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May 22, 2003

TracerBullet posted:

Looks like the update is now live! 46 GB total and servers are getting slammed

Doesn't seem to be on Steam


May 22, 2003

Fuse's Q feels a little weak. It doesn't really disturb your vision at all, and only does a little damage if you stand in it.

May 22, 2003

Schneider Inside Her posted:

Haha Fuse's accent is not exaggerated at all. He literally sounds like he presents on triple j.

I was wondering about this. Horizon's accent is flawless, although, some of her vocabulary is a bit forced. To me, Fuse sounded like he may have been voiced by someone who doesn't have that accent normally, but I can't tell for sure. Does it sound correct?

May 22, 2003

Don't throw a tantrum.

May 22, 2003

I strongly dislike this new trend of creating long sight lines everywhere. Olympus was bad enough for sniper-heavy fighting, but now they've added a whole load of long sight lines to KC, a map that always felt more close quarters combat oriented.

May 22, 2003

In my opinion, Anvil Receiver is bad on the 301, as that gun is so accurate at long range/full auto that you just don’t need it. The flatline, on the other hand, really benefits from it.

May 22, 2003

I've definitely encountered the R99 failing to be reloaded by the gold light mag as well. Happened to me in the Firing Range.

May 22, 2003

No notification, it just never works.

May 22, 2003

It's only happened to me once, and it was just the R-99. No matter what I did, swapping weapons etc, it just never worked.

May 22, 2003

Yeah, the servers are feeling a little laggy at the moment, at least in Europa.

May 22, 2003

The Fuse music pack is one of the better ones, imo. The lobby music (1:50) especially. Reminds me of Persona.

May 22, 2003

I've definitely been experiencing issues with very slow login times recently. It might have started as far back as the beginning of the season. It just sits at the start screen for ages before it lets you press Mouse One to get into the main menu. I have no idea what it's doing in that time, but it definitely can take up to 30 seconds to prompt me to click my mouse. It used to be pretty instantaneous.

May 22, 2003

Cefte posted:

Did you ever get a resolution to this? I've gone from near-instantaneous entry on UK or Belgian servers to a 50% chance of never connecting, and a 30-40 second wait otherwise. Also coupled with constant code:net disconnects at champ select, which is a real bummer.

Nope. Still dog poo poo. Also connecting from the UK.

May 22, 2003

The biggest thing for me, apart from just playing a lot, was to lower my dpi and sensitivity. That helped my accuracy a lot. It might not be translatable to your setup, but I currently use 600dpi and an in-game sensitivity of 1.0.

Edit: and that gives me something that a lot of good/pro players would still consider pretty high/fast.

May 22, 2003

There are tools you can use to convert settings between games and to calculate your centimetres (or inches) to turn 360 degrees.

Here's one I used:

May 22, 2003

I just realised that earlier I stated that I use 600 dpi, when in fact I meant 1600. Quite a big difference. In game, my sensitivity is set to 1.0. This still feels fast on the desktop, but nice and slow in game.

Edit: I then used converters to set my sensitivity in other games so they all have the same cm/360.

Gunder fucked around with this message at 19:45 on Mar 8, 2021

May 22, 2003

I did wonder why I got popped so easily through some smoke the other day by someone that didn’t have a threat scope.

May 22, 2003

Chard posted:

clown rear end garbo, lol

That is the fashion these days.

May 22, 2003

Relyssa posted:

I've been playing a lot of Loba lately and drat she's real good. Bracelet shittiness aside, being able to keep the team stocked up on poo poo is a big help, and I'm surprised I don't see her more often.

There's only so many times you can watch that teleport fail before you stop playing her.

May 22, 2003

Futaba Anzu posted:

she never actually got her jump jets before she jumped though :confused:

It's leading up to the first canonical true death as Bangalore makes the hottest of drops into King's Canyon. RIP.

May 22, 2003

The poo poo-tastic matchmaking is the reason why I’ve barely played this season. It’s especially bad in unranked.

May 22, 2003

Monarch, the DLC titan, was always my favourite.

May 22, 2003

wa27 posted:

Who complains about them mixing up the unranked modes when ranked is always available?

It's only available if you want to play trios.

May 22, 2003

Simone Magus posted:

Give it at least a chance to have a red weapon in it

I think that would be too much.

May 22, 2003

After falling back in love with Siege recently, I think the only thing that could get me back into Apex would be ranked duos. So that's a never, then.

May 22, 2003

Chopping up a titan to make something less cool. How very apt.

May 22, 2003

xtal posted:

If TF|2 is harder, will playing it improve your skill at Apex, or totally different?

It's a very fast game, so it will improve your twitch aiming and tracking skills. The movement, on the other hand, is so fast that it doesn't really compare. Apex is very slow by comparison. It's a tremendously fun game though. The campaign is good, especially the 2nd half, but the multiplayer is where the game truly shines.

May 22, 2003

Also, the Alternator is, or at least was, god tier in TF2. At any range. I think they nerfed it eventually.

May 22, 2003

Yeah, the hip-fire thing is also something I completely forgot about. You basically never needed to aim down sights, just hip fire things.

May 22, 2003

Megaman's Jockstrap posted:

A decent Lifeline basically makes it so that nobody short of Shroud can win a 1v3. Great design from the Respawn team. Good riddance to her stupid shield.

I'm hoping Arena saves this game for me because I am honestly at my wit's end. A solid two weeks of worthless loot-for-10-minutes-and-die or hot-drop-and-instantly-die shitbag teammates whose combined damage I regularly eclipse while 3 stacks stomp the lobby and delete me instantly if I run into them. This sucks.

This has been my experience of late as well. Their matchmaking is simply awful.

May 22, 2003

Can't wait for the phone version to run better than the Switch version.

May 22, 2003

Megaman's Jockstrap posted:

Wow another Knuckle Duster charge for Fuse. The super-situational tactical with the long activation that I've literally stood in while having a gunfight and still won.

It's so variable. I've also killed people by them attempting to walk through it and taking almost 100 damage from it. Other times it seems to do practically nothing.

May 22, 2003

Simone Magus posted:

I will fight you so hard over this take

If you're actually good at sniping, nothing touches the Kraber. Even up close.

May 22, 2003

It will be pretty interesting to see how the new arena works out. It seemed to include a shop/economy system like CS/Valorant. That could make it pretty competitive if they balance it properly.

Edit: Looks like you have to actually buy ammo for your skills in the arena, so you can't just spam them. This might feel a lot more involved and competitive than some people will enjoy, but to me, it sounds great. I just hope their matchmaking is decent and doesn't prioritise speed over match quality.

Gunder fucked around with this message at 03:59 on Apr 27, 2021

May 22, 2003

I take it that it's too late to start this now? I don't have the little scanner thing on the main menu that the various guides mention.

May 22, 2003

Tibalt posted:

Did you pick up the little data cards that drop on the ground when you open a care package?

It doesn't take too long, the holosprays aren't too hard to get to if you look them up on the map, but you'll need to do it on both KC and Olympus l.

You can't start doing that until you click on a little scanner thingy on the main menu background. That's no longer there. They probably removed it with the limited event that just ended.

May 22, 2003

The guides were wrong. You can get the scanner from any care package without clicking the thing on the menu.

May 22, 2003

Yeah, the two I looked at both said you clicked the thing first. Just got a solo win while getting the KC ones.

May 22, 2003

I find the matchmaking tends to be much sharper in terms of skill level in ranked.


May 22, 2003

I hope her movement options don’t make her an easy target like Octane’s pad does.

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