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Herstory Begins Now
Aug 5, 2003

Runa posted:

To be honest this does mean MJBuddy's position was ultimately correct, the devs had all the metrics and knew what needed to be done for the sake of the game's health and made their decisions accordingly. It's just that what the design team thinks needs to happen and what management thinks needs to happen are different.


generous to assume it's being done for the health of the game and not as a way to sell a bunch of battlepasses to people who seemed to reject the new battlepass system


Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
"Out of position" meaning anywhere within 100 meters of a controller player, like what is the "positioning" you take in ring 6 to avoid that advantage?

Herstory Begins Now
Aug 5, 2003

u play another fps

Feb 13, 2011

Herstory Begins Now posted:

generous to assume it's being done for the health of the game and not as a way to sell a bunch of battlepasses to people who seemed to reject the new battlepass system

I'll fess up and admit my using that phrase is somewhat facetious. That's about the level I can personally consider "the PR and bp sales situation" to be linked to the game's health outside of the broadest sense possible.

Up Circle
Apr 3, 2008
They added pop up ads for the battle pass!!

The McDonald’s McCrjsly queue break

Aug 21, 2007

ziasquinn posted:

I don't even care, controllers are way less of a problem over the people using ACTUAL 1.0 autoaim and xray model vision

Yeah this is definitely a thing, I wonder how much of this talk of getting controller beamed from 20 meters or whatever or is actually just about cheaters.

Jan 1, 2006

I used to just come across Lives of ppl casually cheating on my tiktok feed where they had basically perma-scan vision

Herstory Begins Now
Aug 5, 2003

Brut posted:

Yeah this is definitely a thing, I wonder how much of this talk of getting controller beamed from 20 meters or whatever or is actually just about cheaters.

that's a big issue with the game, too, but they're definitely separate issues, though no doubt the AA stuff did give a lot of cover for cheaters

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
If I had one complaint about the new enemy auras it's that if they are standing perfectly still or crouching the aura should fade away, the sneaky playstyle shouldn't be discouraged.

Aug 9, 2004

Every day takes figurin' out all over again how to fuckin' live.
Slippery Tilde
One of the few advantages to playing any MP game on console is that cheating isn't really an issue. Rust, DayZ, Apex, CoD, you name it all have severe problems with cheaters on official servers with PC. Sure, we're stuck with terrible framerates and bottom-barrel pubbies but at least I know the idiot who beamed me from 500 yards is either actually good or just got lucky, not using a script.

Abroham Lincoln
Sep 19, 2011

Note to self: This one's the good one

SubponticatePoster posted:

not using a script.

cronus has entered the chat

Sep 11, 2002

Look Glenn we're saved!

SubponticatePoster posted:

One of the few advantages to playing any MP game on console is that cheating isn't really an issue. Rust, DayZ, Apex, CoD, you name it all have severe problems with cheaters on official servers with PC. Sure, we're stuck with terrible framerates and bottom-barrel pubbies but at least I know the idiot who beamed me from 500 yards is either actually good or just got lucky, not using a script.

Cheating is MORE rampant on console Apex than it is on PC. Xim/Cronus hardware users make up most of the top leader boards on console. With powerful scripting like auto armor swaps, no recoil and minor tiny stick drift so AA is always enabled.

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
Dual mozambique is as overpowered as I thought it would be pre-patch, 12 shot shotgun with hammerpoints will mow through squads.

Also, the arcades have pinball machines called Titan Ball.

Aug 9, 2004

Every day takes figurin' out all over again how to fuckin' live.
Slippery Tilde
Cronus/XIM are borderline cheating IMO, but I mean poo poo like wallhacks/aimbots/super speed. I use a Scuf designed for FPSs so there's no trigger pull, just button tap and there are probably people who would consider that cheating too.

What're folks' impression of the new map? It's fun with the respawn mode, but I can see it being a real pain in the rear end because of people hiding in toilets and whatnot. Also, any word from the PC folks on if the controller AA reduction is noticeable?

Herstory Begins Now
Aug 5, 2003

they're not borderline cheating they are cheating, full stop

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
The new map is super sparse for loot in most locations, unless you can survive to ring 3 at which point if you are anywhere near bins your squad will be equipped in gold everything.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
that might be due to the global nerf to loot quality they made and not a feature of the new map. We'll see how loot feels when they rotate back to old maps

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

comedyblissoption posted:

keep in mind the vast majority of the pc kbm playerbase are also casuals who just want to chill out and they would also be frustrated at large imbalances much more than the gamer gods who will adapt to play around the imbalance

if it's frustrating for someone more competitive minded like me i can only imagine how much the average kbm player wants to pull out their hair

yeah, i play this game only semi-regularly, and it's so, so obvious and stupid when i get re-45 lazered by a controller warrior from 30m away

like, sometimes i do a dumb and die because i was just standing still, but usually i'm running and sliding and jumping and suddenly the guy with like 5% accuracy from 100m away 1clips me from full purple shield? lol, lmao

Jan 20, 2017

Early experiences of giving the game a tentative shot post aim-assist-nerfs. Many exchanges *feel* like the old days where I could reliably count on being beamed down at mid distance if I was caught out in the open, but if I put my wrists into it I could dodge a bunch of shots instead of watching my armor/health zworp from full to zero no matter what I do.

I kind of like and dislike the Maggie-style highlights on whoever I'm shooting. I like it because it makes it much easier to track enemies through all the visual clutter and noise, I don't like it because, well, that's another bit of visual noise on top of everything else and it makes it almost a bit too easy to follow enemies (and, by extension, myself) through tricky dodge-and-weave patterns. I'm not sure if this is just part of the unlimited-respawn LTM or if it's going to be a permanent part of the game going forward.

Gunshield on the machine guns is great. +25 armor on Controllers inside the ring slightly less great but I guess they did badly need some sort of tangible incentive to be picked. I see a lot of Ramparts nowadays.

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

The new map is super sparse for loot in most locations, unless you can survive to ring 3 at which point if you are anywhere near bins your squad will be equipped in gold everything.

The new map is really weird. It feels like early Broken Moon in that everything is so siloed off that you have a hell of a time trying to find people to fight, but it's about 2/3rds the size of Broken Moon so my squads are just confused running around in what seems like a small map but there's no one anywhere. It's slightly smaller than Olympus I think.

dragon enthusiast posted:

that might be due to the global nerf to loot quality they made and not a feature of the new map. We'll see how loot feels when they rotate back to old maps

There's a lot of dead spots throughout the map where there's just nothing, no loot at all, not low-quality loot. Good setpieces to fight in but sucky if you're trying to warm drop and accidentally go into a cold zone.

Jan 31, 2004

Hot Rope Guy
Yeah so far I really dislike the new map, but I'll give it time

Javik the Seer
Oct 11, 2021
I think the new map is really neat with a ton of verticality and atmosphere. However due to that its just third party central. Very rarely are you going to get a fight that can't or wont' be third by another squad. Huge long sight lines once you get to elevation in big parts of the map. It means different strategies for sure. I think if they actually added MORE respawn points and stuff to keep the actoin going, the map would be better for it.

I don't like how the minimap doesn't show elevation (how would it?!) so you're trying to get to a place, hop over a ledge and OPE you're down 3 floors and can't get back up. Thats a bummer.

I'm thinking this toning down of loot isn't the issue, I think the loot spots on the map are just bad. I think its a good idea to lower the quality so folks aren't rolling constantlly kitted weapons, but there are large parts of the map with just no loot at all. On top of that the loot pools are really small, just one or two items a piece. You hit a few houses, its not uncommon to go through a dozen loot areas and still come out with only one gun. I don't think that is the intended effect.

Of course, with aim asisst and the more urban combat, its DEFINITELY more noticable now. Someone perched on a slightly elevated location with that aim assist can just melt anyone from any direction, its super noticable. The "sweet spot" for so many fights are across distant roof tops which can be fun and fair, or about 15 to 30 meters between buildings/across lobbies of big buildings Thats the sweet spot for aim assist to just melt folks and it kinda sucks. I've seen some streamers on the new map slowly pacing towards buildings lookin for folks, and they see the red outlight, but only the slight movement of their reticule onto a person hiding gives them a good full second of the drop on the other person. That really sucks and isn't fair :( Its also clear that when doing the jump thing, the aim assist isn't impacted even if their speed is, so others have to manually track the dodging while the honorable KBM folks have to do it manually.

It just feels bad to play against and i think it always will until tis removed entirely which is unlikely.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Every part of the new map looks like every other part of the new map. Do an Olympus, Respawn! Make different areas look cool!

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
I do want to say, try crypto if you haven't already this patch, he is incredibly fun and hilarious to have permanent invisibility that you can come out of whenever you want and can lead to so much bullshit.

Squeezy Farm
Jun 16, 2009
new map is alright but
1) too many areas where it's hard to tell where you can move to based on the minimap. the increased vertically tends to trap you and make height even more advantageous
2) the POIs are large with loot spread out. i havent had issues getting kitted, but other maps it's easy to path out looting thru a few buildings. here there are so many spots where youre circling through a dozen little siderooms to find all the loot

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

I’m really quite impressed at just how bad some of the new UI is. We’ve already talked about the BP but the new challenges layout is also hot trash.

Jan 25, 2005

Every demon wants his pound of flesh
The aim assist adjustments on console have basically killed the game for me. Constantly losing to PC players now.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

WattsvilleBlues posted:

The aim assist adjustments on console have basically killed the game for me. Constantly losing to PC players now.

Do you play with a friend on who’s on PC?

EDIT: Or are you mainly playing Mixtape?

runchild fucked around with this message at 16:59 on Aug 10, 2024

Jan 25, 2005

Every demon wants his pound of flesh

runchild posted:

Do you play with a friend on who’s on PC?

EDIT: Or are you mainly playing Mixtape?

Just regular BR. Some of the dudes I play with are on PC.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

I assume this is a server thing and not something I can fix, but does anyone else get good ping (in my case 8 to 12 or so) like... 1/3rd of the time, and then 150+ the other? I've tried swapping servers but it just really seems like they just have a few really good servers and a bunch of duds?

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
Anyone else feel like the eva8 is being slept on this season due to the mozambiques existing? if you can get a boosted loader it has a insane amount of uptime in it's threat potential.

kung fu jive
Jul 2, 2014

I like the eva8 on account of the fact that whenever I have akimbo mozams my aim instantly turns to poo poo. I go full ape mode in the worst way.

Jan 20, 2017

The slight buff to damage for the EVA-8 has made it IMO the most reliable shotgun. Also ironically I think them slowing down the fire rate has made it much easier to be accurate with it. One of my favorite sidearms right now, especially on the new map where a lot of fights are close-quarters because of all the verticality and the multistory buildings.

Jan 25, 2005

Every demon wants his pound of flesh
I wonder if the cancellation of Respawn's FPS Star Wars game (gently caress whoever made that decision) will free them up for another Titanfall game? Wishful thinking I know but Titanfall 2 has become a cult classic, and rightly so.

Up Circle
Apr 3, 2008
The Eva 8 is Eva great and titanfall 3 is never ever happening.

kung fu jive
Jul 2, 2014

Anyone else watching ALGS? I find it more fun than playing the actual game these days. For all the complaints I’ve seen about the meta, and specifically Crypto, it’s been pretty cool seeing some diversity. Some teams running Fuse + Bang, and even a Rev in comp. There was also a match with Alter + Wraith in a comp.

My overall takeaway, having not really watched pro play before, is they are playing a whole different game from the average player (or in my case below average).

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
this is probably the most diverse ALGS has ever been legend-wise (if your definition of diverse is that finally no character has a 90%+ pickrate)

Mr. Fish
Sep 13, 2017

INLAND EMPIRE — This is a team with a lot of past, but little present. And almost no future.

kung fu jive posted:

Anyone else watching ALGS? I find it more fun than playing the actual game these days. For all the complaints I’ve seen about the meta, and specifically Crypto, it’s been pretty cool seeing some diversity. Some teams running Fuse + Bang, and even a Rev in comp. There was also a match with Alter + Wraith in a comp.

My overall takeaway, having not really watched pro play before, is they are playing a whole different game from the average player (or in my case below average).

Yeah playing the actual game isn't something I do anymore now that I'm not funemployed but I still check in on how the meta is developing and try to catch ALGS every time it rolls around. Apex makes a great spectator sport if you know the ins and outs.

Feb 20, 2013

I like fish. I like to eat fish. I like to brush fish with a fish hairbrush. Do you like fish too?

tote up a bags posted:

I assume this is a server thing and not something I can fix, but does anyone else get good ping (in my case 8 to 12 or so) like... 1/3rd of the time, and then 150+ the other? I've tried swapping servers but it just really seems like they just have a few really good servers and a bunch of duds?


the apex servers are Dogshit™️

Aug 16, 2007

dragon enthusiast posted:

this is probably the most diverse ALGS has ever been legend-wise (if your definition of diverse is that finally no character has a 90%+ pickrate)

the meta has come a long way from wraith/path/wattson


Herstory Begins Now
Aug 5, 2003

impressive stewardship of the game by respawn to halve the previously quite resilient playercount in only 4 months

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