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dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
I haven't gotten all the characters yet, but the only two I actually regret unlocking so far are Revenant and Wattson


dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
most pubbies aren't stingy with ammo if you request it

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

repiv posted:

They could extend what they already do with survey beacons and replicators - keep all the balloons but only spawn a random subset of them each game.

that would suck if you picked a drop point far outside the ring that happened not to have a balloon

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

Live At Five! posted:

I've never plummeted to my death on Olympus, do you not look where you're going?

once i spawned straight into the drink cause I tried to avoid hot dropping in energy depot

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
it seems like a niche ability, but the thing is that the niche is situations that make or break a fight

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
give rampart the ability to dual wield sheila with the spitfire

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
the only other BR i put time into was spellbreak and while i think movement in that is better than apex the rest of the game is pretty amateur hour. its pretty impressive how much apex innovated on the genre on launch that other games haven't caught up with yet two years later

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
it's fun to trap a team in a building by sticking amped cover over all the exit doors

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
if you are the person who downed them then you will be the person to get credit when they die (from squad wipe or somebody just shooting them)

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
It's kind of weird that bad ping makes you teleport all over the place considering this is a server based game

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

MarcusSA posted:

With the release of the switch version I can’t seem to figure out there is cross progression/ skins. Like if I pick the switch version can I play my same account on the Ps5 or PC?

I read that before it was a No but has that changed?

No cross progression, only cross play.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

Taiso posted:

This patch seems to have some major issues with squad size. We were doing Trios with fill and it would just keep putting us in as a 2 man, so we said gently caress it and did Duos. We get to the end and a loving trio squad killed us. What the hell?

I was getting underfilled trio squads a lot last night, like a good 50% of my matches.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

the wraith moved forward a bit and it bounced off of them

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

SKULL.GIF posted:

Just have two drop ships flying directly at each other from opposite sides of the map. When they collide anyone still remaining on the ships are dropped straight down.

this but also combine it with megaflare

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
The funny thing is that save for the blur Caustic is now worse than he was before Season 7. Which seems to indicate that people were sleeping on him more than anything.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
I had a kid yesterday squeak about how nobody should touch his death box, and whined nonstop when we raided it because we were getting fourth partied. should have trolled them with the respawn beacon in hindsight

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
the main strike against wattson is that her kit is full turtle with no offensive use. if you need to get in you'll have to rely on others. also unranked tends to be full of W key players so your team will usually leave you behind if you try to hunker down in a building.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
there's 2 stances you take when dropping, either your limbs are next to your body when dropping down for speed or spread out when going for distance.

the trick is that you can get a huge speed/distance boost when switching from the speed stance to the distance stance, so you drop down until you hit a certain speed, then level out to get that boost

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

repiv posted:

So the leakers are straight up sneaking into the internal beta Apex server now?

thats bold lol

i think all this stuff is already in the client, they're just tripping event flags early using voodoo

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
honestly i've used very little of the things youtube considers "basic" movement tech and I feel like I do fine enough. paying attention to how to gain and maintain momentum is pretty important though.

looting fast is more important than looting perfectly

when people die any armor they had on them is refilled to full; getting a quick armor swap off a dude's death box in the middle of a fight can turn the battle

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
does apex really need a sixth ammo type to dilute the pool even further? It's sometimes already difficult enough finding ammo for a gun as is

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
if they replaced attack / defend with push / retreat that'd be a much better use of those pings. maybe also a "thinking about loving around here, you wanna have a good time?" one too

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
Haven't checked for the icon in particular but games on PS4 have definitely been very jittery since the last patch.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
in hind sight it would have been funny for the switch version to have parity and cross play with the mobile versions instead

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
wonder how many pubs will bail from arenas immediately once they realize they aren't going to win

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

SKULL.GIF posted:

It sounds like Hammerpoint and Skullpiercer are getting the Precision Choke treatment.

6 round mozzy with built in hammerpoint :getin:

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
no idea how respawn managed to convince EA upper brass to let them keep on using source

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

Danaru posted:

Downloaded but havent played yet, how solo friendly is this game? I'm 32 and so are all my friends, so it's literally impossible for us to ever get time together :froggonk:

it's fine unless you want to advance in platinum ranked, ping system handles 95% of cases so you don't feel obligated to VC, pubs surprisingly tend to be non-toxic for an FPS

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
competent squads will just instantly delete the amped cover, then all you're left with is ankle high cover

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
had a pubbie get really mad after hot dropping and immediately dying to a 3 man that I did not rambo charge them and punch everybody to death with no weapon

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

TheDemon posted:

I love/hate that Valk's ultimate is a better Crypto/Bloodhound and this part of the ability isn't shown anywhere in the trailers and isn't in the ult description (instead it's tacked onto the passive description). Thought the ult would be a good ability for 3-stacks and high-level gameplay but instead the info you get when you launch makes it good no matter the situation.

that's because the threat vision happens on ANY skydive, not just the one from her ult

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

SteelMentor posted:

Forgive me if I'm being a dumbass but while we're talking loot, didn't they say that we were gonna start with a white backpack as well as the other white gear?

they only said helmet/shield/armor, you would be forgiven for assuming you'd also get a backpack based on the way they worded the announcement though

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
shields as in armor or shields as in knockdown shields? cause white armor was intentionally left in as ground loot for shield swapping

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
I don't play lifeline that often, and sometimes when I'm not paying attention during character select and get booted off my character onto lifeline I'll forget she has the revive.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
rampart's actually pretty solid in arena between pubbies still allowing amped cover to go up uncontested and spitfire+lstar combo

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

SteelMentor posted:

Have had a few people pretend they didn't know what that centre beam did and beeline straight for it off the carrier before wooping and hollering down coms to their 2-3 Twitch viewers or w/e.

At least after the first two times I figured what to look for :shepface:

It's actually incredibly cool and good to roast yourself on the tractor beam

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
instead of all these convoluted solutions they should just fix the problem and make leaving early count as a loss

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
cause the other side has bad sight lines

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

Chemmy posted:

Arenas should have been an LTM. The fact that we’ve had two unannounced “uhhh play Arenas” events, where the first one didn’t even have skins just packs and stars, suggests they’re not getting as many arenas players as they expected.

these flash events and rewards were datamined weeks ago


dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
care package only upgrades sucks cause it's an extremely bad idea to contest whoever makes it to the drop first so you just camp until you're forced to rotate

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