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Jun 10, 2001

Horizon is a safe first unlock, especially since there are going to be a poo poo ton of Fuses running around in the short term. Fuses are going to be dropping fire rings everywhere and Horizon can gravity lift her whole team out or in depending on the situation. Technically Octane's jump pad also does that but you're going to have to be really cautious since it puts you on a very predictable arc and you're liable to just get shot to hell in midair if you step on one in line of sight of enemy squads. Caustic's good too if you like Gibraltar and don't mind playing on a large hitbox character. Gibby and Caustic can be very punishing to play when you are still learning the game and don't know the maps, since they are large they are easy to shoot so if you're in a bad position you're probably gonna be super dead. Fuse looks like he will be very good as well, I doubt you can go wrong unlocking him either.


Jun 10, 2001

7:02, wow you can just fire Fuse's ult into a low ceiling. I wasn't expecting it to work that way, that's pretty crazy.

Edit: Also good job on the OP!

Jun 10, 2001

Augh why are people who already have 4k/20 on Fuse in my lobbies gently caress off!!!

Jun 10, 2001

Fuse is pretty fun but I am not liking him as much as I thought I would going into the season. It feels real bad after a few fights in the midgame if you run out of grenades and the people you kill don't have any on them. Knuckle clusters seem rather underwhelming.

The bullet speed and drop on the 30-30 feel pretty difficult to work with at longer ranges. I find myself wishing I had a triple take instead most of the time so far. Need more practice.

Meanwhile, I am loving loving the footsteps on Mirage decoys. :kiss: He was already becoming one of my favorite characters before this patch, and now I'm probably going to be playing him most of the time. Every single fight win or lose I always feel like there is something I could have done better with his decoy or his ult, there's just so many possibilities.

Jun 10, 2001

Is it just me or is the sound worse than it ever has been in this patch? I'm used to the game just not playing footsteps sometimes but it feels like it is happening a lot more now than ever.

Jun 10, 2001

dogstile posted:

Threads dying a little bit (probably because we're all on discord) but here's last nights highlights.

Thanks for posting these, I like these clips and I tend to forget about the discord a lot. Can fuse's ult be shot through any window or do you have to be on a lower height relative to the window?

Jun 10, 2001

When I switched from the origin to the steam version, it let me run the game and play 1 game. Then I got disconnected with an "unable to retrieve token from origin" error and couldn't get past the initial spinning wheel at the title screen. It would never connect no matter how long I gave it. I ended up closing steam, running steam as admin, then the game let me connect and since then I haven't had to run it as admin and it works fine. Not sure if that was just a fortunate coincidence though.

Jun 10, 2001

Yeah I really like starting with armor, any gun, and a couple of healing items. It feels so nice to have a fighting chance on a hot drop rather than automatically dying because you found a bunch of attachments and no gun or armor.

Jun 10, 2001

Put all the 4k 20 bomb players in the same lobbies as each other I don't care if that means they have to wait an hour for a game too bad :colbert:

Jun 10, 2001

Yeah I'm guessing it is some sort of botting to try and create a sellable account. The pings are probably to stop the game from kicking them out for inactivity.

Jun 10, 2001

Surprised there are no dev notes for some of those changes. That wattson shield regeneration thing seems pretty big to have as just a one liner. Good list of changes though, looks like a great update.

Jun 10, 2001

Evil Kit posted:

After reading the advice on the thread about low DPI = better I finally broke my comfort zone and lowered my DPI from 2000 to 1500 and wow what a difference. For the ultra low DPI (600-800 or even 1200 how the gently caress do people use their mouse with this???) do people generally have mouse acceleration on? I can't imagine actually using that low a DPI for general use much less playing an FPS.

I have a really low sens, both in games and for everyday use. I initially did it to improve aim in FPS games, but I also found that using more arm and less wrist really helps reduce wrist pain. Ever since I massively lowered my sens, I find that my wrist pain has largely went away, and I first did that a really long time ago and never looked back. You do need desk space and a big mousepad, but it's worth the effort.

Jun 10, 2001

I really can't believe they put this out with the way the audio is from the flares holy poo poo. WOOSH WOOSH WOOSH

Jun 10, 2001

Feels like the flares are a solution to a problem that doesn't exist in unranked. If the game was excessively campy and nobody ever moved, then yeah I could see the flares maybe being interesting to force some action but as it is now like dogstile said if you don't jump early you never loving see anybody it's absurd.

Jun 10, 2001

I want to start with armor just because then the worst case scenario is if someone else finds purple armor, which puts you at a 50 health disadvantage. But that's rare. Whereas when you start with no armor and can't find any, anyone with even a level 1 armor has a 50 health advantage over you, and if they find blue/purple it's even worse. And that happens all the time.

Jun 10, 2001

Octane can already wall run :colbert:

Jun 10, 2001

My favorite change of the entire drat patch, thank god.

Jun 10, 2001

runchild posted:

Deets on Ranked mode in S9. Not really changing anything, but Diamond Dive Trails are a thing again starting with S8 rewards.

Some days almost 50% of the matches played were ranked? I find that interesting. Can't help but wonder how many of those matches were people just trying to escape some of the garbage takeover modes in unranked.

Jun 10, 2001

Danaru posted:

Downloaded but havent played yet, how solo friendly is this game? I'm 32 and so are all my friends, so it's literally impossible for us to ever get time together :froggonk:

It's fine. I'd much rather play apex solo than just about any other FPS I can think of. It can still get frustrating at times because it is very common to have teammates that die immediately and leave the game without giving you any chance to get them back up, but eh. Queue times are super fast, if the game sucked you go again.

The ping system is great and was designed with no mic usage in mind, so even with randoms you can have a decent enough level of communication.

Jun 10, 2001

The wild thing is the payment side of things is hosed up too. Normally when games launch new content all sorts of poo poo may be hosed up but they make drat well sure people can still give them money, and welp

Jun 10, 2001

repiv posted:

why do we need to report people for leaving, respawn knows they left

My guess is a lot of people get mad about smurfs or leavers and hit the report button and select cheating, so by giving them those actual options it might filter out some garbage cheater reports so they can get more useful reports about actual cheaters.

Jun 10, 2001

Does grabbing one of the material canisters deny the enemy team from also looting it?

Jun 10, 2001

Also your 2nd gun contributes to your total ammo count in arena. So for example if you have an upgraded r301 you probably want to make sure to select p2020, if you dont pick a 2nd gun it seems to give p2020 or mozambique at random and if you have a p2020 you'll have more total light ammo for your r301.

Jun 10, 2001

Jinnigan posted:

who are the good apex content creators to follow, either for fun or for learning?
ive learned a lot watching albralelie, i like that when his team gets downed they think about what mistakes they made and what they should've done better

I like Noko's stuff, all of his guides are great and his usual gameplay is really good too. All his legend specific guides will almost certainly have a few things in there you didn't know.

Jun 10, 2001

Bow makes the most sense to me as a care package weapon, which also removes a one off ammo type from polluting the loot pool.

Jun 10, 2001

repiv posted:

there's definitely hidden mmr in arena, i was watching sweetdreams stack play it the other day and 9 times out of 10 they got matched against nokos stack

Yeah last weekend noko's stream title was something about going for a 100 arena win streak and uh, yeah that wasn't going to happen ever. His group was constantly getting matched versus actual pro teams and other insanely good players.

Jun 10, 2001

Is there any sort of leaver penalty for arenas? Seems like people just love to leave after losing the first round.

Jun 10, 2001

Is it just me or is the duos queue incredibly sweaty? It honestly feels like the games are easier doing a duo no fill queue into trios and dealing with 2v3s against people who actually miss shots sometimes. Everybody that kills me in duos has more stats on one character than I do my entire account and deletes me as soon as they look in my general direction, it's insane. And after getting our asses kicked for god knows how many games it still seems like we never get any easier lobbies.

Jun 10, 2001

Yeah I feel like a clown buying snipers in arenas trying to finish the sniper related challenges, I can't hit poo poo and even when I do I still feel like I'm throwing.

Jun 10, 2001

tildes posted:

How do other people think about improving while playing? Is there anything you work on specifically? I should probably get a recorded game and post to see if there is obvious stuff I'm doing wrong.

I generally try to recognize a common mistake or thing I suck at, and then actively think about that during the game every few seconds to work on it. Eventually that item will become more "autopilot" and I can then devote time to actively thinking about other stuff to work on. Some examples of this:

-Where's the current highest ground available and why am I not on it? Can I get to it? Could I have gotten to it if I thought about this 30 seconds ago?
-If someone starts shooting at me right now where is my cover? If I have no cover could I have avoided this if I moved differently 30 seconds ago?
-Where are my teammates and does my position relative to them make any sense? If they start fighting will I be able to contribute in any way? If I start fighting can they contribute in any way?
-Hey idiot look around first before looting death boxes.
-Stop re-peeking the same angle, shoot once and move to a different angle if possible.

This season my main thing has been not re-peeking angles and it helps a ton.

Jun 10, 2001

God drat OG KC is a dumpster fire. Hopefully everyone gets skulltown out of their systems soon because this poo poo is not fun at all.

Jun 10, 2001

Cretin90 posted:

I still play with group A to have fun but it’s weird to go from winning 1 in 15~ games to winning 5 in 15 games solely based on having a more cohesive squad. Ok, it’s not weird at all…. Makes me feel bad for exclusively solo queuers.

I have similar friend groups to this, my group A probably wins 1 out of 25 games, group B wins 1 out of like 15ish, and the people in group A are getting super frustrated with the game and I don't blame them, I am too. We get put in lobbies with diamond/masters players and get annihilated for ~5 games in a row, then we get a pity bot lobby, then get annihilated for ~5 games in a row, etc. By bots I mean AIs, not "bad human players." When I play with group B things definitely go better, but overall the caliber of the opponents feels the same (ie, WAY better than me) when I play with either group. It seems completely ridiculous. Playing with group A we never got our asses kicked consistently this hard in any prior season. Whatever the hell they did to their EOMM garbage this season needs to be reworked.


Jun 10, 2001

runchild posted:

Just to be clear here, do you actually think Apex has AI players like Fortnite?

Yes I do, and I think "percentage of the lobby that is bots" is a knob that gets adjusted depending on how badly you've been doing during your recent games. Here's why I think that. A couple weeks ago I was playing duos with my friend, and we did something we don't normally do, and that is bang our heads against fragment drops over and over. We were getting toasted repeatedly, barely getting any kills and getting obliterated by superstar octanes tap strafing around every corner. Fine, whatever, go again. We did this for what I would guess to be 10 or so games with maybe 2 kills total between us (seriously, we were getting dumpstered super hard by everybody) until the map switched to olympus and we end up in by FAR the most bizarre game of apex I've played.

We drop turbine and there were several other squads there. I land at that bunker on the west side. I get bloodhound scanned at max range. A few seconds later I get bloodhound scanned again, also right at max range. I start shooting at the squad in the middle area. Then between the squad in the middle, and a squad somewhere else, I get so goddamned many grenades thrown at me I actually made a "How the hell do they even have this many grenades, could turbine even have this many grenades" comment. But the grenades were all... complete poo poo. Like bouncing off the front side of the bunker harmlessly kinda poo poo. But it was still the most number of grenades I've ever had thrown at me in a turbine drop. Then I get scanned again by the middle squad... at max range. Then I got scanned again by another squad.... at max range. These squads sucked and we mopped them up without taking much damage.

Then we get scanned, at max range again. Another squad is rotating in, and throws a poo poo ton of bad grenades at us and we mop them up. Then another squad does the same thing, including the very convenient max range scan to give us advance notice of where they're coming from. At this point I look up and holy poo poo I have 11 kills and somewhere around 2k damage dealt. The most single game kills I'd ever had before this game was 11, and my single game damage high was 2600ish. And there's still 15 squads alive. The kill feed has been quiet aside from us, and we haven't been hearing any gunfire at any of the usual areas surrounding turbine. That's around the time where I started thinking about the grenades, the max range scans, the near harmless squads, unusually fast rotation timings from squads that were really bad, all these squads moving and behaving in the exact same way, etc. Normally fast rotating squads are dangerous. And I've never, ever had a lobby where people were dying this slowly. Not even remotely close to this slowly.

I tell my friend to ease up and let me try to get a 4k/20 since it felt like it was in play in this weird lobby. We go out towards estates and killed another squad or two around that highway area, who also felt mostly harmless. By then the ring was going north, so we go back towards fight night and docks. Along the way we encounter a solo pathfinder , I shoot him and he has red armor. I expect to summarily demolished by some superstar, but no. He moved and shot like poo poo, and we loot his body and it has red armor, but the rest was super basic. poo poo guns, poo poo attachments, low ammo, a few cells/syringes with no big heals. I know there are plenty of superstars who can run through a lobby with a BB gun and some pocket lint, but that guy wasn't it.

Then we find a solo wraith and same story. Red armor, moved and shot like poo poo, extremely basic inventory. Remember this lobby is quiet and dying off really slowly. Barely anything in the kill feed, barely any audible gunshots that aren't us. For the remainder of the game everyone we fought all had red armor. There just wasn't enough action in the game for there to be that many red armors. All the inventories felt unnatural, nobody had a big stack of anything, batteries/medkits/phoenixes were nonexistent. I had 0 batteries for most of the game, and was running on total fumes for ammo because none of the bodies had more than 50-100 shots. The gunfights felt like how a lot of single player FPS enemies are coded where a certain percentage of bullets hit you. I never got lasered, but also never got completely whiffed on. The opponents never made any hard pushes, but they also never tried to fully run away either. If they were just bad human players I would expect some of them to try to fully run away or hide in a corner somewhere, and their inventories to have large stacks of at least something, even if it was some goofy poo poo like 20 syringes or 80 shotgun shells. Normally when I shoot someone and they have red armor I don't expect things to go well for us, nevermind an entire lobby full of people with red armor who feel mostly harmless. On paper you might say "Oh but bad players don't commit to pushes and sit there trading damage forever" but we weren't third partying anybody. There were no gunshots to run up on, no damage being traded! That's a big part of why I think they are bots, I think their armor just levels up based on the time elapsed in the game rather than damage dealt.

End result was I hit my 4k damage badge, but fell short of the 20 kills with 18 kills. But it feels phony. I immediately told my friend afterwards that felt like AI opponents. And ever since then, it's like the FedEx arrow. I start seeing these behaviors in games after we've had a streak of bad games with no kills, which is often. The max range scan > bad grenade spam thing in particular sticks out to me like crazy, as well as the "whole squad has red armor, but shoots and positions poorly and their inventory looks like they just died on a skulltown drop" thing.

Maybe my dumb lizard brain is just seeing stupid poo poo but I am pretty drat convinced the game uses bots.

iTrust posted:

All on Steam version;

Since the release of Genesis, it's taking me - on average - five minutes to Load into the game.

When the game eventually loads, I'm greeted with a Disconnection error.

I then reconnect - after another few minutes - and change Game mode to Arenas or Ranked.

What follows is a huge stutter and a 50/50 chance that I'm either going to get a disconnection error again or it's going to agree with what I've asked and let me Ready Check for whatever game mode it is I've elected to play.

This isn't stopping me from playing or anything, it's just a pretty annoying thing. I'd say it's taking me 10-15 minutes from Gameload to actually being able to play.

So... is this happening with anyone else, or does anybody know what the drat hell?

I had this problem earlier this week. Infinite black loading screen for ~5 minutes, timeout with code:pin, then it lets me in. Then I also had the huge stutter into disconnect upon changing the game mode. I was partied with someone playing on the origin version (the other two players including me were on steam) and they were the group leader. After they left and our group was all steam players, the stuttering on game mode switch disappeared. I ended up going into steam > apex legends > properties > verify integrity of game files, but at the same time the guy who was origin switched over to the steam version. Then both the initial slow login time and stuttering issues were gone the next day. Not sure if either of those things helped or if respawn fixed something behind the scenes coincidentally, though. We also had the "Teammate preloading" problem where the queue would never fire, had to solve that one by disbanding and reforming the group, then queuing again.Sometimes had to do that after every game.

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