Wheeee posted:
I think for the more average casual gamers who play pubs and don’t 3 stack this is mostly still true but once you get to the try hard pub lobbies or ranked, your character selection makes a huge difference. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 21:23 on Feb 2, 2021 |
# ¿ Feb 2, 2021 21:21 |
# ¿ Sep 21, 2024 05:09 |
Wheeee posted:Yea anyone playing at that level isn't looking for character advice for unlocks. Most people will be best served by picking someone that jives with their style, unless it's rampart lol
# ¿ Feb 2, 2021 22:29 |
It damages teammates?
# ¿ Feb 4, 2021 01:11 |
tote up a bags posted:They get a grace period to get out of the way Gotcha, interesting.
# ¿ Feb 4, 2021 01:31 |
MyChemicalImbalance posted:Worst pubbie behaviour I've had was the octane who didn't do poo poo in bloodhounds trials but wait until the final alcove opened before throwing a jump pad underneath me and the other dude and taking all the loot. As for dibs, I generally respect it but if I’m right next to the thing you dibs and I need it, I’m taking it.
# ¿ Feb 4, 2021 23:36 |
SKULL.GIF posted:I like how big King's Canyon is, Olympus is huge but half the squads instantly die off rip at estates/gardens/towers and then after that the entire server decides to fight at Hammond Labs/Energy Grid. Which means if you don't hot drop or fight in the one area of the map where everyone fights, you'll probably be pretty bored and almost certainly be in the top 4. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 09:24 on Feb 5, 2021 |
# ¿ Feb 5, 2021 09:07 |
I could see it going both ways in terms of the casual/hardcore players. For casual players like my buddy who mostly play COD, they see that the season 8 the updates are pretty underwhelming, the game has a lot of the same issues going unresolved (lag, slowmo lobbies, getting kicked constantly), and most people who aren't newish to the game are long tired of KC (yes I know they sorta changed it but it still has the same fundamental issues as before). Also ranked KC is especially atrocious so I wouldn't be surprised if sweats were playing more pubs.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2021 23:32 |
IDK how much that chart is going to tell you other than how Apex has fared since this game became available on Steam (October?). I'd be more curious to see how the long term averages of the player base over the last 2 years.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2021 23:41 |
SKULL.GIF posted:I can't wait for all the R99 folks to whine hard enough about "Spitfire Meta" to get the gun reverted and the R99 remains untouched.
# ¿ Feb 6, 2021 22:28 |
This rubber banding lag poo poo is so garbage and makes the game unplayable holy gently caress.
# ¿ Feb 16, 2021 20:38 |
I solo queued plat yesterday and had a decent number of good games, enough to gain some RP on the day. Way too many games where I got shitter teammates though. One game they decide to drop Containment, drop at the bottom building and let other team get all the top buildings and the side one (we're now already hosed). After looting the one dude just runs right toward the side building where we know people are and gets melted. Other dude goes in and does 15 damage, which was their combined damage. Always fun to know a minute into the match that you're going to have to rat the rest of the game (I BH scanned and they were camping banners). I actually did kill and quick thirst a guy in Capacitor at the end on a really rough rotation and somehow gained 6 RP that game. Another game was even more hilarious, we drop Repulsor and teammate gets punched out on drop and I melt the guy who shot him, dome rez him. Another guy comes to kill him because he's one shot and I kill that person, got the thirst on both at least. I then hit the third guy on the roof for like 100 at which point I tell teammate who has a mic that he needs to finish him off, I have no more ammo, at which point he goes, "wHaAAAaaaaT!?" :facepalm: . Dude was literally nowhere to be found during the fight that entire time as I fought off an entire team, even after shooting guy on roof I think he was at the bottom looting... (?) After that I was kinda hosed, I tried finding some ammo in the next building and die because I have none as the last guy shoots me after grabbing banners, at which point teammate decides this is a good time to fight a different team and die. One of them did zero damage and the other did 30 while I did 500 something... We've all had games where we're the liability on our team and don't get good loot right away or get melted unexpectedly but holy gently caress are some of these guys completely incompetent. You could give some of these guys purple armor and a prowler off drop and they still wouldn't manage 100 damage. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 17:57 on Feb 22, 2021 |
# ¿ Feb 22, 2021 17:53 |
Literally had god spot for final circle in plat ranked, 2 other squads left, and my teammates just decide to run toward gunfire despite no downs while I anchor the god spot. Then I get 3v1’d and they die and we get third We all had max KP of course too.
# ¿ Feb 27, 2021 05:34 |
They def got some things right, that said the meta has clearly shifted so much that Crypto and Blood are still definitely better than Path (though I might go back to playing him in pubs) even with the buff. The Gibby nerf barely does anything because his arm shield was the main problem. Wattson still isn't good enough to justify using at higher levels (they must've originally nerfed her just to change the meta to something more aggressive). And yeah Rampart needs to be reworked, her ult is basically only for trolling. Caustic def needed to be nerfed but they prob could've done it differently so that he isn't completely worthless. Maybe keep the damage rates but get rid of the slowdown in gas and blindness effect. That said overall it's pretty good, they clearly listened to the community this time and fixed some things that have needed fixing for a long time. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 22:52 on Mar 4, 2021 |
# ¿ Mar 4, 2021 22:45 |
dragon enthusiast posted:I was getting underfilled trio squads a lot last night, like a good 50% of my matches. Yeah I had this issue often as well.
# ¿ Mar 11, 2021 01:49 |
This LTM is loving stupid lol.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2021 23:19 |
Cretin90 posted:
One of my favorites was these two idiots break off me to go to the bunker, one goes down and we have zero chance of getting his banner and I dip. The other guy goes for it and dies of course and they start whining on the mic about it acting like that fight was worth taking in the first place (why would you fight for the bunker and like two white shields? Lmao) and acted like we ever had a chance after his gold buddy went down instantly. Other favorite was when I did like 500 damage to a squad and got two thirsted out, almost killed the third on the roof at which point i tell our teammate who hasn’t yet been thirsted that he needs to finish the dude off and he’s like “huh!?!? Where you at!?”, I think this entire time (we’re in repulsor) he is down below looting or something...? By this time I have no shields and try to get the hell out of there and run into another team and die. End game damage he had 30 and other guy had zero. Absolutely mind boggling when you get these absolute shitters who can’t fight and pick some super hot spot to land in. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 23:10 on Mar 20, 2021 |
# ¿ Mar 20, 2021 23:05 |
I assume not seeing as they were trying to make him more balanced.
# ¿ Mar 26, 2021 09:14 |
IDK if they need to remove other loot but getting a gun and a white shield makes more sense than not landing with either. Especially considering how many trash pubbies want to land hot with no idea of what they're doing.
# ¿ Mar 26, 2021 15:18 |
kaffo posted:I think it's weird how obessive people get over loot and loot quality But you're right, you're probably not going to lose a fight solely because the person you fight has a purple barrel/stock instead of a gray one or whatever. Clip size can def make a difference but it's not something that can't be overcome.
# ¿ Mar 26, 2021 22:22 |
Isomermaid posted:A friend I group with had someone go off at him for looting from a box because it wasn't him that killed the guy that dropped it. Is that a thing? I've had people take stuff out of ammo bins as I open them, from MRVNs I've pulled the arm on, and in one case from the replicator. But loot boxes are sacred somehow? I had some guy punch me today for looting the box of a guy he killed but there were like seven boxes in the area because we fought off drop in Estates (and I didn't know who exactly he killed because we were split). And I didn't even get to it right away because I was being a good teammate rezzing our perpetually down revenant (who never used his ultimate even after we got charged by a team that did lmfao). That one wasn't so bad but it's kinda hilarious the mentality ppl have re loot in this game. For me IDC as long as people aren't total loot-mongers taking all the ammo/heals when I have none. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 23:56 on Mar 31, 2021 |
# ¿ Mar 31, 2021 23:50 |
I’m about to lose my loving mind solo queuing ranked and getting complete trash teams every loving game. If I don’t 1v3 every squad we lose, it’s incredible. The only fight I can even remember winning today I had to do over 600 damage.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2021 02:45 |
Carillon posted:Well comparatively, I still like the L-Star in Apex, but it feels so much better in Titanfall 2. Maybe its just a TTK issue.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2021 23:59 |
catgirlgenius posted:I just had a pubbie give up the high ground in a 3v2 that was in our favor, door-block me as I'm scrambling to safety after saving his hide and getting me knocked, and then hide out in a building without either reviving me OR preventing the enemy squad from respawning. Then getting insta-melted the moment someone saw him. I just had teammates do 11 and 0 damage in a plat ranked game in a 3 on 2 shortly after we dropped. One of them was bloodhound and the 2 opponents were in a building so it's not exactly like they got surprised by this -_-. I somehow ratted to third place for my +4 RP. I lost like 200 RP today mostly because of dog poo poo teammates like them who either can't fight, have zero common sense (let's fight a team outside the ring when we're in 5th place and go down instantly, let's run around like chickens with our heads cut off in labs, let's land directly on a team so that I don't get a gun or shield, let's not stick together and fight some completely separate team) or terrible positioning, or just literally don't know the basic poo poo that you need to know to be even remotely decent at this game (my teammates had a 2 on 1, there's a death box in front of them with a shield swap, neither heals and they both go down to the same bloodhound that I lost my 1v1 to at partial health while my teammates were jacking off on the floor above me). I think there was even a game in there where I knocked the shields off a Bangalore who was ratting and it was free KP for the team if they shot her. Instead she literally just ran right past them in a super open spot by the portal above Estates and then just dropped down to the bottom. We lost that game because our teammate decided to just go by their self and get beamed in the middle of the open field near Oasis between two squads because......? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There were games where I had adequate teammates and got +RP including a max KP game where we got third but all it takes to lose those points is 2 games where you get some complete imbecile jumpmaster or teammates that decide to make a braindead push without having the most basic understanding of how to fight while in fifteenth place and viola, I'm now 100 out of Plat IV instead of halfway to plat II. Obviously it's the start of the split so there's a good amount of diamond and above level players on other teams 3 stacking which makes things harder, things tend to get easier at the latter end of the split, but right now it's just a miserable experience playing with complete loving goldfish who are hard stuck plat IV and just throw ppl's RP away. And honestly pubs is even worse because it's even more braindead in terms of how ppl play (just chasing the second they hear gunfire and ten team third parties) and the matchmaking isn't any better. I know de-ranking would have unintended consequences like ppl smurfing so it's probably not the correct solution but I just wish there was something to make solo queueing ranked less painful because I'd actually like to meet some halfway decent ppl to play with (outside of the few friends I still have on Apex that aren't always on). I'm not even looking to be carried I just want the bare minimum of what should be expected out of teammates at this level. Yellow Yoshi posted:if it makes you feel any better the exact same poo poo (and more) exists in diamond matchmaking TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 08:59 on Apr 5, 2021 |
# ¿ Apr 5, 2021 07:54 |
dragon enthusiast posted:the main strike against wattson is that her kit is full turtle with no offensive use. if you need to get in you'll have to rely on others. also unranked tends to be full of W key players so your team will usually leave you behind if you try to hunker down in a building. Now nobody uses her at that level because the meta has completely shifted away from her being useful and nobody really wants to play that way even at the higher levels of ranked, much less the lower levels of ranked or pubs. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 08:30 on Apr 5, 2021 |
# ¿ Apr 5, 2021 08:25 |
Regrettable posted:Eh, I think I usually had a worse time as a duo than a solo. Most people going in solo are only concerned about their RP and no one else's so it's much harder to get them to play as a team. They'll be less likely to engage and more likely to abandon an engagement that's winnable in an attempt to protect themselves from potentially losing RP. So then you get two people trying to work together and play as a unit and one person who will drop both of you the instant it seems convenient for them.
# ¿ Apr 6, 2021 03:50 |
First game of ranked yesterday I actually got plat I and III teammates and we got 2nd with max KP for everyone, I had like 1900 damage and the others had like 1500. Amazing what you can do when you don't get bottomed out plat IV shitters who just throw every match and do less than 100 damage.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2021 15:55 |
Ra Ra Rasputin posted:tldr: remove the 1 rank queue difference for friend groups in ranked.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2021 21:11 |
SKULL.GIF posted:Honestly it might not even be a nerf in some situations, that shield is a massive "COME THIRST/GRENADE ME" alert. Without the shield you can tag people who crawled into a corner or under cover and they'll have a higher chance of being able to pop up and heal. Yeah was kinda thinking this too, the current lifeline revive pretty much guarantees you get aped if you’re against a good squad. If you just revive around a corner now like most fights it’s still a plus AND now the drone is that much better. Her care package isn’t that great either. One rework I remember hearing for her that sounded interesting was making her ulti bring back her fast heals for the whole team for a set period of time (probably when connected to the drone). I think that would improve her without being too broken.
# ¿ Apr 10, 2021 18:07 |
Fast drone is a combat ability in the sense that if you get beamed you can just heal quicker and join the fight sooner than if you had to pop a Phoenix or a batt and a med kit. Now you’re basically at full health after popping a batt. Also you prob don’t need to carry any red heals anymore. The shield was kinda nice but as others said it was just a signal to every team that you need to push this team because they have a lifeline. If you’re playing in a relatively skilled lobby against 3 stacks the other team would just see it and rush immediately. Either way if your main role is reviving teammates then Gibby is probably who you should be using anyhow. His bubble is better than the lifeline shield, not to mention his other abilities make him better. I don’t think this change drastically shifts the character meta either way. Improving her ultimate drastically could shift this but for whatever reason they’re dead-set on her being Loba lite in that regard. TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 20:30 on Apr 10, 2021 |
# ¿ Apr 10, 2021 20:26 |
It’s way more difficult to push a Gibby bubble after/through his ult, especially with his quicker revive in bubble. Lifeline’s shield you just throw a nade next to it and the person is right back on the mat and is much easier to rush because she doesn’t also have an ultimate that can be used as a deterrent. Not saying lifeline shield wasn’t somewhat useful, I used it similar to a Gibby bubble for fights, but I could maybe see quick drone heals being more useful overall. I guess we’ll see.
# ¿ Apr 10, 2021 21:28 |
I swear to god everytime I get some complete dipshit pubby who tries to land hot they somehow get beat by 4+ squads to the exact same spot. I might as well just quit before I even land. Can’t even blame ppl who quit after being downed in those situations, it’s not that hard to not completely screw up a hot drop and yet they manage to do the dumbest thing possible other than flying off the loving map.
# ¿ Apr 11, 2021 03:45 |
dogstile posted:This is every single game for me and has been for months.
# ¿ Apr 14, 2021 00:03 |
Boxman posted:No drop in this game sucks worse than waterfall. I get why it was happening on day 1, why are there still 2-3 teams reliably dropping for a half squad’s worth of loot? because they want to show off their shiny new 30XX GPUs?
# ¿ Apr 19, 2021 06:01 |
I know optimizing the game for next gen consoles was supposed to be a thing they prioritized but with the cheater/DDOS issue being so bad I'm guessing that's on the backburner.
# ¿ Apr 19, 2021 17:55 |
Had some guy in diamond ranked the other day (solo queueing) just being the biggest toxic dbag (ok it’s apex so maybe not the biggest). Basically it’s him (Horizon) me (bloodhound) and a no mic pathfinder about to fight over by energy. Path drops down to a door on first level on some guys and gets insta deleted and for whatever reason I follow him, also get downed. The annoying teammate is all mad asking why we fight like this etc. At this point I’m down and at his mercy and he wasn’t exactly wrong so I say nothing, though it’s so hard to know what to expect in your first fight with randoms. Eventually he rezzed me because the fight got thirded and we killed some ppl, got path back, I start trying to get some better loot off the boxes in the area just so I at least have a better sight for my hemlok etc. This of course made him really mad for some reason, I “wasn’t helping” him shoot some guy on a different team that ran by even though he wasn’t shooting him either... -_-. He then gets mad at me for not scanning with bloodhound even though I didn’t even have it yet, at which point I told him to shut the gently caress up. Long story short I get downed again because he’s nowhere to be seen as I barely lose a 1v1, they both die (I assume he was just cowering this entire time), and I see that I ended up doing twice the amount of damage that he did 😂😂😂 TrixR4kids fucked around with this message at 19:49 on Apr 20, 2021 |
# ¿ Apr 20, 2021 19:47 |
Mercury_Storm posted:What is the justification for the disparity when they have console and PC crossplay now? Idk, I think it helps players who are on low sens more but if you play on a higher sens it doesn’t help nearly as much. At least that’s what I’ve heard and it makes intuitive sense because it’d take more effort to pull away from the aim assist at a lower sensitivity.
# ¿ Apr 23, 2021 00:48 |
Carillon posted:Man I know this is a minority opinion but I'm really hoping they bring back world's end. Switching from Olympus to KC is just painful.
# ¿ Apr 25, 2021 05:19 |
xtal posted:Can't they just have every map available and chosen randomly for each match? Like every other game? I don't get why they deliberately limit the map variety, especially when there's only 3 to begin with. Yeah, probably. Idk what the deal is with removing worlds edge for as long as it has been honestly. Even if they’re reworking it they still have it available for tournaments and private lobbies.
# ¿ Apr 25, 2021 19:17 |
dogstile posted:I mean, the only difference is that in worlds edge 18 of the 20 squads kill eachother in Fragment and Sorting, so your downtime is trying to find the other squad. Honestly it’s more of a pubs issue than anything (and even in plat/diamond ranked you have the braindead hard stuck ppl playing like pubs). E: double post my bad
# ¿ Apr 25, 2021 19:21 |
# ¿ Sep 21, 2024 05:09 |
SKULL.GIF posted:It sounds like Hammerpoint and Skullpiercer are getting the Precision Choke treatment. Probably not the worst idea, those guns are only viable with those hop-ups. e: hammerpoints that is, wingman isn't exactly meta but it's ok without skull
# ¿ Apr 26, 2021 21:10 |