Letterkenny is fun but definitely rest on its laurels. The jokes are either 1) clever/funny wordplay or 2) wacky local types. And I think every episode/season finale ends with a slow motion sequence. Half of those are Wayne lighting a cigarette, unbuttoning his sleeves, flicking away the cigarette, and then punching someone in the face. But good on them for pumping out episodes, they're on season 9 and it's only been around for going on 5 years.
# ¿ Jan 4, 2021 19:27 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 20:33 |
I lived in central Florida for 3 years and wouldn't blink twice if I saw a truck-boat-truck on I4.
# ¿ Jan 8, 2021 03:10 |
No, nothing ever happened before I turned 30.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2021 21:21 |
Print those directions off of mapquest and hope there's no traffic.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2021 22:35 |
TV Zombie posted:Netflix’s Lupin looks really promising though I’m only on the first episode. It's pretty good but only part 1 so it ends with no real resolution.
# ¿ Jan 12, 2021 17:31 |
Escobarbarian posted:Do you win that show by being the worst worst cook or the best worst cook? Is it the worst cook who improves the most or the least? Worst to best by weekly elimination.
# ¿ Jan 24, 2021 02:08 |
Yes, it premiered in late December on BBC America.
# ¿ Jan 25, 2021 20:42 |
It's a trashy soap opera but with some nice costumes. It's fine for what it is.
# ¿ Jan 27, 2021 13:19 |
skooma512 posted:Rewatching Breaking Bad. Why didn't Walt just take the money his old friends offered for treatment in season 1?
# ¿ Feb 5, 2021 23:07 |
Lid posted:The forthcoming HBO Max show “Generation” (styled “Genera+ion”) — created by 19-year-old Zelda Barnz and her father Daniel Barnz, and executive produced by Lena Dunham — is touting itself as an ultra-realistic look at high school life. What's the issue here other than the idea of dissection being gross? We dissected worms, frogs, and fetal pigs in high school, and dissected cats in freshman level anatomy/physiology in college. It's says right there that people who felt uncomfortable weren't forced to do it.
# ¿ Feb 10, 2021 12:36 |
I guess we can tell who the biology majors were.
# ¿ Feb 10, 2021 16:38 |
My dad grew up across the street from Terry Winter and hated him as a kid and never watched The Sopranos because of that. It always made me laugh when he would complain about Winter stealing a bunch of comics and baseball cards from him whenever the show was mentioned.
# ¿ Feb 12, 2021 18:00 |
MiddleOne posted:Anyone have anything good or bad to say about Mr. Mayor with Ted Danson? I literally just learned it exists at all. I watched the 7 episodes up on Hulu yesterday and it feels like a mix between 30 Rock and Parks&Rec. As someone who has watched both of those shows a million times over it feels incredibly comfortable and I can see it either lasting half a season or going for 7-9 years. The thing that sticks out to me the most is 72 year old Ted Danson having a 15 year old daughter, but that makes a little more sense when I remembered that it was originally pitched as a 30 Rock spin off with Jack as the mayor of NYC and his daughter would be around that age.
# ¿ Feb 21, 2021 15:54 |
Does the suit jerk master chef off in this one too?
# ¿ Feb 24, 2021 21:46 |
Mu Zeta posted:People were crying when the new game trailer came out with John Halo floating in space If people crying over game trailers is all it takes to make a show based on the property then we would have a lot more video game based shows.
# ¿ Feb 25, 2021 00:19 |
Lemme just tell my 60 year old inlaws to check out pirate bay for all of the episodes of Mysteries of Oak Island they want to watch.
# ¿ Mar 2, 2021 13:03 |
Open Source Idiom posted:Didn't stop Heroes from finding success. Season two onward did that.
# ¿ Mar 2, 2021 14:41 |
So it's a serial radio drama?
# ¿ Mar 4, 2021 00:20 |
Looten Plunder posted:Is this a Quibi reject or something? I guess it depends on if you can listen to it vertically and horizontally.
# ¿ Mar 4, 2021 01:30 |
Please cast Clark Gregg as Professor Utonium and Brett Dalton as Mojo Jojo.
# ¿ Mar 9, 2021 20:31 |
It unfortunately only got one season but Everything Sucks on Netflix is set in 1996 and is pretty great.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2021 15:18 |
Rhyno posted:That show was garbage dude. Naw but it also only got one season two years ago so does it really matter? Plus the conversation was about 90s aesthetics, which the show nailed.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2021 16:32 |
An Asian guy from Mars who flies around the solar system in a space ship that's a converted fishing boat, let's be clear here.
# ¿ Mar 15, 2021 17:53 |
bull3964 posted:The spamming of comments for Synder is making me not even want to watch JL as a curiosity. I had to lol when I saw that the top active threads in CD were the Snyderdome, the ZSJL thread, and the comic movie thread that was talking about ZSJL.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2021 22:54 |
zoux posted:Like half of all healthcare workers nationally declined the vaccine. I don't know why!!! 70+ million people still voted for Trump, it's because people are dumb.
# ¿ Mar 24, 2021 15:44 |
Apple TV is not a service I have any interest in paying money for, but my wife upgraded her cellphone and got offered a free year of it so we're currently three episodes into Ted Lasso. I gotta admit, those free year subscription deals have worked on me, I was in a very similar boat with Disney+ when it launched and if not for the free year we got with our verizon subscription I probably would have waited on it for a while. They got me y'all, they got me. Mythic Quest looks fun too, it's got a lot of actors I like in it and it's next on our list.
# ¿ Mar 25, 2021 10:50 |
I haven't watched season 2 of Solar Opposites yet but I really didn't like the wall subplot in season 1, especially the ending. I can see how people can enjoy it but it just wasn't connecting with me. It was too cynical, I just bounced off of it completely.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2021 00:55 |
My mother in law loves trashy reality TV and has been watching multiple hours of Mama June (or whatever it's called) and this poo poo should be illegal. I won't post my thoughts on the people themselves as I would probably get probed for it, but everything about it is just gross and wrong and they have candid talking head segments with a newborn baby. Just disgusting all around.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2021 01:39 |
Chairman Capone posted:Isn't she the one who married the pedophile who had abused her daughter, and then spent that same daughter's college fund on gifts to him? How is she able to still have a show? Yes, and I guess she and her boyfriend got caught with crack and meth last year (she claims she spent one million on her meth habit) and now she's got a new show about her "redemption". poo poo is so so gross I feel gross for even commenting on it.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2021 02:53 |
I'd watch a thousand hours of Dr. Pimple Popper than another minute of that poo poo. At least people are getting medical help in that one. Unrelated tv chat, I've watched the first seasons of Central Park and Ted Lasso. Both are really great, I'm looking forward to more episodes later this year. I didn't realize that Central Park was a straight up musical but luckily I've always enjoyed the songs in previous Loren Bouchard shows. Lots has already been said about Ted Lasso but it's overwhelmingly positive and funny and just kinda the type of show I needed to see yesterday.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2021 20:04 |
# ¿ Mar 31, 2021 21:02 |
I just wanna back at a level that means I can watch the new episodes but it seems like a subscription model to this streaming service so uh, I'll let other people put the money forward and wait until it's established and the episodes have all been released and then I'll subscribe.
# ¿ Apr 7, 2021 22:06 |
It's ambiance, its the same reason why any of the hosted movie night shows are more fun than just watching them on their own. I have very little experience with older MST3K but I liked the Netflix stuff enough to watch it multiple times and I will watch whatever new stuff they produce, eventually.
# ¿ Apr 7, 2021 23:57 |
Did anyone else watch Locke and Key and did anyone else understand how Dodge is also apparently Gabe? When/how did that end up happening? Overall I was pretty disappointed with how season 1 ended, the best part of the show was loving around with magic keys and seeing what they could do and once that stops being the main focus of the show it got kinda boring. I didn't find the main villain interesting at all, I thought the ending twist was pretty obvious except for my above question, and I really disliked the mom a lot. That being said I'll check out the next season since I do not value my time much.
# ¿ Apr 13, 2021 12:06 |
zoux posted:https://twitter.com/PopSci/status/1382053495554064389 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=083NxNzhmCU
# ¿ Apr 13, 2021 20:01 |
They know he's alive and will come looking for him eventually though. e: I guess I should add very vague Wheel of Time spoiler, it will be meaningless to anyone unfamiliar with the series though. ONE YEAR LATER fucked around with this message at 00:09 on Apr 18, 2021 |
# ¿ Apr 18, 2021 00:04 |
It's better when there's not multiple year waits in between books, rip asoiaf fans. I just hope that amazon dropping hundred of millions on LotR means they're all in to do the full series for WoT because it gets so good and has some cool poo poo in it and I wanna see that stuff on screen. I just wanna see the battle began at Dumai's Wells in live action, that's all I'm asking!
# ¿ Apr 18, 2021 00:18 |
Watching Chad and I'm glad there's only three episodes on Hulu atm, it's a little too much for binging.
# ¿ Apr 25, 2021 17:53 |
zoux posted:https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/1387391483767136261 Yeah well I resent the money I spent on the DVDs back in like 2010 so I guess everyone has regrets.
# ¿ Apr 28, 2021 15:48 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 20:33 |
I binged through the final season of Shrill today and it's a shame it was cancelled, especially without letting them know during production so it just kinda ends in a strange place. I didnt hate it though, not every show has to end on the perfect note with no questions and life for the characters is going to go on one way or another so some ambiguity is fine. Overall I really enjoyed the show, I enjoyed the honesty and earnestness of the characters and wish there was more.
# ¿ May 9, 2021 02:19 |