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Feb 13, 2011

you guys


Jan 31, 2004

Hot Rope Guy

repiv posted:

chat is it a good thing when cheaters are able to somehow set up entire lobbies filled with bots

what could possibly go wrong

Jul 21, 2005

Trying big team deathmatch it was just as fun as I remembered TDM being before they turned on leave penalties; making GBS threads on a team makes them all ragequit until you have one or two enemy players left in the lobby to play hide and seek with. Yeah, no thanks, one match was enough. Great "event" you've got there.

Mar 15, 2006

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

pc only lmao

Abroham Lincoln
Sep 19, 2011

Note to self: This one's the good one

it will take several years for us to turn a number down by .1 (on pc only)

Feb 4, 2001

Tweak posted:

pc only lmao

Consoles in PC crossplay lobbies use pc rules, not sure why you’d care what console vs console uses.

Mar 15, 2006

consoles @ 60 fps get 0.6 aa in pc lobbies
a good player can make this look like an aimbot
consoles can only play in pc lobbies if they are grouped with pc friends

consoles @ 120 hz i think get 0.4 aa

in competitive custom lobbies, the organizers will use a special setting to nerf console aa to 0.4

the game devs have a very hard time balancing for console players because a very large amount of them play on absurdly laggy tvs or are completely oblivious to their tv's game mode, and they need to keep the game playable for these casual gamerdads or literal children or w/e.

Aug 21, 2007

comedyblissoption posted:

consoles @ 60 fps get 0.6 aa in pc lobbies
a good player can make this look like an aimbot
consoles can only play in pc lobbies if they are grouped with pc friends

consoles @ 120 hz i think get 0.4 aa

Is any of this different for ranked?

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Trios Revival - Automatic respawning as long as one team member is still alive.

New Map: E-District - I think this is a new BR map, but everything they’ve shown makes it look like a mixtape map. More info tomorrow.

Akimbo - You can dual wield P2020s or Mozambiques.

Battle Sense - Temporary health bars and highlights when you damage enemies. I think this is on top of the nearby player indication from solos.

Bot Royale - “This is just normal BR against controller players.” There, I made the obvious joke already so you don’t have to.

Squeezy Farm
Jun 16, 2009

runchild posted:

Akimbo - You can dual wield P2020s or Mozambiques.


Jun 2, 2006

runchild posted:

New Map: E-District - I think this is a new BR map, but everything they’ve shown makes it look like a mixtape map. More info tomorrow.

It's a new BR map

Map rotation will be District/Broken Moon/Storm Point

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Way way more info in this Reddit post. E-District is a BR map, Battle Sense is in more than just solos, new kinds of bins and a mid-game bin refresh, LMG changes, previously mentioned AA changes, removing aim flinch (!!!), and more.

Jun 2, 2006

runchild posted:

Way way more info in this Reddit post. E-District is a BR map, Battle Sense is in more than just solos, new kinds of bins and a mid-game bin refresh, LMG changes, previously mentioned AA changes, removing aim flinch (!!!), and more.


When climbing/mantling while on top of a teammate, one of you will no longer fall, and will work as intended.

Thank god


Daztek fucked around with this message at 16:57 on Aug 1, 2024

Feb 4, 2001

The revival feature seems crummy, I don’t think it’s just an ltm from the way it’s presented there.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
it's fine, I think it will reduce the number of ragequitters who dip immediately after getting knocked

Feb 4, 2001

I could see it being an attempt to help with that. I think it reduces the fun of trying to get a respawn off.

Couple sources seem to think it’s actually an LTM, so hopefully that’s right.

Jul 29, 2012

where are my solos respawn

Jun 2, 2006

Relyssa posted:

where are my solos respawn

this, but duos

Mar 15, 2006

Brut posted:

Is any of this different for ranked?
idk, but someone was invited to playtest the new patch and released some new details about crossplay AA.

in the old patch, console in a PC lobby had 0.6 AA.
in the new patch, console in a PC lobby will have 0.3 AA. console in a console lobby will remain at 0.6 AA (probably only for 60 fps).

Jan 1, 2006

Daztek posted:


When climbing/mantling while on top of a teammate, one of you will no longer fall, and will work as intended.

*Monster hunter World voice*
It only took 5 years

Abroham Lincoln
Sep 19, 2011

Note to self: This one's the good one

no camera shake and half strength autoaim in PC lobbies?

but they told me it would take YEARS to do th-- [looks at steam reviews] ah I see

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*
Now did they ever fix jittering the mouse negating all recoil and does controller autoaim still negate basically all recoil without needing to do anything but turn it on?

Jun 2, 2006

Article about the new map:

Jan 25, 2005

Every demon wants his pound of flesh
I wish they'd just delete World's Edge. I find nothing in that map internet or unique, and I never seem to have any fun on it, even when playing well. Am I a man alone?

Jan 31, 2004

Hot Rope Guy

WattsvilleBlues posted:

I wish they'd just delete World's Edge. I find nothing in that map internet or unique, and I never seem to have any fun on it, even when playing well. Am I a man alone?

Yup, World's Edge is great. The theming is boring but the map plays so nice

Jun 2, 2006

I started playing in season 4 when World's Edge was The Map, so I'll always have a soft spot for it

Jun 2, 2006

Mar 15, 2006

Up Circle
Apr 3, 2008
I am being incentivized to complain about aim assist

Jan 20, 2017

A lot of these changes are pretty okay, unfortunate they had to nearly kill the game before finally caving on the changes people have been asking for for years.

Mild nerf to slop assist aside... I really like nerfing purple/gold attachment spawn rates and the reorganization of the inventory. Not sure what I think of the gunshield or buffing Gibraltar. Mastiff change is whatever, PK change is very substantial. Threat vision on recon legends is kinda funny. Off the Grid and the other individual legend changes are kinda goofy but sure, whatever. No real opinion on the rest.

Still not reinstalling just yet, going to wait and see if they cave any further on slop assist.

Up Circle posted:

I am being incentivized to complain about aim assist

Squeezy Farm
Jun 16, 2009
Please keep us updated on your installation situation

Aug 9, 2004

Every day takes figurin' out all over again how to fuckin' live.
Slippery Tilde

SKULL.GIF posted:

slop assist aside
slop assist.
Dude, it's fine to have issues with controller AI but you sound like someone screaming in 2005 about the PC Master Race and how only children play on consoles/controller. All of your posts regarding the issue are like this. Controllers are "slop" and only KBM is the One True Input.

Jan 20, 2017

SubponticatePoster posted:

Dude, it's fine to have issues with controller AI but you sound like someone screaming in 2005 about the PC Master Race and how only children play on consoles/controller. All of your posts regarding the issue are like this. Controllers are "slop" and only KBM is the One True Input.

I'm screaming, hollering, furiously punching my keyboard and the caps are flying everywhere.

Jul 29, 2012

SKULL.GIF posted:

I'm screaming, hollering, furiously punching my keyboard and the caps are flying everywhere.


John DiFool
Aug 28, 2013

Controllers are slop. They remove core, skillful aspects of aim where aim is the *most* basic skill of FPS games. If you cannot aim and hit, you cannot win.

Reaction time to an opponent changing direction falls to 0. No skill. Recoil management becomes unnecessary. No skill.

You are limiting the scope and range of skillful play when you introduce aim assist.

Borrowing David Lynch’s phone rant: If you’re playing an FPS game on a controller you will never in a trillion years experience the game. You’ll think you have experienced it, but you will be cheated. It’s such a sadness that you’ve played FPS on your loving controller. Get real.

Mar 15, 2006

it's fine if they balance it to rough parity which is possible if a game dev is willing to do so and take out a lot of the slop

Doctor Syrup
Apr 7, 2009

Starting to think some people have way too much of their self-worth wrapped up in "can aim good in a video game."

Mar 15, 2006

think of it as wanting to sit down to play a friendly chess game and instead getting "assisted" to death


Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*
Even with the changes, there are still situations where aim-assist will give you faster than human reaction time, like someone mentioned earlier when you're rounding a corner and an enemy is there, aim-assist will immediately start rotating you towards that enemy, or if they are coming out of smoke, etc. They would need a add a bit of a delay to the activation of aim-assist as well in order to fix that.

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