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Jul 7, 2009

Just played this for the first time in a week. Fuse's voice actor is a classic case of an Australian actor moving to California for years, doing nothing but American roles, and actually forgetting how to talk in his natural accent to the point where he's worse than an American trying to do the accent. Worst Australian-actor-doing-an-Aussie-accent since Claire's boyfriend in Lost.


Jul 7, 2009

ZeusCannon posted:

I haven't seen a virginia server online in like month.

drat you guys get state-based servers? After the first few weeks of a new season I have to make the long haul to Singapore or Japan if I want to play ranked.

Also, is anyone else getting weird lag? Had one I'd never encountered before today, which was like everything was moving in slow motion; as though I was walking around and picking things up underwater. It was slow but perfectly smooth, whereas usually lag is more, like, juddery. You'll suddenly appear right at a door you were walking towards etc.

Jul 7, 2009

I play on Japanese servers a lot because Aussie servers thin out on ranked, and they are some of the most unfailingly decent people online. They rarely use the mic (and when they do it's just polite stuff, I've never heard a Japanese player flip out), jumpmaster always lands wherever I suggest, and I regularly see people pinging purple shields for me or the other dude to take even though we're all on white or blue.

Jul 7, 2009

I forgot how much people loving love Skulltown. I don't mind a completely chaotic scrimmage every now and then, but Jesus Christ, every drop?

Jul 7, 2009

Seer's ult is driving me up the wall. Why is it so loud! Every five seconds in a firefight now it's WHEERERERERERE

Jul 7, 2009

I thought I'd hate the prowlers but I don't mind them. Got down to tight circles and the last 3 teams yesterday and the only good position for us to take was in the middle of an uncleared nest, so we had to try to take them all out before the other two teams showed up (otherwise we'd be fighting on two fronts) and it chewed through a lot of my ammo and meant I had to be more careful about that in the final confrontation. They're sort of just like a natural element that you have to keep an eye on in the same way that the deadly endgame ring is - just adds another interesting factor to consider.

Jul 7, 2009

I'd be fascinated to know what the line of reasoning is, in-house, for the match review surveys. I just don't see how they could be useful - it's such a broad question as to be basically meaningless.

Jul 7, 2009

Talorat posted:

As I recall, they implemented that feature in overwatch awhile back and said that the only feedback they got from it was "players enjoy winning and don't enjoy losing". Apex is more abstract than that I think though, I'll have very enjoyable games where I come in fourth place, so I bet it gives some decent metrics.

I'd say I enjoy a game where I hot drop and my team gets wiped in the first two minutes, as long as I got some hits and knocks (not even kills) in, more than a game where we wander around for ten minutes looting and then only encounter other players in the endgame, even if we win.

Bottom Liner posted:

There’s a huge difference in small scale mobility (Valk jetpack) and map scale mobility (Valk ult). The issue with the game currently is 99% the latter.

Jetpack is a hindrance and a curse to Valk's team, I wish people would stop BLASTING THEIR ENGINES and alerting everyone in a five mile radius to our location because they're too lazy to spend two extra seconds climbing a wall

Jul 7, 2009

Tetrabor posted:

I'm surprised they don't have a dedicated gamemode for this considering how many players love playing this way.

Hoping you find a (any) gun while being 5th-teamed is a weird gameplay concept to me.

If you mean Arenas that's not the same thing as a five-way melee scrum, I actually don't like Arenas at all!

dogstile posted:

There's also the practice element, a lot of time spent doing that can really help under pressure in a serious game.

100%, I feel like my actual shooting is fine (or has at least hit a ceiling) but making quick decisions - and the right decisions! - under pressure is a huge part of the game and something I was very bad at before playing a lot of hot drops.


Jul 7, 2009

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

Yep, ranked is far more enjoyable than pubs and can be even less sweaty then pub mmr, people will try to play the game as it's intended because of the fear of number go down.

I still play ranked because people who quit the second they get knocked give me the shits, but ratting has become rampant. It feels like every other game I get some loser who'll immediately go climb up a cliff and hide in some grass. It's a video game that we're ostensibly playing for fun - if I wanted to spend twenty minutes staring at grass I'd go outside and do it for real.

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