

Greggy 1984-1989

Kiku-san 1988-2003

Tanuki 2003-2020

Hypatia 2003-2013

Smudge ????-2017 (15-17, maybe)

We had all sorts of pets when I was growing up. Reptiles, amphibians, rodents, birds, fish, cats, and dogs. Hamsters are so dang cute! But I turned out to be a cat lady and that's that.

xcheopis fucked around with this message at 00:18 on Nov 29, 2022


Gross Dude

Gross Dude
Look at all those baby kitties!!

These are my baby puppies, Daisy and Teddy:

Gross Dude fucked around with this message at 02:59 on Oct 29, 2020


Gross Dude posted:

Look at all those baby kitties!!

These are my baby puppies, Daisy and Teddy:

I do hope you booped them snoots!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


there are 2 kinds of cats:

1. margo

2. lambert

SIDS Vicious

This is Panda and Odin, the little one is Odin lol, I'll try and get some pictures of the cats later there is 5 now.


FutonForensic posted:

there are 2 kinds of cats:

1. margo

2. lambert

You have two kinds of cats: :3: and :kimchi:

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
My pet lobster, King Francis

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


Sid Vicious posted:

This is Panda and Odin, the little one is Odin lol, I'll try and get some pictures of the cats later there is 5 now.

Of course the little one is Odin, who else would he be? :D

How Wonderful! posted:

My pet lobster, King Francis

Rockin' the lobster look. A "rock lobster", if you will.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


One day nearer spring
powerful display of pets

together they would make an epic adventuring party

module b2 - the petco on the borderlands

Heather Papps

hello friend

dean was a very good boy

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!


Heather Papps posted:

dean was a very good boy

Floppy ears!

Axolotls also welcome.

Heather Papps

hello friend

xcheopis posted:

Axolotls also welcome.

ash passed for some mysterious reason earlier this month, but was very pretty

oryx before all the colour drained from their skin.

i have no idea what pronoun to use for oryx because at one point they had gonads that i thought looked male but they went away?

aaaaaand here's dolly!

not my pet as of yet, but will be here for at least a few more weeks.

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!


Heather Papps posted:

ash passed for some mysterious reason earlier this month, but was very pretty

oryx before all the colour drained from their skin.

i have no idea what pronoun to use for oryx because at one point they had gonads that i thought looked male but they went away?

aaaaaand here's dolly!

not my pet as of yet, but will be here for at least a few more weeks.

They are such chill creatures.

Dolly is darling


I was watching simpsons at 0.75 without knowing until a scene where homer and bart were getting back massages at a hotel and the noises they were making were super drawn out like a youtube poop
pesto and mayo


I was watching simpsons at 0.75 without knowing until a scene where homer and bart were getting back massages at a hotel and the noises they were making were super drawn out like a youtube poop
they're birds


Plant MONSTER. posted:

they're birds

Um, those look like dinosaurs to me. :colbert:


Beautiful animals, friends.



thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


Little curled up paws do me in, every time. So friggin' cute!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
I think Bosco and I finally beat the fleas :sweatdrop:


prepuce repurposed posted:

I think Bosco and I finally beat the fleas :sweatdrop:

I started using Cheristin on my cats and found it to be most efficacious. Recommended by my vet when Advantage wasn't helping enough.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

he wants me to steal it but doesn't trust me

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


xcheopis posted:

Little curled up paws do me in, every time. So friggin' cute!

Also, I hope those fleas stay gone this time, PR. I'll try to find and digitize pictures of pets past, ala the OP.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

rear end-penny posted:

Also, I hope those fleas stay gone this time, PR. I'll try to find and digitize pictures of pets past, ala the OP.

U and me both bud. I'm using insecticides on my bed at this point

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
probably the most interesting aspect of 3 days of sleep deprivation from flea bites is when u go 2 get high...u don't feel high b/c ur already high on insomnia madness

I bet Stoner Sloth knows what I mean :morning:

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
have u ever woke up at 4 am to spray urself down with Repel yet again? I have!


heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


milo ran off with a sock and i found him staring at it like it was going to move

Stoner Sloth

prepuce repurposed posted:

probably the most interesting aspect of 3 days of sleep deprivation from flea bites is when u go 2 get high...u don't feel high b/c ur already high on insomnia madness

I bet Stoner Sloth knows what I mean :morning:

no i've never had fleas! it's all lies!

haha yeah know what you mean about the sleep dep, though 3 days for me is just about normal. but feel you on the insomnia madness and not feeling high

more importantly i love this thread and all of the pets posted herein!!!

e: maybe we could sticky it and crosslink pets posted in the welcome thread?

that way there would be a BYOB resource of good pets to look at + would honor the memory of the very good cat who inspired the thread

Stoner Sloth fucked around with this message at 09:08 on Oct 30, 2020

sigs by the awesome Manifisto, Vanisher, City of Glompton, Pot Smoke Phoenix, Nut, Heather Papps,Prof Crocodile, knuthgrush, Ohtori Akio, Teapot, Saosyhant, Dumb Sex Parrot, w4ddl3d33, and nesamdoom!! - ty friends!


prepuce repurposed posted:

he wants me to steal it but doesn't trust me

Macnult posted:

milo ran off with a sock and i found him staring at it like it was going to move

Mighty (cute) hunter!


prepuce repurposed posted:

have u ever woke up at 4 am to spray urself down with Repel yet again? I have!


Are you also putting insecticide in the vacuum bag to keep the eggs from hatching?


Stoner Sloth posted:

more importantly i love this thread and all of the pets posted herein!!!

e: maybe we could sticky it and crosslink pets posted in the welcome thread?

that way there would be a BYOB resource of good pets to look at + would honor the memory of the very good cat who inspired the thread

I would love crossposts because people post pets in the Welcome thread and then the thread moves on. I like the various pet-dedicated ones because they don't move as fast and there's less chat between pics (chat about pets is good, of course).

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

xcheopis posted:

Are you also putting insecticide in the vacuum bag to keep the eggs from hatching?

I use a bagless vac and empty it outside after every cleaning

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
flea update: I slept soundly last night. we may be out of the woods at this point :pray:

Heather Papps

hello friend

axolotl update: felt so bad about letting dolly get ahold of oryx that i bought some steak for him. usually i just feed him worms but after being pulled outta the water and bit dude deserves some high class meals

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!


Heather Papps posted:

axolotl update: felt so bad about letting dolly get ahold of oryx that i bought some steak for him. usually i just feed him worms but after being pulled outta the water and bit dude deserves some high class meals

Your (water) dog wants steak

I like axolotls. They tend to be very popular denizens of biology departments.

Heather Papps

hello friend

xcheopis posted:

Your (water) dog wants steak

I like axolotls. They tend to be very popular denizens of biology departments.

i may be completely off base here but i am pretty sure axolotls are one of the only animals to be functionally extinct in the wild BUT incredibly common in research and as pets.

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!


Heather Papps posted:

i may be completely off base here but i am pretty sure axolotls are one of the only animals to be functionally extinct in the wild BUT incredibly common in research and as pets.

I believe that's true; been a lot of development in their habitats.
An axolotl is currently featured in the webtoon Castle Swimmer, which seems to have sparked some interest in the little beasts.

SIDS Vicious

This is Ginny she is home in a big three story mansion now she is wonderful. I bet my wife regrets asking if I wanted to come in the pet store lol


Sid Vicious posted:

This is Ginny she is home in a big three story mansion now she is wonderful. I bet my wife regrets asking if I wanted to come in the pet store lol

She needs friends!

SIDS Vicious

xcheopis posted:

She needs friends!

She's getting some she was all alone that's why I took her home :3



Sid Vicious posted:

She's getting some she was all alone that's why I took her home :3

! !! !!!

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