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A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

It will never end.

Also, if you're trying to bring down the Bidens by leaking Hunter's nudes, showing that he's packing a monster energy can down there isn't exactly the way to do that.


A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

I can tell you that will not be the case.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


loving Robby Mook are you kidding me?

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Didn't that hitchhiker robot get destroyed in Philly after safely traveling across the continent?

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Pine Cone Jones posted:

I tried to watch his vietnam documentary, but I had trouble making it through without getting notably drunk.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one. I did make it all the way through, thanks to probably half a dozen bottles of bourbon, and gently caress the end of it is depressing.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Now that things won't get worse, we can finally settle back into them not getting better, ahhh...

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Fallom posted:

Treat it like jumping into a birthday party and telling the kid he’s one year closer to death

Here's the thing, Donald Trump is still President. He still has a Republican Senate and the SC, and time to do all sorts of hosed poo poo on his way out the door. What is Stephen Miller doing right now?

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


That brain genius is confusing a rescue dog with some sort of support animal.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

They're still not going to pass any sort of additional stimulus bill. They have no incentive to.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

The thing about any argument that "defund the police" hurt the Dems is that once that can has been popped, the Republicans will continue using it as a stick to beat on anyone they feel like, so you might as well support it anyway. This also goes for most progressive policies that make candidates go "no, no, I absolutely don't want that! I'm with you guys!"

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Internet Wizard posted:

He’s bumped it up, it was 50% earlier

It's even worse than that. Before it was 50/50 Donny's campaign/recount effort. Now it's 60/40 Donny's campaign/the RNC.


A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Nick Soapdish posted:

You know what, if 2020 is gonna take the dumbest route but have any redeeming value, it would be great if one state did this but wasn't enough to actually change the election so the backlash would be to destroy the EC (unlikely) or pass the national voter's compact (more likely)

Or everyone in charge would throw their hands in the air and say "well he didn't break any of the rules so he gets another 4 years".

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