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Oct 24, 2010

Stultus Maximus posted:

McConnell obstruction aside, it's a calculation that had to be made. Is the help given to people by a one-time check alone worth another four years of Trump and McConnell destroying more lives? I wouldn't say that it is.

I'm certain that people who failed to make rent or food until the democrats get their poo poo together will certainly appreciate this.


Comrade Blyatlov posted:

Those percentage points meant they had a better chance of helping in future instead of a one time deal though.

I guess we'll see, if I end up with two Democrat senators in my home state it'll have paid off. If it doesn't prepare for basically a lame duck term for two years.

Defenestrategy fucked around with this message at 19:43 on Nov 8, 2020


Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


Defenestrategy posted:

I'm certain that people who failed to make rent or food until the democrats get their poo poo together will certainly appreciate this.

Eat for one more month so Trump can starve you the next month, sure sounds great.

Nov 2, 2010

Against All Tyrants

Ultra Carp
Worth noting that McConnell's line in the sand was "liability protections for businesses" (aka "We can force you to work in unsafe conditions with no negative reprecussions), which was an utterly monstrous position and nothing that was otherwise offered was worth swallowing that poison pill, regardless of any other political considerations.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

They're still not going to pass any sort of additional stimulus bill. They have no incentive to.

Proud Christian Mom
Dec 20, 2006
Trump absolutely could have bullied the Senate into turning on the money printer for the people but he didn't because he never truly understood how close he was to losing the election.

Nov 2, 2010

Against All Tyrants

Ultra Carp

Proud Christian Mom posted:

Trump absolutely could have bullied the Senate into turning on the money printer for the people but he didn't because he never truly understood how close he was to losing the election.

Trump is also too lazy and stupid to actually drive legislative negotiations, which was why he always sent someone else to talk to Congress for him (before immediately undercutting them in an interview on Hannity)

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

A Bad Poster posted:

They're still not going to pass any sort of additional stimulus bill. They have no incentive to.

Yup. They're real concerned about the deficit

Jun 4, 2004
I think that MBAs are useful, in case you are looking for an answer to the question of "Is lightpole a total fucking idiot".
Trumps numbers jump whenever he shuts up for any length of time. He could have ghosted October and won the election by 10+ points.

Apr 7, 2009


not caring here posted:

Mitch's red line was money given to anyone, or any help at all to anyone. His agenda was protecting business against law suits and tax breaks. It was never going to pass.

Yeah and this is testing the waters of blaming Pelosi and Dems for no second stimulus. It's frankly bullshit and Mitch McCon should have his nose rubbed in "Grim Reaper of the Senate" or whatever his literal ghoul comment was about killing any bills.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

A Bad Poster posted:

They're still not going to pass any sort of additional stimulus bill. They have no incentive to.

Businesses, especially bars/restaurants, are still pretty hosed. Mitch wants money for businesses, but nowhere near as much as Pelosi, and especially not state/local aid. He doesn't want zero money, he just wants way less.

But anyways, a bit of a fascinating story here. Politicians lie and embellish, but it's entirely possible that Biden is president because of one elderly lady in rural South Carolina asking Rep. Clyburn who he was going to vote for. Her response led him to go public, which led to the SC primary, and everyone scattering.

Setting aside the "Bernie would've won" stuff, there's a serious, nonzero chance that we could've become a dictatorship if it wasn't for an elderly woman in a red state asking a Democratic representative who he was going to vote for.

Mar 13, 2011
Sorry, I didn't read your post.

I'm too busy replying to what I wish you said


Stultus Maximus posted:

Eat for one more month so Trump can starve you the next month, sure sounds great.

You guys talk as if that was the only thing the dems could have done differently.

They could have claimed credit for the stimulus checks if they had passed.

Or they could have run on something actually popular, like, I dunno, Medicare for All that even fox is polling at 72% support.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

That's the poo poo right there. That's what I want.

Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

I don't buy into the fearmongering that Trump was going to somehow make himself dictator if he just won a second term. You can say that a second Trump would have been bad, but you don't have to veer into fantasy land.

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?
Comedy option would be trump having the office he didn't want foisted on him for life by the fash leaning electorate

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

mlmp08 posted:

You know how when someone's stuck down a 30 foot pit and about to die, and they make the leap to a handhold so they're only 20 feet deep and about to die? Those people usually are pretty pumped they made that small leap too.

Sure, there is a demo who will happily die on the ledge 20 feet down, but w/e don't accuse everyone who disliked Trump of being that person.

E: I do think it would be darkly funny if some soldier like.. escaped through enemy fire to cover to rejoin his fireteam and was like "gently caress yeah, thanks guy" and someone else cheers and then one of the squadmates turns stone-faced and says "we have no long term plan to end this conflict, so I'm not sure why you're so happy that you're no longer pinned down in the treeline over there"

This sounds like some John Scalzi Senior NCO line. I love it.

Mar 10, 2007

ZombieApostate posted:

You guys talk as if that was the only thing the dems could have done differently.

They could have claimed credit for the stimulus checks if they had passed.

Or they could have run on something actually popular, like, I dunno, Medicare for All that even fox is polling at 72% support.

Stuff like this that 72% of people support, but what, 25%?, of congress support really pisses me off.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Xenoborg posted:

Stuff like this that 72% of people support, but what, 25%?, of congress support really pisses me off.

Well, the AMA donates more than most Americans to campaigns, soo...

Jul 8, 2006

Godholio posted:

Well, the AMA donates more than most Americans to campaigns, soo...

Land doesn't vote, but capital sure does

Riot Carol Danvers
Jul 30, 2004

It's super dumb, but I can't stop myself. This is just kind of how I do things.

facialimpediment posted:


That's the poo poo right there. That's what I want.

Yeah about that


Proud Christian Mom
Dec 20, 2006
the pharma industry sure got their money's worth out of Jim Clyburn

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?
Weren't we supposed to be getting hit with a meteorite the day before the election

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers


orange juche
Mar 14, 2012


Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

I’d straight up ask if this isn’t some preemptive form of blackmail for pardons, normally I’d say I’m being silly and paranoid....but this family.

Like this idiot would probably post pictures from the SIOP to “own the libs.”

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur


Show me the alien bigfoot ufo files.

orange juche
Mar 14, 2012



Show me the alien bigfoot ufo files.

I want to see the proof they've been hiding that Mothman and Bigfoot are hiding in the Rockies. I know they're out there but they pretend they aren't.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Bigfoot and Mothman probably run socialist communities in the abandon jfk sex tunnels ufo transport tunnels that run from new mexico to the pnw.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

I missed some stuff too:

The magic's just gone. He's now yesterday's news.

As Nero Danced
Sep 3, 2009

Alright, let's do this


Bigfoot and Mothman probably run socialist communities in the abandon jfk sex tunnels ufo transport tunnels that run from new mexico to the pnw.

Weird, I was just watching a youtube paranormal show that veered into that conspiracy. Those guys were all about misreading coincidence as part of the nefarious plot by the interdimensional aliens, so now I suspect that you are one yourself.

This is just sad. He really does live in a deluded little bubble of his own creation. If this gets worse he might get 25th'd out of office before innauguration.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

As Nero Danced posted:

Weird, I was just watching a youtube paranormal show that veered into that conspiracy. Those guys were all about misreading coincidence as part of the nefarious plot by the interdimensional aliens, so now I suspect that you are one yourself.

Nah. I just love conspiracy poo poo surrounding crypto and ufos and ghosts and poo poo. I'm more worried that the simulation detected a flux in some inter-dimensional asswaves and instead of collapsing for a trump re-election we now have to wait for Stephen Greer to signal the aliens himself to push us to The Great Reset.

Chupacabra was just telling me the other day he stole 100k trump votes and they're in a new mexico storage locker.

Or I smoke too much weed.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Hillary killed Q, so they're rudderless

Edit: Alright, this recap got me.

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 22:05 on Nov 8, 2020

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

facialimpediment posted:

It's still very early, so we can't really make huge conclusions. But it seems pretty clear that if Donnie had just shut the flying gently caress up about COVID and give it to scientists, he would've coasted to reelection. Everything else in the House/Senate is so close that either "more DSA-style candidates" or "more centrist candidates" doesn't have a clear answer at this point.

He would have had more votes because less of his supporters would have been dead.

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?
It's amazing how he should have had it in the bag because vast swaths of the electorate are just fine with his brand of fascism yet he couldn't help but trump it up. Hell, he probably could have even threatened mcconnell himself. Tell him if he doesn't pass another stimulus, anything, he'll visit Kentucky himself come reelection season and get the god drat republicans to vote for joseph loving stalin and they'd probably do it.

Jun 4, 2004
I think that MBAs are useful, in case you are looking for an answer to the question of "Is lightpole a total fucking idiot".

Fister Roboto posted:

I don't buy into the fearmongering that Trump was going to somehow make himself dictator if he just won a second term. You can say that a second Trump would have been bad, but you don't have to veer into fantasy land.

Our government relies on unwritten norms and decorum among the politicians, and trust by the citizens among other things. Their breakdown is a self-reinforcing cycle and I think the structure is a lot more unstable now than it was 20 years ago.

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Milo and POTUS posted:

It's amazing how he should have had it in the bag because vast swaths of the electorate are just fine with his brand of fascism yet he couldn't help but trump it up. Hell, he probably could have even threatened mcconnell himself. Tell him if he doesn't pass another stimulus, anything, he'll visit Kentucky himself come reelection season and get the god drat republicans to vote for joseph loving stalin and they'd probably do it.

For all we know that's what he tried. In the first couple years of the presidency Trump was open about offering his base to whip up support for his chosen candidates. And when they kept losing the GOP probably started to realize that Trump couldn't do anything for them.

Jan 10, 2007

lightpole posted:

Our government relies on unwritten norms and decorum among the politicians, and trust by the citizens among other things. Their breakdown is a self-reinforcing cycle and I think the structure is a lot more unstable now than it was 20 years ago.
This is a huge concern. So much of our gov is a punt that assumes honorable people behaving in the best interests of the country and at least one side has figured out how to weaponize that. They just didn't count on a reality TV star moron coming out of nowhere to win the presidency, bring in an administration of crony amateurs, and lay the whole thing bare.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
And the data folks are saying that Arizona's done.

Arizona doesn't say what types of ballots are left, but it's looking like they chewed through the late-early heavily-republican votes.

Edit: Now it's kinda really, really done.

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 00:53 on Nov 9, 2020

May 28, 2009

Edit, to avoid a double post: CNN is saying that Kushner and Melania are telling trump to give up. Who knows if it'll go anywhere, but it's a positive sign.

Spoggerific fucked around with this message at 02:21 on Nov 9, 2020


Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.
I saw there was a Trump documentary on Netflix and wanted to hatewatch it, but decided to hold off until after the election results in the hopes that I could watch it with the story having a happy ending. Fortunately, that panned out.

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