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Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
We all know this is going to be a shitshow. Please post about it in here so we don't clog up the CE thread.

My prediction: Everything will continue to be terrible.


Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

CBJSprague24 posted:

Per 270ToWin, assuming Biden wins Georgia and Trump wins Alaska, Biden (obviously) seals the deal with any remaining state.

Meanwhile, in that scenario, Trump has no path to a clean win. His only chance would be a tie by winning all remaining states...of which he only leads one:

I dunno if it comes up different for you, but this link takes me to a scenario where Michigan is still in play.

Biden won Michigan.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Don Dongington posted:

I've been reading that Biden got more votes than any presidential candidate in history, so I would say you're right, but that you're looking at the wrong ticket.

Trump's got the second most votes of any presidential candidate in history.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
Gettysburg wasn't as big a Lost Cause propaganda piece as Gods and Generals was.

Gods and Generals was a wet, sloppy blowjob to Stonewall Jackson that lasted for 270 minutes.

If you guys have the time I could go into why Chamberlain's bayonet charge didn't really account for a whole hell of a lot (but was still pretty goddamned awesome).

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Acebuckeye13 posted:

why is this a question, go for it!

US Berder Patrol posted:

posting range is hot

The bottom line is that while it's true Chamberlain and the 20th Maine were the far left flank of the Union army, by the time they were out of ammunition and charged down the hill, the attacking Confederate brigade was pretty much wiped. They were tired to begin with by the time they had even arrived at Little Round Top, having just completed a 20 mile march and ordered to advance before they had the opportunity to refill their canteens. Also the climb to the 20th Maine's position was pretty drat steep. Even if Chamberlain had to retreat, it's doubtful that the Confederates could have exploited the victory. The men making the assault were just too worn out to do any damage and by the time they got more men into position the Union probably could have sent reinforcements.

That's not to minimize the awesomeness of what the 20th did. They were an understrength regiment that held off an assault by five Confederate regiments. Law's Brigade had about 2,000 men to Chamberlain's 300 or so. By the time Chamberlain led the charge down the hill, he had an angry bruise on his thigh where a bullet smacked into his sword scabbard and a spent bullet in his foot. The defense of Little Round Top was a definite feather in the cap of the senior officers who were responsible for it and due to circumstances, Chamberlain received all the credit. And it's easy to understand why.

Chamberlain's brigade commander was Col. Strong Vincent. Vincent died during the fighting.

Brigadier General Stephen Weed led a brigade to reinforce Vincent's brigade. Weed died during the fighting.

An artillery battery under the command of Lt. Charles Hazlett was also sent to relieve Vincent's brigade. Hazlett died during the fighting.

Chamberlain was pretty much the senior officer standing when the fighting stopped and thus he received the lion's share of the credit. The following year as a brigade commander during the Siege of Petersburg, he was leading his men on an attack on Confederate positions when he was shot in the pelvis. The bullet entered his right hip and exited his left, passing through his penis on its way through and severing his urethra. He stuck his sword in the ground and used it as a prop, continuing to urge his men forward until he lost consciousness from loss of blood.

His wife was rushed from Maine to be at his side and Grant gave him a deathbed promotion to brigadier general for his bravery. Chamberlain died of his wounds.

But not for another 50 years.

He recovered enough to return to the field and continue leading his brigade until the Appomattox Campaign, when at the end of March a Confederate bullet smacked into his chest.

It hit a bible and a photograph of his wife he kept in the breast pocket of his coat, deflected off his ribcage, traveled around his body just under the skin, and exited through his back. In the eyes of his men, Chamberlain had just been shot through the chest but continued encouraging his men to attack.

A week and a half later, an envoy from Confederate General John Gordon approached Chamberlain under a flag of truce bringing the message that General Lee was requesting a cease-fire during which time Lee could negotiate a surrender with Grant. When the Army of Northern Virginia formally surrendered three days later, Chamberlain presided over the ceremony.

He returned home, served four terms as governor of Maine, then became president of his alma mater, Bowdoin College, where he had been a professor of modern languages and rhetoric before the war began. In 1898, despite his near-crippling war wounds, he offered his services to the War Department to command US forces during the Spanish-American War. His services were declined, but a commission as Brigadier General of Volunteers was granted to Warren Oates, late of the 15th Alabama Infantry who led the regiment up Little Round Top and was stopped by a college professor with an awesome walrus 'stache.

Chamberlain died of a wound that would have killed pretty much anyone else in 1914. He also survived attempts to surgically repair his severed urethra. Surgeries that were attempted in the 1860s.

Dude owned.

TCD posted:

Wasn't there a Minnesota group that basically charged out of the lines from Cemetary ridge to buy time for the union to form their lines and shore up holes?

Yeah, 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment. The Wikipedia entry is pretty :black101:


During the second day's fighting at Gettysburg, the regiment stopped the Confederates from splitting the Union line, pushing the Union off of Cemetery Ridge and over running the battery there that could have been then turned on the North. The actions of the 1st Minnesota saved the battle.

Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, commander of II Corps, could see two brigades of Southerners commanded by Brig. Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox breaching the line in front of one of his batteries. He quickly rode up to the troops guarding the battery and asked Col. William Colvill " What Unit is this? " Col. Colvill responded " the 1st Minnesota ". Gen. Hancock responded " Attack that line ". With their bayonets leveled the Minnesotans broke the first lines. The intensity of their charge impeded the Southern Advance for some time. With the unit nearly encircled, support arrived in time for the men to fight their way back to security. Their selfless charge bought the Union the time needed for reinforcements to be brought up. During the charge, 215[nb 1] of the 262 who made the charge became casualties within five minutes. That included the unit commander, Col. William Colvill, and all but three of his captains.

The 1st Minnesota's flag lost five men carrying it. Every time another man dropped his weapon to carry it on. The 47 survivors rallied back to General Hancock under the command of their senior surviving officer, Captain Nathan S. Messick. The 82% casualty rate stands as the largest loss by any surviving U.S military unit in a single day's engagement ever. The unit's colors are displayed in the rotunda of the Minnesota Capitol for public appreciation.

Minnesota has two monuments at the Gettysburg National Military Park. The more grand of the two bears the inscription:

On the afternoon of July 2, 1863 Sickles' Third Corps, having advanced from this line to the Emmitsburg Road, eight companies of the First Minnesota Regiment, numbering 262 men were sent to this place to support a battery upon Sickles repulse.

As his men were passing here in confused retreat, two Confederate brigades in pursuit were crossing the swale. To gain time to bring up the reserves & save this position, Gen Hancock in person ordered the eight companies to charge the rapidly advancing enemy.

The order was instantly repeated by Col Wm Colvill. And the charge as instantly made down the slope at full speed through the concentrated fire of the two brigades breaking with the bayonet the enemy's front line as it was crossing the small brook in the low ground there the remnant of the eight companies, nearly surrounded by the enemy held its entire force at bay for a considerable time & till it retired on the approach of the reserve the charge successfully accomplished its object. It saved this position & probably the battlefield. The loss of the eight companies in the charge was 215 killed & wounded. More than 82% percent. 47 men were still in line & no man missing. In self sacrificing desperate valor this charge has no parallel in any war. Among the severely wounded were Col Wm Colvill, Lt Col Chas P Adams & Maj Mark W. Downie. Among the killed Capt Joseph Periam, Capt Louis Muller & Lt Waldo Farrar. The next day the regiment participated in repelling Pickett's charge losing 17 more men killed & wounded.[14]

In his official report, Confederate Brigadier General Cadmus M. Wilcox perceived the inequality of the fight differently (bold emphasis likely refers to the First Minnesota):

This stronghold of the enemy [i.e., Cemetery Ridge], together with his batteries, were almost won, when still another line of infantry descended the slope in our front at a double-quick, to the support of their fleeing comrades and for the defense of the batteries. Seeing this contest so unequal, I dispatched my adjutant-general to the division commander, to ask that support be sent to my men, but no support came. Three several times did this last of the enemy's lines attempt to drive my men back, and were as often repulsed. This struggle at the foot of the hill on which were the enemy's batteries, though so unequal, was continued for some thirty minutes. With a second supporting line, the heights could have been carried. Without support on either my right or left, my men were withdrawn, to prevent their entire destruction or capture. The enemy did not pursue, but my men retired under a heavy artillery fire, and returned to their original position in line, and bivouacked for the night, pickets being left on the pike.[15]

Gettysburg July 3

July 3 Monument to the 1st Minn. Reg., the Codori farmstead behind
Carrying on from the heavy losses of the previous day, the remaining men of the 1st Minn. were reinforced by detached Companies F and L. The reunited regiment was moved a bit north of the previous days fight to one of the few places where Union lines were breached during Pickett's Charge. They again had to charge into advancing Confederate troops with more losses. Capt. Messick was killed and Capt. W. B. Farrell mortally wounded, and Capt. Henry C. Coates had to take command. During this charge, Private Marshall Sherman of Company C captured the colors of the 28th Virginia Infantry[16] and received the Medal of Honor for this exploit. The Confederate flag was taken back to Minnesota as a war trophy. The State retains possession to this day with the Minnesota Historical Society ensuring its proper preservation. In the mid-1990s, several groups of Virginians threatened to sue the Society to return the 28th Virginia's battle flag to the Old Dominion. The Minnesota Attorney General advised that such threats were without a legal basis, and the flag remained in the possession of the Society.[17] In subsequent years, various groups of Virginia officials asked for the flag to be returned to (or at least be loaned to) Virginia, always to be met with similar declinations from Minnesota authorities. Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton once explained "We declined that invitation... It was taken in a battle with the cost of the blood of all these Minnesotans. It would be a sacrilege to return it to them. It's something that was earned through the incredible courage and valor of the men who gave their lives and risked their lives to obtain it... ...As far as I'm concerned it is a closed subject." Some years earlier, Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura had been more succinct: "We won... We took it. That makes it our heritage.".[18]

After being knocked out by a bullet to the head and later shot in the hand, Corporal Henry D. O'Brien repeatedly picked up the fallen colors of the 1st Minnesota and carried a wounded comrade back to the Union lines. He was also awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
I'm gonna start a thread so I can keep track of everyone who wants a tag. If I half-rear end it and try to use this thread to keep up with it I'll forget more than half of you.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

RFC2324 posted:

speaking of tags, where is the thread for requesting the Sherman tag? Or am I too slow?

Uncle Billy’s Atlanta-style BBQ

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Stultus Maximus posted:

Whining on the internet is definitely the way to go, not supporting organizations and actions.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but people are often capable of doing more than just one thing. Such as supporting organizations and actions while whining on the internet.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Stultus Maximus posted:

The specific post I responded to sure sounded like defeatist whining to me.

Here's a crazy idea: Respond to what I actually said instead of what you wished I said.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
Can we not?

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

ZombieApostate posted:

There's nothing stopping you from being happy about the outcome, but you guys sure seem determined to shout us down, after we helped you win, despite our reservations. Be happy if you want, but don't try to tell us we're not allowed to still have concerns.

I think you'll find that there are exactly zero posters in this subforum who don't have concerns, so I don't know who the gently caress you're talking to.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

ZombieApostate posted:

I thought it was implied heavily enough that I meant concerns about Biden in particular, not concerns in general. If that didn't come through, I apologize.

Please point to the posters who are completely okay with Biden so that we may all laugh at them together.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
If Biden can piss Trump off so badly that Trump strokes out I think Biden wins automatically. It's in the back of the Constitution somewhere, next to the part where being told to gently caress off by Benjamin Franklin makes you a duke.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Proud Christian Mom posted:

do you at least get a paycheck for this slavish devotion

Don't start poo poo like that. Disagree without being a jackhole.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Cugel the Clever posted:

He should be prosecuted for treason.

No, he really shouldn't. I'm not wild about opening that can of worms up. There's a reason why nobody's been prosecuted for treason since the end of World War II.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
lol they do make 9mm ARs

God that would be so dumb

so in character for reality

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
Christ I'm sick of that picture already

I saw it a little while ago in a bullshit meme "demonstrating" that this is why Trump would be better than Biden for standing up to Putin

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

MonkeyFit posted:

Anyone here think Trump will still be wearing his ear bandage through October?

Trump's going to show off his wound as often as possible, touch it constantly, and get a massive infection.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
I had to read his stupid book for a class in 2017 and we tore it to shreds. I don't remember any of it, I just remember we unanimously thought it was stupid as gently caress

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
Really the best time for Biden to announce that he's dropping out would have been during a televised speech during Trump's speech at the RNC.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

ThisIsJohnWayne posted:

Stupid because they're giving us 3 months instead of 4 years. Go to school and learn to read

If you want to be an rear end in a top hat do it somewhere else.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
Every time I think I can't be amazed anymore, something happens.

The Republicans were caught completely flat-footed when their opponent was suddenly no longer an 81 year old man with a history of brain aneurysms.

They were not prepared for the possibility than an 81 year old man with a history of brain aneurysms might abruptly stop being their opponent.

They were caught off guard by the fact that an 81 year old man with a history of brain aneurysms suddenly stopped being a factor in the election

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

orange juche posted:

to that point

dumbass: elon help me commit a federal crime please

elon: nah you're a loving idiot

elon's a vile fucker but lmao


Dear Supreme Court: Please dismiss my charges.

Neil Gorsuch: Nah.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
It would also make Trump look like he made a mistake, which I don't think he'd ever let happen.

I could be wrong, though. Often am.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Kazinsal posted:

We finally have a Democratic candidate that truly knows how to get through to millennials and zoomers alike: by making 30-year-old Simpsons references.

I continue to be astounded at the fact the DNC basically toggled the "give a poo poo" switch to on for the first time in fifteen years and at how much rock-it sauce is coming out of the newly declogged tubes.

That video is at least 11 years old, so really it's only a 20 year old Simpsons reference.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

MonkeyFit posted:

And the documents case against him is actually about as solid as they come.

The one that got dismissed and will probably still be presided by the same judge even when the court of appeals smacks it down?

I don't have a lot of hope for that case considering the judge's obvious bias.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

MonkeyFit posted:

Smith has a pretty solid case to get it moved to a different judge at this point. How many other times has the appeals court had to smack her down on this case alone? You're right, if it goes before the same judge, it's anything goes. But under a different judge? I doubt it.


Even after a year of exasperating proceedings that featured several breaks from normal judicial procedure and that culminated in a shock ruling dismissing the classified documents indictment against Donald Trump, prosecutors would face deeply unfavorable odds at getting Judge Aileen Cannon removed from the case if it is ever revived.

In theory, special counsel Jack Smith could ask the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals – which oversees federal appeals from Florida – to reassign the case to a different judge as part of his appeal of Cannon’s ruling to dismiss the charges against the former president.

But several veteran attorneys who practice in that circuit told CNN that the appeals court would be unlikely to grant such a request, even though Cannon’s justification for throwing out the prosecution was widely panned by legal scholars.

Hunter Biden says Aileen Cannon’s ruling that ended Trump’s classified documents case should help him as well
“What we have here are adverse rulings and her not resolving the case quickly,” said Jon Sale, a criminal defense attorney in Florida who served on the Watergate prosecution team. “The adverse rulings are not a basis for removal, and timing is in the broad discretion of the trial court.”

Alas, we're likely to see some more fuckery from Cannon.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

Simone Biles is ineligible to be VP, right? :(

Unfortunately, but she'll be ready for 2032.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
The DNC is just teeing us up for a massive own-goal. They're going to sweep the election, have a legislative supermajority and the White House, and then they're going to try to reach across the aisle by repealing the 14th Amendment, stacking the courts with Heritage Foundation picks, and giving Israel an SSBN.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

A.o.D. posted:

What's the highest elected office a career NCO has ever held in the US?

Governor of MN

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

stealie72 posted:

Depending how you want to look at it, Governor is higher. Each state has 2 senators and only 1 governor, and the governor is the chief executive of the state.

Also, James Buchanan was enlisted- a private in the PA Militia in the war of 1812.

I thought about including Buchanan but the question was specifically career NCOs.

Also Buchanan was the worst president in American history so he ranks somewhere above "single term member of the House"

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Suicide Watch posted:

Ventura was an E-4

Truman had a battlefield commission, making O-6 without finishing his degree

wtf do you think a career NCO is?

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

hobbesmaster posted:

I think he read the question as excluding Walz from the answer meaning governor of MN would’ve implied Ventura?

I guess, but then why bring up Truman?

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
gonna lol if this tanks GOP turnout and there's a Dem supermajority in Congress

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
January 19, 2025

A Hellfire is mysteriously launched into Mar-A-Lago

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Mappo posted:

It looks like Trump is slowing down the number of rallies he is doing.
This week Harris and Waltz are doing:

Tuesday: Pennsylvania
Wednesday: Wisconsin
Thursday: Michigan
Friday: Arizona
Saturday: Nevada

Vance will be tailing behind them and doing rallies in the same states. Trump had two rallies planned this week, the one in North Carolina was cancelled due to tropical storm Deby, his next rally will be on Friday in Bozeman, Montana. Why are you going to Montana Donnie?

Bozeman, Montana?

That's what he's trying to do, stop First Contact.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

A.o.D. posted:

Help me out here. What am I looking at?

Donation check from Donald Trump to Kamala Harris when she ran for running for California attorney general

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

OddObserver posted:

Bronze is useful, though. Nate Copper?

Are you saying copper isn't useful?

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Elviscat posted:

Nate Thulium

Clearly you've never heard of thulium lasers.


Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
I created a thread for doomerism. Keep it the gently caress out of here please.

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