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Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Is there not a thread for Search Party? This show loving owns so hard


Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Escobarbarian posted:


Settle down, I was just surprised there wasn't a thread since it's 3 seasons deep and there's a new season. I thought I must have missed it

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Azhais posted:

Mods, this man is endorsing an M Night Shyamalan production

Devil was pretty good

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

MiddleOne posted:

Is that the one with the elevator...?

Yeah, a blatant ripoff of the Japanese film Hellevator: the Bottled Fools but it was pretty good

Talking of which, Alice in Borderland is pretty good too

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Wait, season 4 of Search Party dropped all at once??? I thought it was premiering weekly aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA :supaburn:

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Chairman Capone posted:

The book is fantastic but incredibly bleak. Part of its bleakness is that its depiction of the 2020s kind of are spot in, in that national space programs are secondary to private companies interested in asteroid mining, and that a major Middle Eastern country got mired in an endless civil war (though in the novel it's Turkey, not Syria).

Apropos of nothing but now I'm imagining a big budget Netflix series adaptation of A Canticle For Leibowitz

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
If nothing else, Wandavision gets props for being a weird as hell product. I mean if you knew nothing about it and just click on it on Disney plus you'll be like "what"

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
More like Matt Groaning

Edit: the way you feel about Pratchett is how I feel about Groening lol

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
I assure you they exist. More Futurama cult than Groening specifically I guess

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Escobarbarian posted:

Life In Hell probably has better political and social commentary than Pratchett’s work tbh

Your obsession with hating pratchett would be comprehensible if you had read his work. Can't you see how insufferable it is to have someone constantly dunking on a beloved (and tragically dead) author when they haven't even read his stuff? Like drat brother, save it for JK Rowling

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Most of us have the common courtesy to not relentlessly profess that something is overrated trash if we haven't at least engaged with it.

I cannot, I literally cannot understand how this is a controversial stance.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

isaboo posted:

just finished Search Party S2 and while I love it, I have to wonder if there is an end game in mind or if they're just making it up along the way

Alia Shawkat is a real talent

Season 3 marks a major shift in tone and subject matter, and season 4 goes even harder. You can really tell that season 3 was made for HBO, in a good way

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Open Source Idiom posted:

It wasn't, actually, only Season Four was.

Oh weird, it definitely felt like S3 was a major shift

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Ramy is loving amazing

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Yeah it is lol. Season 4 is nurts.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

cant cook creole bream posted:

Search Party season 4 is straight up sublime!

Elliott's story line is amazing

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

cant cook creole bream posted:

It absolutely is.

Also this had one of the best one line introductions to a side character I've ever seen.
(not a story spoiler) " We've never formally met, but I've been decorating your house for the past four Christmas seasons."
That sentence in that situation absolutely slayed me.

Haha yeah that killed me

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Search Party is a comedy in much the same way that Wayne is. Just relentlessly dark and satirical.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
A show that releases 3 episodes a week... but not in sequential order :getin:

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

bull3964 posted:

You jest, but Sam Esmail as said something not to far off that for the BSG reboot/continue/thing.

Oh drat that sounds cool as hell. Officially hype

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Holy gently caress the new episode of Search Party. Just holy gently caress.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

cant cook creole bream posted:

Which one? There are 3 new ones this week. All are great in their own way.

I was only 15 minutes into the first new one when I posted that lol

Jesus this might end up the best show of the year

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

isaboo posted:

saw some chatter about Servant so I gave the first episode a shot and welp that was not what I was expecting

I shall continue

It's really good and goes very wild places. Rupert Grint is a very underappreciated actor

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Annabel Pee posted:

We've been binging Search Party and Drew looks identical to someone and its driving us crazy that we can't place it. At first I thought it was either Darren Criss as Andrew Cunannon, or milo yiannopoulos but I don't think its either. Help me out face blind goons.

He's a younger Jason Segel, he even sounds similar. At first I thought he had to be his younger brother or something

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Wait, The Watch finally came out????????

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
The Watch is... hm.

I don't understand why they made the tall, non-bearded trans woman Cheery. Besides Cheery being a dwarf and bearded in the books, her whole deal was that she was defying dwarfish tradition by wearing feminine things.

So, it sorta makes sense to have her be trans, but also makes no sense at all. And casting someone that's literally as tall as Carrot is just... nonsensical. If you're gonna do all that, why not just... make her not a dwarf, just a human trans woman?

Dormer as Vimes is pretty fantastic though

Despite being wildly uneven, there's definitely enough charm to keep me watching. Just... so many odd decisions, especially since Rihanna was so heavily involved.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
I'm watching a new documentary on the Church of the Subgenius on Amazon and... I had no idea that Nick Offerman was one! I knew Penn and Teller were. Lots of celebrities talking about the deeper non-joke within the joke religion.

Especially relevant in the age of Q wackos

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Bruceski posted:

She and Narrativia were locked out around 2016 and basically disavowed it in 2019/20.

Ohhhh that explains a lot :(

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
They made Vetinari female, which is absolutely fine, but the posters around the city with "Lord Vetinari" on them clearly show an entirely different person who seems to be male, owing to the beard

But Vimes calls her "sir"


I have so many questions

Edit: and they replaced Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler with a young woman in a wheelchair named Throat who, it must be pointed out, does not sell sausages inna bun

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
The guy playing Death is also a highlight. Angua is good but not given much to do so far. Ridcully is far too much of a regular Gandalf, where in the books he's more like Ron Swanson

I'm still enjoying it but man I really wanna know how they came to some of these decisions

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Gonz posted:

Wendell Pierce, aka Bunk Moreland in The Wire, is playing Death.

I thought he sounded familiar! Nice

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

abelwingnut posted:

just watched the first season of the leftovers.

why did reviewers think this was bad? i thought this was a fantastic opening. yes, the first half nudges along, but it needed that. really great opening on the whole, i thought.

and then it gets better? can't wait to keep going.

Yeah I have no clue, I loved every season including the first and each season is so different to each other that I don't care about ranking them. Each piece of that puzzle is important

That said season 2 made me cry a lot

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

The Klowner posted:

what the gently caress is I May Destroy You

A very dope show op

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Open Source Idiom posted:

NOOOOO! This is not allowed.

You must either love the first half of the show and not like the back half, or love the back half and not like the first.

And then the two sides must fight to the death. It is law.


Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
I'm just gonna say it

Search Party is better than Lost

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Maybe as good as the Leftovers even

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Aardvark! posted:

how big a factor is cringe comedy in Search Party ?

It's not cringe at all, and season 4 is just some next level poo poo at the end, it's mental

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Escobarbarian posted:

It’s going to be horrible and CD will gently caress it

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames
Ted Lasso was really rough at first for me but then really gets good

The accent, though, I really just don't think it ever works. You just gotta muscle through it


Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

Popelmon posted:

Thanks for talking about Search Party so much, I just watched all of S1 today and :catstare: that last episode.

Season 1? Oh you sweet summer child :allears:

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