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An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

xtal posted:

I've gotten far better at 1 clipping people this season, ever since I stated using spitfire

Same but with the flatline. I've been practicing one clipping in the firing range and I finally did it the other day. From purps to dead. I then died the next fight, but I did it!


An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
I'll take my stab at why people don't like Maggie. The voice actor lacks a dynamic range in intonation. So when she says "take his arm" it sounds like when she says every other loving line. There's no emotional range there. There's no vocal fry when angry. There's just a flat old voice doing an accent that isn't quite right saying repeated lines over and over. How exciting!

I don't think I hate her as much as others, but I do understand the hate.

E: Also rd1 of the ring flares was horrible and I bet people are transferring their hate of that onto her.

An Ounce of Gold fucked around with this message at 15:10 on Mar 23, 2021

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
They should remove all of the loot and have a 60 person slappers only battle royale... you cowards

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Unlucky7 posted:

I keep trying this game on and off. Is there a way to counter the feeling that you are weighing your team down and you shouldn't even being playing in the first place? :smith:

Firing range practice also helps. My girlfriend went from never playing any video games other than cell phone color pop things a year ago to a .50 k/d ratio. That's good for someone who walked straight into walls for the first 3 months and panic spun when fighting.

Watch a few videos online too. Some of the old Coach Nihil videos on youtube helped us out when we first started.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

life_source posted:

I don't want anyone to read this as insulting to them, but... I can't so I'm just going to go ahead and say it:

Lots of people are absolutely garbage at all videogames and are only able to find it "fun" when it's a very simple task that they are able to accomplish. Bright shiny lights go off and you clicked the buttons on your mouse and were rewarded, therefore you had fun.

As a counter argument, during the event the game went beep boop. Fun was had.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
I probably should have used Newt and grenades, but I did some skeet shooting instead. This is maybe one of three cool things I've done in a year of playing.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Ahh yes, the Angler Fish technique. They will shoot nessy instead of your head.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
I'm not really seeing it.

Here's an example. On the left is Lil Nas X and on the right is Seer.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Maybe they should kill a legend*... for lore!


An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Maybe they can update Crypto to send out a little Seer instead of a drone.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
The problem with crypto is that I've never lost a game and thought, "drat we needed a crypto in that situation"

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Ahh yes, Ronald Mcdonald colors. Nice skin for a clown.

I did notice that I didn't claim that checkered white Seer for linking your EA account. That one looks cool.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

runchild posted:

few AFK teammates, and a couple of free kills on AFK enemies.

Ahh, that's explains a Bangalore that my teammate ran right past. She didn't see them because they blended into a wall. She said she though that Bangalaore was 2 pipes.

Also, I finally got over 2k! I've been playing for over a year, but that's an accomplishment for me.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
And the thread goes mild...

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

dogstile posted:

Mines been fine since they hotfixed the rampart latch weeks ago :shrug:

Same, my SO was having constant freezing issues. She also uninstalled, but then she reinstalled and it works fine. Also she switched to wireless to hard wire.

Obviously this isn't going to fix the above person's problems, but basically the St Louis and Iowa servers have been cruising along fine with no noticeable slowdowns or glitches.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

err posted:

king's canyon really is the worst map

I'm with you on this. Every time it comes up I switch to a little arena play. They should keep mixing it up by adding more and more interesting POIs.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Songbearer posted:

Any CAR trip reports? Didn't have time to do a match last night but firing range fuckery made it seem like an R99 For Bads (me)

That's what it felt like to me too. I went to the firing range and it seems like a slightly slower R99 with better handling (and maybe a bigger clip... I forgot to check, but I noticed I was downing the dummies with rounds leftover opposed to an empty R99 clip each time).

On dropping when down- people even did it during Shadow Royale. My gf and I were playing with random 3rds and about 10% of them would log off if they got knocked. Like, wtf, you get to be a shadow which is, imo, way more fun than being the person that has to survive. Wall run, double jump, 2x running speed, distance melee, infinite knocks until the final round? No thanks, I'm logging...

The new map is gorgeous, but SO big. There are so many nooks and crannies. It's going to take awhile to get used to.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Cowslips Warren posted:

....where are these eggs I can shoot onto people?

they are marked on your map in a red spider symbol


An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

SKULL.GIF posted:

She had to kill herself via thermite, then wait for the crate to drop so we could grab her banner with the nearby shop that was still active.

Whoa whoa whoa. You can pick up people's banner using the black market? I seriously didn't know this...

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