This was originally a rec thread post that has germinated into its own thread. i've been thinking about music a lot lately and feeling self-indulgent, so i made a collage of my all time top albums in topster. it gave me an idea for a thing we music nerds could do: post your top whatever (you can limit it to year/decade/genre if you want, but i'm not) and try to recommend albums to other people based on their lists. i don't see this being a competition but try to guess something the poster hasn't given a shot yet. i don't want this to just become everyone posts their own into the void, so i'd like to have a rule that in order to post yours, you need to respond to someone else's with some kinda recommendation. like the inverse of the old w&w threads where if you wanted to make fun of another poster's getup you had to post a fit pic. go ahead and post all you want though. if you don't feel like going through the trouble of making a collage that's cool. if you're an ancient fossil like me and you still have an active page, you could use a screenshot from there, too! i'll start with mine and i promise to respond to as many as i can. mine's roughly ranked by row but not column. i'm personally sticking to one album per band, because otherwise i'd end up with oops all joanna newsom, mew, and deerhoof v ![]() ![]() oh and phiz posters welcome, all five of you! come stump everyone with your 70s gamelan punk collabs or whatever. feel free to roast me too but not other people unless they ask for it. i dont want this to be mean spirited ![]()
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# ? Feb 6, 2025 12:24 |
glad to see another mew fan ![]() ...and the glass handed kites will definitely be in my list too although I have a super soft spot for 'no more stories' i'll put together a list soon and post it here
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in no particular order, here's my list. this is in no means definitive, neither is it a list of my all time favorites. some of it is just albums ive been really into lately, others are albums that have really impacted me. ![]() OP: i only know about 10% of what you posted, but I really like those albums that I recognize. that sweet trip album is real good.
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Hmm, I'm actually not sure I can recommend anything, it's almost too much information that trying to distill the essence of it (i.e. "what would make sense to recommend based on this?") is weirdly hard, especially since there's so much on these I don't know. But you better believe I'm mining these for recommendations so I hope more people post theirs. I can offer a little validation, though! In particular I would like to congratulate Hooplah on listing the correct Broadcast album, and Dungeon Ecology on the correct Broken Social Scene album. Both of those would be on my list. Also, Vespertine would be my sentimental Bjork choice even if ultimately I'd have to replace it with Homogenic, so I'm happy to see it. I'm sort of tentatively working on mine, not sure I'll actually post it. It's a little disheartening to find out that, despite listening to what I hope is a decently wide variety of music (at least compared to most people, far less so compared to fellow music nerds), when I have to actually think of all-time favorites I ultimately fall back to the same old 'boring' stuff, i.e. things I discovered in my early 20s mostly, long-standing favorites. My taste has gotten a lot more varied over the years but that variety hasn't quite broken through into my favorites list as much as I'd have liked. I imagine that's fairly common, though, I probably shouldn't feel too bad, it is what it is. It's also strange how often my favorite album by an artist doesn't actually contain my favorite track by them.
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Well Topster didn't get past rendering the image for some reason, so here's a screenshot and text for the album covers!![]() Top rows, my all time favorites: Aesop Rock - Labor Days The Black Queen - Fever Daydream Cold - 13 Ways to Bleed Onstage Cubbiebear - Force Back To Sleep The Darkest Of The Hillside Thickets - Shadow Out Of Tim Death Grips - The Money Store dredg - The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion Fields Of The Nephilim - Elizium Foo Fighters - The Colour And The Shape* George Clinton & The P-Funk All-Stars - Dope Dogs Ghost Brigade - Isolation Songs The Myriad - With Arrows, With Poise The Necromancers - Servants of the Salem Girl Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile Parliament - Mothership Connection Pearl Jam - Ten Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here A Place To Bury Strangers - S/T Queens Of The Stone Age - Era Vulgaris Them Crooked Vultures - S/T Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Blood Lust Saul Williams - The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of Niggy Tardust! *(all time favorite, have those molecules tattooed on my arm.) Runners up: Abandoned Pools - Humanistic Archive - Londium Ashes Divide - Keep Telling Myself It's Alright Audioslave - Audioslave Blackguard - Firefight Cake - Fashion Nugget Children Of Nova - The Complexity Of Light Deftones - Diamond Eyes Deltron 3030 - S/T Flobots - Fight With Tools Funkadelic - Maggot Head The Killers - Hot Fuss Neurosis - Times of Grace Pollyn - This Little Night Pure Reason Revolution - The Dark Third Rush - Moving Pictures RX Bandits - Mandala Seven Wiser - S/T Silversun Pickups - Swoon Yes - Fragile One that the program didn't know: The Most Terrifying Thing - Victoriana One that I just saw again and wish I put in there: Living Colour - Vivid
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Dungeon Ecology posted:in no particular order, here's my list. this is in no means definitive, neither is it a list of my all time favorites. do you know open mike eagle? if he's not in that 10% check him out. also pile and floating points in there, niiice i also get the impression you like julia holter and laurel halo Glare Seethe posted:Hmm, I'm actually not sure I can recommend anything, it's almost too much information that trying to distill the essence of it (i.e. "what would make sense to recommend based on this?") is weirdly hard, especially since there's so much on these I don't know. But you better believe I'm mining these for recommendations so I hope more people post theirs. I feel you re lack of variety and stagnation. these last few years i feel like i've really fell back on things i already knew, even though the highs with finding new artists i like are SO HIGH. specifically for me in the last year or so Richard Dawson and black midi have completely blown me away. with richard dawson actually it was pretty funny to me because like ten years ago i discovered comus and it was so completely unique, i was frustrated it seemed like no one at all caught on to what they were doing or tried imitating them or anything. I tried really hard to find anything like them to no avail. then i just stumble across this guy last winter that put out what feels to me like the perfect followup to comus' self-titled, down to the track names. but he's also not copying them or anything; i'm not even sure he had heard of comus. anyway what i'm getting at is that it's still incredibly worth it to go searching for more new things. the first time i heard ys was like that for me, in that i hadn't heard anything at all even close to similar. it expanded my conception of what good music meant. I'm still looking for more things that do that. FWIW, kayo dot's first album, choirs of the eye, was also like that for me quite a long time ago. five very long songs, a strange mix of atmospheric metal and chamber music. not a hint of traditional song structure. IUG posted:Well Topster didn't get past rendering the image for some reason, so here's a screenshot and text for the album covers! do you know team sleep? chino moreno/zach hill/rob crow/dj crook. i was obsessed with the one album they put out, and always wished they did more together.
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Hooplah posted:I feel you re lack of variety and stagnation. these last few years i feel like i've really fell back on things i already knew, even though the highs with finding new artists i like are SO HIGH. Yeah, that's the flipside of it I think - if you do happen to find something new that can break the stranglehold your old dependable favorites have, that high as you say feels so dramatic. It's just so unexpected and you can't take it for granted the way you could in the past; I'm always so thrilled when it happens. In recent years I had that with a few songs - Bebe Manga's "Amie", which typifies everything I love about African music of that era, Arthur Russell's "This Is How We Walk on the Moon", and, more in line with the typical indie stuff, Gang Gang Dance's "Glass Jar". I can confidently say these are three of my favorite songs of all time. Just loving amazing, every one. Can't fit those first two in my topster, though, since they're from compilations. Too bad Arthur Russell only ever released one proper album, everything else is just posthumous compilations I think. I'll have to look into Comus a bit, "progressive folk" on paper sounds like my bag. I do have a Steeleye Span album in my list and they're a band I would recommend to anyone who likes anything out of the British folk revival of the late 60s-early 70s, although Comus seem a bit... outside that scene. The little I've listened to just now actually reminded me of Gong a bit. But Steeleye Span are great! And you might dig Espers if you don't already know them.
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# ? Feb 6, 2025 12:24 |
Hooplah posted:hell yeah, i used to listen to that saul williams album constantly! actually a lot of this stuff. i was way into deftones back in high school and my early 20s too. i saw dredg live once way back in the day- their show was crazy! the frontman completely destroyed his steel guitar with a drum stick, i didn't know wtf to think. but then i went back to listen to the album they were touring for and it was so subdued... I was hoping for something as crazy and psychedelic as the show but not even close. kinda turned me off them tbh. I hope it wasn't dredg's last album, Chuckles and Mr Squeezy, that album was such a let down. (When is the next one out drat it!?) Everyone loves Catch Without Arms, I like the one I listed. If you want heavier songs, go older. Their first EPs were extremely heavy. Team Sleep is great, but Deftones stopped being great after Diamond Eyes. They've just been unremarkable.
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