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Oct 24, 2010

2nd Best Gimmick.


Oct 24, 2010

Not a gimmick.

Oct 24, 2010

CBJSprague24 posted:

DeKalb County, Georgia is said to be a huge blue county and it's hardly reported any votes yet.

Yes, but dont get your hopes up there outside of dekalb and fulton theres not much in the way of blue.

Oct 24, 2010

MazelTovCocktail posted:

They helped Trump win. If you don’t think the images of Portland (especially with all the dumbassery they love to wave around) didn’t scare a ton of idiots, well we’ll have to agree to disagree.

Alternatively the people "scared into voting trump" where always gonna vote R and would use this as "economic anxiety 2.0"

Oct 24, 2010

Not entirely sure what there is to be smug about even if Biden wins. A squeaker in this election says, "Hey we're FINE with the fash, just stop being so loud about it." The democrats will learn nothing because they obtained the presidency and we'll end up we'll end up with a string of 1 term Bluedog-Dem/Repub/Bluedog-Dem presidents and no shifting in congress until the fash get real froggy or Global warming does the needful.

Oct 24, 2010

Stultus Maximus posted:

What this tells me is that Obama won handily not because of a liberalizing american public, but because McCain and Romney weren't fascist enough to drive heavy conservative turnout.

Obama and Joe is a stronger ticket just on charisma value than joe kamala. Also stronger because people could believe obama might actually fight for change in society. Nobody is under that illusion for Joe.

Oct 24, 2010

This has to be bullshit, even if you aren't "plugged into politics" dunking on Trump for his anti-mask bullshit has been in pop culture since it became a thing. So the voters in question would 1) not pay attention to ANY news media and 2) Not pay attention to US television pop culture.

Oct 24, 2010



Oct 24, 2010

Cyks posted:

Biden said he was going to take a stance on expanding the supreme court before the election. Anyone know if he ever did?

If I remember correctly his stance was "Maybe, I'll think about it*"

*absolutely not even if he had the power to do so.


“I will ask them to, over 180 days, come back to me with recommendations as to how to reform the court system, because it’s getting out of whack,” Mr. Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, told CBS News’s Norah O’Donnell, according to an interview excerpt made public on Thursday and expected to be broadcast in full on Sunday on “60 Minutes.”

Oct 24, 2010

this is change I believe in.

Oct 24, 2010

Lmao if biden running against trump required a libertarian spoiler, and the democrats will have learned nothing.

Oct 24, 2010

PookBear posted:

we gotta ban more soda and guns

I was gonna say run on an actual progressive ticket, and not "fictional platforms that libertarians and republicans always believe national dem tickets are about", but sure.

Oct 24, 2010

PookBear posted:

its a joke

Sorry that phrase raises my hackles, my dad usually says that exact thing usually as a dog whistle for various social issues and then follows up with other stupid greatest hits like "NAZIS ARE SOCIALIST BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE WORD IN ITS NAMES" and "DID YOU KNOW COMMUNISM IS WORST THAN NAZIS BECAUSE THEY KILLED MORE PEOPLE!"

Oct 24, 2010

lightpole posted:

Thought the GOP was heavily favored to win a runoff of either match in GA. This is Ossoffs 2nd try right? Maybe 3rd times a charm?

No one was heavily favored in the special election, it was pretty much a pipe dream that anyone would get 50% of the vote. Looking at the raw totals of just party vs party, if everyone goes party line, Warnock might win the run off if turn out stays the same or gets better for dems. I don't think it will if Biden wins, people might not turn out for the vote, or republicans will get mad their god-king is no longer president.

As for Ossof vs Perdue. Perdue was favored to just win outright, but there's a chance it might go to a runoff, if it does I hope its because the Libertarians take another .1-.2% of the vote although I'm not hopeful

Oct 24, 2010

Nick Soapdish posted:

Also, from my experience, there is a propaganda outlet with FNC/OANN/etc that feeds them a steady diet of bullshit that they eat up

Honestly, if the Ds were doing half of what my dad or in-laws thinks they are, I'd be much happier with them.


My dad thinks if Joe Biden wins black people are gonna get reperations and we're gonna round up all the rich people [him and his princely 120k salary + his house], and either send them to re-education camps or execute them.

He has openly stated to me his intentions of fleeing to south america and bribe the locals to let him live in peace in such a scenario. To which he also got really angry when I insinuated that considering our very german last name it wouldn't be the first time a [insert last name here] probably tried to setup shop in argentina after a political revolution.

Oct 24, 2010


A little bit more, comeon libertarians force it to a run off.

Oct 24, 2010

A Bad Poster posted:

loving Robby Mook are you kidding me?

I had to look who that guy is.

wikipedia posted:

is an American political strategist. He was the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

Mook worked on state campaigns and on Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign. He then joined the Democratic National Committee and worked for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign as a state director in three states.

Ah, yes, a pedigree of victory I see. Par for the course I'd say.

Oct 24, 2010

Duzzy Funlop posted:

Where is this press conference by the GA Secretary of State and Nevada that's starting soon being streamed? for georgia.

Oct 24, 2010

Eat poo poo David. Not that I believe Ossof will take a run off, but it makes me happy the FYGM set screwed the other FYGM set til december.

Oct 24, 2010

shame on an IGA posted:

Looks like we have a winner of the 2020 election and it's everyone who owns ad outlets in a GA media market

Yea, I should turn off my phones sms capabilities. I'm gonna get Warnock/Ossof messages out the rear end now.

Oct 24, 2010

lightpole posted:

Ossof has lost to Perdue twice at this point. If the libertarian vote goes entirely to him in the runoff he might have a chance but tribalism is going to work against that. Warnocks best chance is to win outright since the GOP vote is split. A runoff will make it a Dem v Republican choice and will be much harder to win. That's 2, I don't remember who the other ones are but I had set Dems taking two of them best case.

yea.. who ever pegged their hopes on Warnock winning outright just didn't pay attention to GA politics. The only reason Ossof and Perdue have as high of a percentage of the vote as they do is because the Democrats all threw their lots behind Osoff, and Perdue was running incumbent. The Democrats did not all throw their lots behind Warnock even though the entire DNC and GA-DNC pleaded with the other candidates to just sit the gently caress out and give their few percentage points in the hopes that warnock could maybe squeak over the 50.1% points.

Although knowing that GA-Politics on both sides are corrupt as gently caress luckily I think this basically dooms matt liberman to never running for the party again.

Oct 24, 2010


Oct 24, 2010

Terrifying Effigies posted:

I'm still waiting for some shithead to go with the "BLM scared suburbanites" hot take.

Do you mean an actual political dude? because buddy you didn't have to look far if not.

Oct 24, 2010

mlmp08 posted:

AOC is about one step from just saying “lmao, you loser”

AOC is hella refreshing for an elected official.

Oct 24, 2010

CBJSprague24 posted:

If there truly was a Democrat conspiracy, why didn't they cheat their way into control the Senate?

Because the conspiracy is to get Trump out, so the dems/republicans can continue their heisting of Middle/Lower class wealth to the 1% behind the plausible deniability of "Well we just can't get anything done".

Next question.

Oct 24, 2010

I might get a twitter account just so I can go back through his twitter history and report every potentially rule breaking thing he's done. Make an afternoon of it with booze.

Oct 24, 2010

Milo and POTUS posted:

Anyone really interested in the demographic breakdowns afterward to see what's the most surprising

I saw something posted earlier here about trump some how increasing his share of non-white americans by like four points or something over 2016. :shrug:

Oct 24, 2010

Yea I feel if you ran a platform that if you squinted at it was based on channeling peoples rage against various groups and channeled it towards rich assholes and then in the name of that offered leftist policies without hiding behind means testing (weed,health,taxing the rich,debt clearing) you'd probably steal the redeemable parts of trumps base away from the gop and get some disaffected socialists. No one has called for the democrats to start eating the rich seriously*, dudes is just frustrated that the democrats are tripping over their own dicks to be a more respectable gop than an actual opposition party

*I mean unless you all are down.

Oct 24, 2010

Stultus Maximus posted:

Yeah, the media are getting brave now that it's apparent he's on the way out.

Yea never loving forget the media didnt start sacking up until til the pandemic made everyones life miserable.

Oct 24, 2010

Fallom posted:

Didn’t see a lot of “my vote doesn’t matter because I live in a red state” dipshittery this year. I hope this election puts that sentiment to bed forever.

Atlanta voter here,my vote mattered but gently caress voting Joe/mala again unless they're even close to the monsters that the gop said they where

Oct 24, 2010

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Forgive my ignorance but what is GND?

Green New Deal


Oct 24, 2010

wins32767 posted:

Just slightly less than half the country is like my neighbor. What do you want to do with them all? We didn't shoot all the former Nazis, we helped them rebuild their country and now they do a better job of resisting authoritarianism than we do!

I mean, while we didn't hang EVERY nazi, we hung more than a few, jailed more, and removed a lot of the higher level ones from government office as a lesson to the remaining civil servants.

The french ostracized collaborationists.

The soviets probably gulagged more than a few.

edit: By no means am I calling for any of the above to be done to people, but do not forget they exist, and most of them probably aren't sorry for it.

Oct 24, 2010

wins32767 posted:

Yep, and we should prosecute folks who broke the law from Trump on down, full stop. But we're going to have to get a big chunk of our fellow citizens that voted for Trump to help fix the problems that exist in our country or they get worse and saying "gently caress em" isn't exactly the best way to start that process.

I agree, it really should be "gently caress you, you inflicted a lot of pain and anguish by following the cheeto man, and it will never be forgotten and its gonna be a long drat time to be forgiven for it, but if you truly are sorry work to do better regardless of how much people hate you for your stupid rear end decision"

Oct 24, 2010

wins32767 posted:

He surely will vote for whatever populist shitheel comes along if everyone calls him a racist and ostracizes him, no?

If the roles where reversed, and the orange man was elected again, and republicans swept everything, and they really started to wind things up because they had a clear imperative

Would renouncing your vote for democrats save you if you where gay, immigrant, disabled, etc? Probably not.

If the democrats flipped everything would voting for trump matter beyond being called a boot licker til people forgot you where one?

Defenestrategy fucked around with this message at 22:47 on Nov 6, 2020

Oct 24, 2010

Acebuckeye13 posted:

They couldn't pass an ACA repeal,

tried to and only failed because Trump got into a slap fight with McCain, which probably says more about DJT being dumb as hell and picking fights with people rather than GOP ineptitude.


Didn't even bother to try and pass immigration legislation,the long-promised infrastructure bill, or even ~the wall~,_2017-2018

Edit: as far as I can tell most of the GOP's being stymied on certain things is because Trump kept doing out right illegal poo poo or picking fights with his congress critters. You put a competent exec at the head of the GOP, a Bush or A reagan and we'd have real problems to deal with.

Defenestrategy fucked around with this message at 23:00 on Nov 6, 2020

Oct 24, 2010

I demand to see a perp walk. If no perpwalk is recorded for posterity everyone involved should be executed.

Oct 24, 2010

Madurai posted:

Is this the part where we play the Yub Nub song?

Very apt considering the bad guys return in thr sequel.


Oct 24, 2010

Handsome Ralph posted:

Def. think this is where it goes.

I hope so, but does Biden et AL have the stones to basically set the precedent that if you lose an election or your party loses the presidency the next persons ag is gonna hunt you down

Oct 24, 2010

ThisIsJohnWayne posted:

Do precedents matter to the republican party that elected Donald Trump?

No, but they matter to the democrats, which has been an issue


Oct 24, 2010

Jimmy Smuts posted:

He can't pardon state-level crimes, which is why letting NY handle prosecuting is a good idea

Yea, but at the end of the day I want trumps various assets and properties seized as a money laundering/grift/bribe violation thing and the new york ag isnt gonna be able to do that to maralago and other non new york properties

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