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Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
I just realised that the Williams episode of Drive To Survive season 3 is going to be the most :smithicide: bit of misery porn imaginable.


Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Yuki Tsunoda should really get those cataracts lasered.

I know why they've done it, but it's still funny having half the screen blurred out.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Mission Lose, Ow.

God, that green is hideous. Ferrari are in Italy; you cannot tell me they can't find a single competent graphic designer in the whole country. (But then, there was that period when they had an asymmetric logo that only fitted well on one side of the airbox, but they bodged it onto the other anyway.)

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
That person's gonna have to change their Twitter name.

Edit: maybe it's not a hideous logo. Maybe it's just a really unfortunate splat of flow-viz paint.

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 14:54 on Mar 10, 2021

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
I didn't know it was even possible to pre-emptively double down on something, but there you go.

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 16:01 on Mar 10, 2021

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Ostentatious posted:

Extreme cowardice that Vettel is wearing a hat in all his pictures. Own your baldness.

Or get plugs.
Lol, he looks like Kick-rear end in the lead photo.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Mission Winnow is a communications platform that stands for progress, transparency, facts over preconceptions, and the relentless search for improvement in ways to sell cigarettes. 

Mission Winnow shares with the world who we are today, our transformative journey, and our values regarding selling cigarettes. We are a company of over 70,000 people that has learned from the past and is fully committed to evolving our business and radically transforming our industry through scientific and technological innovation in the field of selling cigarettes. 

We are proud of our company’s journey, yet we understand the skepticism, and we welcome all sides to the conversation about selling cigarettes. And while it takes time to create bonds and build trust, Mission Winnow is a chance to start a conversation and create an opportunity to listen and be heard about selling cigarettes. 

Our Mission Winnow story is not about brands or products, and it never will be, except for Marlboro and their cigarettes. It’s an unconventional story, with an unconventional name, promoting unconventional ways of thinking to drive transformative change in the field of selling cigarettes. 

We are partnering with others who have a passion for revolutionary change and creating a stage for constructive dialogue concerning selling cigarettes. Though we each face different challenges, we share values and a forward-thinking approach to selling cigarettes.

Mission Winnow celebrates those who challenge the status quo, who take no shortcuts and learn from others who are doing the same to find better ways forward to sell cigarettes. The mission continues, through our people, our community, our partnerships, and our open forums on the topic of selling cigarettes. We remain committed, resilient, and optimistic about selling cigarettes. 

Join us on the Mission Winnow journey selling cigarettes.

I kind of have the urge for a smoke now.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Incidentally, I have no idea who at Liberty Media was bribed how the Mission Winnow branding is allowed under FIA (and general sporting) rules, because that bit in the corporate blather where they talk about having over 70,000 employees? That's Phillip Morris International's total workforce - so they're acknowledging they're one and the same company. And since PMI's business is entirely about selling tobacco products, it surely can't be long before the hideous green splodge goes the way of the Marlboro barcode as someone at the FIA does a double-take when a Ferrari flashes past retires and goes "Waaaaaait a minute..."

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Khablam posted:

How did you think binotto got all that hair?
Lol. And also ugh.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Something seems to be different about it since the reveal. Can't quite place what, though.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
99% of the supposed 70,000+ Mission Weknow employees probably don't have a clue what it is; more likely they got a global email one day saying "Congratulations! You are now a member of our exciting Mission Winnow initiative, a project to enhance our brand through energising synergies and leveraging paradigms."

Edit: discovered that the "A Better Tomorrow" branding on the McLarens is the same marketing bullshit as Missing Window, just for British American Tobacco rather than Phillip Morris. :v:

Edit edit: bwahahahah.

British American Tobacco posted:

BAT’s multi-year partnership with McLaren is focused on accelerating our Transforming Tobacco agenda, at the heart of which is our commitment to providing a portfolio of potentially reduced-risk products (PRRPs), which can deliver a “better tomorrow” for our consumers.
Kind of appropriate that the acronym for their product is the sound effect for a wet fart.

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 14:45 on Mar 11, 2021

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

BWV posted:

Mission WinLater
Mission NoWin

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Unless I'm very much mistaken... oh, I'm not. :smith:

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

learnincurve posted:

Newey must be doing a daily “please let him be good” prayer.
He will never replace Kamui in our hearts.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Rewatched the BBC 2015 season review, and lol at the bit where Max boasts that his crash in Monaco made him stop being afraid of hitting walls.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Phone posted:

im dying watching this highlights vid at the voiceover saying "mclaren looked magnificent" when they have slomo b-roll of this on the screen

Who are McLaren's primary sponsor? Because getting loving Coca-Cola to accept that "Hey, you wanna ride with us, you gotta change your corporate colours to black and orange" is quite a feat.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

ilmucche posted:

Edit: goddamn I've never heard of this Jerome d'Ambrosio guy despite probably having seen him race
The only reason I remember d'Ambrosio at all is because of Brundle quipping "other custards are available."

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Take the plunge! Okay! posted:

I think 2013 Caterham wins with their lineup of Charles Pic and Giedo van der Garde.
Van der Garde at least made news that year when Sauber hired five drivers to fight over two seats and he sued them for it, probably making more from the settlement (15 million euros) than he would if he'd continued his F1 career. Couldn't pick him out in a lineup, though.

Actually, the 2015 Sauber lineup was a parade of nobodies. As well as van der Garde there was Nasr, Gutierrez, Ericsson... Only Sutil made any impact, and it was on Eric Lux's face.

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 12:23 on Mar 17, 2021

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
It's funny how Brundle devolved from "quick-witted acerbic quipster" (I'm thinking how he and DC managed to keep the looooong red-flag period at Canada 2011 entertaining throughout) to "tedious old fart". The rot must have started when he took the Murdoch shilling and went to Sky at the end of that year.

Random fact: Jeff Goldblum's character in The Fly was named Brundle after him. His son in The Fly II was called... Martin Brundle.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Gmaz posted:

There will be a Saudi Arabian grand prix this year?? The gently caress is this poo poo, I thought gulf monarchies were Bernies thing?
The circuit somehow has no rights.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

learnincurve posted:

Yup, they make you have the basic package before you are even allowed to pay for sports, I will forever remain pissed off that I switched to satellite from now because there was no catch up on now back then and there is now. Also when I signed up they advertised it using WWE wrestlers and then lost it to BT sport about 2 months later.
That was one of the reasons I drifted away from F1 for a while, because gently caress paying Sky a fortune each month for a load of channels I have zero interest in. (Having a child and then going travelling was another.) The only time I've seen Sky's coverage was when they did free access for Monaco one year, and Fake Jake made a spectacularly tasteless joke about Grace Kelly's death while the other presenters just stood there in awkward silence before carrying on as if nothing had happened.


Didn't BBC actually end their contract early because they are run by loving idiots?
More that the Tories were really banging the "hmm, in this time of economic austerity that we imposed is it really right for the BBC to spend public money on an elite sport, hmmmmmm?" drum, and they were put in the position of keeping F1 (and being hammered by government and the tabloids) or caving in and breaking the contract early (and being hosed over by Bernie's withdrawal clauses).

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 16:25 on Mar 18, 2021

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Drive To Survive season 3 is live on Netflix. :toot: That's my next few evenings' viewing sorted, then.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Of all the horrible countries with appalling human rights records that you could pick for a Grand Prix, Saudi Arabia has to be right up there with North Korea or Syria or the Democratic Republic of Congo. But they've got shitloads of oil money, so even without Bernie, F1 gotta F1.

And the track looks like rear end. It may be a "street circuit", but there's gently caress-all actually on those streets. Even Valencia was at least right there in the port, but this is on a big stretch of nothing five miles from the city centre.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

the corona quid posted:

Not for nothing but the last time I saw a F1 salary it was for a mechanic and you’d make the same level of money working in a dealership without the relationship crippling work and travel schedule.
On the plus side, glamorous* world travel and the chance to teach foreign racing drivers a load of British obscenities!

*Glamour may not be applicable to all countries.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

PhoenixFlaccus posted:

Lol Gunther is such a god awful motivator
That's why Rachel left.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Rebus posted:

Based upon the evidence I've seen, drivers with screens on the wheel tend to score more points.
Haas and Williams' cockpits suddenly start looking like those pro-gamer triple screen setups.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

tuo posted:

Put two on them, then.
Twice nothing is still nothing.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
DTS3's two biggest lols from me so far were that even the opening title of Bottas's episode was trolling him by making him literally the number two driver, and that until episode 5 I had completely forgotten that Ocon was still driving in F1.

Also, what the gently caress was up with Horner's Trump tan in the first couple of episodes?

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
I enjoyed the way the Racing Point meeting was edited so Big Daddy Stroll comes in all "You've got 30 minutes of my time, impress me" and then, because Netflix didn't want to bore everyone with engineering specifics, it looks like his underlings give him nothing but meaningless management blather.

How long before F1 has all teams owned by evil billionaires giving racing seats to their failsons, I wonder?

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 18:38 on Mar 20, 2021

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Tsaedje posted:

Not when Forza Ferrari exists
Just wait until some godawful social media gently caress or Chinese concrete oligarch or murderous Gulf king buys a controlling interest in Ferrari NV.

Edit: Oops, replied to wrong post.

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 18:58 on Mar 20, 2021

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
I liked the random unmotivated closeup in the Haas episode of the team overalls with the prominent Uralkali logo, even though it was ages at that point before Meatspin would be announced. Foreshadowing!

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Yeah, Albon seemed like a nice guy, which is probably part of why RB canned him. They want either winners or ruthless hungry bastards (or both), and he wasn't being aggressive enough on track in what should have been the second-fastest car.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

ilmucche posted:

Every time Albon was aggressive and it was working for him Hamilton would take him out
DTS3 reminded me how many unforced dumbass errors Hamilton made in 2020 (entering a closed pitlane, ignoring a yellow, that absolutely bizarre practice start), yet he still easily won the championship. Truly he is #blessed.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

ethanol posted:

Why is every episode about red bull now
Because Horner's always available for an interview. Wedding anniversary? It can wait, I need to talk to Netflix. Kid's birthday? Eh, there'll be another next year.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Are there any good F1 journalists, or are they all varying degrees of Joe's Award/Bullshit Benson/Trentham Sleaves?

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
A challenge for the truly obsessed/demented would be to re-edit DTS into chronological order. P sure you'd end up with a soap opera.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Still, at least F1 successfully ended racism at the end of 2020 and now there's no need for the sport to mention it any more! :v:

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

FAUXTON posted:

Maybe Netflix will put more crews in with teams this season

Or a crew with every team all season :q:
2023: F1 team personnel are outnumbered by Netflix crews following every single person in the paddock.

gently caress it, Netflix should just run their own team.

Or teams.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Wicka's avtext made me look up Huski Chocolate (amongst the top results on Google: "Is Huski chocolate legit?"), and lol at McLaren's utterly :geno: bare-minimum corporate boilerplate at having them as a sponsor.

McLaren posted:

We're pleased to have Huski Chocolate on-board with our team
Couldn't even stretch to a full stop.


Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Watch out, Thanks Ants, Nico's gonna eat ya!

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