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Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
I liked the two episodes of Mr Mayor that I saw.

I did not like the half episode of Call me Kat that I saw after Hell's Kitchen, and will not be revisiting that.

I also did not like the first episode of The Great North, but because I like Bob's Burgers, I will give it a second episode before I call it.


Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

bull3964 posted:

The difference for the over 30 crowd is that we didn't have those events injected directly into our veins with 12 different versions of commentary coming at you simultaneously with half of them being conspiracy theories.

You often had to wait a whole 12 hours between news updates! A lot fewer first hand accounts and footage too.

I miss the days when conspiracy theories involved aliens and/or bigfoot who is also an alien, instead of Obama secretly running the government to make Trump look like an idiot.

Ugly In The Morning posted:

I think the first major news event like that for me was the Boston Bombing, where I was mainlining news from the GBS thread.

And that was what only 7 years ago now?

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Edward Mass posted:

Today I learned Frasier (and by extension, Cheers) is legally a ViacomCBS program.

Yeah, TV shows are like that, the network they first run air on, is not necessarily the network that's producing it.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Talking to Turkish people also led me to learn that Turkish Sesame Street has a cat Muppet named Eddie.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
German Big Bird is actually a bear named Samson

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
International Sesame Street muppets is a hell of a rabbit hole to fall down, it's really breaking my brain over here.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
I have a vague recollection of my classmates dissecting worms, some reason I didn't participate. It was so long ago, it could have been the time I had really bad pneumonia, or it could have been when my parents took us to the Grand Canyon :iiam:

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Escobarbarian posted:

I really like Avengers 1 but that’s largely due to the fact that I essentially view it as a really expensive dumb B-movie and I think it accomplishes that really well, and it’s probably the thing his quip style was most suitable for

No excuse for the cinematography, though

I liked the Avengers 1 mostly because it was the start of a really good day for me. I rolled up to the theater and Avengers in 3D was the next movie to start, and the day ended with making out with a rando at the bar.

I do think it probably deserves some credit for being the first of the marvel team up movies, something people had been suspecting for a while, and before we got the oversaturation we have now, so it was really novel at the time.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
People actually enjoy The Great North? :psyduck:

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
Season 1 of Babylon 5 can be pretty rough.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Mu Zeta posted:

I really liked the idea of having Netflix and Hulu to compete against each other but now it's a mess.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure most of these will be a flash in the pan, and end up going back to being extensions for existing services. I think Netflix, Hulu/Disney, Amazon, and Apple will be fine.

Oasx posted:

Debris reminds me a lot of Threshold, an excellent one season show from 2005, though Threshold had a much stronger cast. The first episode was decent, though the preview of the rest of the season seemed more intriguing.

I don't remember Threshold, I kept trying to think of it, but my brain kept reminding me of Surface.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Slamhound posted:

Nah, those shows were far too close together to really be considered ripoffs. It was more like a sci-fi fantasy zeitgeist and Lost just picked up the biggest audience with its slight lead. I’d say the ripoffs were dreck like The Ev3nt.

God that was poo poo.

They all came out like a couple years after Lost, I know this because I couldn't watch Lost due to working from 5:30pm to 4:00am, and I know I was watching The other shows live. Ah, the good old days before streaming

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Toxic Fart Syndrome posted:

Jericho, Revolutions

Jericho was good.

Revolution, had a good pilot but just fell on it's face every single chance it could get immediately after. Hell, they had Giancarlo Esposito, immediately after Breaking Bad and just did nothing with him.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

feedmyleg posted:

I recently watched Maximum Overdrive and was super bummed at how good Yeardly Smith was but how little she had been in other than Lisa Simpson work.

The Legend of Billie Jean is good

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

IRQ posted:

Every time anyone tries to recapture that magic they fail to see what made the show good had nothing to do with the 70s and just vomit references. That 80s Show was such garbage.

I think the big reason that happens, is because "70's" was part of the title. Yes, it took place in the 70's, but that functioned more as a backdrop, as the core of the show was fairly universal for just about any decade before smartphones became ubiquitous. There were certain beats, that were based on historical events, but they didn't function like references, and served to move characters and plot forward.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

GreenNight posted:

Ah so it'll get 10 seasons and 2 spin offs. Ok.

The Multiplayer will be disappointing, by the Divider will get 12 seasons

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

IRQ posted:

Actor dies.

I'm just proving the point really.

Like that would stop CBS

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Doom2020! posted:

My So Called Life

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Rhyno posted:

It was for the theater kids.

I knew a few punks, and/or delinquents who had dyed their hair, but no, it certainly wasn't common. I wanted to, but my mom wouldn't let me

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

zoux posted:

No one cares if you dye your hair these days, in the 90s it could get you suspended from school

In my middle school I got in trouble do sagging because my pants were below my belly button, and I was forced to wear a rope belt for the rest of the day. This was like 1994 or 1995.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Mu Zeta posted:

It was 90s San Francisco (before Columbine) so nobody really cared about anything like tattoos, hair, or dress code. I was with the weird group that carried butterfly knives and practiced flipping them around at lunch time. It wasn't a dangerous area or anything.

What year? I was in Seattle pre Columbine and a knife would have been confiscated, and I would have gotten a suspension. Expulsion was something that happened when you got too many suspensions.

I did manage to get at least one Saturday school per year over stupid poo poo.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

sticklefifer posted:

My friend had the Tool shirt that was a dick wrench and they made him change it or get suspended.

Same thing happened at my school

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Simone Magus posted:

...really? I'd always assumed it was like, white American propaganda fluff. It's good?

Little House on the Prairie is inoffensive family faire. I haven't seen all of it, but my mom loved it so, when I was growing up and we had a day off from school (and during the summer), it was time for LIttle House as soon as the cartoons ended around 9am. She departed the wisdom on me that every episode falls into one of two categories, sad or funny.

That Nelly Olson was a snotty little poo poo though

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Oasx posted:

I don't think it's fair to call it inoffensive. Sure it isn't The Wire, but a surprising amount of people die. Compared to dramas of today it can get pretty darn dark.

it was the 70's, people died all the time

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

MiddleOne posted:

Holy poo poo what were they thinking.

TV executives do not think.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
I like how everything, even the "nice" stuff just looks like cheap garbage in the 70's. I'm not just talking about the standard wood paneling that was on most walls.

Need a cabinet door? We're not even going to hide that it's just a plain piece of plywood, oh and we're just going to use a curtain if it's for the space under the sink

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Mu Zeta posted:

I think that's nostalgia for 50s Leave it to Beaver. when there were no uppity minorities

Work from Home has taught me that Leave it to Beaver is really good, and I will fight anyone over this

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Edward Mass posted:

Eddie Haskell got reincarnated in My Brother and Me, which I have been shocked to learn only lasted 13 episodes.

Is that the show where one of them is a puppet?

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
Holy poo poo! Netflix finally did it! They added a "play something" button. I've been dreaming of this for at least 6 years!

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Oasx posted:

The Good Place is at #46 and Better Off Ted isn't even there.

The list sucks.

Dude just made a list of 100 sitcoms and declared it the top 100 of all time. Anyone who puts the Simpsons as #1 in TYOOL 2021 has dubious credibility at best.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

IRQ posted:

Who cares, i want to see the dog. They better cast a very good dog.

There are no good dogs

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

IRQ posted:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how accurate is this to your childhood?

Change it to beagles and you've got an 8.5

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

X-O posted:

Personally I find the finale of the fifth season to be fine but lacking the finality I'd want in a series finale.

I feel like part of that was getting renewed for another season. Can't give it a full fledged ending if you've got to bring everyone back next year.

For the record I stopped watching regularly during 6 and at some point stopped all together in 7.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
Good lord is Housebroken dire. I can usually sit through an episode of something to see if I like it, but I nope'd out part way through two weeks in a row. I guess that's why it's being burned off at 9:00 on Mondays despite not being particularly offensive.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

Reject tradition. Embrace dating a woman with a blowhole.

With a proper low cut blouse I, and many others, probably wouldn't even notice the blowhole

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit


Netflix has some good stuff but the vast majority of their branded content is trash garbage from a butt. I was thinking today about how they run poo poo like that but wouldn't spring for a second season of Tuca & Bertie, which thankfully is at least now on adult swim.

Trash garbage from a butt is way cheaper to produce, hth

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Khanstant posted:

God, she made Blossom such an irritating and obnoxious show even in it's own time. I remember nothing about Blossom the show besides how terrible that character was.

I remember Joey Lawrence said "woah"

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Rhyno posted:

The majority of the audience are old white people. It doesn't take much to guess why.

Also the Olympics, olds love the Olympics

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

PostNouveau posted:

Are they still doing that Miyam Bialek Jeopardy spinoff?

Seemed like two terrible choices. Obviously that Richards choice has blown up in their face, but now is a particularly bad time to be giving an anti-vaxxer more prominence.

The regular host would have to quit any other jobs, she's currently anchored to her horrid sitcom Call Me Kat


Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Toxic Fart Syndrome posted:

Sean Connery just mangling Russian with a Scottish accent in Hunt for Red October...

It's been forever, but I remember being really entertained by Alec Baldwin doing a Sean Connery impression on that one.

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