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Sep 20, 2007
Taco Defender

nwin posted:

Maybe soon enough!

The fact that we are having recruiting and retention problems and one idea to create a rating specific for recruiters-one where admin personnel are likely to flock towards since it means so sea duty, etc, just seems like a bad move.

Do any of the branches have a recruiter rating?

Another crazy thing I heard is they are willing to promote officers temporarily to take an open undesirable job. For example, an O4 can become an O5 for 3 years if they decide to go to a job in Houma.

This is getting crazier and crazier by the day.

Navy Counselors (NCs) are career specialists who help manage reenlistments, changes in ratings, career development boards, and advancement related things. Kind of like an internally focused recruiter rating.


Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Dat good order and discipline....Holy poo poo.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Melthir posted:

Dat good order and discipline....Holy poo poo.

What happened?

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Dudes admiting to non tested for drugs, ltjg's being deliberate assholes, religious zealot racist JO failing people for not praying enough and fornication problems, assaults, fake dicks and fat e9s..straight comedy. Oh yeah and a badge beat someone's rear end.

In light of all this poo poo I don't feel so bad about the problems my station is having. I mean OiC still created problems but holy gently caress.

Melthir fucked around with this message at 04:55 on Feb 2, 2024

Jan 22, 2010

did not expect this in 2024

Nov 21, 2008

I hope they send this to Ukraine like they did the other time.

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki
god the functionally unlimited character limit is the worst change to twitter. this poo poo is practically an entire tweet

> The U.S. Coast Guard Sentinel-class fast-response cutter USCGC Clarence Sutphin Jr (WPC 1147)

mfers nobody outside the us coast guard knows wtf that is it's a goddamn ship. just say "USCG ship" it's fine

oh no what if i could not distinguish this from a US Coast Guard AnusPiercing-class slow-penetration dongus USCGC Gay Sex Sr (FUCKMYBUTT 69420)

as a member of the public i am lost and confused

Jun 20, 2018
seriously no one cares the class of cutter, just call ship or a patrol boat, average people can understand what that is. Though I'm sure some BMCM or Capt would die from a hear attack if they saw it called a ship and spend their morning writing angry emails to ppl at centcom. More importantly, ffs tweets were never supposed to be a cut and paste of a press release you also sent to AP. Sidenote the comments hilarious tho then again I question the sanity of people who argue in the comments section of a centcom tweet.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Holy loving whistle blower batman

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Melthir posted:

Holy loving whistle blower batman

wtf happened? Someone sent an email to a bunch of higher ups about some higher ups doing bad things?

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

For context:


Good day!

As District 8 prepares to welcome standing Commanding Officer of Sector Mobile Captain Ulysses Mullins as their new Chief of Staff (exciting!)
I felt it appropriate to bring light to the egregious miscarriage of justice and the Coast Guards continued silencing of sexual abuse victims that secured that new position for him. God knows how tough that would be to lock down with the prosecution of a sexual predator under his belt just months before! Two claps for district 8 legal and fuckhead Mullins for ALMOST successfully brushing YEARS of sexual assault, sexual harassment, revenge porn, stalking and retaliation under the rug once again.

Sexual Predator and Wife beater OS1 Christopher Hereford along with Victim Blamer and friendly neighborhood stripper/Coke fiend OS2 Arik Rangel and Sexual Predator and Sexual predator sympathizer OSCS Nicole Clark have been under investigation since September 1, 2022 for the aforementioned crimes. It wouldn’t be entirely accurate to say they’ve been “under investigation” for the last nearly 2 years as the investigation was complete in December of that same year, only 4 months after the initial or should I say…OFFICIAL report was made. The remaining time from December 2022 up until earlier this week, about a year and a half later, District 8 legal was hard at work hand in hand with your beloved Captain Mullins trying to figure out how to keep the years of abuse of a junior member as quiet as possible. I really do want to commend them on the countless man-hours that have been spent on protecting the sexual predators that walk among us in this great service. loving retention, right?

To commemorate Mullins’ eventful tour, spent mostly on leave and high five-ing rapists, we should recap all of the great efforts of District 8 and Sector mobiles best and the events they chose to turn a blind eye to over the years!

LTJG Evan Thigpen drugging a junior member while on duty resulting in the member being hospitalized. Not long after, LTJG Evan Thigpen falsely reporting that the same junior member that he DRUGGED was being physically abused by her husband, who was also a member at a different unit! Which naturally, instead of conducting a wellness check and thorough investigation into the claims; LCDR Christopher Miller and Captain Ladonn Allen (both now retired) determined the allegations were false, no investigation necessary. AND instead of holding Ol Thiggy Smalls accountable for making a false official statement, they chose to punish the junior member with a negative pg 7 claiming she must have been joking about domestic violence and THATS WHY HE MADE THE BASELESS CLAIMS. DUH, standard procedures have always been to punish the little guy for the LUDICROUS actions of a commissioned officer! Love the team effort on this one!

OSCS Nicole Clark sexually assaulting not one, but TWO female junior members. Particularly interesting considering her past of sexual assault at a prior unit. That’s the Coast Guard way! OSCS Nicole Clark having knowledge of the sexual abuse of a junior member suggested that the victim “lay low” because she “really couldn’t afford another investigation”. OSCS Nicole Clark viewing nude photos of that same sexual assault victim with OS2 Arik Rangel, who provided this content to her. Where did OS2 Arik Rangel get these photos? FROM OS1 Christopher Hereford! Who, interestingly enough is the dirtbag who sexually assaulted the previously mentioned junior member! Don’t we just love when a story comes full circle! OSCS Nicole Clark then attempted to share the photos with more of her subordinates and asked for advice on how she “could get her on this”, suggesting that the victim of sexual assault, harassment, and now REVENGE PORN was a prostitute. Then after the victim reported ALL of this, OSCS Clark attempted to get the victim placed on a psychiatric hold to discredit her! If you ask me, advancing the bitch to Senior Chief after all of this wasn’t enough. We should have made her president!

OS2 Arik Rangel also with knowledge of the repeated sexual assaults that took place over the years weighed in with his opinion on the matter over tacos and margaritas with the gals. Mr. Gay prides hot take was that the victim “Liked the attention” and “was asking for it”. Bystander and overall shitbag wasn’t enough; Overachiever Arik Rangel decided he just HAD to get in on the action! So OS2 Arik Rangel and OS1 Christopher Hereford put their dicks together, came up with a whole 4 inches and started plotting! OS1 Hereford so generously shared the nude photos of the victim that he had previously just been using as blackmail and also probably jerk off material with OS2 Arik Rangel so that he could be the one to do Herefords dirty work. And lucky for Hereford, OS2 Arik Rangel being the mindless loving miscreant that he is made the PERFECT scapegoat. A few short months later OS2 Arik Rangel, who for no good reason decided he wanted be the sidekick to a sexual predator, going so far as to interfere with ongoing CGIS interviews, repeatedly making false reports to discredit the victim and going into the victims locker at work and throwing all of her personal belongings in the dumpster, he then VOLUNTEERED TO READ VICTIM STATEMENTS ON BASE DURING SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS AND PREVENTION MONTH. Thats right folks, you cannot make this poo poo up. Naturally none of these events made any part of the victims command or D8 legal sick to their stomach, but why would it! Oh can’t forget, CGIS and Captain Mullins also refused to investigate a factual and RELIABLE report of OS2 Arik Rangels drug abuse. Maybe if you did your loving jobs and got the motherfucker in rehab sooner he wouldn’t have been such a cancer to every human being who had the displeasure of interacting with him. And maybe he could have held onto at least one of his engagements. We can’t let these tiny infractions interfere with a hispanic homosexual man’s OCS Packet though. Double minority OCS recommendation would just look too loving good under your belt, huh Ulysses? Just couldn’t pass that up.

OS1 Christopher Hereford, married father of two and textbook predator with way too many protectors. OS1 took all of that incredibly useful LAMS info and put it towards “relationship building and assisting” a junior member who was being abused by a toxic command. OS1 Hereford made sure to wait until she was at her very lowest, almost giving up on life before he started assaulting her. OS1 Hereford used his time with this member on duty to have closed door conversations with her so she could BEG WHO SHE THOUGHT WAS HER FRIEND for help, guidance, loving salvation. She trusted him, and he took her fear and lack of faith in her command as an invitation rather than a cry for help. With tears in her eyes, he made his first move. “Well at least your rear end looks great today, I’ve had blue balls looking at it all day”. As the months passed he made countless sexual comments to this member until he felt enough ownership over her that he could start putting his hands on her. OS1 Hereford made sure to take advantage of any opportunity that he could get his victim alone and out of sight to put his hands on her tits, on her rear end, on her vagina, and around her neck. For loving MONTHS. And each time, right after he left her alone frozen and stunned standing in a locker room, in the comms booth, in the chiefs office, he made sure to get ahead of any potential future allegations. OS1 Hereford started to get worried that he was taking it too far to avoid risk; but to stop the assaults would just be too easy. So instead he starting holding secret off base E6 meetings where he would pull a select few aside to tell them “She’s a whore, don’t trust her, stay away from her, she’s going to try to gently caress you and ruin your marriage”; OS1 scoured through the chiefs desks every night that he was on duty to find any thing with his victims name on it that he could use against her, INCLUDING reviewing a copy of her EERS and then complaining that they were too high to her chief. OS1 searched the internet high and low for leaked nude photos of his victim and then told her, on duty that he found them. He made sure to mention that he “knows you don’t want anyone to see these”, she ignored. OS1 forced her to step out of the command center to show her proof that he had them. Understandable, blackmail isnt so useful if she thinks youre bluffing, right. OS1 Hereford complained about his wife’s affair and how her body was not what it used to be after giving birth to his children, with his victims tits in his hands said he was “gonna buy his wife a pair to feel just like this”, OS1 told his victim that if she ever told anyone about the “things he does to her, all he could do was lie” and then followed that up with he “could gently caress her whenever he wanted because he knows she wants him so bad”. OS1 attempted to scare his victim each time he took the abuse up a notch, sending anonymous emails threatening to leak her nudes, telling other people not to trust her, showing his IS1 buddy working in the next shop over nude photos of her and offering her up to him since “his wife hadn’t hosed him in a while”, like he was her loving pimp. Complaining to her supervisors about her behavior and work performance, gotta make sure that reputation stays in the dirt obviously. And when his victim finally started to get away, he followed her, cornered her and intimidated her any time she had a private conversation with someone else. What was that? Where’d you go? Who was that? What were you talking about? What did they say? OS1 became so unhinged as he saw the power over another human life slipping through his fingers that he started berating her on the watch floor, yelling in her face and slamming his hands on her desk, asking why she was pulling away, why she was no longer available to him. OS1 Herefords 2 year long reign over his victim was coming to an end, with no help from her command. Though his victim promised him she wouldn’t say anything if he just stopped, he couldn’t imagine not being able to cram his hands between her legs and wrap his arm around her neck, not out of desire but out of power. It wasn’t worth letting go of. If he couldn’t grope her, he had to destroy her. The anonymous threats continued, the stalking continued, the recruitment of other people to destroy her continued. And each time, your service turned their back on her.

The events that occurred at sector mobile command center, over years, under multiple commands and countless instances of a lack of action by the very people who try to make you believe that you are safe and that they will protect you, resulted in this junior member experiencing further sexual harassment by other members of the command center, retaliation on multiple fronts, destruction of property, retaliatory false reports, victim blaming, the spread of private photos of the victim in her workspace, exclusion, lowered EERS, targeting, silencing and a loving HEART ATTACK. The Coast Guard has substantiated the victims claims, obtained countless pieces of evidence, conducted multiple AHHI investigations alongside the CGIS investigation, and interviewed upwards of 30 people, to include retirees, people who have transferred, and people currently at the unit who have knowledge of these crimes. 2 years. The overwhelming majority of this time being used to find loopholes to protect yet another sexual predator in the Coast Guard. TWO loving YEARS. Promises of justice, discussing charges, reassurance that they believed her, that they were going to do the right thing. Trust the process, be patient. Two loving years and all they got was enough to stick him with sexual harassment and a false official statement. Apparently the statement of the victim and dozens of witnesses over the course of 3 years of abuse wasn’t enough. The victim begged them to subpoena his cell phone, the evidence was there. Nope. The victim begged them to review camera footage, the evidence was there. Nope. The victim begged them to ask the right questions, the evidence was there. Nope. The victim begged them to do the right thing, to look in the right places, to interview the people who knew, to listen to what she was saying. No can do! The victim FOIA requested the facts and findings of one of her investigated claims, only to find that they chose not to interview any person she named as a witness aside from one , and that one person, had her entire statement redacted and replaced with “Attempted to reach OS2 (anonymous), but she was underway and unreachable”.The one witness who substantiated the abuse, the one eye witness. Interviewed and scrubbed. During the CGIS investigation and review of the findings, multiple additional reports were made from the victim herself as well as other members of the command center who did not have any stake in the outcome of the investigation to CGIS and D8 civil rights office regarding continued retaliation against this victim. These reports were met with “There’s really nothing you can do” and “The investigation is closed, we aren’t taking any supplemental evidence or new reports”. Zero tolerance policy for retaliation and whistleblower protection does not exist. Its not inefficient, its not unsatisfactory, its non existent.

A year in they announced their first charges. Sexual harassment and making a false official statement. Two years and this is all they’ve got? There was no hard evidence, video or audio recording, eye witnesses for harassment OR assault. But the interviews and victim testimony were pretty damning. So how is it that they could substantiate sexual harassment but not sexual assault, given the same exact evidence? Why could we not substantiate the crime of revenge porn with eye witnesses and admissions? Why did not a single event described above “Rise to the level of prohibited harassment”?

The answer is that they didn’t care and they didn’t want to. These extreme abuses of power and lack of action had gone ignored under the watch of too many heavy hitters. It went too far back, too many people were responsible for the uninterrupted abuse of a junior member. People who knew, and people who didn’t. So in addition to not giving a gently caress, the people with all of the power felt like they were the ones who needed protection. In case anyone was wondering why there were so many surprise retirements in the last two years, there’s come clarity for ya. And so the hard work began. D8 Legal withholding updates, sitting on their asses, letting days, weeks, months pass with no progress. What could be taking so long? Conference calls asking for victim input, taking the victims desperate plea to not allow captain Mullins to adjudicate. Anything, anyone but him. Offering understanding, reassurance, and pride in the work they were putting in to bringing this monster to justice. And finally, though they ignored the evidence of multiple crimes committed by multiple people they had their charges AND their plan of action. Two years. Two years of therapy, two years of anti depressants, two years of sleepless nights, two years of “trusting the process” and two years of NJP or court martial, NJP or court martial. It really seemed like a lot of thought and effort was being put into this case. You could almost imagine them all huddled in a smoke filled room, files everywhere, copies of legal dictionaries and UCMJ thrown around, the 5 o clock shadow and cigarettes and coffee pot brewing on repeat, looking for every charge they could hit them with. I mean these motherfuckers really made it seem like they were making poo poo HAPPEN. And still, all we had was sexual harassment and a false official statement. The same charges they brought up a year before. Punishment and the guarantee that he would be discharged was finally set in stone.

And on May 8th, 2024, The day of his NJP, the truth came out. That district 8 and Captain Mullins sat around and sucked each others dicks until they hit the “statute of limitations”. The statute of limitations that they chose based on their perceived severity of his actions. The statute of limitations that had not ONCE been previously mentioned at ANY POINT during this 2 year process. The day that his victim waited two years for, they let her know what exactly was taking so long, that the time they spent appearing to be hard at work was literally just a circle jerk to kill time. AND then they told her that it didnt matter anyway because she wasn’t the real victim. The real victims were the people he made crude comments to about the person he was assaulting. He tried to jam his fingers inside of her through her ODU pants, he cornered her in a locker room and forced his hands up her shirt, he blackmailed her with her own private photos that he accessed illegally, he threatened her and her husband, he choked her, he forced himself on her every time they were on duty together, he controlled her in any and every way he could, he shared photos of her with her coworkers, he offered her body to his friends, he anonymously threatened her and after doing this he told her coworkers "she is a whore, she is going to try to gently caress you, shes going to try to ruin your marriage, just stay away from her and dont trust her". The people he directed these words at, to silence her, were the "real victims”.
He was masted that day, quietly, closed, seemingly the first time that Baker didnt send an email notifying the unit of a closed mast taking place that day; which she usually did. They refused to punish him for his crimes, and the only thing they were willing to punish him for was lying about his knowledge of his victims nude photos existing. Shout out to IS1 for folding on his boy! It almost seems like the only attempt at a punishment was for him not going after his victim more aggresively and reporting the photos. It’s all very clear now. All of this and he got 20 days extra duty to show for it. The motherfucker got more than that for sneaking his cell phone into a secure space, which he did by the way cause he was afraid CGIS was gonna come take it.Stellar effort guys!

In her victim input to D8 legal she told them exactly how severe the years of abuse really was.

"I want a kind of pain for him that I could never give him. I want him to feel what I feel everyday. I don’t care about him being scorned. I want real pain for him. I want him to have bags under his eyes, I want him to forget what a good nights sleep feels like, I want him to starve himself until he feels like he is going to collapse when he realizes that he hasn’t eaten in days. I want him to not be able to look people in the eyes when he’s spoken to, I want a shaky voice and restless hands for him. I want him to feel scared, and anxious, and like he is being judged at all times because he is. I want him to be startled so easily by a neighbor saying hello that he feels dizzy, I want him to feel like he is being watched and followed. I want him to feel ashamed and embarrassed. I want him to feel violated. I want him to never be heard. I want him to beg to any and every god he could think of for the pain to stop. I want him to never have the answers, to never know what he did so wrong to feel this way. I want him to be afraid of everything. I want him to wear his pain and be dripping in cries for help and I want him to be shown how little anyone cares. I want him to feel alone. I want him to be alone. I want his parents to watch him turn into someone they can’t recognize. I want him to not be able to recognize himself. I want him to feel like his body is not his own. And I want him to beg for help and be turned away. I want him to close his eyes when he presses down on the gas. I want him to cry so hard that his head pounds and his eyes feel like they are on fire. I want him to feel what I feel everyday. I wish nothing but pain, and fear, and emptiness on him. I want things for him that a judge can’t dole out."

This member was so damaged by the failures of her command that she became physically ill to the point of vomitting and crippling panic attacks just from having to interact with senior members of her command and you decided it wasnt that bad.

This is hardly what I think Linda Fagan had in mind when she told all you high rollers that we needed to get those sexual assault numbers down, but whatever it loving takes right? Bury it if you have to, whatever you have to do to keep the Coast Guard happy so you can still pay the mortgage on your summer house. You sold your loving souls for an organization that would spit on your loving grave for much less than what you read here. Every single person who had this come across their desk plugged their ears and closed their eyes as every ounce of morality was drained from their loving veins. Everyone at D8 legal, every one at Sector Mobile, every person who withheld evidence, everyone who turned a blind eye again and again until it got too big, and every person who buried it BECAUSE it got too big. Everyone who took part. Ulysses Mullins, Ladonn Allen, Christopher Miller, Nicole Clark, Christopher Hereford, Andrew Silva, Arik Rangel. And everyone who stood by. Funkhouser, Baker, Kitchen. Women with power, who I KNOW felt what that member felt at some point in their lives. The Coast guard will do it to you too. You don’t matter. You are not valued. You are not respected. You were placed in those seats because it looked good, you were just a thing they could use for situations like this. To nod and share your stories, and pass along the tissues while the big boys buried it. Something that could be forgiven had it been attributed to naivety, but it wasn’t, you knew, and regardless of the influence you had, you chose to abandon that integrity you won’t shut the gently caress up about as to not step on daddy’s toes. You were bound by loving nothing. Nothing was stopping you from doing the right loving thing. You didnt want the smoke, so you honored a service that would bury you just as quickly. gently caress you and gently caress your service.

Eason the Fifth
Apr 9, 2020

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think


I’m at 18 years in, with a good shot of making CDR and being able to take my next tour to 23 years without moving.

But I’m not proud of where we are or how we present ourselves anymore.

Our operational units still do a ton of great stuff but it lives in the shadows of things like this.

nwin fucked around with this message at 13:05 on May 16, 2024

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:


I’m at 18 years in, with a good shot of making CDR and being able to take my next tour to 23 years without moving.

But I’m not proud of where we are or how we present ourselves anymore.

Our operational units still do a ton of great stuff but it lives in the shadows of things like this.

Yeah, shits a train wreck. Mamadaunt got told to show the gently caress up to congress around the 20th for noncompliance so we will see what's up

Dec 31, 2004

Be Gay!
Do Crime!

why the gently caress does my rate have so many sex pests?????

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

why the gently caress does my rate have so many sex pests?????

You have a thankless job with a high turnover rate listening to ghost in the machine. Either they are an idealistic who believe they are making the world a better place or they are creepers that can't function outside of the military

Eason the Fifth
Apr 9, 2020
Command mentioned The Email today and we don't even work with D8, sounds like it's already making some waves.

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

I heard the CG deleted the email from the system which truly makes it look guilty, but not sure if that's true or not.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
The horse has well and truly fled the barn on that one.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
From what I've heard from my D8 buddies is that the captain followed policy and guidelines so the anger they are catching is unwarranted...every thing else is fairly accurate....straight wtf.

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

Policy and guidelines make it very easy for the military to sweep poo poo under the rug.

Edit: That excuse didn't fly at Nuremberg either.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Elendil004 posted:

Policy and guidelines make it very easy for the military to sweep poo poo under the rug.

Edit: That excuse didn't fly at Nuremberg either.

More of he sent poo poo up and legal did nothing. But you do you and jump right to nazis.

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

Melthir posted:

More of he sent poo poo up and legal did nothing. But you do you and jump right to nazis.

Fair, this poo poo is just endemic and the fact that nothing has changed in 15 years in terms of covering asses and covering up sexual assaults because it was just a lil mistake is horseshit. We'll see if this does anything other than get the person who sent it NJP'd though.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Elendil004 posted:

Fair, this poo poo is just endemic and the fact that nothing has changed in 15 years in terms of covering asses and covering up sexual assaults because it was just a lil mistake is horseshit. We'll see if this does anything other than get the person who sent it NJP'd though.

Commandant hits capital hill next week and I guarantee congressional staffers have informed their bosses of this for PR purposes if nothing else. Girl boss overseeing massive sexual assault wave....not in my American dream.

We will see what happens.

Eason the Fifth
Apr 9, 2020
Some all-timers from the latest Good Order and Discipline


Non-Judicial Punishment: An E-6 used a water gun on a superior commissioned officer during the raising of the colors. Awarded a reduction in paygrade to E-5.


An E-4 used their Government Travel Charge Card at a strip club for $1798 and the following day, falsely reported the charges as fraudulent. Awarded 30 days of extra duty, a forfeiture of $2569, and a reduction in paygrade to E-3.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

That strip club one is a loving banger.

I’d love to hear the story behind the water gun. Sounds like a harmless prank but there’s gotta be something else….orrrr the officer is just a loving dick and no one higher than them was able to talk them off a ledge.

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

nwin posted:

That strip club one is a loving banger.

I’d love to hear the story behind the water gun. Sounds like a harmless prank but there’s gotta be something else….orrrr the officer is just a loving dick and no one higher than them was able to talk them off a ledge.

Yeah there's got to be a story behind that one. Last straw or something.

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

Also you're gonna post those but not the guy shooting his personal firearm inside a station into a sign?

Eason the Fifth
Apr 9, 2020
Look you can't expect me to actually fully read uscg correspondence

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Elendil004 posted:

Also you're gonna post those but not the guy shooting his personal firearm inside a station into a sign?

Or him pissing on the floor, touching nips ect.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Hoo boy, the SARC for the academy just resigned and posted a whole whistleblower article with cnn.

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

nwin posted:

Hoo boy, the SARC for the academy just resigned and posted a whole whistleblower article with cnn.

Operation Fouled Anchor jesus what a metaphor

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:

Hoo boy, the SARC for the academy just resigned and posted a whole whistleblower article with cnn.

Good, honestly hopefully this gets some results. From them mishandling hookers investigation and straight refusing to look into mine. gently caress em.

Melthir fucked around with this message at 00:36 on Jun 11, 2024

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Melthir posted:

Good, honestly hopefully this gets some results. From them mishandling hookers investigation and straight refusing to look into mine. gently caress em.

I mean, unless congress jumps in and does something, I dunno what else can be done. Relieve the current comdt and direct someone else to do things? I dunno.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:

I mean, unless congress jumps in and does something, I dunno what else can be done. Relieve the current comdt and direct someone else to do things? I dunno.

I honestly don't have a lot of faith that anything is going to be done. Congress meets today. Honestly putting comdt against the wall may actually spark some change just for the fear of it happening to someone else. The fact that knowing they were going to get investigated they still used the Academy SARC as a weapon against the victims is some of the most hosed up poo poo I've seen this organization do since I've been in.

I don't know I'm pretty angry about this and I can admit I'm having a hard time keeping my personal experience from biasing what I think should happen. Shits hosed, and the way the CG handled it has had a massive mental and physical impact on both me and my wife.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Melthir posted:

I honestly don't have a lot of faith that anything is going to be done. Congress meets today. Honestly putting comdt against the wall may actually spark some change just for the fear of it happening to someone else. The fact that knowing they were going to get investigated they still used the Academy SARC as a weapon against the victims is some of the most hosed up poo poo I've seen this organization do since I've been in.

I don't know I'm pretty angry about this and I can admit I'm having a hard time keeping my personal experience from biasing what I think should happen. Shits hosed, and the way the CG handled it has had a massive mental and physical impact on both me and my wife.

No I agree. I have zero reason to stay in now. Im at the academy and it is tough to find any momentum or morale to keep going.

It’s refreshing to see the fleet actually doing things.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Not going to lie. That's the worst flag level testimony I have ever seen. Like holy poo poo I'd resign level of bad. Just from what I'm seeing from text she lost the any support she had. What a disaster.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

I watched parts of it. Seemed like her lawyers just said “commit to working with the IG.” To every response.

Glad Shannon Norenberg (prior SARC for CGA) showed up but I didn’t expect comdt to say anything directly to her.

I’m not impressed and just apathetic at this point.

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

STA New York fired its CO and I believe senior enlisted of what looks like bad handling of SA cases. House of fuckin cards, man.


Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Sorry for the FB link but dam

Holy loving buss driver batman

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