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Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Gunder posted:

Fuse's Q feels a little weak. It doesn't really disturb your vision at all, and only does a little damage if you stand in it.

It seems like it was 100% made to gently caress over the Rampart players.

It's me, I'm one of the dozen(s) of Rampart players.


Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
By beautiful happenstance, I happened to get my new pc up and running the first day of this new season.
And after a rough first day getting used to mouse and keyboard it's been going mostly well!

Of course after a few games like that I've suddenly been thrown into pred lobbies.
Seriously though, I went from games where half of the people I'm shooting at just stand still to being teamed up with people with masters trails.
I'm not even level 20 yet! :cry:

And while I'm not holding my breath, I am hoping for cross progress at some point, I miss my obnoxious Horizon cyberpunk skin (and having Horizon for that matter...)

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Simone Magus posted:

The Spitfire is so money now


So glad to have Rampart back.

Daztek posted:

Fuse's menu music is amazing

It's good. My fav part is when the guitars start wailing when you jump.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
It's a beautiful thing because I was saved when my weapon reloaded while I was popping a battery.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Was without internet for a week and a half due to weather, this was my first game back.
Sadly it's been all downhill after that.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

SteelMentor posted:

In awe at Rampart's true passive, making your teammates ragequit before the anyone's left the dropship :v:

Used to happen to me all the time on console, haven't noticed it on PC. PC players in general have been a hell of a lot more chill.

Though speaking of my fav. girl, I got my highest ever damage with her last week.

Spitfire/Devotion. It was beautiful.

Also wondering what could've been in this Gibby game. We ended up getting ring camped and my teammates ran off in opposite directions instead of pushing with my bubble. Ah well.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
The last few times I played Titanfall I would only call my titan in to try and crush an enemy one, and would leave it on auto while all the enemy titans.
Not the most effective way of playing, but it was really fun.

The Halloween mode showed that Apex wasn't built around wall running, and if they for whatever reasonthey decide to put it in the game, only giving it to one character would be horribly broken.
Maybe it'll be in a special arena like the boxing.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Look at how they massacred my girl. :smith:

I mean, even before it was an auto revive, her shield was like, the best thing she had going for her, no wait, she used to heal faster as well. :cry:
I'm glad I've gone from all Lifeline all the time to split between her and Rampart, because while Rampart isn't all that useful, she is fun.This doesn't sound useful or fun!

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Tweak posted:

Did anyone notice if this mode counted 2 deaths a game?

It does.
The worst mode. RIP KDR.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
I mean the new legend does seem to have been teased.

Oh boy, another hovering legend.

Spoilers for datamined abilities
Tactical - Cluster Missile
Fire a rocket that explodes multiple times.

Passive - VTOL Jets
Hold jump to initiate VTOL Jets - allows hovering in the air.

Ultimate - Skyward
Press once to prepare for launch. Teammates can interact with Valk to join the launch. Press again to launch into the air and skydive.
Note: Vertical clearance is required.

Though that tactile does just sound like Fuse's so maybe something has changed.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Zesty posted:

None of the surroundings match that area of Olympus whatsoever. Not even a hint of lining up.

I could imagine this being a rework of the backside of the Oasis portion of the map though.

Olympus is basically a transformer.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
The hemlock got nerfed not so much by the damage change but because they made the hipfire spray about randomly.
With a good sight it still murders mid range.
But yeah, spitfire is ridiculous both downsight and hipfire.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

prom candy posted:

nothing seems to increment in arena

The winning streak badge. :smuggo:

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
My first ever match on Worlds Edge the jumpmaster flew us straight into the beam. :911:

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

repiv posted:

team fortress 2 was the only game that pulled off this "character development for player classes" thing and only because they leaned into how silly the whole concept is

I mean, Mirage demanding Octane seduce him would be a plus.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
2x4 on everything

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Boy, I hope you all know about the Eva.

Anyway, have some octane mocap:


Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

prom candy posted:

Is max flatline better than max r301?

301 is slightly more expensive!
I always go spitfire first round*, then flatline, if the game is dragging on though I do feel the 301 is a slight step up.

*unless i'm playing Rampart and then it's Lstar, endless Lstars.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Zesty posted:

I love watching a clip of my gameplay and think, "Wow, I really tracked that person perfectly. It's a shame I missed every bullet because my cursor was 2 feet to the left the entire clip, somehow."

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Sai-kun posted:

Excuse me?

Probably looking at this:

it's 50 bucks because it's a bundle with seven event packs.
you'll still be able to just buy or craft that skin on its own.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
While solo queuing, you know all those players you meet that drop hot, can't aim, and call you slurs? Those are bots too.
Only explanation.

I have that black screen problem, reinstalled, verified files multiple times, nothing really seems to work, though the last two times it's only taken a minute to get me to lobby and no error message. So hey, progress. :shrug:

edit: now i'm showing up on my own friend's list with a glitched banner.

wyoming fucked around with this message at 01:07 on Jul 4, 2021

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

runchild posted:

Reminder, the rewards tracks are WEEKLY for this event. Next week this set of rewards will be gone and a new one will take it’s place.

I hope that means 3 legendary skins.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Bloodhound and Revenant team up to take down Hammond.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

I imagine it's gonna be Combat Revives to replace damaged blocked by the shield (:rip:)

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
God, the :qq: in the apex reddit is something else.

Look how overpowered Seer is! *posts a video of a scenario where they were absolutely fuckt regardless*
Like, wow, Seer interrupted the phoenix kit you somehow thought you could get off in middle of combat, I guess the octane that was already flying in on you is just part of Seer's fault as well.
Seriously, every "Seer is OP" video on there is some 1v3 pushing uphill poo poo.

idk, Seer could use a narrower funnel or longer cooldown and whatever, but those reactions are wild.

And just, imagine being this salty and sad about fuckin' cosmetic melee weapons.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

repiv posted:

Do free apex packs count towards the 500 pack pity timer? If so how close are we to all the day 1 grinders getting an heirloom all at once?

Looks like you get about 200 for level 500 and just over twenty for every season.

According to that, for two battle passes and level 500 I'm halfway to heirlooms.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Yeah, the character interactions are legit one of the best parts of the game.
"You down to clown Blasey?"

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Songbearer posted:

They should make him do the picture frame hand gesture when he's doing the heartbeat scanner

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Yellow Yoshi posted:

i think they should double-down and make a map that's ALL city
that way you wont be able to avoid landing in the city part every round :twisted:

That what I was hoping for from Olympus. :(

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Got the caustic skin, look forward to not playing arenas again until the next event skin.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Well considering how hard reddit cried about the rampage being the OP noob gun, surely it's being crafted every game by everyone.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Storm Point is too large, too many awkward choke points, too much time is spent looking for a fight, that's not really a problem in World's Edge, because everyone drops around fragment.
Also dropping fragment is cool and good.
Storm Point ranked works better than regular, it really just needs a few terrain tweaks, and while not a great map, it's not a bad one.

The only bad map is Kings Canyon ranked.

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

I am extremely sad that the "ring is always closing" mode was forever delayed due to technical issues and they never bothered to test it out, because I think the game needs that for ring 1.

Always Be Closing has been its own mode and part of others. It's the 'ring shrinks everytime someone dies' that never made it into the game.

wyoming fucked around with this message at 06:21 on Jun 29, 2022

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Ornery and Hornery posted:

what champion will provide the most utility to my friends, given that I can't shoot well?

If you're still learning the game, lifeline, maybe bloodhound.
Lifeline can heal and call in upgraded shields and weapon attachments, and has a drone that can pick up downed people so you can still fight... just be mindful of where you rez.
Bloodhound can track and has a scan, information is honestly really important. Like yeah, you need to shoot well, but your placement and knowledge of where your opponents are is key.
Don't be afraid to try any character honestly, but a lot of them are complicated if you're just learning the basics.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
I do like that mobile is getting trash characters not good enough for the normal game.
Loba, for example.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Rodney The Yam II posted:

I really miss the mirage voyage in KC

Same, absolutely an unforgivable crime they blew that poo poo up for fuckin' arenas.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

Cowslips Warren posted:

So I'm kind of curious, why exactly does catalyst not like seer?

Seer went to do some puff piece interview and ended up being blindsided by questions of why he's doing nothing to help his home planet.
So he went to Silva to discuss having the games moved to Boreas, but instead Silva put them on the moon Cleo.

Catalyst meanwhile had been part of a team working and living on Cleo, trying to stabilize and heal it so it doesn't fall apart, everyone that was a part of that was fired and sent back so the Apex games could take place on the crumbling moon instead.

It seems likely Seer was being manipulated by Silva from the get go.

And yeah, there is the whole thing about people on Boreas viewing Seer as cursed, because he was born when the moon was struck, but he was also a popular arena fighter before going to the Apex Games. :shrug:

Oh yeah, also Silva is Octane's immortal grandfather, posing as Octane's dad.
He's also the one that got Maggie into the games and blamed the Olympus teleportation on her. Probably had something to do with the giant lobster as well.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

runchild posted:

Maybe Seer and Catalyst will hash things out in the season episodes, but we won’t know for awhile cause the first one doesn’t come out for another 61 days :confused:

They have a view voice lines in game, like, she might still roll her eyes at his words, but realizes he's not the villain she'd imagined.

Anyway, best lore, kissing lore:


Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

YoshiOfYellow posted:

What is it about World's Edge that makes every single pubbie want to dive straight onto battle central in the skyscrapers? I swear most of the time I've played on that map is just a 5 minute bloodbath.

Welcome to the real Apex Legends.

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Gun Run is the best mode.


Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.
Fragment is the nuked version, it used to be Capital City.

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