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Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

MonkeyFit posted:

I don't understand how people aren't seeing the cult status that Trump has garnered. Or do they just not realize what kind of power cult leaders can wield?

US history education generally focuses not very much on the rest of the world beyond the base level, and certainly doesn't tend to go into depths on the particulars of how and why cult of personality regimes form.

people are maybe kinda vaguely aware how, say, north korea (as the most prominent modern example, sorry turkmenistan) functions, but don't necessarily study that sort of thing in detail


Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Nystral posted:

Your pre-uni history covered anything with DPRK or even the Korean War? We went WW2, JFK, Cold War, fall of USSR,America is best thing ever.

no, it didn't, which was my point

high school AP Government at least covered a variety of states, but that's (a) something only the top segment of students take and (b) isn't focused on authoritarianism specifically, just general comparative political science

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
this sure is one hell of a time to consider switching jobs to work for the (far reaches of) US government. goddamn dream job opportunity, but whyyyyyyyyyy

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

facialimpediment posted:

Biden will likely get the chance to replace 2-3 Supreme Court justices next term, likely reversing the recent abysmal decisions.

he will? who was expected to step down other than Sotomayor?

Thomas and Alito are both pretty old, but the former seems like the type to die in office out of spite (and wanting to keep the grift train running) and the latter seems like the last person to step down with a democrat in office

sure, Biden could pack the court next term, but... yeah, 'bout that

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
high as gently caress shutter wide open (to blur the people in the background as much as possible) makes sense on a sunny day. i dont think there's much reason to decrease shutter for human subjects unless you're trying to get motion blur, so you may as well max it to keep exposure down when it's bright out

still a hell of a lucky burst though--even though you basically can run modern sonys at full tilt continuously you probably still pace shots a tad over a long rally unless you wish pain upon your editing team

rolling shutter (rather, rolling sensor dumping) may have been a factor but there's a decent chance the photog had an a9iii

Qtotonibudinibudet fucked around with this message at 07:40 on Jul 14, 2024

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Platystemon posted:

I haven’t kept abreast of camera development.

What’s special about the A9iii here?

e: Oh O.K. they prominently advertise a global shutter, an “industry first”.

Anyway, this only really matters if the image was portrait (usually, some sensors might dump by column). If the rows that the projectile are in were dumped in sequence, at worst you’d get a little bit of a parallelogram skew to it.

yeah, modern best in class sensors just don't have rolling shutter anymore, though it's something you pay out the rear end for and don't need 99% of the time. this is the 1% where it'd matter. even if not that yeah, rolling shutter usually presents as distorted vertical lines, less so horizontal

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

Asking as someone who doesn't know much at all about cameras, what's the functional difference between a still camera taking photos continuously and taking still frames out of the video cameras that were probably pointed at the event - do still cameras use a resolution that would take too much storage to just record as video?

video is usually gonna be more limited by storage capacity, so that's part of it

video shutter speeds and still shutter speeds also have different concerns for achieving a particular look, since some things that look really odd at lower still shutter speeds look less odd if they're part of continuous motion. if you capture stills at 1/30s or or 1/60s (perfectly normal video shutters) you will get a lot of face in motion shots that look quite unpleasant in stills, but are completely unremarkable if presented as a continuous stream of images. you may still use those speeds to capture the motion of other objects in stills but you have to filter out the shots where faces are in motion

the very high still shutter speeds that captured the bullet look fine for stills because human-speed motion is well past the point of being frozen (you're using high speed more to compensate for other parts of the exposure at that point--most human motion is essentially gonna look the same at 1/800s versus 1/8000s). the same for video at typical frame rates (you can use higher, but that's slow motion videography) would look ridiculously choppy

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Arrath posted:

Biden isn't my ideal candidate but the social media intern is on a roll.

when do politician social accounts catch up with mid-2010s brand twitter

when do we get the biden campaign account sending horny on main @posts inviting arbys and steakumms to a threesome

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
bring back abuela; it's her time

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

facialimpediment posted:

He's looking for a cabinet post in the trump administration. Fits the theme of masks coming off, with the comical thing that Donnie told him no.


Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
how and why do you choose not strapped, ineloquent white measurehead as your vp

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Don Dongington posted:

I think if Kamala can manage to bring on someone actually popular instead of the usual "appease the other wing of the party by going with their empty suit establishment pick" candidate, having a pick like Vance opposite could make a real difference to the outcome.

Of course, we're asking a lot from the Democrats to leave both feet un-shot at the same time.

who the heck is actually popular among notable dems at present. that whole "yeah, nobody has name recognition other than Biden" wasn't exactly wrong

Fetterman's rather... lost some of his appeal (although more for progressives, whom the party doesnt feel the need to court), there's no way in hell it's gonna be one of the squad, and idk who else there is. one of the governors people have been mentioning? idk that any of them is that nationally recognized, though presumably one will satisfy the "moderate-ish, has a policy track record, is white to stave off cries of 'all DEI ticket' somewhat criteria

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
i wanna hear the conversations during prep time with the camera people "can we do anything about whatever's goin on with the tie and the camera with the weird scanline pattern? no? okay gently caress it"

also i wanted at least one malarkey mention

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

someone find us a giant whale skeleton or something

Qtotonibudinibudet fucked around with this message at 06:52 on Jul 27, 2024

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Mappo posted:

If Trump loses, he will attempt to run again. He's not going to give up his position as head of the GOP; he won't appoint an heir and then calmly step aside. I don't expect his base to automatically leave him because he lost again, he will claim a rigged election just like last time. Trump isn't going away until he falls over dead, and then there will be a massive power vacuum in the republican party because no one can match his charisma.

if he loses there's a decent chance he promptly launches an effort to overturn the results, not just yell about it being rigged on truth social

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
i am on some level enjoying watching someone whose main credentials are "succeeding in VC spheres" crash and burn when exposed to common people

like yeah, being able to brownnose rich people and fail upwards is a skill in a sense if you wanna ladder climb in that space, but it generally requires being a disgusting person in the eyes of most, and those skills don't transfer to impressing people who arent used to having no problems and being surrounded by sycophants

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Mustang posted:

Phoney Baloney? Who the gently caress talks like that?


Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Platystemon posted:

It cannot make them look more stupid than they already are.

depends on who they pick to replace him if so

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

McNally posted:

The DNC is just teeing us up for a massive own-goal. They're going to sweep the election, have a legislative supermajority and the White House, and then they're going to try to reach across the aisle by repealing the 14th Amendment, stacking the courts with Heritage Foundation picks, and giving Israel an SSBN.

only one? pfff

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Hekk posted:

While German is probably the biggest ancestry of most white Minnesotans, it isn’t the one everyone loves to claim. That’s Finland and Sweden. This state loves to pretend they are the most polite and well mannered descendants of literal vikings that have ever existed.

come to think of it, ive been around both the designated sweden and designated norway colleges while living in minnesota. the king of sweden even visited while i was around the former

sadly, i did not take the opportunity to see the king of sweden

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Stultus Maximus posted:

Is Politico actually going to publish any of the info or are they going to :decorum: their way out?

from some bsky commentary i cant be arsed to dig up the original of, the media had a bit of a self reckoning re being essentially useful idiots in foreign state efforts to use leaks to influence US elections post 2016, so while they're reporting "yes, there was a hack, we were sent docs of X type", they don't actually want to publish specifics. doing so just plays into the offending state's aims and reinforces the notion that you can hack and leak campaign docs to influence US elections

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
wisconsin dems keep trying to go after me

i havent lived/voted in wisconsin since 2012

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Cugel the Clever posted:

Yeah, I'm extremely skeptical of the efficacy of the amount of spam they're doing.

there's efficacy in reaching voters and there's efficacy in some consultancy saying they reached/can reach X voters, and who's really gonna bother vetting the quality of the rolodex for the latter?

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
is nixon's conducting shadow foreign policy re vietnam during his electoral run not considered illegal? i thought it only flew under the radar because he was a bit smarter about doing it through surrogates and LBJ didn't want to call him out

ed: oh, that is the logan act thing, carry on

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Grip it and rip it posted:

Hasn't Kamala indicated multiple times that she's going to pivot from unconditional support of Israel? It's an approach that's been basically baked in to US foreign policy since Israel was founded - you can't expect that anyone is going to turn that ship around on a dime.

there's not much reason for her to do so during the campaign, though id thought she'd been more dodging the issue until now. there's maybe some opportunity for a pivot after if she's elected, but i would be surprised if it's more than somewhat less support than biden's administration. the explicit callout of the now-debunked sexual violence claim doesn't give me much hope there though

til then,

facialimpediment posted:

<tweet with graph of most voters essentially against gaza protestors>


you're lucky if an average US voter pays attention to even US-produced news. if they do, it's probably going to be largely major outlets, and those major outlets are generally aligned with US's historical foreign policy stance re israel. the portion of our population going out to find and compare our coverage with haaretz or al jazeera is tiny: comparative media analysis is neither a typical pastime nor common professional work

our domestic unrest is much more visible to people here than the actual war, and for many it's an annoyance or scary even if they don't have strong opinions on the issue itself

Kazinsal posted:

To be fair, the RIAA is basically 90% lawyers by volume. They could probably make a solid go of it.

yeah but the lawyers don't care about the musicians or their opinions lol, the organizations they represent already have the rights to the thing that makes money

now, if trump didn't license the music they'd have an issue, but it's not clear if that's the case

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

goatsestretchgoals posted:

This is just straight grift all the way down and it would be loving hilarious if it was for anything but president.

think of it as a useful learning experience in understanding what many people of the world have to deal with regarding their governments!

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
shoutouts to the guy i saw carrying a bunch of RFK signs at the berkeley BART last friday


Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Basticle posted:

Ohio is hundreds of miles from the Mexican border but literally every political ad I see is about scary illegals

and surely the residents know that nobody would willingly immigrate to ohio

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