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cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Literally the best part of the show.


cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
I just saw Squid Game on Netflix. Leave it to the Koreans to make the most depressing stories.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

This is just a whitewashed fresh of the boat. HTH.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
Season 3 of You rocks! I love this stupid show. Children make everything more complicated!

Edit Episode 3:
gently caress Joe. I know he did some bad things in the past, but running around without a measles vaccine is the worst thing he's ever done. Okay, the end of that episode is fully justified. gently caress that guy.
Start of episode 4. Oh yes gently caress him. What a prick!

cant cook creole bream fucked around with this message at 16:04 on Oct 15, 2021

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

What episode was that? I don't remember anything like that.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
Has anyone seen The Shrink Next Door.
Paul Rudd playing a total manipulative bastard is quite a sight to behold.
I dare say, he's kind of a good actor.

Edit: Apparently it's based on a true story. Huh.

cant cook creole bream fucked around with this message at 21:14 on Nov 15, 2021

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Shageletic posted:

It's a real easy watch. Blazed thru like 5 episodes this afternoon without even noticing it. Best comic book related thing in awhile

It's really something else. The end of episode 6 is probably my favorite. It's cool that there will actually be a season 2. But I have no clue what they intend to do with the thing in the last few seconds of the finale. That seems a bit weird to me.

cant cook creole bream fucked around with this message at 23:32 on Nov 20, 2021

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

LionArcher posted:

Pilot is the roughest episode, but the Wheel of time is legit good. Glad it seems to be winning the twitter discourse this weekend. I want the whole loving series.

I think considering how it's doing on Amazon (number 1) that's a very good sign.

Is that right? I watched the first episode and didn't really feel anything about it, so I didn't bother to continue. But if random SA users tell me it's good, I might reconsider.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
So, I found out that this show called "Better call Saul" is good. Who knew?

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Khanstant posted:

hmmm on the other hand i don't like sports or sports shows

That is not really the focus of the show. At least I don't think so. Maybe next episode, it does a really weird swerve where everything in the world resolves around soccer again.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
The plot in the present timeline is a leadup to them getting the team back together to win the big match and save the orphanage.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Chairman Capone posted:

Is the Hawkeye show any good? I'm interested in watching it because I know it's supposed to be based on the Matt Fraction comic, which I liked, but if it doesn't really have any of the same DNA outside of the marketing, I'd rather not waste my time.

zoux posted:

It's as close as they're gonna get to faithfully adapting the Fraction run such that it fits within the MCU. Russian track suits are saying bro constantly. There is pizza dog. Unclear yet if Hawkeye is great at boats.

Yeah that about sums it up. Obviously the comic is a bit different, because Clint knows Kate there for a while already and less avengers are currently dead during that storyline.
The show itself is fun so far. Steinfeld and Renner are really selling their dynamic. And the actress who plays Echo in episode 3 is really badass.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Escobarbarian posted:

My friend on Facebook literally shared a “therapist reacts to Jinx video” like dude her emotions are far from complex. it is an extremely obvious arc. I don’t need a therapist to explain that to me

But did you consider that she felt abandoned?

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

LionArcher posted:

What’s the most overrated popular show currently on TV? My vote is succession.

I'd say Squid Game. I did like it, but it really didn't stick the landing and the morale is more shallow than you'd think.
It's not even my favorite Korean crime drama. I want a season 2 of Extracurricular!

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
So, I went through both seasons of Pen15, to see what all the fuzz was about. I kinda hate it?

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Mu Zeta posted:

Rick briefly used a bicycle in the first Walking Dead episode. He looked so silly on it.

Riding a bike without shoes is just weird. I bet it's not hard to find a fitting pair either.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
I just went through Only Murders in the Building and sorta liked it. But I found Gomez's voice to be weirdly flat and sort of static. Like it sounded like she was using a bad microphone. Then I found out that it's probably an aftereffect of lupus and now I feel bad about that.


cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

I like how literal the sister took that title.

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