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May 13, 2009

Acebuckeye13 posted:

The thing about "Trump would lose to a ham sandwich" is that it really isn't true, ...

So, gently caress it, stay with Biden. He might be a corpse-emperor, but he's our corpse-emperor.

I don't understand how people aren't seeing the cult status that Trump has garnered. Or do they just not realize what kind of power cult leaders can wield?


May 13, 2009

PookBear posted:

I'm going to vote democrat but yall are missing the entire point: no one is dragging any friends to the poll because of biden enthusiasm. I'm not telling a coworker "you should vote biden, his brain works slightly better than trump's!"

We're not missing the point. None of us wanted to vote for Biden. But we've already accepted the reality of the situation, which is that he won all the primaries, and have already moved on past that. We've already acknowledged we're basically stuck with him and/or Kamala Harris at this point.

May 13, 2009
That well is never dry. As long as there are terrible candidates, I will always vote for the least terrible, because, well, they're better than the alternative. It loving sucks, and I hate it. But that's the unfortunate reality we live in.

May 13, 2009

Steezo posted:

Its gonna be simpler/stupider than that. My money is he's mad that 45 didn't lock up Hillary. Like how Guiteau was mad about not getting speechwriting credit. There's going to be some overblown sense of betrayal in there somewhere and echo chambers being what they are I bet he spiraled faster than an Easter ham.

Or something to do with Donnie not ever facing anything over his ties to Epstein. We'll just have to wait and see if they ever find anything more on him.

May 13, 2009
Anyone here think Trump will still be wearing his ear bandage through October?

May 13, 2009

psydude posted:

Do we think Trump is going to get angry that Vance will draw as much, if not more, attention than he does?

Oh god I hope so. You just gave me some hope.

May 13, 2009

Apathetic Medic posted:

This is also why shower shoes are considered mandatory, no one needs to step on jellyfish when washing the sin off after a long shift.

Shower shoes are mandatory because some people have absolutely disgusting feet and you don't want to catch whatever the gently caress they have. On my boat we kicked one of the LS's out of berthing and made him sleep in a hammock in their spaces because their feet reeked so loving bad. I think we eventually forced him to go to medical to sort that poo poo out.

May 13, 2009

facialimpediment posted:

The latest dumb thing is Johnson et al demanding that Biden resign so... Kamala can then be president. The Donniecheck thing isn't something with a clean retort, but "you know, you can just vote for Kamala if you want her to be president" is a response I'm dying to hear from some rando fired up democratic congressman.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to convince their base that the last 6 or so months would count as one of her terms.

May 13, 2009
If Trump loses, I'd be very surprised if hos health issues didn't catch up to him before the next election. Dude eats like poo poo and does no real exercise. And the documents case against him is actually about as solid as they come. Do I think he'd see jail time? No, but only because I would expect him to have a stress induced heart attack before then.

May 13, 2009

McNally posted:

The one that got dismissed and will probably still be presided by the same judge even when the court of appeals smacks it down?

I don't have a lot of hope for that case considering the judge's obvious bias.

Smith has a pretty solid case to get it moved to a different judge at this point. How many other times has the appeals court had to smack her down on this case alone? You're right, if it goes before the same judge, it's anything goes. But under a different judge? I doubt it.

May 13, 2009

Is this favorability or votes?

May 13, 2009

Don Dongington posted:

Also expecting a lot of "it's all Trump's fault we tried to stop him" from Murdoch mouthpieces and the GoP the day after the election if it's not a close race.

It would be pretty awesome if they turned on Trump and started bringing receipts as "newly discovered" evidence of his grifting to turn half the base on him as well. We all know if things do turn on Trump, they'll claim he was a mastermind that was able to pull the wool over the entire country's eyes.

May 13, 2009
I'm not sure Kelly is the best pick as I don't think he's as willing to go on the attack as Walz or Beshear are. I'd say pick one of those two.

May 13, 2009

CBJSprague24 posted:

I'd love to see Kelly pants Vance on the border.

"I live in a border state and your dumbass boss torpedoed a border deal.", etc

Unfortunately, Kelly doesn't seem like the attack dog type. So you'd probably get a more decorum answer. If he was he'd absolutely be the best pick strategically.

May 13, 2009
Beshear would be a solid choice, just maybe not the best choice out of the list.

May 13, 2009

There was also all the confusion generated by the Philly Mayor's endorsement of Shapiro as VP. So how many of those edits are fueled by misinformation based on that?

bird food bathtub posted:

I don't remember exact dates but they are coming up on deadlines like paper work filing and "we already printed ballots for the entire state". If Donnie Goodbrains is gonna toss Vance overboard it's gotta happen soon.

No, let them get past some of those deadlines before dropping him.

May 13, 2009

Don Dongington posted:

In comes Mayo Pete with the stylish midcentury dining chair,

I really wanted to get AI to generate this image but I can't get any of them to do it.

May 13, 2009

facialimpediment posted:

I'm surprised the VP pick hasn't leaked yet. We haven't even seen the "I ain't it" messages yet.

Maybe they're doing the same thing as Trump, and waiting until the last minute to make the final pick. Though in this case, there's actually a good reason due to the very compressed vetting timeline. Trump was just an idiot in not making a well thought out decision.

May 13, 2009
Not a requirement anymore. Had a chief on my boat get de-chiefed for a DUI.

Though now that I think about it, maybe that had more to do with our CO being a very southern, very religious, very piece of poo poo. And the chief was a gay black man with a husband.

May 13, 2009

Kazinsal posted:

friends don't let friends use 18 gauge speaker wire

Gotta use that 22 gauge. The smaller diameter makes the sound flow through it faster so it hits you harder when it comes out the speaker.

May 13, 2009
At this point, changing the candidate would be a cluster gently caress for them due to the deadlines for filing ballot access paperwork in each state. They're all coming due already. The last one is KY, on Sept 6th. I would assume JD is the default fallback. But I wouldn't be surprised if the party just loving falls apart as they all end up at each other's throats vying for power.

Comedy option is they somehow all rally behind Eric Trump.

May 13, 2009

Stultus Maximus posted:

They can't even if they wanted to. RNC rules can't un-nominate someone. Also they don't want to because Trump is their best shot regardless.

Yeah, this is assuming something happened like an accident or medical thing took him out. We all know he wouldn't step down of his own accord, and I think both DNC and RNC rules don't allow for un-nominating someone.

May 13, 2009
I was wondering if anyone was ever going to sue his campaign for copyright infringement. How many artists have come forward saying he didn't have permission to use their songs between all his campaigns?

May 13, 2009
I was honestly hoping we'd get a lot of Hello Fellow Kids style memes out of this. But where they're trying to pretend they identify with the hard working American. I guess my hopes were just too high. I hope Donnie actually loses any union votes he did have though.

May 13, 2009
I know the chudliest union guys would still vote for him. I'm just hoping it costs him votes among more moderate ones, even if they don't vote for Harris, but choose to stay home instead.

May 13, 2009

facialimpediment posted:

a real Minnesota humdinger

New thread title

May 13, 2009

Mappo posted:

I'm hopeful for a turn around now that they are no longer under G/O Media.

While still not anywhere near as good as the newsroom clips from the 2000s, I've already noticed an increase in quality of their YouTube channel since the recent change in ownership. So, hopefully things are on the right path.

May 13, 2009

facialimpediment posted:

I was wrong here, NYT's liveblog said Donnie used the venue with 2000 people. And yet, it wasn't the most embarrassing crowd they got:

So do you think they can create a rift between Trump and Vance by showing crowds Walz can draw vs Vance?

May 13, 2009

boop the snoot posted:

I think Trump could call Vance a piece of poo poo to his face and Vance would still kiss his rear end just like every other republican sycophant Trump has insulted over the last 8 years.

I don't disagree. More of making Trump even more mad at Vance. Because as weird as Vance is, he's smart enough to not get too wrapped up in who has the bigger crowds. Even if his are laughably small. Then you can point out how weird it is that Trump will openly insult him and he just continues to kiss rear end.

May 13, 2009

Zamujasa posted:

nevermind that it comes off as a slight to everyone in that place (and any other non-swing-state), basically "why should we care about campaigning there", which... downticket races, maybe

That's one way to look at it. But I think the intention is to point out he's been avoiding anything that's not a safe space for him. That's how I interpreted it on first reading.

May 13, 2009

Tiny Timbs posted:

forget about the blacks, we need to knock the Irish down a peg

When you're so loving white, even white people hate you.

May 13, 2009
gently caress. He should absolutely do a fireside chats kind of thing and call it Timtalk.

May 13, 2009

Platystemon posted:

lmao this could be “Exhibit A” in Tim Walz not being much of a spice guy

Gotta be a midwestern republican considering those things spicy.

May 13, 2009
How long until we get to the part where they start selling Trump's bath water?

May 13, 2009

CBJSprague24 posted:

In case anyone you know needs an example as to how he exaggerates.

What's the root source of that quote? X only lets me see linked tweet without an account.

May 13, 2009

Thanks. As easy as it is to believe he would say something like that, I don't like to share stuff like that without a valid source. For exactly this reason. He lies and exaggerates enough that there's no need to lie and exaggerate about how much he does it.

May 13, 2009

CBJSprague24 posted:

I mistakenly took it as something legitimate to have come out of his mouth for this reason.

It was more of a general statement. There's no shortage of tweets just like that one. I wanted to believe it was true. But I've been burned by too many things with no source to blindly believe this poo poo anymore. It's so loving hard to tell what he did and didn't say unless it can be cited. It's absolutely ridiculous that he's a viable candidate.

May 13, 2009

At this point he's probably depending on red legislatures in swing states to ratfuck the counts enough that he can call on people like the boogaloo boys to start a shitload of violence to install him. The actual votes don't really matter if that's the plan.

May 13, 2009

Harris wants the mics hot at all times during the debate. I'd rather just have a normal debate. She'd probably be better served making him wait until his turn to make his remarks, wasting time instead of answering his questions.


May 13, 2009

OddObserver posted:

This sounds like a bet on decorum violations hurting a Republican, so it's probably a mistake. Those rules only get applied to Democrats. Well, unless he reaches for the hard r.

Yeah. I don't think it's a great idea either. And let's face it. If he does drop a hard r, that is only going to slide us backwards as his supporters start doing it all the time to try and show it's not so bad because everyone does it, and also they'll feel they now "have permission" again.

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