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Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
The 30-30 is loving insane and I have quickly grown to love it. It's basically a Wingman or G7 for people who can't aim either of those guns

The new map changes seem nice and I like Fuse a lot because his Knuckle Cluster basically acts as a "I can't aim but you're on one hit so die please" button


Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Give Bangalore two regular smokes if tapped or if she has both charges, hold for one wider but short lived shot that gives tactical sight against anyone inside it

Then change her class to recon :v:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
I love the 30/30 but it's funny as heck that it exists while the Wingman still is in the rotation, and Skullpiercer too, and mags that make guns reload while put away

Oh no my 30/30 is out of ammo, time to pull out Smaller 30/30 - oh no the enemy isn't dead, lemme grab Bigger Wingman now it's reloaded

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

Daztek posted:

Titanfall2's release date

Man crunch is a bitch

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

That loop :flashfap:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Fuse is incredible and the 30/30 is so goddamn reliable

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

George H.W. oval office posted:

This and just popping it inside


Jul 12, 2007

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Having the Spitfire be my favourite gun since S1, its rise to prominence has filled me with much joy

Jul 12, 2007

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I put it on the Kraber, obviously

I'll still never use the Mozambique out of memetimes but it is fairly respectable as a landing weapon. To be quite honest I could really get used to starting with Evo 1 and a Mozzy if it was baseline. The tighter loot pool is nice too with all the chaff cut out.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?


is everyone ok :ohdear:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

Megaman's Jockstrap posted:

The preview refers to (spoilers for the next map change and location) a Caustic "town takeover" of Water Treatment.

Just town takeover The Cage goddamnit it suuucks :mad:

Water Treatment is one of my favourite places :smith:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Mastiff Legends

SteelMentor posted:

Something like a speedloader hopup for the Mastiff, or a barrel mod that tightens spread would be neat.


The Mastiff has taken over as Fun Remover Gun as of lately to the point where I almost, but not quite, miss the Peacekeeper/Skullwing meta

At least I would get consistently two shotted by different guns then

SteelMentor posted:

Longbow without a Skullpiercer is just bad times. Honestly it's kinda shocking how much gear you need to slap on it to get it feeling like it should. Even just removing the need to Barrel it would go a long way.

Honestly I like the way they handle sniper rifles in Apex, it's something that so many multiplayer FPSes gently caress up. They know that people love to snipe so they put these big easy to use damage dealers in and they just dominate at all ranges. All the sniper rifles in Apex have some sort of drawback to them while staying useful and people are so mobile they can close the distance quickly so you actually have to use them appropriately rather than playing Whack A Head.

Songbearer fucked around with this message at 00:18 on Feb 28, 2021

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Megaflare is great because it removes The Cage at the start of every match

Jul 12, 2007

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Sometimes you win by the skin of your teeth with a brutal battle of attrition

Other times you spend most of the entire match without seeing any enemies while bouncing on an Octane pad, fight one team near the end, run into a ring flare, use the same Octane pad you've been loving about on all day to leave the ring flare, then the enemy follows you in and dies because they think you're still there and can't find you and can't leave in time

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Ring Flares should be a permanent addition to the game but run on a weekly/half weekly rotation of escalations. I genuinely think they make everything much more exciting and some of the plays and positioning that happens because of them are great fun.

Nothing like having people shooting at you from The Cage and then getting a flare right on top of them causing them to bail and run out into the open while you cut them down :getin:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Love to hit a point in my gameplay where I do a shitload of damage but can't close out any kills and then die

Love that it goes on for like 3 sessions before I start doing well again :smith:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

SteelMentor posted:

Really coming to love the L-Star a lot as well. It's an absolute ammo hog but it's so versatile. I've had shocking success just tapping out shots at distance, letting the low drop off take care of things while we wait for a opportunity to push. I just wish the Devotion felt as good to use as it's LMG buddies. Even with Rampart+Turbocharger it's a cow of a gun to use for anything other than fooling around, and that's a lot of set up when the L-Star does better pretty much off the ground.

Make the Devotion a care package gun again, bring back the Prowler. That way the Devotion can be the beastly gun it was again without compromising it the way it is currently, it just doesn't feel good to use even with Turbocharger. Yeah it was overpowered before but now it's just kind of gnarly.

The LSTAR feels like a fantastic secondary weapon if you have gold mags, just whip it out and as long as you're sensible with your fire rate you can keep the pressure on until the gold mags reload. I like the way it handles, it's pretty user friendly and it's terrifying if it's present on a hot drop.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

Corin Tucker's Stalker posted:

I have zero experience with this genre and am pretty bad at FPS games in general. After about five real matches on Xbox I'm having lots of fun.

At first it's pretty overwhelming. Simply looking at loot and trying to figure out what the heck everything means is a little weird, even with the color coding. I'm constantly worried about the circle, even when it's not set to close anytime soon. I keep forgetting to use healing items.

By sticking close to my squad and pointing out enemies, though, things are slowly starting to make more sense. In my last round I somehow killed 3 people (one with wild punches when my ammo ran out) and revived both teammates. That's probably an average or bad game for most people but it felt rad.

lmao, l@@k @ this scrub "doing things" in his game

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

The Strangest Finch posted:

Aight, I'm sure most of you are much better at this game than I am. So. What the hell is the value of the G7 Scout? I'm prepared to admit I'm just awful with it, but drat does it seem like an awful gun.

I hate the G7 personally, but it is a good gun statistically. It does sniper rifle levels of damage with assault rifle handling and if you're careful with your shots it can down people very quickly. It used to be classed as a sniper rifle but it was so good in its role they kicked it down to AR so the most magnification you'll get from it is 2/4x, which is what you should be aiming to attach to it.

Don't use its iron sights, they're loving awful. Hipfire is likewise garbage and will get you into a lot of trouble. If they bring back double tap it makes it a little bit more bareable in close quarters, but not much - you'll only want to use it like that as a last resort. Personally I find the 3030 a far easier and much more satisfying weapon as a semi-auto big damage long rifle but if you're a good shooter the G7 will probably win out each time. If you want something similar, grab Anvil rounds for a Flatline and you'll have a fantastic automatic weapon paired with a ghetto version of the G7.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Additional note: The speed you move while aiming down sights with the G7 is the same as with sniper rifles despite being an AR, so bear in mind you'll be easier to hit while aiming than with other guns of its category.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Bloodhound's problem is that they're too cool, which makes other players jealous of you

Please update their heirloom though because they are my main, and the heirloom is old, and Octane's is way way cooler, so when (if) it ever comes time to choose it's going to really loving suck

Jul 12, 2007

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I swear to god if Wattson doesn't get an electro-rapier I'll cry

You see, because she's a fencer

Jul 12, 2007

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Wraith: I was a pilot and also I'm an amazing scientist and I designed the Wingman, programmed Pathfinder, I designed the ring not Wattson and I fly each and every dropship, also I'm BT7274

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

Boxman posted:

yeah lol if you're not like "okay we're going to play this respawn beacon, lifeline use your ult so we have more cover"

I've never once used MobiRes as anything other than deployable cover, a purpose it serves excellently

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Second Chance is pretty fun but even more fun is not using your respawn until the last ring, then using the 30 second out of bounds grace period to plant yourself somewhere completely obscure until the fighting dies down and then poaching the win in a "REMEMBER ME?!" fashion

Because I'm a prick

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

SKULL.GIF posted:

This takeover is buggy as hell, I keep getting games where I get 0 credit for half a dozen kills.

That's called "being my teammate"

I got the Bloodhound skin because I was too poor to get it when it first came out and blue is my favourite colour so God said I had to

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
God I hate Horizon. Love the character but fighting her is pre-nerf Wraith levels of unfun, gently caress it let's undo the damage you did with our dumb-rear end vertical wiggle dance and off to the races auruughhh.

Wraith however is actually not all that bad to play against now, I don't actively have a visceral reaction to seeing one anymore. Probably because all the top Wraith players have switched to Horizon :suicide:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?






Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

AnEdgelord posted:

The most fun environments in KC were Thunderdome and The Small Towns Next To Thunderdome You Rotate To In Order To Intercept The Cowards Running From Skulltown After Your Fully Armed Rampage. Theres nothing worth living for now

I agree

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
People just don't seem to know how to deal with Rampart, or better yet consider her to be so little of a threat they don't particularly care that you're building walls. People who know how to circumvent her will pretty much always get the upper hand, but as the match goes on and real estate becomes a premium, having the power to build a fortified position out of nothing is just so drat good. Suddenly you can't let her do her own thing because the rate she can bolster that position by constantly rebuilding walls becomes a major issue as you start to run out of munitions or have to enter more exposed areas to deal with her team.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

Gunder posted:

Chopping up a titan to make something less cool. How very apt.

While I don't agree with the sentiment I do have to say this is a deep burn

TF|2 multiplayer might be kind of overwhelming but when I've played there's been a fairly decent range of skills on show. People who have been playing for a while will be impossible to fight though

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Apex's greatest crime was doing the Alternator dirty as opposed to the world-shredding beast it was in Titanfall 2. It's actually pretty decent in its niche now as a mini Spitfire and I like it, but goddamn picking it up for the first time in Season 1 was a kick in the teeth.

Nothing beats its Disruptor Round version though :colbert:

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
That new trailer "Got the drip" as the kids say

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Season's winding to a close so it's my Seasonal Here's How I Did Post:

Best season by far. My aim hasn't especially improved much and teammate Daz can attest that my lifespan definitely hasn't but I think we've been much better at picking our battles and coming out on top when we do. I think the 30/30 is a great gun and it feels very balanced, which is a relief because I figured it was just going to be a bigger longer range Wingman. As it stands it's a G7 that's a bit more forgiving in my hands and it makes a great sidearm for a 301 or LMG - a rifle you can depend upon to deal the damage that you might not land so consistently with other guns, but still nimble enough to be used at shorter ranges without too much hassle.

Speaking of the G7 I gave it some love this season and my attitude towards it has softened a lot. It's definitely rewarding but when your back is against the wall and it's all you have to rely upon up close, I just can't make it work. Also gently caress the ironsights they're awful.

The map changes to Kings Canyon feel great in my opinion, I've had a lot of fun fights around the ship. Inside the ship is a different matter, it's always been a clusterfuck, but the little buildings surrounding it are well designed with lots of different points of ingress that give both attackers and defenders a fair few options. I haven't really spent much time in and around Caustic's takeover but I still miss the old buildings there, they were one of my favourite drop locations :smith:

Explosive holds are neat and cool and I appreciate their inclusion. Lots of desirable loot easily accessible early on but you draw attention to yourself and it can put you in a vulnerable position, but in reality we've never really experienced that much hassle from using them except for the ones that are a bit more obvious and out in the open (Near Bunker town, out in the new Slum Lake etc). Gold mags are great and far less nebulous in their pros compared to barrel stabilisers, I'm sure there've been more than a few fights where my life has been saved by a mag reloading for me when I've panicked and forgotten to take care of it.

Fuse is a rad character who has some really fun abilities, but they're so situational you don't really get to enjoy them that much. Being able to yeet a billion grenades is of course the main draw, but I wish his tactical had more oomph - make the explosions bounce people around to throw off their aim, or maybe apply a concussion slow or something.

Mastiff nerf was much needed and made fighting people up close a lot more fun rather than having all my enjoyment erased in half a second by sweatlords and pad aimers. Horizon needs to be hit with the nerf hammer. Rampart is actually getting to be a bit more useful with her wall buffs but still needs a few new tricks. Octane becoming the new hot poo poo is my jam because I love my speedy boy. Bring back the Prowler you gently caress lords, it's suffered enough - shove the Devotion back in the hole and it's off to the races.

Songbearer fucked around with this message at 00:45 on Apr 25, 2021

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

Chard posted:

t:rip:le take

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
3030 getting shatter caps is great because when it was introduced I said how much I'd like it to have a shotgun mode

It's gonna be a super versatile weapon now because close quarters was where it struggled, like the G7

Jul 12, 2007

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how come those pubbies move better than my teammate

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Crypto is fun when you realise that his drone can be used to bait people into revealing their positions by enraging them with your incessant sensor pings

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Crypto is fantastic if you have a team who listens and coordinates well with him and are patient enough to pick their battles, which is why he's bad


Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Crypto's current town takeover will take off like a giant flying saucer when he uses it, allowing him to fly it around the entire map

His true drone ability revealed

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