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Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
gently caress you guys. It is the second year of the 20's. We still don't have money for anything that matters but hey its not so bad, literally nothing has changed. We have some guys that have gotten themselves promoted. We have some guys that are about too, as well as some people who's souls have finally been crushed by the unfeeling uncaring machine that is government work. All in all its been a pretty meh year. Covid sucks but there is now light at the end of the tunnel. Our abusive orange leader keeps loving with Ice breaker poo poo. OPC's are around the corner and some of us will probably be cursed to be aboard them. The 29's are a bane to the entire fleet. 225's are breaking left and right but sythaglass is cheap. We have stations literally falling into the water with no plan in site and our new uniforms are hideous . But all in all we are doing great because at the end of the day at least we aren't DOD


Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Well poo poo. Not much choice in the matter. Suppose it could be worse.

Melthir fucked around with this message at 01:34 on Jun 26, 2024

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Did you write the steps down and ask why step 4, 15 and 27 are the same?

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Goondolences. I thought it didn't matter currently?

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Who knows. All my shop but one is currently getting out cause poo poo ain't worth it and I convinced them education is the better alternative. Like 70% of the boat is openly discussing it...shits nuts

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:

What’s the main reason people are getting out? Are they mostly people on first enlistments?

My only exposure right now is to the honor guard and they all just want to avoid underway and go ME.

I mean there is a plethora of reasons and I'm waiting for the fam to wake up so we can move so I'll list them as applicable to the boat I was on.

New GI bill and retirement shenanigans. That and the recent bunch of Os (last 5 years or so) coming out of the academy are loving dumb. We have more non rates joining with degrees and life experience then ever before so when you listen to ensign idiot tell you to do something only to get yelled at by bm1/c for doing what dumb rear end said then the next day get threatened with njp for not doing what the dumb rear end says it kind of makes you want to get out.

Toxic as gently caress CO who is a jerk to anyone who is even half way decent looking(this is most definitely not me ask crabdad) while screeching about the patriarchy keeping her from getting the job she wanted(another female got it). Also she is probably the most unsafe CO I have ever worked for, last underway she almost got the MK2 breaking in killed by launching a boat in max seas with a Jr. Driver and this being the first boat launch that 7/8 of deck force had ever done.

Badge Chief getting threatened for NJP by big CG for having a pre existing relationship with another Chief who picked up warrant.(apparently there is no written policy allowing it I don't know I'm not touching the poop)

XO is a money hoarder and doesn't approve PRs for needed stuff making everything way harder then it needs to be.

Unit being perpetually broke with the CG half rear end fixing it just to rush the boat out of dry dock to work bouys. When 1 and two tour guys see the CG overall lack of give a poo poo about quality repairs it makes you wonder how much your life is worth.

Basically the Willow is a train wreck with the only saving grace being they are gettinga new CO in june. I'm glad I'm transferring out.

Over all CG wide I think people are realizing the military is dumb and it's getting more and more difficult to convince people that 20 years is worth it. Most of the people now that are doing more then 10 are doing it cause they feel trapped. Toss out a 10 year retirement with no health care but 25% pay and we would really watch the floodgates open.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Da fuq. Mine was done in 3 days.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

SWE raw scores have been out since Friday...

Except for mine :mad:

We have a 105, 98 and 93 up here. Still to early to know if it's from there study group or if the scores are just high this time.

Melthir fucked around with this message at 01:41 on Jun 26, 2024

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

I checked all the previous EPAA and those minus the people who made it on the first cut means I am currently #33 on the list and its loving killing me.

Yeah im waiting for July 1 to roll around so I can get paid for the desk I'm riding.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Yeah.....thats not normal.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Woof sorry bud.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

tbf i have a better set of marks for this one so i may actually at a higher spot.

Well worse comes to worse come hang out with me in NY.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

in other "making me suffer and giving me an ulcer" news, my re-enlistment paperwork, which i sent on the 10th of april, made its way to the YNs by the end of april, and currently is stuck in SPO and no one of the command is available to sign it...

On a tuesday.

my eoe is the 1jul.

And your current command isn't raising hell?

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:

Just lol at relying on a YN2/yn3 combo to take care of anything for you.

Keep on their rear end about it.

Yeah it's a coin flip. YN2 on the Willow was amazing other places its been more misses then hits.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:

I’d be more likely to trust the sole YN aboard a ship than I would a gaggle of them at a sector/base with leadership absent.

Fair point

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:


also gently caress im enlisting again :negative:


Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
The CG has vastly underestimated the power of social media to broadcast problems and has been turning a blind eye to toxic commands for decades. Honestly I'm surprised this hasn't happened earlier.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Worked with the CO before can confirm 100% heel.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

Well the may 2021 swe rankings came out and im #90ish laffo...


Offf.....sorry bud.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Whelp sent non rate to airmen program. Poor bastards sponsor just got shot. Feeling kind of helpless right now. This is a lovely situation.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

Another cut for the November SWE came out and i am #16 and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sorry bud.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
CG needs to poo poo or get off the pot with these covid discharges. Give these fuckers a time line so they can make plans and get them the gently caress out. The victim complex they have is nuts.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:

My jobs mostly dealing with civilians and a handful of officers remotely nowadays-is the fleet that full of assholes not wanting to get the vaccine?

Not really. It's a small but amazingly loud percentage. One of the guys gas a legit medical concern and a long documented history. The other guys....I honestly can't think of a good example to pair it to that you guys would believe wasn't exaggerated. Shits nuts and honestly there may just end up being booking chits over the behavior.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

There are so many openings for VTS Staten island and other good picks... for OS2.
I mean there are also good places for OS1, but I am not in the cuttoff and who knows if I actually score high enough in the NOV21 SWE...

Well if you do get NY and want to come check out some castles or just chill in upstate your welcome to come hang out.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Anita Dickinme posted:

Hey Coasties, I was looking at jobs back home and saw there was a Coast Guard shipyard in Memphis, TN and was wondering if anyone here had any experience there or was stationed there and knew anything about it civilian-side.

I'd take the lack of response as a no. I have experience with CG shipyards in general though if you have questions.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Whelp off to CPOA hell in peak covid season to. FML.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Lol they are testing the whole base apparently.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

I made the cut for OS1 and now i am on standby to place new picks

Congrats dude

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

Thanks, i finally got the short list last saturday and man. It was a lot better than i thought but like 50% percent of it was cutter, not a single district and the only VTS was berwick bay...

At least Milwaukee sounds like a good city.

Just a short plane ride away.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Let me know when you arrive, and I can make a trip down. Also, let me know if you need anything.

ElMaligno posted:

Got my orders for Sector buffalo

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

One of the reasons I'm getting more excited about buffalo is that a lot of my friends and family are willing to visit me there. And I can also drive to visit them. :unsmith:

After being in AK for 12 years, it's very nice to have that option.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
CCTI week three. Shits still some of the dumbest poo poo I've been voluntold for.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

nwin posted:

Not having fun with the scavenger hunt for signatures?

Are you making your hat box or buying it?

I didn’t see too much helping out when I was a JO but holy poo poo I felt for those guys when we were helping cook for the other chiefs. Jesus gently caress it was like they were all getting bitched at as non-rates all over again.

Making it. It's a crab trap for crabby Chiefs. I told them they were a bunch of asshats and they got mad. Whatever. I call it as I see it. One dude got a concussion cause they picked a poo poo spot for breakfast and he slipped on the ice. loving twat waffles were more concerned about donuts and their burritos.

Melthir fucked around with this message at 12:02 on Apr 12, 2022

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

McNally posted:

That's gonna be a nope from me.

Got it, not trying to offend. Is that a slur. Would sister fisters be accepted? Dick slammer. Need something about as absurd as a parachute on the space shuttle that flows well to replace it with.

Melthir fucked around with this message at 00:11 on Apr 18, 2022

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Honestly I ment for the astronauts but I had no idea the shuttle had a parachute. That's pretty cool.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

Got approved for an apartment a little below my BAH rate, 7 minute ride to work, in a nice walkable and bikable area, and with a Puerto Rican Restaurant/Dance club/nightclub minutes away.


Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.
Man I hope the new MKs are as good as the two that just left cause some unit in Florida just won the lottery.


Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

ElMaligno posted:

Finally got my ceremonial advancement to E6, sad that my brother wasnt able to attend. Also last night watch and a few more days before I move to Buffalo.

Congratulations man. Honestly looking forward to having you in Buffalo hopefully you can help the sector guys out.

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