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Aug 3, 2007

Mr. Nice! posted:

all the nojoe tags are now just joe tags.

Funniest thing I've seen all day.


Aug 3, 2007

I hoped someone would do this, and somehow they already had.

Aug 3, 2007

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we have this exact scenario play out in 2020, too? Biden does poorly in debate, everyone panics?

Aug 3, 2007

Proud Christian Mom posted:

The top of the ticket is a lost cause. He's a miserable freak whose only lucid moments come when cheering on genocide or discussing golf. As we saw with Hillary, RBG and now Biden the party leadership is chock full of sycophants and people who'd risk everything for a single admin position.

Thankfully his unpopularity is not contaminating the rest of the ticket. If you're in a blue/purple state it's all about your local and state races. There's plenty of winnable seats that can be used to protect the vulnerable from what is about to come.

If you live in a red state like me then get ready for Mr Bonez Wild Ride

Earning the gently caress out of that title today

Aug 3, 2007

Hyrax Attack! posted:

From nytimes:

Really not ideal when two candidates have said there is nothing wrong with their behavior that can’t be attributed to brain problems.

I'd be more worried about whichever governor it is that can't detect a joke that obvious.

Aug 3, 2007

Apathetic Medic posted:

Using Trump to measure worthiness lowers the bar so significantly it nullifies all criticism of a candidate. This is the guy who had to drop out of his 1988 presidential bid because of plagiarism, let Clarence Thomas slide on a workplace sexual harassment incident off of race baiting, and got put on the presidential ticket in 2020 when they used gamesmanship to put him before other viable candidates. How hard is it to understand that people are asking for a candidate that can accomplish something and also doesn't make constant gaffes. By this kind of logic most other people could stand in his place, but won't be able to because his ego is bigger than the country's future.

This dude already used up 'it's better than the alternative' in 2020. That well is dry.

And your suggestions for the alternative who is a known name that can gain sufficient support from voters in less than 4 months is who, precisely?

Aug 3, 2007

Apathetic Medic posted:

poo poo's just hosed is all.

Well that's not exactly a helpful position for anyone, is it.

Aug 3, 2007

Tiny Timbs posted:

Bro was dissolving at every appearance he did. Money may have been pushing the position in the media but stop telling people to disbelieve their lying eyes.

Oh horseshit. His decline was relatively recent and rapid.

You've never actually spent much time around elderly people, especially those with actual, diagnosed dementia, have you.

Aug 3, 2007

Proud Christian Mom posted:

instead of wishcasting some previously unseen competence onto biden and convincing yourself that he secretly spent the last month masterminding the a smooth transition to Harris please give credit to the people actually smart enough to see the oncoming trainwreck and revolt against it

Ah yes, were it not for the brave actions of zillionare donors and weird punditry...

Aug 3, 2007

Apathetic Medic posted:

Not needing to do something is not equivalent to not having done something. I hope that's understandable?

The idea that America is actually a one-party state is not a new idea. Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens, and Julius Nyerere are all quoted for saying as much. If you don't know who those people are I would recommend reading some of their literature! Might help you with your confusion of what you believe an 'internet leftist' is and what I'm referring to, which is actual socialists, communists, and anti-colonialists. You know, leftists. not Hitchens, gently caress him

Are you really citing Julius Nyere to describe politics in the US in 20 loving 24.

Aug 3, 2007

Mustang posted:

Democrats should have been doing this for years.

loving Michelle Obama and her moronic "they go low and we go high" bullshit.

These people shouldn't be able to go out in public without being mocked. They deserve to be condescended to.

Yes yes, we are all familiar with your admiration for those golden days of street fighting in Weimar Germany.

Aug 3, 2007

Cythereal posted:

...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.
Eh, i mean its amusing but does Some Twitter Rando really count as "the right wing apparatus?"

Aug 3, 2007

CommieGIR posted:

Given that Epstein was both jailed and is now dead, was it just a plane that he used to use/rent?

It's this. It's a coincidence if it's anything at all. A darkly comic one, but not newsworthy.

Aug 3, 2007

Farking Bastage posted:

voldemort looking motherfucker

You'll find a better comparison has already been made:


Aug 3, 2007

Mustang posted:

Can't wait to hear from the ignorant white people of this country why Trump gets a free pass to trample all over the supposed values these people claim to have.

If Trump voters want "liberal elites" to stop acting condescending toward them, they should learn to conduct themselves in a way that isn't so easy to look down upon.

Stupefying that they think their way of life is even worth "conserving". Their culture is just straight up garbage.

Mustang posted:

I don't get it. What do uneducated white people see in this guy?

You really like using that phrase, don't you

and frankly, "their culture has nothing of value" is quite a statement.

Plastic_Gargoyle fucked around with this message at 00:55 on Aug 28, 2024

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