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Aug 13, 2007

He lets you hold two in each slot and can fire them further and with better path prediction.


Aug 13, 2007

Playing around with the fuse ult in the firing range, I noticed that the little flaming pellets bounce off of vertical surfaces and get out of their ring pattern. If you shoot it at a terraced mountainside you can get something of a double curtain that will probably cover most of spots where people can stand.

Aug 13, 2007

As Rev, you can pretty easily tread water on the side of a cliff by punching the wall on the way down and restarting your climb.

actually this seems inconsistent, sometimes if gives you a much shorter climb the second time around

resistentialism fucked around with this message at 01:00 on Jul 1, 2021

Aug 13, 2007

Current strategy is to queue into trios as a solo, climb to very high places in these deprecated maps, and then plink at people with the bow. No expectation of winning.

Aug 13, 2007

That's what came to my mind, but I try to avoid doing any posts where I go "hey this black guy looks like this other black guy"

but I enjoy the idea he's ready to get-up in a facsimile of whatever spaceman outfit the world throws at him, within 6 hours

Aug 13, 2007

I wonder if you'll end up standing around wasting bullets trying to get the good reload to go off.

Aug 13, 2007

Nvm reading bad

Aug 13, 2007

Does the dumb wiggle aiming thing still work? Probably real easy to do with the rampage.

Aug 13, 2007

It's important to make sure everyone knows that you need a thermite grenade at all times.

Aug 13, 2007

You shouldn't pay obscene amounts of money to waste space on your screen.

Aug 13, 2007

bromplicated posted:

What's your Arenas Round 1 loadout? I used to like Alternator + Shield Batt. + P2020, but that's out the window now.

I like Prowler + Thermite Grenade + P2020, but it's nowhere near as good, as the prowler doesn't do so well at range.

I've been doing level 1 RE-45 and a shield battery, except on the phase runner map where I dunno, a wingman or something

L-Star is good too, sometimes I do that

Aug 13, 2007

The economy to arenas doesn't have much extra complexity to it and a win in each round is worth the same. As long as you're not wasting money on stuff you won't use you might as well spend as hard as you can to try to win.

Aug 13, 2007

Nothing will ever replace my trio of level 1 battlepass badges.

Aug 13, 2007

I've had multiple matches where it boils down to one team running an honest-to-god dedicated sniper on the roof with their team playing inside their sight lines, and the other team sneaking around the sides.

Aug 13, 2007

It can also be one or two extra steps where you drop a charged body shield on the ground somewhere convenient.

Aug 13, 2007

It's kind of a downer that you can't find places where people will chill. I hate bugging people to group up but I always enjoyed finding a server with good regulars.

Aug 13, 2007

For arenas: Triple take/Havoc just to give yourself more than 5 times as much ammo for the triple take.

Aug 13, 2007

You also need the players to generally not know wtf they are doing if you want the gameplay you got at a game's release back.

Aug 13, 2007

It was a lot of fun being able to 3-punch people and orb them to count to 100 damage, before they gave everyone shields.

Aug 13, 2007

I think BRs have to involve some amount of waiting around and busywork, because it's what sets up the uneven and variable experience when you get to the shooting parts. And I also think players tend to eventually ruin the experience by speedrunning the not-shooting parts and then wondering why they keep getting repetitive gameplay.

Aug 13, 2007

Imagine games used to let you hide your view models entirely.

Aug 13, 2007

If you're crouched and fully pulled with a bocek you get an almost perfectly accurate shot even without ADSing, and Revenant can do that at full walk speed. Guess I just won't bother picking up the shatter caps.

Aug 13, 2007

I don't think this is anyone else's experience but I have a lot easier time hip firing with the hemlok and prowler compared to other guns in the same weight range.

And triple take is still really good.

Aug 13, 2007

I thought she started out with the shield but needed to manually revive.

Also good to know: if you get hit by the revenant ability you need to hold down the button and do a regular revive. I've never not seen a lifeline get confused by this.

resistentialism fucked around with this message at 16:58 on Apr 4, 2022

Aug 13, 2007

Well I'll be damned, I never expected orange air to pour out of the ocean.

Aug 13, 2007

Keito posted:

Caustic town really sucks as a Control map. It sucks in general tbh but it's awful in control, complete garbage.

Seems like one side has a way better approach to the middle point.

Aug 13, 2007

Make the cell-charged sentinel spill ~40% damage through barriers, except knockdown shields.

Aug 13, 2007

Is there a useful guide anywhere on doing the wall bounce that lets you quickly mantle over the same wall you bounce off of?

Aug 13, 2007

Regrettable posted:

You can do it by holding W with the right timing immediately after wall bouncing but it's easier and you can get more momentum out of it by binding W to scroll wheel. Holding W you'll usually land right on top of the wall but scrolling you can pretty easily float all the way over. Also, it can help get a little more momentum to hit the wall at a slight angle and sort of air strafe over.

Huhn, I'll give it a try, thanks.

Aug 13, 2007

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

Out of Bounds

When going out of bounds the following will be disabled:
Legends Abilities
Weapons, Ordinances and Survival Items
Healing items (Will not cancel mid healing)
All Active Passives (e.g. Valks Jet Packs)

I can't wait to use valk's ult and have it randomly deactivate on launch because you fly through a out of bounds zone for 2 seconds.

My guess is it just stops you from activating or continuing to activate abilities (jetpack) and won't do anything to abilities you fired off earlier that are just running their course.

Aug 13, 2007

yo mamma a Horus posted:

What is mantle?

Pulling your body up over a ledge.

Aug 13, 2007

Rev orbs become nearly transparent for allies and obnoxiously garishly opaque and bright for enemies.

Aug 13, 2007

And I'll reup my idea that charged sentinel shots should spillover through a single layer of non-knockdown barrier for 40%~ damage, with a hop up that speeds up the charge time and ups the spill damage to 60%~.

Aug 13, 2007

Reek posted:

the thing that confuses me whenever this comes up is, are you guys not getting jumpmaster like 75% of the time? I pretty much always get it or get passed it and drop countdown or wherever. Just make sure a couple squads are heading in that direction and go kill them, then rotate into fragment or kill the people rotating out. The other 25% just drop fragment, its fun too.

the only drop I really hate rn is the construction building that was just mentioned because it seems like 4 squads are dropping there every game now and its terrible unless you win the RNG mini game

If you confirm your character pick it'll preferentially give you the jumpmaster role if the other two are afk. If you don't want to be jumpmaster pick your character by bringing it up on the loadout screen and then afk in the pick phase.

Aug 13, 2007

SKULL.GIF posted:

I am almost certain laser sights are going to be OP as gently caress. The SMG hipfire was already pretty good, imagine a R99 nerd with laser sights.

I already heavily favored bringing a RE45/P2020 with Hammer Point for finishing off enemies, you're telling me now that I don't even need to ADS with these anymore?

The r99 nerds do 3 different "one weird trick"s to make the hipfire accuracy a non-issue anyways.


Aug 13, 2007

What's dumb is to ever get into the position where you're coding the ability to ADS with a shotgun.

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