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Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Is anyone watching War of the Worlds on Epix? We just finished season 2 last night and really enjoyed it. It's definitely not perfect and has a few plot issues, but overall pretty entertaining.


Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

bull3964 posted:

It just started airing in the US two weeks ago, so it'll be a few weeks until it finishes up here.

Edit: Wait, you mentioned Epix, did they release all the episodes already?

I may have sourced them elsewhere... I believe the full series is already out in Europe.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

bull3964 posted:

Yeah, I know it finished in Europe already. I was going to use the 0.99 prime channel deal to watch it on Epix.

Definitely wait if its only for a month (if you can). I believe they're only up to episode 4 as of last night and there's 4 to go. Though that might cover you.

Anyway the show has been pretty good and apparently it got renewed for a 3rd season. Season 1, especially the first two episodes was fantastic.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

CBJSprague24 posted:

Does anything in season 5 of The Wire involving the newsroom amount to anything other than a reboot of All The President's Men?

I love this show but if it doesn't, I'm tempted to just fast-forward through those scenes.

Also, I still love Snoop.

All the interesting stuff in season 5 is outside of the cops/newsroom. You can skip it.

And galvanize your hate for Herc.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Heads up everyone but the final season of Bosch dropped and this really cracked me up.

In the trailer, a cop refers to the villain as the "Stringer Bell" of whatever. Bosch stars Jamie Hect (Marlow) as the partner. They immediately jump cut to Hect who goes "I don't like that at all" and I almost fell off my couch laughing.

I'm so sad this generic but entertaining cop show is ending.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
So White Lotus episode 1 was great. I hope we get a decent amount of episodes out of this show since it's just a limited series.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
The new Chapo premium took on the Woodstock 99 documentary and it's really good, its a premium episode though.

Very much enjoyed how they ripped the poo poo out of Moby and brought up one of his original quotes (which was left out of the documentary): "The rave tent where there were no rock kids was awesome. Bummer I didn't get laid though".

I get a lot of people don't like them but if you can find the episode on YouTube it's a good listen. Felix is fantastic in it.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Medullah posted:

David Lee Roth Running With the Devil is by far my favorite one of these. I can't stop laughing every time. WAAOOOWWW

God bless him.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

TV Zombie posted:

The first episode of Black Summer season 2 is a bit manic. I think I liked season 1 so I feel like I will like this season but everything feels jarring right now.

Starting Leverage and it seems nice.

I'm not a fan of how they told the story this season but goddamn I loved the story itself. I almost bailed halfway through episode 2 and then it took off. I'm really not into zombie stuff after TWD but yeah this show rocks.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)


I went from wife (because that’s what they want you to think), Armond because holy poo poo he’s on a path to self destruction and has history with Shane, to Molly Shannon just because it’s a curve ball. I’m loving the intrigue and suspense though for sure.

My wife is convinced its going to be either the daughter or her friend.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Looten Plunder posted:

Side question for everyone. This has to be one of my favourite TV houses. What are some of your favourite TV houses?

Tony Soprano's house.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

LoL he's an an EP. Sorry kid, the game was rigged from the start.

Flip Pete and the Coaches Wife. She's the goddamn worst kind of lib and I die laughing every time she talks about sex shaming and white guy persecution.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

MiddleOne posted:

Oh my loving god, remember that super weird Dean Norris sitcom about taking in an afghan interpreter?

Someone fixed it

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
I'll never forgive Stewart and Colbert for the Rally To Restore Sanity. Hope the new show goes well for him but I'm gonna pass.

A whole lot of stuff on TDS didn't age well at all.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Cael posted:

Even beyond just the quality level, when you have more streaming options not only are there just more shows but it also decreased the probability of one single network having multiple of the current "it" shows, or even ones people talk about. I was just having this conversation with friends the other day, take a look at current HBO dramas:

Despite being poo poo in the past few seasons (though I'll still watch), Westworld really is their biggest remaining drama hit. You can argue that Succession is finally getting more widespread acclaim and recognition, but it took a few years. It's then largely shows that you've heard of but never seen, and then shows that you never knew existed. The ones I put asterisks on are co-produced with international TV so it's even debatable to really call them HBO shows, and is probably why nobody in your real life gives a gently caress about them. I actually liked the Nevers well enough and I know other people are hot on Perry Mason, but if you're talking about widespread touchstone shows they're almost all gone from HBO. Their comedy slate is definitely more solid overall.

I think their one offs have been fantastic lately.

Sharp Objects and White Lotus were fantastic, and even with he Stephen King problems, I really liked The Outsider. I also really enjoyed 100 Foot Wave.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Cael posted:

And even though it’s been a few years, Chernobyl. That is a good point, they do seem like they’re killing it way more with limited / event series vs full ongoing shows.

Thanks for reminding me of Chernobyl, also Mrs Fletcher.

Completely fine with me as its pretty rare for long running shows to ending a satisfying way. The only one I can think of is Six Feet Under, and even that show had to plod through some uninspiring seasons/storylines.

My SIL audibly gasped at the end of Sharp Objects.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
"You can't make a Tomlette without breaking a few Gregs" is better than any line in Mad Men.

Succession is great because none of the mega rich people in it are good and they're all very easy to hate. It's a low key hilarious show.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Toxic Fart Syndrome posted:

Westworld is their flagship prestige show at the moment.

It should be Euphoria which is excellent.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
One of the best things I watched over the last few months was the Starz War of the Worlds adaptation so yeah there's untapped veins out there I'm sure.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

nate fisher posted:

No I don't and you make a good point. To be honest I am relying on this thread, the internet as a whole, even critics, and my own knowledge to find TV shows. I am a sucker for year end list and I read them for things I might have missed. Might I still miss a few? Sure. Euphoria I still haven't made time to watch and My Brilliant Friend I never heard of you until this thread. I tell you what I didn't missed Patriot thanks to this thread.

Re-watching what I consider a top tier show? I am currently on season 5 of The Sopranos (my son is watching it for the first time), and I like it better than ever. The Wire (4 seasons only), Mad Men, most of Deadwood, and MASH are a few of my top tier shows I have re-watched. Still I get your point. I tried to watch The Shield for the first time like 15 years later and I couldn't do it. Also there are shows I loved like Six Feet Under (which I don't consider a top tier show, but I still loved it at the time) that I am pretty sure will not hold up on a re-watch.

Edit: Ok I will give War of Worlds a try too. I have heard of this version (on Epix), but I thought reaction was mixed. Still it should be right up alley either way.

Whoops, confused Epix and Starz.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Qmass posted:

at some point in the near(ish) future there will have to be a show that gets into the top 10 or 20 all time and im just holding onto my but for that day because without one of those shows to fill that void, the endless just ok shows are becoming less palatable to me

It already exists and its a comedy based around vampires.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
This reminds me, I need to rewatch Toys.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
I'm enjoying foundation and I don't even mind it taking it's time as I didn't read the books and it's doing some world building. I'm used to it from shows like the wire who always take 3-4 episodes to get moving.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
So Invasion on ATV+ is pretty drat good.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

duck monster posted:

I'm a bit torn on this one. The Cinematography , direction, writing, and acting are all top notch. Everything on paper says this is a great show.

But I'm bored. Its pacing is so glacially slow, it almost feels like this things just a bunch of snapshots in the days of the lives of people in the end-times. Three episodes of almost nothing happening except some weird poo poo.

I guess I'll have to hold out and see where this goes. But slow starts kill series dead. People complain that the Expanse starts too slow so they never followed through to realise the world of amazing TV at the end of that "slow" start up, but poo poo, *lots* of things happen in those first few episode. This? Its just sad people and weird things. Maybe it'll pick up steam and start being a story, but its sabotaged itself hard with this slow as treacle pacing.

It’s fine for me so idk?

It’s not mind blowing or anything but I enjoyed the first 3 episodes, especially the last one. I liked how War of their Worlds (on Starz) did a similar thing by slowly introducing things and this is maybe one episode behind the pacing for that.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Combat Pretzel posted:

I'm watching Invasion anyway. Holy poo poo, that British oval office school kid makes me irrationally angry.

I enjoyed the latest episode.

We finally got a look at the aliens and I’m enjoying the JASA plot line as well

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Mu Zeta posted:

So does Invasion look like a $200 million show?

The camera work is great, but i have a feeling if that’s how much they spent then we’ve got a ways to go before we see where it went. That being said, I really don’t care about a show’s budget as long as im enjoying it and so far its the inverse of Foundation which started great and is now pretty slow and tedious.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

isaboo posted:

They showed the aliens?
I've been FF'ing through the episodes because the only interesting parts are the JASA and Afghanistan bits.

In the latest episode. All I'll say is pay attention in the Afghan hospital basement scenes.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Combat Pretzel posted:

Wait what?

poo poo, now I have to watch it in full. I kept scrubbing through everything except the Middle Eastern and Japanese scenes, because they're the only ones that seemed to remotely deal with the subject at hand. Where exactly did it show?

Watch the second afghan Hospital basement scene

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

zoux posted:

Oh look a show about a pandemic induced apocalypse, just what everyone wants to watch now. Also, remember when trailers had narrators instead of slowed down minor key versions of up beat pop songs.

I was looking for something to watch and I watched the first 15 minutes or so of Sweet Tooth, and maybe this changes sometime in the future when we aren't in the middle of one, but the cinematic shorthand we have for "pandemic" is so far removed from the reality of it that I'm instantly disengaged.

I love Mackenzie Davis but yeah, I don't have this in me.

Same for Squid Games, I get it, late stage capitalism, its here already. I don't need a show to tell me about it no matter how well done it is.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Invasion is good :colbert:

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

nate fisher posted:

I did check and the only cast member not coming back is Lizzy Caplan due to scheduling conflicts. I think Lizzy is great, but having the other 6 is going to make it easy not to miss her.

Other way around. Get rid of Lynch and get Caplan back. Gonna pass on this even if I love Marino.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

Qmass posted:

im rewatching the newsroom during a serious bout of having almost literally nothing to watch and well...

I must have been high for the whole run of this show because its the worst and I cant imagine how I watched it and forgot how insane it was.

edit: still. its funny and funniest when its unintentional - like the psychically simultaneous pilot handshake

Also the "Republicans are the American Taliban" is peak PMC lib brain bullshit and so cringe.

Outside of a Few Good Men, Sorkin is complete and utter trash.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

swickles posted:

Having seen the recent result of the climate change summit, this Newsroom clip is actually pretty on those nose:

this is why michael hated him

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
all this talk about the newsroom led me down a youtube rabbit hole of Chapo clips on sorkin and i completely forgot about their remake of The Newsroom theme song

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

False posted:

Invasion: What an odd show. I can't think of any other show thats spent so much money on very, very good production values in order to go nowhere and accomplish nothing. The idea is pretty cool but they do nothing with it.

I’m enjoying it even if the pacing is weird.

If you see the potential in it and don’t like the execution, check out the War of the Worlds remake on Starz (2019). It’s really good and Invasion feels heavily cribbed from it.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Jumping into Yellowjackets E2.

I don't like the Lost comparison. This is actually good.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

isaboo posted:

I don't think I saw any of the movies, but I'm really enjoying Chucky

The first one is still great. 2 gets weird and then it's downhill.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

OldSenileGuy posted:

Oh my god I'm three episodes into Invasion and I don't think I've ever seen a show as aggressively and totally BORING as this show. I'm probably gonna stick with it out of morbid curiosity to see how long a major tentpole show can keep up this level of UNBELIEVABLE MIND-NUMBING BORING-NESS.

It's a very very slow burn but it's not as bad as Foundation.

I also don't think it's a good binge show so take breaks.


Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Anyone who finds any kind of empathy for anyone in Succession is telling on themselves.

Meanwhile people hoot and holler about how cool Axe is.

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