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Jul 25, 2007

I was just gonna say. Feels like a lot of people have known forever, but the specificity here is sickening. Whatta monster.


Jul 25, 2007

anyone got a link for Silicon Valley season 6 discussion thread? I know ppl dropped off on it, but ppl here must have been talking about.

I thought it ended well! And very, very strangely!

They really hewed to the central thesis of the show I guess, these fuckers aint never gonna be too successful.

Jul 25, 2007

Nundizo posted:

Finished the show early this year and I swear I never understood the worship. I always found him to be manipulative, narcissistic and extremely annoying despite this apparently being the unpopular opinion amongst SFU fans. I wish he died during the end of Season 2, maybe then I'd have actually cared for him but I just knew the writers didn't have the balls to do it considering how important he seemed to the show.

he was nice to his sister.

Jul 25, 2007

Laterite posted:

My touchstone for SFU discourse at the time was the Television Without Pity reviews & forums. God I miss that site.

lol their Angel reviews were hysterical. Motherfucker hated doors!

Jul 25, 2007

If you wanna get real sad catch up on the avtor who played Snoop

Jul 25, 2007

I watched Sopranos fairly recently for the first time a couple years ago. Atlanta isn't as good. Namely because it doesn't have season long arcs per se. It's like a TV show made out of the Sopranos Pine Barren episode. Pretty cool, but fairly disconnected.

Sopranos makes you ruminate about toxic masculinity, toxic families, being toxic, etc. Atlanta doesn't have those aims I think (maybe I need to rewatch the eps).

Jul 25, 2007

Yo Tone, did you know the North Pole is the exact intersection of the Earth's axis and its surface?

Shaddup Chris, I'm trying to eat some gabagool on top of this penguin

Jul 25, 2007

Arist posted:

Calling Thor 2 bad is accidentally implying it's more interesting than it is.

Also the last like, fifteen minutes or so are kind of great, somehow? It's weird.

I'm pretty sure the last 15 mins were created months before the movie shot, by pre viz people that are basically the codirectors of everg Marvel movie

Jul 25, 2007

sticklefifer posted:

I always felt like 3 had too much going on. They try to pack in far too many subplots at once and only partially succeed. One less villain or a more focused central plot would've done wonders for it, and randomly happening upon a kid with the perfect Iron Man Recovery Garage in the middle of nowhere is a bit too coincidental.

IM2 and Thor 2 get far more poo poo than either should. The self-contained plots weren't great and the villains are sort of uninspired, but a lot happened to further the overall MCU story in both than a lot of the other films. Hulk still sucks though.

IM3 was crippled by Perlmutter's incredibly late decision to not have the female interest be the baddie. The first 2 acts set up her as such, then she dies with a whimper, inexplicably

Jul 25, 2007

Nundizo posted:

Has there ever been a non-english show with a good dub?

Ghost in the Shell?

Jul 25, 2007

I've been cackling my way thru Catastrophe on Prime. Seriously underrated comedy about two hosed up people trying to get their relationship going. Its loving raw at times.

Jul 25, 2007

Looten Plunder posted:

Good show. It was quite popular here on the forums when it was airing.

Finished the 4th season and to my horror saw that thats it. Thats only like 24 episodes for the entire run! Not enough!

Jul 25, 2007

Gaunab posted:

My roommate is watching Survivor and I wish I could get into it but it just doesn't click with me. I think it's all the strategizing and alliances; it's ridiculous and stupid and I should be all over it but it just comes off as boring high school drama. Combine that with the "survivalist" setting and it makes the show seem more manufactured.

I guess I'll just stick with the 90 day fiance series even though they're just as manufactured.

i watched clips of the episode with the immensely short guy and the woman from the Phillippines and please tell me there is other as good content in there, I couldn't look away

Jul 25, 2007

space marine todd posted:

Is this where I can ask for recommendations? My partner and I really enjoy two kinds of shows: weird/mystery box shows (Lost, X-Files, and Twin Peaks) and shows full of beautiful cinematography/music/Big Social Themes (My Brilliant Friend, The Young Pope, and High Maintenance).

We especially like shows if they manage to do both things (Utopia, Watchmen, and The Leftovers). Action can be fun (The Witcher and The Mandalorian), but that's less of a priority for us.

Suggestions for something new to watch?

Try Undone.

e: also Upload

e2: also Undone might be the best show i've ever seen high, so there's that advice as well.

Jul 25, 2007

Looten Plunder posted:

are you referring to Survivor or 90 Day Fiance?

Leif's Triumph perhaps?

90 day fiance. I dont like reality shows but that blew my mind.

The temerity of this 50 year old 3 foot dude just ripping apart this beautiful woman, unreal.

But he gets his tho.

Jul 25, 2007

space marine todd posted:

drat, I was hoping no one would notice we are watching these shows high. The less gruesomeness, the better for our stoned idiot brains (Hannibal and The Knick are sadly out).

Thank you for all the recommendations! These all look great.

You're gonna like Undone then probably. I watvhed it with my gf and its a great compromise btw us bc it didnt have any gruesomeness. Just spaced out weirdness.

Its like Waking Life, the TV show. So underrated

Jul 25, 2007

Duckwaffle posted:

Attempting to convince my partner to give Justified a chance, what would be a good single episode to try?

the first episode is a stellar pilot, and unlike the rest of the show is filmed in Kentucky. I'd start with that.

Jul 25, 2007

Just checked out a clip of Taskmaster. Looks like a Korean game show with the high level TV production and weird asks of its guests. With a significant less amount of physical damage to the participants.

you can't do that poo poo with American celebrities.

Jul 25, 2007

IRQ posted:

I think bleachjng hair was way more common at the time.

But I don't think that show was especially accurate to anything except Claire Danes being a good actress.

pooka beads, bleached hair, gelled hair, polo shirts, and fruitopia

ah poo poo i'm remembering 2000.

Jul 25, 2007

a better capsule for the 90s is She's All That

Jul 25, 2007

Khanstant posted:

I like The Mick. It reminds me of AP Bio without the redeeming kids, or rich-family-IASIP since every character is irredeemably bad and it's fun to see bad things happen to them.

The Mick was the best network comedy in years. drat shame it didnt get renewed.

Couldn't believe what they got away with.

Shageletic fucked around with this message at 04:30 on Mar 13, 2021

Jul 25, 2007

Simone Magus posted:

It put me in mind of Grounded For Life, in a good way

drat that show was better than it had any right to be. Donal Logue owns


Jul 25, 2007

Mu Zeta posted:

Never saw his sitcoms but check out Terriers for some Donal Logue owning and such

I just meant the poster was confusing Donal Logue with this guy

Who was ridiculously funny. Stand out and Id love to see him in new stuff.

He was in the Breaking Bad movie tho. Kinda scary there.

Jul 25, 2007

Simone Magus posted:

??? No, I wasn't. Donal Logue was the guy in Grounded For Life, the show I was talking about??

Woops my bad.

Slamhound posted:

Who the gently caress is this guy?

E: Jimmy's fight scenes were always hilarious

Shageletic fucked around with this message at 23:03 on Mar 14, 2021

Jul 25, 2007

Goddamn someone high up in Netflex is really into anime

Jul 25, 2007

IRQ posted:

His mother was an artificial gravity machine aboard a spaceship with a hyperdrive, and his dad was a guy named Spiegel.

Sounds more like Space Dandy.

Everyone, watch Space Dandy


VagueRant posted:

What's a show you're mad I'm not watching?

(I am watching The Expanse and did watch Warrior)

Wayne. Also bc maybe more viewers will get it renewed

Jul 25, 2007

Sirotan posted:

If Amazon does some dumb live reaction show after each ep for their LotR series and does not get Colbert as the host, they have hosed up.

I dont know, sometimes I see the host and guests of a show that eventually turns into a trash fire and I can't think of a more horrific torture

Jul 25, 2007

muscles like this! posted:

The return of Raylan Givens? Still in early stages of development but Justified creator Graham Yost is doing another Elmore Leonard adaptation for FX with talks to bring back Timothy Olyphant as Raylan.

I'd love to rewatch the show, but I don't know where the later seasons are streaming without having to pay out per season (drat you Amazon)

Jul 25, 2007

bull3964 posted:

My grandmother's assisted living facility just had to go into lockdown again because one of the staff that refused vaccination tested positive. This sucks because they were JUST starting to let vaccinated people visit in rooms.

Incredible. Especially in a place full of olds. What happened to this person?

Jul 25, 2007

Hated it. Dropped out after 15 minutes some of the most bewildeeing writing ive seen in a while. Starts out with a 5 minute monologue from a side character that is Lifetime tier without the campiness, then introduces the main character on the toilet while his mom is in the bathroom. Bizaare.

Animation is terrible too. Ben 10 is better

Jul 25, 2007

Ugly In The Morning posted:

There’s a fair bit of it but there’s just so much going on I can’t really call it the one joke. The backgrounds alone in the first episode are so loaded with jokes I’m gonna have to rewatch it soon to catch them all. The time travel letters episode was great too, I liked the sci fi hijinks that weren’t just “Rick has an “I win” button at all times”.

really captures the madcap and oveloaded joke structure of early Simpsons. S2 was a loving joy, and only negative was that it was only 8 episodes.

e: "my gangster story keeps on getting interrupted by wolves"

Shageletic fucked around with this message at 15:43 on Mar 29, 2021

Jul 25, 2007

The Solar Opposites are going to jail!

Anyeay Invincible got better, esp tge animation. Still think the writing and thin characterization makes it a show I can't recommend but I def have a soft spot for a different take on superheroics.

Focusing on a young hero learning the ropes def helps, wsp with dad Superman there, whoch is unusual for the genre.

But lol at where that show ended its first season. Talk about unsatisfying finale.

Jul 25, 2007


It ended on episode 3. There are 8 episodes this season.

fair enough, I thought that didn't make sense.

Maybe I'll like it even more by the end.

Jul 25, 2007

muscles like this! posted:

The CW live action Powerpuff Girls has cast its Professor Utonium and you'll never guess who.

Donald Faison.

Reminds me im rewatching Scrubs and its like a warm blanket. A blanket about ppl dying but hell ig it doesnt make me feel good anyways

Jul 25, 2007

Asylum is great precisely because its so overstuffed.

Bloodyfaces all the way down.

Jul 25, 2007

At least Simon isnt calling someone a cockswallop or whoremitigator or whatever. Hes so bizaare on twitter

Jul 25, 2007

Mu Zeta posted:

I think the last couple seasons hold up better than the Sorkin years. Though it's just as much a fantasy since you have a Democratic President reaching across the aisle to appoint a Republican Secretary of State. Also the Democrat is from Texas and Republican is from California.

Someone tabulated Bartlett's accomplishments and it was mostly cutting Social Security and not going to War.

Jul 25, 2007

Doom2020! posted:

For once it really is not you and it really was a "better" age. There are tons of articles about how political business has changed in the past couple of decades. Things were bad and messed up but there was this air of civility and half the stuff that certain parties do nowadays would get them laughed out of office. There are periods in the past where some people said insane things but it was never the general party stance. If you want depressing lols check out the Trump thread in GBS. We live in interesting times.

Gingrinch's Contract with America and Rush Limbaugh controlling the national conversation, while any real leftist positions were smothered by third way corportate giveaways. Black people were being dragged behind trucks and shot without reprecussions (i mean, some things didn't change).

We had the head of the republican senate say that Storm thurmond should have been president, and republican candidates say that they only believe in "legitimate rape".

The Bush administration wanted to bring christianity to the middle east and 21 year old graduates of evangelical universities ran national and international policy.

Lol, better age. At least now there's a viable and visible opposition. The protests against the Iraq War were the biggest on record, and it didn't blip on the national discourse. Today, it would have been alot bigger.

Jul 25, 2007

theblackw0lf posted:

Did Bartlett ever have a democratically controlled congress?



Jul 25, 2007

galenanorth posted:

Incidentally, the original MacGyver series has been remastered in 1080p. I couldn't even find a version better than 360p a few years ago, so I'm really glad for that. I watched a few episodes of it on TVLand in the sixth grade, and I don't remember much of it. I remember there was one episode where he was tied to a chair at a dinner table with a brass cupid centerpiece, holding back a cyanide-tipped arrow to be released when a candle finished burning through a rope

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