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Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Michael Cera as Mirage


Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

When I want to relax I go to the firing range and unload with dual gold mag Spitfires into the sky. Back and forth, forever. Pure bliss

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Isomermaid posted:

A friend introduced me to this at the weekend, he wanted someone to make up a 3 with him and his kid. I've not played anything remotely like this since, gently caress.... Q3Arena? I dunno, I don't enjoy realistic/grim shooters, macho capital G gamer culture and Fortnight just didn't appeal either so 20 years of online gaming just passed me by.

But I'm having a loving blast in this! It's like being a kid again even though I'm late to the game and I suck at it. "Lets go get murdered in labs" "OK! :v:" Just proper fun.

It really hits a sweet spot between stylish, humorous and sweaty. First FPS I've mained since my heyday 20 years ago and it has reawakened the joy I felt fragging noobs in UT and hatching strategies in BF1942

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

I adjust my sensitivity now with a ruler, seems like around 25-30cm for a 360 spin in-game works well for me.

As for improvement you can spend time in the firing range to get used to recoil patterns and movement, you could use an aim trainer like Aimlab (on Steam).

Also don't forget to take care of your body! Exercise and good eating can help a lot with mental clarity, reflexes and decision making.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Discord goons are cool and good, very recommend!

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

1. G7 hits like a truck
2. It sounds great

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

I just realized that I never use Loba's tactical ability when I play as her. Maybe I just love shopping and I can't bear the idea of throwing away a perfectly good bracelet.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Simone Magus posted:

Instead of trolling kids with no chill, I just chill twice as hard

This is the only way I can maintain my cool. Some days I have to chill three or four times as hard as usual just to get outta bed let alone worry about Bangalore's opinion

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Maybe they'll add NPC combatants, or streakers!

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

So I guess they ironed out the kinks in some of the modes they never brought in last time around. Excited about automatic respawn!

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

It says "Oasis" on those pillars doesn't it?

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Crypto is strong, but requires pretty specific movement and tactical habits to be able to use the drone without dragging down your movement or combat. Things like pulling the drone out while sliding, how to check banners as quickly as possible, how to set up a useful security camera...

Basically, you have to be able to use the drone *only as much as necessary* to get the info you need. I love playing crypto but I have to take breaks sometimes because it's a lot to keep track of. Bloodhound is like lazy crypto and mirage is fun crypto. Revenant is agressive crypto. Come to think of it, everyone is some kind crypto offbrand

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Come to the discord many of us are older than you, you baby

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Plan Z posted:

I always want to get into this game, but every match with a pubby inevitably ends up with one person in my trio going to the opposite side of the map as me and the other guy and getting himself killed. If I play Duos, I get the guy who drops on top of other players, dies, then yells at me over the mic in mushmouth talk. Any Goon Discords I try to find are usually dead. I love this game, but I hate playing this game.

The current goon discord in the op is very much alive. You will find good games and good company there!

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

bushisms.txt posted:

this is me. Any time I play with goons, they always find something else (drop to another channel) after 3 games or so.

At least pubs and I will ruin each other's games equally.

I've definitely had this happen to me a few times, and I'm not all that bad! People def have their favourite Apex pals in there, and I can't really fault them for that. Still kinda sucks tho when they move to play with the cool kids :/

On the other hand, the more goons I play with the more likely it is that someone jumps in with me from out of the blue! I learned a lot from goons who were better than me, some of whom are more inclined to give advice than others.

Another thing that has helped me a lot is keeping notes on my games. I kept making the same mistakes (over-looting, reckless engagements, using the drone too much etc) and taking a moment to jot them down made it easier for me to recognize them in subsequent games.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Erik R. Kraber was the audio editor director on Titanfall

Rodney The Yam II fucked around with this message at 18:35 on May 6, 2021

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Yeah I found it strangely serene to get last season's keycard holosprays with solo octane. Just zipping around Kings Canyon, pausing to listen to the ambient sounds from time to time. Sublime

I was watching some of the goons play yesterday in Olympus where there was a solo octane driving madly about in a Trident with no apparent purpose other than to cause a ruckus. It got me to thinking.

What if dropping solo (intentionally or because of teammate DC) would give you a personal quest, like visiting a list of POIs or scanning X different survey beacons. Just something to give you purpose and maybe grant an xp bonus. I think it'd be funny to see solo players roaming around doing their own thing rather than just ratting or wraithing

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Revitalized posted:

I like the Arena flash events because I like free apex packs and skins... but I don't wanna play Arenas :/

But I'm not going to ignore it because I want the free loot. I mean it's still Apex fun but like, I just wanna play BR mannn

This, so much. All I want to do is play hype beast crypto and he's not well suited to arenas

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

I like BR because I like positioning and rotation and variety and surprises.

Arenas is fast food Apex while BR is table d'hôte Apex.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Tribes 3: Tribe Harder

E: Tribe Hard with a Vengeance?

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

I like nerd Crypto and also all the helmets. It's important to be safe and to protect your brain!

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Simone Magus posted:

Extremely this

Huge agree

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

What is SDM steam and how is it different than the stream produced by my electric kettle when I boil water in my kitchen at home to make luxurious hot drinks?

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Someday world's edge will be nothing but rubble, peppered with the grey deathboxes of wraiths long since disconnected

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

They buffed Bangalore's smoke, now instead of obscuring LOS it highlights enemies

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Also Wraiths passive has been changed so that it reveals whoever is aiming at you! Why even bother having walls

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Just give Crypto lightning-fast transitions between done and first-person. As a Crypto lover this would be enough for me, because smoothly maintaining both perspectives is fun and I want to do it more

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Actually Crypto is the most stylish character and style translates directly into confidence and therefore wins so sorry about your wrong opinion hth!

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

I want the next season to release with a complete anti-legend, just literally some regular person. Ultimate swag character.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

mcbexx posted:

Crypto has been in the game for quite some time though...


Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

First Brexit, and now this!? My future streaming career is ruined.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

I just saw concept art of next season's Legend and they're absolutely ripped and they wear lots of leather

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Yellow Yoshi posted:


My sources tell me they're Wattson's buff cousin

Ultimate ability is "lights out", creates a zone of darkness where scans don't work, everything is slow motion (including ring closure) and you can only use melee. Tactical is "too close for comfort", a special melee whip attack for that has 10ft range 45dmg and stuns the target like an arc star

Passive is "pain is pleasure", taking damage speeds up ultimate recharge

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

But have you considered, not uninstalling?

e: but seriously, I'm sorry the dead bad game has frustrated you to the point of uninstalling. I've decided to embrace the absurdity and also I use occult methods to get the game working ymmv

Rodney The Yam II fucked around with this message at 21:39 on Oct 14, 2021

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

If only they were all as chill as mirage, the BYOB of Apex Legends

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Trivia posted:

Anyone else experience some extreme fps drops since the last update? My buddy, with whom I've played regularly in the past, is now getting 9 fps in-game and it's just a shitshow.

He's tried a full reinstall of the game, driver updates, and setting the game to performance mode in windows; all to no avail.

I've noticed stuttering especially in arenas, but not full scale fps meltdowns

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Abroham Lincoln posted:

I was about to post a lol about them somehow resetting badges but then I realized they just removed the pride and suicide awareness ones

Wtf why :argh:

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Ya all the effort for what? All I learned about myself from the experience is that if I'm ever confronted by five giant ancestral ghosts I'm gonna bunny hop into invisible walls while I yell at the ghosts to make them go away. I don't need Apex Legends to tell me things I can easily figure out for myself


Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

I feel cool and play better when I'm wearing hype beast. And when I see other ppl wearing hype beast I feel a sense of connection or rivalry. Every other skin not worth

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