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Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

The Iraq War allegory stuff in BSG doesn't hold up. Well except for the Adama maneuver.


Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

The only tier was Mulan though I think that's an experiment

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Expanse is the best scifi show ever imo but forcing yourself to like it will not work. Just take a break and try again. It took me a few years before I got into The Wire.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Rhyno posted:

So was he cleared of being a sex pest then? I've lost track.

All his Parks and Rec co-stars back him up and the company that reported the story doesn't exist anymore and the writer quit writing. I think Amy Poehler wouldn't go anywhere near him if there was even a whiff of bullshit.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I also wish the news was cancelled

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Queen Latifah has a particular set of skills

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

At first I thought it was too absurd for Queen Latifah but it's way more believable than Liam Neeson hopping over any fences

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I'm assuming it's a French show and I've literally never heard anyone praise a French show before.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

On 9/11 I walked into Tower Records to buy the new CAKE and Ben Folds albums. The CAKE "Comfort Eagle" came with a free t-shirt.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

FilthyImp posted:

I had a flashback to those dumb as all gently caress SUPPORT ARE TROOPS yellow car ribbons, but on the way I remembered how we would clap/honk/cheer for cops/paramedics/firefighters for a while after 9/11.

Man. We cheered for cops :ughh:

Rudy Giuliani was universally loved and respected in America for a brief period

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Kundun! I liked it!

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I re-watched it like 5 years ago and still like it a lot. There's a dip in quality in season 3 or 4 but it's still one of the best finales. It's from Alan Ball, the guy that wrote American Beauty and it has some similar themes as that. Ignore his work with True Blood.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

All billionaires do that thing where you get blood transfusions from young men to keep rejuvenated

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

That's a gamble too. Just look at Meg Ryan and Renee Zelwegger.

i still think it's the young boy vampire scheme.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Why not build prisons deep in the ocean. It could be a Seaquest reboot.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Sounds like an Expanse spinoff

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I haven't seen it but isn't Zach some kind of Orange County wealthy conservative now. Sounds perfect and they get it.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I could have used 20% less Jennifer Goines throughout the series. Though I have the same complaint about Brad Pitt in the movie.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Keyser_Soze posted:

Minor nitpick, but people from Kansas City don't talk like Ted Lasso - that's like a full Alabama football coach accent. :colbert:

edit: maybe that's the point?

I think it's because Jason Sudeikis actually is from Kansas and awkwardly forced that aspect into the show

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Finished Plot Against America and god drat Zoe Kazan and Winona Ryder are really great at this acting thing. Also I'm a dumbass and thought "Winchell" was a portmanteau of Winston Churchill for like half the episodes.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Martin Scorsese filmed a 3-hour SCTV reunion special in 2018 including Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short and others. Apparently even Rick Moranis came out of retirement to be in it but there's been no news about it since then. Can't be good.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

The show be a lot more interesting if it was the latter. Who can make the most creatively unpleasant food?

Mu Zeta fucked around with this message at 02:50 on Jan 24, 2021

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Finished both seasons of His Dark Materials and it's unbelievably boring. Good cast and production values. it looks expensive as hell. But nothing happens and even major character deaths are forgettable that I need a reminder that this person died in the recap next episode. You'd think a show about someone trying to destroy church and religion would be more exciting but it's more like watching Richard Dawkins walk to the corner store for coffee and a bagel.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Big Mean Jerk posted:

Is there a place you buy the coffee mugs they use on The Expanse anymore? Back when it was still on Syfy I swear they sold versions printed with the MCRN logo in the official store, but I’m probably misremembering.

I really want that frosted white/clear one with the Roci nose art that Holden used in the latest episode.

The one with the logo was some dude on Etsy or Red Bubble bootleg printing onto one of these

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

The movie was a waste of time plot wise too since I don't even remember who killed the singer. I think they were pretty open about just being an excuse to make fan service because of kickstarter.

I did enjoy the Hulu season but Logan never makes sense.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Show still looks like a 1970s BBC production even at 8k

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I liked it a lot. It's a little weird alt history situation though where jews are discriminated more than blacks in 1940s America.

Zoe Kazan's character starts out so meek but she quietly puts in one of the best performances in years with a phone call scene.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Yeah I thought it was noticeable that most of the show takes place in a multicultural neighborhood and you hardly see any black people or see any experiences of black people, especially when there's the KKK roaming around.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

The Klowner posted:

I'm sorry, what??

I've heard a lot of people say the first 3 episodes of The Expanse aren't that great and I agree. I almost gave up on it but episode 4 got me hooked.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

abelwingnut posted:

well, i guess, tell me what was bad about it? i'm not great at watching things and constantly miss things. what am i missing?

i could also think s2 and s3 are even better than s1!

It was the overbearing intro and the annoying side characters.

Seriously though I can't remember why I disliked parts of season 1 but I distinctly remember watching season 2 and thinking Damon lindelof must have been listening to feedback because he made some huge changes.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

None of those have middle age white male anti hero protagonists and makes me uncomfortable

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

He has an identical show called "I'll have what Phil's having" that aired on PBS. It really is like Bourdain where he had three different shows that were the same thing.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Who even watched that show unless you're over 60. But it's not the weirdest reboot I've heard of because Greta Gerwig is writing a Barbie movie.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

There's a new Danish language HBO drama on Feb 1st about the SA goon that killed Kim Wall in the homemade submarine. The interesting thing about the show is that unlike most crime shows it goes out of its way to not glorify the killer.

Mu Zeta fucked around with this message at 21:58 on Jan 31, 2021

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

All the MCU movies are American military worship and that will never change. It's actually impressive how even the ones that take place in space or in fictional African countries do the same thing.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I thought Michael Rapaport was buddies with Spike Lee


Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Maybe a victorian Kingsmen

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