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Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....
I'm cheering for death until the election.

Literally, the grim reaper in robe with scythe that takes souls to whatever is next after their bodies die. I'm cheering for that motherfucker to show up for EITHER candidate. Both would be best.

if trump dies in his sleep, poo poo'll be OK.
If biden dies in his sleep, poo poo'll PROBABLY be ok.

If neither dies and we actually have an election of cryptkeeper vs cryptkeeper? poo poo will NOT be OK, because once again the dems are running the only goddamned person on earth who could possibly lose against someone as insane as trump.

Trump would lose to a sentient ham sandwich, but he'll win against a more-senile more-older person with no charisma left to sway the american people, who are largely very stupid and vote on emotions.


Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....

MonkeyFit posted:

I don't understand how people aren't seeing the cult status that Trump has garnered. Or do they just not realize what kind of power cult leaders can wield?

We have a lot of unfounded and misplaced faith in humanity and human decency.

Even those that realize it's a cult think it's like mormons or moonies, not full-on authoritarianism with a military and nationalism mixed in kind of cult.

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....

Madurai posted:

I keep hoping Tammy Duckworth will run, but she keeps stubbornly not doing so.


*chef's kiss*

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....
That one sets off my BS detector a bit... But who knows. I wish I could fast-forward to 2 weeks from now and see how poo poo settles.

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....

bulletsponge13 posted:

It sounded off in the video, which was why I assumed it was a stunt at first.

I'm going to bed he missed either from a unzeroed optic, or he didn't account for the bullet drop as 9mm goes subsonic.

I think 9mm is sub at that range, but I'm probably wrong.

You absolutely know better than I do on this topic, but the one video with the audio feed from the mic trump was talking into had a slight delay between the little thwack of a rifle round going past just a teeny bit before the boom from the gunshot reached the mic. Maybe. I'm guessing.

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....
Evil is winning not because good people refuse to do anything about it, but because the Dems can't stop loving infighting and play to win. The good people are fighting the other good people, and the evil people are slowly winning.


Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....

McNally posted:

It would also make Trump look like he made a mistake, which I don't think he'd ever let happen.

I could be wrong, though. Often am.

There are ways for trump to make vance voluntarily drop out (or cease to be a viable candidate) where he can go "drat, what a shame, so here's sarah palin!" and never have to admit making a mistake. He's spent his whole life doing that poo poo, he's not good at it but he's good at getting away with it.

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....
Don't forget whatever the Swifties are going to get up to when they mobilize.

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....
Quote a trump-hating but mostly conservative / republican acquaintance: "The democrats found an old white guy I actually want to vote for. Goddamnit."

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....
Anyone who doesn't agree with me isn't a real American leads to some pretty goddamned dark places...


Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....

Kazinsal posted:

There's a significant overlap between the combination of long-term multi-generational educational withdrawal, exposure to leaded gasoline, and Trumpism. I fully expect in a decade or so there'll be dissertations written studying these people and what caused them to be the way they are/were.

Yup! Don't forget the media bubbles that happen to Old People who sit in front of a TV screen 12 hours a day. It's not that grampa's a fascist rear end in a top hat, it's that grampa doesn't have the media savvy to know he's rooting for the fascist assholes because they keep saying they're on his side like Bryant gumble and Paul Harvey used to be.

People under 50 that show up to trump rallies? Yeah probably assholes of one flavor or another.

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