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Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

It's absolutely incredible this isn't a blowout. That it's probably going to be close after this year is a huge win for conservatives, win or lose.


Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

Milo and POTUS posted:

Maybe we'll get a proper socialist in 2024 hahaha

Centrism cannot fail, only be failed

I still think Biden is going to win but I cannot believe this is even close

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

Preemptive Bernie would have won

Every Dem would have spent 100% of the time making GBS threads on him and there would be perpetual 'scandals' every day until he was the most hated man in America. See: corbyn, Jeremy

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

I'm convinced Fox has a hold on old men because it's a bunch of hot women making eye contact and showing leg.

What I'm saying is save America: buy grandpa a realitykings subscription. For one dollar a day you can keep Chet Smith from forwarding an email.

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

I'm pretty down on Biden but it looks like he is working hard to bring me on board

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

BLM and defund the police have never been democratic messaging whatsoever. The big BLM protests took place against the policies of democratic mayors and city councils in blue states. Joe Biden's plan for police is to give them more money. Democratic embrace of defund the police is complete fiction.

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

It's completely wild how much they hate their base

All the reps getting mad at democrats embracing defund the police - they won, they got what they wanted and almost no elected Dems anywhere came within 100 feet of saying defund the police. What these guys are getting mad at is their otherwise powerless voters, in some cases the same ones who knocked on doors for them in that election they just barely won.

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

Biden is one of the most well-established living figures in American politics with a career longer than the lives of almost everyone posting here, so I don't believe he is a blank slate whose politics and goals will be unknowable until the moment he takes office.

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

mlmp08 posted:

It probably wouldn’t really work to cheerlead because

1: lame
2: circular left firing squad
3: woke landmine derails

What might work: nonstop drumbeat that mega rich institutions are bad for you and your family and the inherent anti-democratic and anti-individual positions of the GOP

Not just rich people, because demonizing individual rich people is how Fox News misdirects by riling people up against a singer or professional athlete while going to bat for Exxon.

No one who believes the rich and corporations are the problem is anywhere near democratic leadership.

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

I'm confident he can turn being absolutely worshipped by 70mil + people into a profitable endeavor if he hasn't already

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

Hyrax Attack! posted:

They tried this in 2004 with Air America. Was bankrupt in 2.5 years. Why yes, Janeane Garofalo, Marc Maron, and Al Franken were involved.

I think it was Sam Seder guesting on Chapo saying that the listener numbers and demographics were actually good, but it was horribly managed. That said that's exactly what I would expect someone behind the mic to say.


Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that dude is a comedian who does sound editing and music jokes so that is most definitely not real

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