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May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Jesus christ Fuse is fun. He's absolutely insane at building clearing too. I've got a ton of cool clips to put together.


May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Returned to Apex, got drunk to celebrate the new season, got a bunch of fuse clips and one sneaky mirage clip because lol.

His ult slaps.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

Man the inside fireball shot looks even more stupid from someone elses POV. Everyone in that room dies.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

Herstory Begins Now posted:

Here's a few clips from after the patch. Tldr: 3030 is good, fuse is good, kings canyon owns, game is fun

So now that you're a fuse main does hotdad6969 refer to Fuse or Wally?

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Still want a game to add a Brit that is just an English bloke named Gaz that got picked up at the pub or something. Tired of every brit in games being either cockney or london.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

MyChemicalImbalance posted:

Worst pubbie behaviour I've had was the octane who didn't do poo poo in bloodhounds trials but wait until the final alcove opened before throwing a jump pad underneath me and the other dude and taking all the loot.

Was impressively lovely tbh.

I've had a guy do that and we both just quit out on the dude. We had a goon waiting anyway and I'm certainly not gonna pretend to be polite if they're not :v:

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

This is a very good clip

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

MarshyMcFly posted:

KC was definitely the smallest map last season. It’s a little bigger this season but WE is probably the best map for not getting third parties all the time because Olympus has vehicles which make the pacing of the game faster.

Yeah I think if they did a balloon pass on Kings the third partying would go down significantly. Currently its pretty much the only map where you can go balloon to balloon the entire game.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Devo is also top tier at shooting through knockdown shields :v:

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Hammerpoint day was fun but dear lord every game we did last night just had us firing a shot and then it was a nonstop parade of teams walking into our killzone up until we finally got overwhelmed.

Actually swapped over to ranked for a game just so I could have a gunfight without getting shot in the back.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
The best part of the wingman is being able to spam it at roughly where they'll be peaking and if you get a lucky headshot you're basically getting a shitton of value for almost no risk.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Look at this fuckin' nerd rage out when i shoot him.

dogstile fucked around with this message at 21:14 on Feb 14, 2021

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Huh, weird, give me a moment.

Fixed. Little concerning, every time i link a twitch clip to the forums its sending it there. Had to take out the [/video] it was auto linking

dogstile fucked around with this message at 21:35 on Feb 14, 2021

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
I always find Japans approach to things in games to be really interesting. I wonder why they always go so different than the rest of the world.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Yeah on second thought lets just talk about streamers raging again.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

Cretin90 posted:

Lol at them only showing the player zoomed in via 4x with the devo for a fraction of a second before cutting to a 3rd person view because it’s loving impossible to control at that magnification.

I really like devo 4x, you're not gonna hit every shot but you're gonna put enough on a guy rotating that he's either going down or getting real chunked

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

SkrtSkrt edited a vid for both our views during each fight. It's pretty sweet

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Still postin' highlights. I'm trying to push for 25% WR this season but i'm stuck at 22/23%

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

repiv posted:

iiTzTimmy managed a 9069 damage game :stare:

5k of that was him just farming three squads for damage because nobody wanted to push. Stars aligned for him, goddamn

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Threads dying a little bit (probably because we're all on discord) but here's last nights highlights.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

J posted:

Thanks for posting these, I like these clips and I tend to forget about the discord a lot. Can fuse's ult be shot through any window or do you have to be on a lower height relative to the window?

Lower height, if you fire it from further away it'll want to detonate in the sky, so you wanna bounce it off the ceiling before it gets that high.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Game actually more popular than usual, peaked at 195k players on steam in January. Origin numbers aren't published but i don't think they dipped.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
The minigun has even less accuracy on the back of the car, to the point where you will get loving melted trying to shoot an actual player with it. It's only real use is shooting other cars.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
One of my fondest wins was where I was at watchtower just outside of artillery on KC. The little buildings off to the side? 10 or so squads died in there. You couldn't actually get out unless you completely looted a couple of boxes to unblock the doors.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

MarshyMcFly posted:

They really should bring it back for a special event at least once a year.

Nah, solo's mode sucked. Just a million wraith players hiding in corners with shotguns.

Granted, it was funny to play bloodhound in that mode and flush them out.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

gently caress you, Wraith.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Hearing rumblings of a Caustic town takeover next, so I assume its that.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Dropping with a gun and armour actually means that I don't mind hot dropping anymore because I can still down someone with the mozzie and have some wiggle room unless they find like, purple and a mastiff or something.

Dropping without anything and losing the ping battle to pick something up because all my friends are on NA kinda sucks :v:

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Lol, if you had spent the last two weeks with the p2020 you'd be saying the same about the moz.

It's just familiarity.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Got two sticks in one jump:

That'll do for tonight

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
I'm so, so sorry.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

Daztek posted:

Didn't know Apex had a mode where you can practice vs bots

How else am i going to get cool clips :colbert:

See: Triple Stick

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
These videos are getting more and more high effort.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Remember that every time wattson regenerates half a shield she blocks a hammerpoint shot.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
I don't think you'll notice. Had a game last night where 17 squads died before the first ring started closing.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
My edpi is like, 1200. Seems to work pretty well.

Anyway here's a streamer claiming he'll murder me in the next game and then immediately getting murdered by me in the next game:

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

Hackan Slash posted:

Don't dox me

Please remember that i have like 150 ping with you whenever you do this to me :v:

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?

Hackan Slash posted:

Quit whinging, it's like 120 tops

Can confirm i definitely hit 140 with you on your terrible weird stuttery american servers tonight. Surprised they haven't fixed that yet.

May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
I have nights where i'll win 7/10 games and then the next night i can't aim for poo poo and nothing I do will correct it.

Fuckin' consistency man, where is it.


May 1, 2012

fucking clocks
how do they work?
Mines 1200 but i have a button that puts it at 16000 for when i'm in the air and want to spin like a madman.

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