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Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Still working my way thru Superstore. On to season 3, and lol at the employee Sal being found in the drywall on the halloween episode.

Also, Dina has become marginally more likeable.


Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Ugly In The Morning posted:

I’ve been rewatching 30 rock this last week and I forgot how funny this show is. Every episode has at least one all-time greatest level moment.

I've mentioned it before but I don't think there is another show that has more jokes per minute than 30 rock.

Just today I was rewatching the 'Apollo, Apollo' episode. Where Dennis shows off his new coffee business.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Rhyno posted:

Hamilton sucks.

I said what I said.

I've never seen Hamilton, and I never heard of Linda Manuel Miranda before the Hamilton craze started.

Is he funny or something?

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
A couple people recommended checking out Beauty and The Beast on Netflix, the cop show. Watching the pilot episode. This dude smells crime?

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Anyone watch Catastrophe on Amazon? Is that a show worth getting in to? I recently wrapped up Brooklyn Nine Nine, Upload, and Superstore. Need something new to get in to.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
I haven't been watching The Stand on CBS but I just saw some promo pics for the latest episode. Are they really trying them in a court room?. I haven't read the book in a while but I don't remember that.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Started watching Monk, for the first time. As someone with borderline germaphobia, I can't tell if this show is going to be good or bad for me...

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Escobarbarian posted:

Mr. Mayor owned this week

Mayor. We just say Mayor.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Simone Magus posted:

You're gonna need bracketed splay flex tandems at every alternate Jimmy joint, bucketed on both axes by handlebar grip gomers.

Love that show.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
A random TV thing I stumbled upon today... Jim Beaver, the guy that plays Ellsworth on Deadwood, is pretty dang active on Quora:

Answering all sorts of random questions, mostly related to television and movies. It's funny seeing him talk about Deadwood, and how one of the actors refused to film their death scene so the character just kind of disappeared.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
I think it was this thread talking about Renovation Realities on Discovery+.

I had never heard of it but checked the first few episodes yesterday. I feel terrible for laughing at some of these situations cause I know that's how it would go for me if I attempted any DIY renovations.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
How is Kim's Convenience? Worth getting in to?

And yes, the Resident Alien pilot was great. The next two episodes waffle a little.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Probably the same group that thought Shannon was stabbed.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

theblackw0lf posted:

Really wish there was a thread for Servant because there’s so much to discuss.

This show is batshit in the best way.

Also Cheezus Crust. Hahahaha

I've heard little to nothing about Servant. I remember seeing a trailer way back, hadn't even realized it premiered by now. Worth getting in to?

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Resident Alien really needs to tone down the kid storyline. It ain't carrying the show.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Still chugging along with Renovation Realities. Did not expect to laugh this much, although I skip the episodes where it looks like a bathroom remodeling is leading to a divorce.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Has there ever been a more generic show theme/intro than Mr. Mayor?

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Just started in on Avenue 5. Zach Woods is solid gold in just about everything.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Been watching Avenue 5. Just finished up episode 8. Holy poo poo, that airlock scene.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Toxic Fart Syndrome posted:

Let me tell you, watching that premier a year ago, right as *gestures around* all of this was starting sure was A Thing.

I bet. I didn't realize it is created by the guy who did Veep. If it would have premiered a few months later it would have landed a much bigger presence with the quarantine crowd I think. Also, I love that unsettling theme music that plays when poo poo is going sideways.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
With all this high praise, looks like I'll be checking out The Knick tonight.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

I didn't realize they were still trying to make a HALO tv show. Feels like they announced that back in 2012.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Sumo posted:

Me on the outside: ehhhhh
Me on the inside: *wooting hysterically*

How does that show hold up? It's one of the few extremely popular shows that I never watched an episode of.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Sentinel Red posted:

Anyone else got any old perfectly-told-in-2-hours film they'd like turned into a needlessly long and drawn out 'prestige' TV series? Ferris Bueller's Day Off? They Live? After Hours? How about Trading Places, we could end the hour long pilot with Billy Ray bumping into Louis for the first time.

Davros1 posted:

I could totally see some network trying to turn Trading Places in a dramatic TV show

Those men wanted to have SEX with me!

Instead of oranges they could center it around GME stocks.

Hughmoris fucked around with this message at 15:08 on Feb 25, 2021

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Escobarbarian posted:

This fistfight scene that closes out episode 3 of The Knick is so gorgeous and stylised and it literally comes out of nowhere what the gently caress Soderbergh owns so much

Yeah, its a gorgeous show. I started watching it yesterday after all the recent chatter about it, and am really enjoying it. The material is heavy and I can see why it didn't attract a huge crowd of weekly viewers, especially with the first scene in the pilot.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!


Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
So I just started watching the pilot of Jett. I see it hasnt been renewed for season 2 yet... Am I going to be mad with the way the only season wraps up?


Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!


Maybe. It's 100% cancelled though.


After having just finished The Knick, I don't know if I can take another show that met its end too early...

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

space marine todd posted:

Is this where I can ask for recommendations? My partner and I really enjoy two kinds of shows: weird/mystery box shows (Lost, X-Files, and Twin Peaks) and shows full of beautiful cinematography/music/Big Social Themes (My Brilliant Friend, The Young Pope, and High Maintenance).

We especially like shows if they manage to do both things (Utopia, Watchmen, and The Leftovers). Action can be fun (The Witcher and The Mandalorian), but that's less of a priority for us.

Suggestions for something new to watch?


Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

swickles posted:

Catching up on Mr. Mayor and it was good until it hit the 6th episode, Respect in the Workplace and got really good. I hope it keeps at that level, because that was a great episode.

I gave up after 2 episodes. Might have to give it one more try...

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Jingleheimer posted:

I'm watching Avenue 5 again. I liked it the first time and it is so much better the second time around, most likely due to the whole last year being an extreme case of everyone only believing what they wanted to hear.

I discovered Avenue 5 a few weeks ago and loved it. It's now the show that I recommend to most people, being easy to binge and pretty on the nose with this pandemic. Also, that airlock scene is an absolute gem.

Parakeet vs. Phone posted:

If you'd got time, definitely give a later episode like "Respect in the Workplace" a try. It was the first episode I saw and it hooked me a lot more than I think the first episode or 2 would have after I went back and checked the rest of the series. It's just firing on all cylinders and it's not like there's a lot of backstory you need to know.

I'll give that episode a go.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

feedmyleg posted:

I'm having a hard time not getting absolute sky-high expectations for the next season of A5.

I wonder if/how the season 2 plot points changed due to current events. The season 1 finale aired right when the pandemic started. The poo poo that occurred over the following 6-10 months could translate in to an entire season on its own.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Netflix is pushing The Witcher on my homepage. I remember watching it, and remember it being high in production value but I don't think I can tell you a single plot from the series. I know the Witcher, a witch, and a child. Can't remember how they all fit together.

Hopefully season 2 has a good intro for "Previously, on The Witcher..."

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
How is The Last Man On Earth? I've been able to avoid spoilers, don't really know anything about the show. Worth diving in to?

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Oasx posted:

I am enjoyed Superman and Lois, but I could have done without the emo kid. I am a little tired of seeing pretty young people get cool superpowers and then whine about how they are a freak.

I know of another Motherboy that got a cool enhancement and couldn't handle it.

Hughmoris fucked around with this message at 18:31 on Mar 15, 2021

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Shageletic posted:

Wayne. Also bc maybe more viewers will get it renewed

Is that about Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne?

aka DJ Slizzard

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
She was amazing. I just watched this clip today. That death glare she gives Annyong is perfect.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Superstore just had their finale and I thought they did a good job landing it. I had started binge watching it during the height of the pandemic but fell out of it when America Ferrera left . I'm a bit sad to see it go. :smith:

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Big Mean Jerk posted:

I used to really enjoy Superstore but never caught up with it after Mateo was arrested by ICE. Is it worth finishing?

Eh... I'm sure there are big fans of the show that would say yes. I thought the writing started falling off hard around that time, as a lot of shows do in the later seasons. If I'm being honest, I skimmed through a lot of the episodes in season 5 and most in season 6. I watched the finale just to see how they wrapped things up, and it was nice.


Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Escobarbarian posted:

Superstore finale was great. Gonna miss that show.


I'm doing some random rewatch of the earlier seasons. Hopefully I find something to to replace it. :smith:

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