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Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008


Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

USCPSC content is hazardous and will totally overrun this thread if unchecked.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
And, for example,

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Analytic Engine posted:

my man Ken is plagued by bad tweets and association with Bean Dad, but I respect him and enjoyed all his books

Ken has some good tweets.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
E: didn't scroll up

Doom Mathematic fucked around with this message at 00:52 on Aug 27, 2021

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
[guy who only ever does programming trying his first other activity of any kind] Getting a lot of programming vibes from this.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
Heathcliff is another one to be careful about in case we just end up posting every single one of them.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Is there Woman In Business Suit Levitating yet?

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Jabberlock posted:

Some nut I know posted that too. There's a whole subculture of conspiracy nuts that's about finding patterns that don't exist. Like how corona means crown which something something has to do with absolute control by the elites or whatever.

Brains with high level pattern recognition were a mistake.

I actually had not looked this up.


The name refers to the characteristic appearance of virions (the infective form of the virus) by electron microscopy, which have a fringe of large, bulbous surface projections creating an image reminiscent of the solar corona or halo.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Codex Seraphinianus (1981)

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Kuvo posted:

a normal performance takes ~65 mins tho?

Only had about 75 members in your orchestra huh?

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
That's the joke.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
At least with tulip bulbs you can plant them and they grow to become beautiful flowers.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

rjmccall posted:

cake? can you really microwave a cake?

Well I mean you have to buy the book if you want to find that out.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Fools Infinite posted:

There is a programmer on that plane giving a lecture on thread safety.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
"I'll never forget you, Fry! MEMORY DELETED"

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
Children do love the meat tank.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
Your office gets cleaned? Ours gets vacuumed maybe annually.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Ellie Trashcakes posted:

I once got absolutely shithammered and snuck up on the roof and did the whole tears in rain speech in my underwear on the roof

I tried to go back last year but it was boarded up :cry:

Would you say that that moment was lost in time?

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
Poor cops, thought about fentanyl and died.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Remember how the main character's motivation in Fight Club is he's just kind of bored?

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
If you count it as a programming language, Excel spreadsheet functions are the post popular programming language in the world, by at least an order of magnitude.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
But what if VGA comes back??

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

haveblue posted:

better luck next time, steelheads

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

just another tragic phishing victim

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Crazy Achmed posted:

ah, the Australasia-exclusive version

Kenny Logins posted:

hmm. try uninstalling reversi

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

MrQueasy posted:

I mean, I get the frustration, but I guess I am just not a good youtube subscriber to have.

I do not envy YouTubers. I can barely imagine the stress of trying to make a living on top of this platform.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

haveblue posted:

how many smoots in a hitman


Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

NoneMoreNegative posted:

well you don't want dry topping do you? /winces

Like, salt and pepper?

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

...and YouTube, apparently.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Cat Face Joe posted:

knives out and glass onion are both good. also this is clearly not banana bread

These were good movies for watching not at the cinema but in a room with friends, because we could speculate actively about what the deal is and also different details different people caught. And then interrupt one another with stuff we missed because we were talking over it. Great family Christmas viewing, very dense, solid flicks. Flicks where accurately figuring stuff out before it's explicitly revealed is a pleasant reward, not a disappointment. You feel that puzzle-solving thrill as, like Blanc says, the plot points in flight arc towards the only intelligent conclusion and land right at your feet.

Apparently Craig and Johnson are contracted for a third movie and they'll keep going after that if they can continue working together. I'm into it. The only thing I muse about is what they have to bring to the formula which wasn't already there. The parlor room whodunnit, yeah, that's pre-existing. The southerner gentleman sleuth? Craig is a delight to watch but he's not exactly the most original creation if you see what I'm saying. Maybe the real novel angle is the sheer pantheon of horrible people the modern world has to offer over the Poirot era.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
I am in favor of whatever Daniel Craig wants to do. He's a good egg.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
I mean you can lex HTML with regexes, probably.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

EricBauman posted:

also, i think the shirt changing color might just be chromakey?

I was expecting the tenth type of magic to be "video editing" and I was kind of right.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

You are not a powerful person if you have no power when the power is off.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Write what you know.

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

"These belonged to my grandmother"

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008
Also wrestling is funny, and wrestling with a dummy is funny. There's also this:


Doom Mathematic
Sep 2, 2008

big scary monsters posted:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.

Horace, 20 BCE

I mean I'm no historian. I can't immediately discard the possibility that everything has been going steadily downhill for more than two millennia.

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