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...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Regy Rusty posted:

Listen I know some people hate That Guy, but - this is a parody. It is not a real thing that exists.


It's funny because a couple years ago people were outraged when a news story about Disney not letting a family put Disney characters on a tombstone was making the rounds. It's like either way they can't win.


...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Alhazred posted:

[quote="el oso" post="511290972"]
His Dark Materials is very competent but its tone is just so dour.

It's not like the books they were adapted from was a laugh riot.

They did have a sense of wonder and discovery though. Even the third book where it was just full-on ranting and raving about how religion is a lie and god is dead was still doing cool stuff like creating the race of creatures with wheels or inventing an entirely new atheistic afterlife myth while everything in the TV show (or at least the one season I watched before giving up) is just very drab and flat and grey. They managed to make a fight to the death between polar bear royalty dressed in gold just be two grey flubbers wrestling in the shadows of a grey cave.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

nate fisher posted:

Remember all the American flags everywhere during the weeks after? It was easier to find toilet paper in March 2020 than it was to find a flag after 9/11. Most Americans had a false sense of unity that later got destroyed by our misguided invasion of Iraq.

I was in middle school and even then I was smart enough to recognize how hollow all these cries of unity were when literally on 9/12 the ubiquitous stories started about how the employees at X local business franchise were dancing and cheering when the towers fell because they were muslim started circulating and then Snopes started documenting all the lovely email glurges about how this was Bill Clinton's fault for not giving the military more funding or whatever. I have very little sympathy for the adults who let themselves get swept up in a furor of nationalism at the time.

Mu Zeta posted:

Rudy Giuliani was universally loved and respected in America for a brief period

It's really fun to shut down boomers who mythologize George Carlin as some enlightened philosopher-poet of our age by pointing out how much he was all over Guiliani's dick in the aftermath of 9/11.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
The one thing about now that is an unambiguous improvement over then is how easy it was for mainstream news coverage to completely ignore all the massive anti-war protests that were occurring in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq whereas now thanks to social media no matter how much they try to ignore and downplay things like the BLM protests everyone is aware of them and the people participating in or supporting them know that they're not alone and not crazy.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Escobarbarian posted:

It’s going to be horrible and CD will loving love it

CD relegated all discussion of Snyder movies to a single thread because they were so sick of his defenders constantly derailing all the general threads. If you're going to be carrying a weird grudge against a subforum to the point where you take potshots at it completely unprovoked you should at least be doing so based on reality.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

feedmyleg posted:

Will the new Black Panther show also be pro-CIA propaganda or are they looking to really pull out all the stops and go pro-ICE this time?

You'd think going 18 months without any Marvel movies to complain about would give their haters ample opportunities to invent new jokes instead of entering year three of explaining to black people that the movie they like isn't woke enough.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Open Source Idiom posted:

No news about Lovecraft Country, and it's been almost a year. Getting the sense it's not coming back.

It was a bit of a mess in the end, eh?

It premiered less than six months ago.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy


What's the issue here other than the idea of dissection being gross? We dissected worms, frogs, and fetal pigs in high school, and dissected cats in freshman level anatomy/physiology in college. It's says right there that people who felt uncomfortable weren't forced to do it.

That weird cadre of concern trolls that pop up every time Lena Dunham does anything ever still exist. Trying to spin a recording of an actual thing high school science classes do into gleefully forcing weeping children to mutilate animals against their wills fits right in with the brain geniuses that tried to accuse her of raping her little sister because she talked about seeing her naked once when they were kids.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Escobarbarian posted:

I only ever had to dissect a pig or cow heart. Dissecting a CAT seems absolutely horrific and ridiculously unnecessary. The gently caress kind of school would do that

Cats are one of the most common animals dissected in educational settings because there is a huge supply of euthanized feral cats that otherwise have no use other than being disposed of. Unless you're lobbying for schools to be serving only vegetarian meals in cafeterias you're being incredibly hypocritical with your pearl-clutching here.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Simone Magus posted:

I very much wish that Twitter and Facebook were destroyed beyond the capacity of memory to even recall their existence

That's nice, grandpa.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Azhais posted:

Is that the inspiration for the Arnold movie, or a different running man?

If so I had no idea that was a King novel

It was published under the Richard Bachman pseudonym that he used for his grittier and more sci-fi books. As others have said, it's a really good grounded dystopia novel that has almost nothing in common with the film beside the vague concept of a competition where people kill each other.

I'm pretty curious if/how they'll update the setting because the book relies on a lot of technology that is hilariously outdated now, like the competitor needing to use a video camera to record himself and then mail the tape to the producers as part of the game.

Rhyno posted:

No, we don't need to remake perfection.

Running Man is c-tier 80s Arnold cinema.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Watchmen was great and it was so rewarding watching reality just continually shut down the people who spent the entire show swearing that it was objectively terrible, first with it sweeping the emmys and then the entire past year proving it right on every front.

I wish more people would have taken it as an object lesson against dismissing media you haven't actually seen just because a small handful of weirdos with an ideological axe to grind say it had bad politics, but alas.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Timby posted:

The Golden Globes are bought and sold

I would love to see literally any evidence for this.


...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Open Source Idiom posted:

That and Kidding were loving killer TV.

Way to gently caress it up Showtime! Thank God you put all your money in the Halo basket.

Oh whoops.

I don't think Showtime is responsible for Covid-19.

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