I play Arenas almost exclusively since launch and have had seven success with the R99 (for someone with potato hands) but I’ll grab the Alt and a couple of nades from now on, at least when I’m not maxing a Mozambique and just running gunning and dying.
# ¿ Jul 31, 2021 04:26 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 18:56 |
repiv posted:not for long you won't, the alternator is getting sent to the Tried to use it first game today and couldn’t hit poo poo. Was flailing about absolutely worthless and thought about putting the controller down and just doing some housework. Then the next round I just went with my usual load out from the past week or so, Moz fully kitted out round 1 then Hemlock the rest of the rounds. I was pretty much unstoppable that match and ended with at least one 3 kill round and almost all of the damage challenges completed.
# ¿ Jul 31, 2021 21:54 |
I always seemed to get my rear end kicked in the few ranked BR matches I’ve been in solo. I played a couple of as a party with goons from discord right when I started playing again and that was a bad idea. Arenas has definitely made me better a shooter, though that hasn’t transferred to better success in BR, kinda excited for ranked Arenas though. Edit: one of the other things I don’t care much about is W/L or K/D ratios. If I’m not having fun I’ll go throw sticky bombs at cops in GTA. Edit 2: I just figured out how to check and highme fucked around with this message at 00:07 on Aug 2, 2021 |
# ¿ Aug 1, 2021 23:37 |
Just played a couple quick Ranked Arenas rounds over lunch with pubbies. Got stomped in the first match where I was the only to get a kill in 3 rounds. Lost the second in the sudden death round, and it was an entertaining match. The Rampage/Prowler combo in later rounds might be a good one for me, and I really liked the Prowler early. Feels pretty underpriced at $400.
# ¿ Aug 3, 2021 20:49 |
Had a thought on how to make Crypto’s drone more useful in a passive sense. Make it so the drone can be controlled like Mirage’s decoys. Park it somewhere in front of your team and let it find bad guys as you advance.
# ¿ Aug 6, 2021 15:27 |
Vengarr posted:A stealth mode that gives static Overwatch over an area (eg “Tap Q to watch/scout this area” vs. the active mode, buffed to not be a noob trap. Make a weaker version of the EMP part of the base kit and give him a new ult where the drone goes full sicko mode and starts shootings missiles or something. You can park the drone and exit out of it and any enemies within its scan range will be highlighted for the whole team. I don’t play a whole bunch of him, but I’ll use him to knock down any challenges without complaint. In Arenas I’ll find an early hiding spot, throw out my drone then park it where the bad guys tend to congregate. I will say playing nothing but Seer last night for a few rounds of ranked Arenas, his power is way more useful. This may already be known, but I discovered last night you can buy a Thermite grenade and load the Rampage in spawn, then go fill up the rest of your nade slots. Though, you have to time it so you’re not wasting a bunch of the timer in spawn.
# ¿ Aug 6, 2021 20:58 |
Chomposaur posted:I like arenas because they seem to be the only place I can get consistently good matches. If I queue up solo into 3s I end up in games where everyone is a literal potato and I can wipe two squads on my own (while my teammates figure out how to use a mouse), I see we meet again.
# ¿ Aug 12, 2021 19:22 |
CodfishCartographer posted:On the other hand, me being bad means I'm also bad at getting stars normally. You are aware that you can reroll the Arena dailies as BR dailies right?
# ¿ Aug 14, 2021 05:51 |
Had been languishing in Bronze in Ranked Arenas for the last few nights. I decided after it was taking too long to get into games just to play with the same other potato people, so I decided I'd play some unranked. Holy gently caress my MMR must have been trash after the ranked play because my first 3 games were results I rarely see. All 3 and out wins, the last one me having all 7 kills (opponents had a player drop round 1) with 1 assist and less than 200 damage from my teammates. Things evened out a bit after that and had some fun longer matches, but my KDR & win rate for the night was well above my average.
# ¿ Aug 17, 2021 17:13 |
Evil Kit posted:Apex Legends is hella fun but requires a significant time investment to the point of solid fundamentals probably being at least 150 hours in at least. Don't let number fool you though, it goes by really fast and is honestly fun with the right attitude. Having friends or goons to play with helps significantly with that. I'm at level 107 right now, almost exclusively dropping solo lobbies. Sometimes teammates are on mic, usually it's quiet (I don't mind either way). So for BR it was always dice roll as to what was going to happen. Since Arenas came out I'm probably playing 80% that game mode. I feel like I'm finally starting to better understand how to use some of the legends and definitely getting better at clicking on heads. Regardless, I still constantly do dumb poo poo that could be avoided with a little patience. Lost round 8 in an 1v1 against an almost knocked Mirage because I didn't bother to check health/shields and deal with that. Just rushed into a face full of shotgun pellets. On one hand, the W would have been great, but I get more enjoyment from a competitive match (vidjas or sports) regardless of result than a lopsided win.
# ¿ Aug 17, 2021 23:10 |
Bottom Liner posted:No one there will mind if you're new. The only time I've ever had a goon complain about my skill level was playing Apex from the discord. I'm sure it's 99% true, but after a few games with them I stopped checking discord. It was before Apex Goons was created and I don't remember their screen name. I don't have any delusions about how bad I am and don't want to be a drag on folks who's win rate is important, so it was fine. Since I was having plenty of fun solo dropping lobbies with pubbies, I went back to doing that. I do realize that if I'm going to do any real ranking up in Ranked Arenas I'm going to need a team because comms are more important in those situations.
# ¿ Aug 17, 2021 23:54 |
For every other team based game I've played with goons, that has been my experience. Another part is I've never used Discord much. When I couldn't figure out who it was in Discord so we could avoid ruining either of our fun, I just avoided Discord.
# ¿ Aug 18, 2021 01:53 |
Oh no worries, I found the new Discord server and will be playing at some point. The other issue that had me reluctant (that I was talking about in Discord) is that I'm not 100% my Turtle Beach xbox headphones will let the BT connection use the mic for Discord voice chat. Then I looked down at the nice USB mic I use for meetings and I realized I could just use that. Seriously, the only reason I mentioned it was because it was such an anomaly from my normal shootybang goon experience.
# ¿ Aug 18, 2021 02:13 |
^^ l’ll type out my favorite (getting carried by a) pubbie story tomorrow when I’m waiting on computer to do a thing for work. This had me was a 3 and out Flawless victory where the other team only had 2.
# ¿ Aug 18, 2021 07:32 |
Vengarr posted:He kinda does if you ADS without a weapon IIRC. As long as the Q is charged you can run around full speed, with a weapon out depressing the left shoulder button (or whatever your non xbox option is) depressed and you'll get the passive looking like you're ADS empty handed. Until you find somebody to light up anyway.
# ¿ Aug 24, 2021 00:55 |
Is "Shield Swapping" anything besides grabbing a better charged shield off a deathbox? My daily caffeine comes in the form of an "energy drink" that's local to Portland only (afaik) called Viso. Their formula has changed a few times over the years, but it's always been 300mg of caffeine & 100% RDA of a bunch of vitamins & minerals. The current iteration added 35% cold-pressed juice to it. Since I pretty much drink one a day, completing that challenge would be easy. Monster is gross as gently caress though, so I'll be taking a hardest of passes.
# ¿ Aug 31, 2021 21:15 |
Chard posted:dailies do, and you can re-roll them and pick which mode they apply to. there's more than enough stars available to max out playing pretty exclusively one or the other. I did it last season playing Arenas exclusively, and pretty poorly as well.
# ¿ Sep 12, 2021 22:55 |
I haven’t played in a couple of days but I’ve been playing arenas all night on my XboneX and only my first match wasn’t 3v3 (immediately after typing that went I 2v3 ). I don’t want to dismiss the rest of y’all’s experiences that sucks. I do have some event BR I may take on, so we’ll see if that’s different. Otherwise I’m enjoying the Rampart takeover.
# ¿ Sep 19, 2021 07:49 |
Stayed up later than I had intended last night because I had 2/3 Arena wins for the event and kept telling my drunk self "we'll get 'em this time." There was a run of 3 or 4 matches where my team of rando pubbiers lost 3-1/3-0. My last three were all fun, but loving long. The first was a loss in a 3v2 match where we played all 9 rounds and I had 11 of my teams 13 kills. The next round was a 3v3 that went all 9 rounds with pretty balanced killcount. I think we dropped the first 2 rounds so this was a good clawing back, but not far enough apparently. The final round our 3rd dropped AFK and we ended up pulling a 2v3 9 round win where I was absolutely carried. Then carried my rear end to bed. video games are fun
# ¿ Sep 21, 2021 17:49 |
Love the Rampage. Maybe I’ll go use it some.
# ¿ Oct 7, 2021 06:37 |
The Diddler posted:I love dunking on Respawn as much as the next guy, but sometimes it's pretty clear that people don't understand how software development happens. Was (reluctantly) playing State of Decay 2 a bunch a year ago or so because my shootybang friend likes zombie games and we could coop. The game was bad, there was lots of jank, one night we’re playing and I’m grumbling because I wasn’t enjoying myself. And they replied “I was thinking about that, if they just hired 1 person and said fix it” and I just said “oh, sure.” I know very little about software development, but I’m well aware you’re gonna need to staff up more than 1 additional body.
# ¿ Oct 17, 2021 17:52 |
I played a few rounds of Control last night with mute pubbies. I pretty much skipped all of last season so was trying to re-familiarize myself with everything more so than win. Either I just got way more analysis paralysis when picking a legend or the timer in Control moves a little faster. First round my default legend was Ash, who I don’t remember ever playing (I played a little bit early in the season late at night and hammered) and as I was trying to pick someone the timer drained in a hurry. In my little bit of loving around with her it seemed her ult might be useful for Control, but I never quite figured out how to use it. My most success came from setting up with Rampart on A or C and making them throw bodies at not-B. Random question I thought about as I was shutting down. Does voice comma work for all 9 teammates or just the 3 in each squad? I assume a goon party of 9 would use discord comms and avoid that.
# ¿ Feb 10, 2022 16:29 |
Chard posted:you can switch legend and loadout in the respawn map screen, you arent locked in for the whole game Yeah, I realized that on one of my later matches last night but at that point was committed to “trying something new”. As for the rest I’m on Xbox so any keyboard chat is always ignored.
# ¿ Feb 11, 2022 04:19 |
I'd been trying a bunch of different legends in Control trying to see what I liked (and remember how to shoot mans) in the some of the new legends I hadn't played with yet. Then one of my daily challenges was play 2 with Mirage, so I used him in Arenas. First match went 3-0 with 6 kills and immediately remembered how much I liked playing with him, especially with that hypebeast skin. Also, where did this Wattson skin come from? This and the banner they were using were so perfect. I'm sure it's from something I couldn't unlock any more, nor do I really play her much, but still...
# ¿ Feb 21, 2022 19:41 |
Awesome, thanks!
# ¿ Feb 21, 2022 20:02 |
Dren posted:Yeah the RE-45 is still crazy good and the 50 extra for the purp upgrade doesn’t change my buys at all. Prior to this patch the P2020 all the sudden became one of my favorite guns that I barely used prior, might have to go back to the RE-45 for some potato spraying.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2022 22:19 |
SubponticatePoster posted:I've had full on freezes and even a complete crash playing on PS5. It's been poo poo. apropo of nothing else, your Calamity Jane av hits pretty hard today.
# ¿ Jun 24, 2022 19:02 |
Squeezed in a single round of Ranked Arenas yesterday. Had to avoid elimination 3 times to, went LLWWLWLWW. I just started playing more with Horizon a couple of weeks ago so this was fun. Ran an R45 w/ a Longbow or Alternator in the second slot.
# ¿ Jun 28, 2022 02:24 |
Arenas and Control are both good for that.
# ¿ Jul 1, 2022 22:02 |
I've been experiencing a weird glitch on the Arenas buy screen where it exits out of that screen randomly and persistently. The B button on my controller could be glitchy but that's the only time in any game it behaves like that. Pretty sure it only started since the beginning of the season.
# ¿ Jul 9, 2022 22:42 |
Thanks. Software is dumb and sometimes I just need to know it's not just me.
# ¿ Jul 10, 2022 08:23 |
Pork Chops Aplenty posted:Cool, thanks for the info. Anywhere I can learn this stuff that isn't a 10 part youtube guide? Appreciate all the other posts as well. Also gonna suggest playing some Arenas instead of BR mode to get a good feel for the legends and what they can do. You'll probably still die right away but there's less of a lag between death and getting back out there. Plus you can try different weapons etc to see what you prefer.
# ¿ Aug 9, 2022 20:53 |
Does the flight path on King’s Canyon ranked always start on the end of the Caustic Tower? I played a handful of rounds last night and the ranked ones all started on that end, but with slightly different flight paths. Wasn’t paying attention on my unranked warm up round.
# ¿ Aug 11, 2022 15:34 |
life_source posted:nah dude you got problems
# ¿ Aug 18, 2022 04:06 |
I couldn't get into any games last night, and then this AM my airpods were dead so I used my xbox headphones to listen to music while I work. Powering those things up always turns on the xbox too, and since my TV is 4 feet from head (when working) I figured I'd open up Apex and see if I could get into a game. I was doing some work, had some jazz playing loud in my earholes, not paying attention to the TV at all when I hear a bunch of gunfire and Octane pointing out where the bad dudes are at. I quickly realized I'd gotten into a game and were already on the ground. One teammate was knocked, so I rez'd them, scrambled to find weapons and joined in. We ended up with the W and no deaths.
# ¿ Sep 27, 2022 00:21 |
Chemmy posted:Any Xbox goons still playing this? I like to play weekend mornings / afternoons and weeknights around 5:30PT. I play on Xbox. Sometimes around then, but usually later in the evening on weekdays.
# ¿ Oct 14, 2022 04:53 |
highme lljk pretty sure we've been friends at some point on XBL
# ¿ Oct 14, 2022 07:50 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 18:56 |
long range Arc sticks are so much fun
# ¿ Nov 11, 2022 01:02 |