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Sep 23, 2007
Trip report from rural PA- surprisingly no Trump supporters or campaigners. There were actually two democrat pollwatchers at the doors.

Got inside and found out that because I registered for vote by mail for the primary, they automatically sent me one for the general even though I didn't request it. Had to go home and dig to the bottom of my shred pile to find it, got back and had to cast a provisional ballot anyway. So much for voting on election day!


Sep 23, 2007

Duzzy Funlop posted:

Biden is at 238 electoral votes, and has a high probability of winning Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin, which total 32 electoral that would be 270...?

It's not over, but it's going to be close. If things hold as they are he either needs to win MI (probable), PA (tossup), or GA (unlikely).

Sep 23, 2007

Defenestrategy posted:

This has to be bullshit, even if you aren't "plugged into politics" dunking on Trump for his anti-mask bullshit has been in pop culture since it became a thing. So the voters in question would 1) not pay attention to ANY news media and 2) Not pay attention to US television pop culture.

I don't think it is bullshit. There were polls that showed like 1/3 of republicans don't know that Obamacare and the ACA are the same thing. If all they are watching is fox they get a curated narrative where anything like trump's flipping on masks gets memoryholed. People are loving stupid.

Sep 23, 2007
My dad's always been a republican shithead, but he's really gone off the deep end in the last four years. He claims he doesn't watch fox news all day and gets his news from everywhere, but my sister lived with him for a month this year between apartments and confirmed all he does is watch it all day every day.

Last Christmas when I went home I stayed with my 90 year old grandma who was a lifelong democrat (my grandpa was a union shop steward, her brother was gay and she knew and didn't disown him), and she was blasting fox news 14 hours a day. It's sad and disgusting.

Sep 23, 2007
Welp, he's outright accusing the democrats of steaing the election now instead of just dog whistling it. Here we go.

Sep 23, 2007
Oh and this is the court case in Philadelphia that he claims they won-

Sep 23, 2007

Stultus Maximus posted:

The midterm election didn't have Trump at the top to get the chuds out.
Cult of personality.

See also the Alabama special election with Doug Jones. If both the Georgia senate seats go to runoff the senate really is in play.

Sep 23, 2007
It's pretty ironic trump was the "anyone but Hillary" candidate who then lost to a "anyone but trump" candidate. Also funny that my phone still doesn't capitalize trump after 4 years.

Sep 23, 2007

pantslesswithwolves posted:

It’s entirely likely that there have been several Q’s but it’s difficult to discern given how 8chan or 8kun or whatever it’s called today is set up. The “anonymous” moniker comes from how whoever posted the first Q stuff like was an “anon” (again an 8chan feature).

Long story short-

The equivalent of a password for 4chan for Q's account was hacked early on (it was "Matlock"), and for a while tons of people were posting poo poo under it. Q people know it's compromised now

When 8kun/8chan split off from 4chan, the site owner did a totally obvious thing where he and "Q" posted back publicly and "verified" that it was Q.

There is a reason it's mostly not-online people who get sucked into this thing. John Titor or Serpo were more believable internet hoaxes compared to Q.


Sep 23, 2007

Stultus Maximus posted:

If areas that poll heavily for M4A and higher minimum wage also voted heavily for Biden and Republican Congress then I don't even know what the gently caress.

Republicans generally don't know the actual policy of either party. The chuds around me who haven't gone silent out of shame are still screeching how Biden is going to abolish the police and defund social security.

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