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Jun 13, 2003

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CBJSprague24 posted:

What would you say is the best TV Outlet to watch for election coverage? My go-to is CNN and they've been seeming to do a nice job so far.


I've been watching CNN. They seem really good about talking about whats going on and whats changing. There hasnt been any talking heads to fill time.


Jun 13, 2003

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Fairfax in Virginia just cleared up its constipation and Biden has now jumped ahead there.

Jun 13, 2003

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Trump yelled at them.

Jun 13, 2003

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Biden pissed in his cornflakes by coming out to talk

Jun 13, 2003

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CBJSprague24 posted:

Thanks for all your posts, facialimpediment. Keep them coming as long as we need them.

It'd be ironic if all of the hemming and hawing about Pennsylvania is for naught.

I flipped to FOX for a second out of spite and there's a financial analyst on aho said the Market's 350 Point gain is possibly due to the certainty of Biden winning and some finality as to the makeup of the House and Senate.

I dunno PA still seems really important. Biden is barely ahead in Nevada, and he needs to win it and Arizona to just get to like 270. A win in PA means he is clearly beyond the 270 point.

Jun 13, 2003

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As Nero Danced posted:

Did Nevada explain why they stopped counting today? For a little while I thought they were going to take a break tomorrow and begin again Friday so I'm glad I was wrong on that, but still. Good news.

Jun 13, 2003

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Pine Cone Jones posted:

Is Biden catching up in PA?

He was down 600k or so this morning and its down to around 300k now with something like a million ballots left to count.

Jun 13, 2003

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As Nero Danced posted:

Do we have an idea of how many votes are left to count in Georgia?

Somewhere around 185k. Biden needs to win them by 64-66% to flip it according to CNN. We might know in about 2 hours.

Jun 13, 2003

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Oxygenpoisoning posted:

I thought Ossoff was down by 100k to Perdue right now. Loeffler-Warnock is the run off in January.

Perdue is only over 50% by .2% So if Ossoff can rack up a few more votes it will be another run off, unless I've misheard elsewhere.

Jun 13, 2003

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GoGoGadget posted:

How come everyone is saying the Senate being Republican-controlled is a forgone conclusion? I'm seeing it being at 47-47 right now, and if Biden wins Democrats only need to get two seats, right?

GOP is likely to pick up NC, Alaska. The 2 in Georgia will end up in a run off which the republicans will most likely win.

Jun 13, 2003

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Also chances are good that should Trump lose the republicans in GA might be more likely to come out in largers numbers for the runoffs

Jun 13, 2003

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Duzzy Funlop posted:

Alright y'all, I'm gonna hit the hay early once loving more in a hope that there will be some form of result in the morning.


There wont be. Its looking like there really wont even be much of result until tomorrow for us in the country.

Jun 13, 2003

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Cugel the Clever posted:

I'm glad that the presser was generic inane BS rather than batshit, "we start bombing in 5 minutes", explicit incitement to violence.

Thats coming once the first news site or network calls it for Biden.

Jun 13, 2003

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Dum Cumpster posted:

Biden's leading in Penn according to the live MSNBC stream.

Same with CNN. He has a 5.5k lead

Jun 13, 2003

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Jun 13, 2003

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Jun 13, 2003

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Hot Karl Marx posted:

also the presser is actually being done at that landscaping place lmao

Its as close as Trump's people can get to Philly without angering Gritty.

Jun 13, 2003

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CNN just called it all for Biden.

Jun 13, 2003

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Now ABC as well. ITS TOAST

Jun 13, 2003

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Fallom posted:

lmao Trump’s race ended with an event at a lawnmower shop next to a dildo store

Where is the dildo store? I cant find either place on google maps.

Jun 13, 2003

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facialimpediment posted:

We were faced with bad-with-a-chance-of-good versus full-blown fascism. And the Senate isn't decided yet, with a double-race in an R+2, heavily diverse state.

I dont have much of a hope for the 2 run offs in GA. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be "mission acomplished" and stay home, while the Trumpers are going to be out in force for revenge.

Jun 13, 2003

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mlmp08 posted:

The real doom scenario isn't "I hate Biden" as much as it could be this:

2022, midterm performance uncertain or maybe bad (but maybe not, as typically first term presidents have more house/senate power that drives greater backlash?)
2024 maybe Biden loses
2024 Some GOP person is president and not much got fixed in the meantime due to the Senate and then on top of that we could see a return to GOP president plus GOP senate.
2028 Incumbent wins reelection

I mean, the next decade could suck! But that doesn't mean I'll be upset about Trump losing.

Chaos mode: Biden dies between now and inauguration.

Theres no way in hell Biden will run in 2024 imo, he'll be in his 80s if he survives his first term. If they trot his old rear end out there again they would just be handing the election to whatever POS the GOP puts forward. It will probably happen if they put Kamala out there as well.

Jun 13, 2003

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lightpole posted:

Thought he already said he was only doing one term but I'm too lazy to Google it so please poo poo on me if I'm wrong TIA

I think he's more or less hinted at it but never outright said so. He knows he's just a stopgap and not the actual solution to the problem.

Jun 13, 2003

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The Gardenator posted:

DC statehood, and then Puerto Rico will dramatically help democrats in the future.

I still remember reporters talking about Kagan immigrating from Puerto Rico even though the people there are already US citizens.

Democrats have to win both run offs in Georgia and hope they dont lose a single vote to even stand a chance. Only chance I see of DC becoming a state is if the house doesnt lose majority and they finally get the majority in the senate in 2022.

Jun 13, 2003

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Pine Cone Jones posted:

What kind of drugs or mental illness are Levin and Starr on? Read the whole thing.



Jun 13, 2003

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ASAPI posted:

In theory, it was meant to counter the illiterate, unwashed masses from choosing a president like Trump. The electors were supposed to be the "voice of reason". As time has passed, this function no longer happens, especially with some states passing laws that prohibit "faithless electors".

Once ALL states pass laws about their electors being bound to vote a certain way, the electoral college will be obsolete.

Its getting close!

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