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Jun 18, 2013
Loba is an essential pick for this gamemode. I've been using her on the drop just to land straight on purple armour and running up to crates to snatch good gear off my teammates because they don't know there's something useful in it.

Feels like they're not too stingy with the points for the challenges either. I'm halfway to unlocking everything (except the badges which look like they'll take me the full 12 weeks if I don't miss out) after 2 days of games.

Mozzie with the extra round + the overall game's latency fixes have really made it a gun I'll pick up if I have nothing.
Just had a round where I was destroying teams with it that I actually ran out of shotgun ammo.


Jun 18, 2013

man in the eyeball hat posted:

I also really hate the number of "oh that's actually a death pit" spots on Olympus, especially when WE has updrafts over the deep lava pits to put you back on the map
Oh mate 100%. The amount of times I've tried to pull a sweet flank on an opposing squad, thinking I'm hot poo poo for it and plummeting to my death since the release has been countless.

My ego is taking serious hits from it.

Jun 18, 2013
Anyone that has time to look where they're going isn't pushing fast enough.

Jun 18, 2013
Then just swap to your 2nd spitfire when your mag goes dry.

Jun 18, 2013

Regrettable posted:

This used to happen in like 20% of games pre season 1. It's the reason I gave up on the game before coming back for season 4.
Yeah I remember on release every game was absolutely cooked. The first five minutes was like wading through a swamp and it honestly took me a bit to figure out what was going on.
"My ping's actually good. Why is this game giving me flash backs to playing Quake internationally on a 28.8k modem?"

Once enough people die it usually comes good but it sucks hard until then.

Jun 18, 2013
Just rallied my entire team from a respawn beacon I I had after a massive melee and kept good from looting all the free heat shields so we could chill out free from danger to gear back up.
Fumbled it when it counted at the end but I'm liking it. It's taking me a bit to remember I have them but I think people will get used to it and change up their gameplay eventually.

The healing speed boost from them while under it outside the ring is insane as well.

Jun 18, 2013
I remember my first win because it was first week of the game release, and my first game.
Spent the whole game learning the controls, having no idea what I was doing and then we won.

Jun 18, 2013
Spitfire is really solid now I think. You can absolutely destroy people at midrange and if your aim's on fire you can pretty much drill an entire squad on a single mag.

Even up close it scares people because all the R99s shoot their load in under a second and if they whiff that you're pretty much safe to obliterate them while they're fumbling a mag change midfight.

ErKeL fucked around with this message at 01:35 on Mar 25, 2021

Jun 18, 2013
I'm having fun in arena picking Mirage, spending the 350 for his ult every round and pumping snipers in the back with a shotgun. It's effective and completely terrifies the people hiding in the corner expecting a slow war of attrition.
Once you're flush with coin you can go the gold backpack too and get some clutch saves.

I only just noticed the tempo hopup for the bow. You can go absolutely ham with that for 70dmg a piece. Just played a round with it and got 2 downs just by suppressing corners I thought people might pop out. No other weapon is capable of that.
Arrows are free too.

ErKeL fucked around with this message at 05:14 on May 8, 2021

Jun 18, 2013
Getting round the side instead of going for the canister, popping your mirage ult in their face basically disables enemy snipers which is usually all 3 of them. You can take out 1-2 like this easy.
Those bows smashing out 70dmg a hit ain't going to do anything against my clone army!

Jun 18, 2013

Keito posted:

Most people should take a look at the squad results screen and think for a couple seconds about why it went down as it did
I need this so bad. Frustrates me when a duo bail out on down and don't get to see me on 90% of the damage.
I know they quit out thinking, "gently caress our third didn't back us up" but there's only so much I can do when I dunno what the gently caress you guys are doing on your own discord and you split off.

Jun 18, 2013
I go the same. P2020 and mozambique for the finishing hits. I use the rest of the coin for mirage's ult so I can blow some minds.
If I need anything heavier I can just swap out on the first person I kill.

Jun 18, 2013
The L-Star is in a tier where it's just a solid gun straight off the bat. Needs no attachments to shine. I'll keep it for the start of the game if I score it on the drop and have enough ammo for it.
I didn't realise it until arena but even a couple hits really does some solid damage and if you're bursting it you're less likely to get caught with your pants down reloading.

Jun 18, 2013

Up Circle posted:

it was source and the end result was the deagle costing 8000 gold
I remember this poo poo being hilarious because I could kit myself with a decent smg for like $200 on the first round and then skip the $16000 AK for the Krieg/AUG.

Jun 18, 2013
Havoc is good. The control is easy as gently caress and you just need to remember to cycle it before you step out. You will murder people.

Devotion sucks.

Jun 18, 2013
I'd love to see Crypto get a rework. I mean yeah he's good in a team that's communicating and isn't going to run off, leaving you with your dick swinging in the wind when you try to grab your ult.
Unfortunately though that's not 90% of the people that play this, and I don't blame them either. A tac that can be useful on occasion but means you gotta be a gun down kinda sucks.

At the least it shouldn't take so long to whip out his bloody controller. Just have that geared into your AR headset ya techno prick. As if he doesn't have the skills to do that yet.

Jun 18, 2013
Care package mastiff is what I miss. That thing with its wide horizontal spread absolutely shredded.

Jun 18, 2013
Let's be bold. Give the drone twin spitfires mounted and see how it goes.

Jun 18, 2013

Trivia posted:

Does anyone know why I can never get a duos game on the Asia/Oceania servers?

Seems whenever I and my buddy queue it's just us two sitting there for ages.
Playerlist is too small to fill it so no one does Duo's that side of the world.

Jun 18, 2013
Things are grim when you empty your mag until your opponent foolishly missteps into your trap and you king hit them off the map. Yeah that'd be lit.

Jun 18, 2013
Phoenix kit should take like half a sec less time at least. For how rare an item it is it totally sucks that's it's actually no good.

And yeah I reckon Seer sucks. He's not interesting and his abilities are basically just bloodhound except better because he's always on, fucks you on revives, heals and half the time you can't see exactly where the blast is coming from.
Bloodhound is way more chill about it.

They should just rotate characters in and out if they're going to keep dropping new ones. It doesn't happen often but if Mirage gets picked before me I don't even have enough time anymore to run my cursor across all the choices.

Jun 18, 2013
A mate of mine got done dirty by the same deal. Must be rampant. Took like 4 weeks to get his account unbanned and they closed his ticket twice because they couldn't prove he didn't log in from Russia himself.

Jun 18, 2013
Next release will be a full singleplayer story that you progress via checkpoints through battle royale. It's a bold strategic decision that will further define the genre with a style that's never been done before.

Jun 18, 2013
I won't be satisfied by this map until I bait a squad into chasing me down into a spider nest.

Jun 18, 2013
Big thing I notice with Ash is nearby deathboxes appear on your radar as soon as people die so it's great to know exactly where a nearby firefight is happening.

So far I've used this to warn my team there's a squad at the top of a zip line and watched them ignore me.

Jun 18, 2013
Uploaded this to discord earlier. Quick clip of my first go using Ash's deathbox mechanics to find people.

Jun 18, 2013
Yeah my mate copped this when we moved to steam and had his origin account stolen.
You definitely want to do all you can to avoid it because they're real flogs about unbanning it. Took him nearly 2 months of requesting it before someone unblocked it. Got a free lootbox for the delay.

Jun 18, 2013
Hot take but skins for classes was a mistake. I can barely see what I'm fighting half the time.

Jun 18, 2013

Evil Kit posted:

The only skin that is absolutely necessary is Clown Mirage, because sometimes you're just feeling that mood as you comically outline your enemies with a whole mag and then jump into a lava crevasse while trying to escape a squad.
Were you just spectating me?

Jun 18, 2013
Rampage is legit good even without the grenade. Coming up against some rear end in a top hat with it 300metres away plinking away at me definitely keeps my head down. It's a serious suppressive weapon.

Jun 18, 2013
When did they get the rights for the guy from GameSpy(Previously QuakeSpy)?

Jun 18, 2013
When are they going to stop being cowards and build up bunker?

Jun 18, 2013
I would beeline for the gold triple take off the drop every round. Can't believe almost no one else would go for it.

Jun 18, 2013
I prefer the Havoc over the devotion. With a turbocharger it absolutely pumps fools at close-midrange and the recoil is an absolute breeze to control.

Jun 18, 2013
They're pretty generous with the character unlocks at least. Since the red mats are used for pretty much nothing else and hidden away I always have enough to unlock a few at a time if I ever needed to and I haven't played much in years.

Jun 18, 2013
When they first released disruptor rounds for the RE -45 and Alternator I honestly couldn't believe they did something so red hot.
I raced in expecting it to be the most bullshit hopup of all time and it was. It was glorious. Evaporating shields immediately broke morale and had people that could have won if they held their nerve dying because they stopped fighting.

After that one I'm hesitant to say balancing before release is a strong item on the agenda. No one that's played FPS before would drop that without serious hesitation.

Jun 18, 2013
My fav are the duos that don't realise you can hear them because they're also on discord or something and don't realise they have ingame set to voice activated. Happens more often than you would expect.

Jun 18, 2013

They show up holding hands in the Saviours launch trailer so I guess maybe?

Jun 18, 2013
Cheating is a tough one and it's easy to get emotional. I've seen some sketch ones where players aren't directly lining you up but they look like they're making decisions based on moves outside of their line of sight.

At the same time for aims though it's not always cheats. I've spectated players my mates have assured me are hacking and just watched them play with incredible fundamentals that let them line targets before they step out. This isn't walls/aims or anything it's just good play.


Jun 18, 2013
Potential to revive is a very real advantage to her in Arena. This however is shared and better utilised by the MvP of Apex: Mirage. Gold backpack that bad boy every round and you'll carry the team to wins.

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